Year 10 Examinations

The Year 10 Examination period will begin on Wednesday 23 November and conclude on Wednesday 30 November.

The timetable for all exams is available on the Year 10 portal for parents and students. Each student has also received through their homeroom teacher an individual exam timetable which they should bring to each examination.

Students are reminded to read and abide by the examination rules printed on the rear of their examination timetable. In the recent Year 11 and 12 exam period some students were awarded a mark of zero for breaching the examination code of conduct. It would be unfortunate if this was repeated in the Year 10 examination period.

A reminder that students who miss an examination through sickness will need to provide a medical certificate. Students who miss an examination due to being on a College sanctioned exchange tour will not face academic penalty.

Please contact Mr Scali or Mr Papineau with any questions about the upcoming examinations.