United Nations Day

Students were asked to provide food (from their selected country) for a randomly chosen partner to enjoy on the day. Students were required to conduct some research on their partner s country, find a connection and include a brief note addressed to their partner that discusses the significance of the lunch, for example – This lunch represents a peace offering or this lunch is to apologise for my countries past treatment of your country.

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Year 12 Graduation Mass 2016

Good evening and welcome to our graduates of 2016 who are our guests of honour, Head of Year 12 Simon Messer, your parents and guardians, family members and guests, representing our parish priests, Fr Phuong (St Thomas More Parish), and Fr Nelson Po (Applecross Parish), our College Executive Leadership Team, Vice Principal Karen Prendergast, Deputy Principals Jim Elliott, Frank Italiano and Jean-Paul Papineau, and Manager of Finance and Operations Alan Luks.

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