e-News 26

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

12 August 2016

Dear Parents

Monday 15 August is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation for Catholics. We will be commencing the day with Mass in the Community Centre commencing at 8.45am, with all staff and students participating, and parents are most welcome to attend. This day celebrates Mary s total sharing in the new life won by her son s death and resurrection. In death, she joyfully meets her own son in heaven. We honour Mary, Mater Christi or Mother of Christ, at Corpus Christi College, who intercedes on our behalf.

Important Information for Year 9 Parents

The educational programme for Year 10, 2017 students is changing due to the new mandated Western Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting requirements. Whilst Acting Deputy Principal - Senior School Mr Jean-Paul Papineau provides more detail in this copy of the e-News, I wish to emphasise the importance of attending the Year 9 Parent Information Evening to be held on Thursday 25 August 2016 from 7.00pm in the College Hall.

Student Hit by Car on Dean Road – a reminder for parents to slow down!

Earlier this term, a student was hit by a car on Dean Road. The student was not seriously hurt, in part, because the parent who was driving the car was travelling at a speed much lower than 40kph. Yes, the student was momentarily inattentive, but children often are. I spoke to her very relieved parents afterwards.

I receive numerous complaints from parents who witness drivers speeding in School Zones or who drive too fast on the school site, despite clear signage. This is a deplorable practice and places our students at risk.

Please slow down and be aware!

Alcohol, Drugs and Parties: Parent Information Evening Thursday 1 September

Some students drinking to excess at parties has been a concern expressed by parents to Heads of Year. Students walking into parties with backpacks filled with alcohol places party hosts in jeopardy with the law, with parents expressing concern regarding children pre-loading at friend s homes, making their own way to parties. Each weekend, we see TV news items concerning out of control parties in the suburbs. So, what can parents do?

Paul Dillon will be speaking to Years 10, 11 and 12 students separately on Thursday 1 September, followed by a Parent Information Evening at 7.00pm in the College Hall. All parents are welcome to attend, with further details to be sent by the College soon. Be informed, come along and hear from a presenter who has resonated with many students and parents in the past. Themes vary from year to year, and include enhancing students awareness, explore the realities of drinking alcohol to excess and risk taking behaviour, as well as the focus of Year 12s, looking after your mates as you leave school.

Generosity of Year 9 Students

Congratulations to our Year 9 Business students who donated funds to Brother Olly s Wheelchairs for Kids, an organisation he leads which builds wheelchairs for disadvantaged children in 70 developing countries. In accepting the cheque, Brother Olly inspired our students with some uplifting stories at the Assembly during the week.

Best wishes and God Bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Gifted and Talented Programme - Primary School Students" accordion="accordion"]

IMG_2584-eMrs Filipa Carvalho
Head of Academic Excellence

A number of Catholic Primary Schools have been invited to identify students in their school who have the ability and interest to achieve at a high academic level. Corpus Christi College is offering Year 5 and 6 students from our Catholic feeder primary schools the opportunity to participate in the Year 5 and 6 Gifted and Talented Program.

The aim of the program is to:

  • provide a forum for like minded students to socially communicate and collaborate
  • develop higher order process skills and in-depth investigation skills
  • to interact with practising experts
  • empower students to strive for excellence and to achieve at their true potential
  • provide students with a positive experience in a high school
  • maximise the potential of all students, converting gifts into talents
  • Some further details of the Gifted and Talented Program:

    Programs offered: Art, Robotics, Investigating Scientifically, and Information Communication and Technology

    Duration: 5 weeks (week commencing 25 July- 25 August, 2016)

    How often: Once per week

    Location: Corpus Christi College


    [accordion_item title="Premiers ANZAC Student Tour 2017" accordion="accordion"]

    Ten Western Australian secondary school students will be selected for the tour to visit Singapore in 2017. The education programme will cover Australia s military involvement in the Asia region during World War II.

    The Premier s ANZAC student Tour is a state-wide competition open to all Western Australian students currently enrolled in Years 8 to 11. Students are required to prepare and submit a written essay.

    All completion information, posters and entry forms are on the tour website at http://education.wa.edu.au/anzac

    Should you require further information please contact Ms Penny James, Principal Consultant on 94026273 or at anzactour@education.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Pastoral Periods Years 7-9" accordion="accordion"]


    Yvette Pearce
    Head of Year 7

    Students have recently reviewed Coaching Young People for Success - Steps for my school success. They did this by reviewing their Personal Areas I am Happiest with and Personal Areas I want to Improve. Students then reviewed their Subjects I am Happiest with and Subjects I want to Improve.

    When all students completed their reviews they were involved in a general class discussion about which areas the students have improved in and which areas they still think they need to work on.

    Discussions included:

    • cooperation
    • teamwork
    • positive encouragement/talk and its role in creation/production.
    • how working together, including everyone and positive encouragement can achieve great things and allow everyone to feel valued

      • Students have also logged into ELES at: http://www.studyskillshandbook.com.au/

        Students have worked through the following sections, watched clips and opened the different sections. This included:

      • Listening skills
      • Participation skills
      • Concentration skills
      • Appropriate classroom behaviour.

      • Powerful Lessons in Bullying

        Students have also focussed on the Anti- Bullying message.

        The Bruised and the Beautiful Apple – A Powerful Lesson in Bullying, by Dan Pearce, 2013

        Watch Roar - a bullying story clip
        Students discussed what we can do to stop bullying and identified popular anti-bullying campaign slogans and catch phrases.

        Tellagami (app on iPad)
        Students produced a Tellagami with an anti-bullying message or positive message indicating what they can do to stop bullying message.

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        Scott Connery
        Head of Year 8

        As in previous sessions, students continued with the SensaAbility material, this can be found on the Year 8 Portal. The most recent Pastoral session was on the delivery of Communication 3.

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        Naomi Larsen
        Head of Year 9

        Careers Education

        Students were recently given the opportunity to log on to the Skills Road website and complete the Career Quiz:


        This activity helped students to identify their talents and skills and then linked these strengths to suitable career pathways or industries.

        The Skills Road website is an excellent resource that steps students through the career exploration process to help them identify their interests, map these interests against relevant careers, explore these careers and then learn how to optimise their chances of employment. The Year 9 students will continue to access this information in preparation for senior school and beyond.


        [accordion_item title="Aurecon Bridge Bridge Building Competition 2016" accordion="accordion"]

        Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 9.56.57 amMrs Karen Rourke

        On Wednesday, 3 August 2016, two team of two Year 8 students took part in the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition held in WA at Scitech. Bridges had to be made from only 300 pop-sticks but had to span a distance of 650 mm. Over 40 schools submitted entries.

        Many lunch times in Term Two as well as many before and after school hours in Term Three were spent in designing and building their bridge with the limited amount of materials permitted.

        Judging of the bridges included aesthetics as well as strength.

        We congratulate Dieter Cadzow and Thomas Berkovic for coming fourth in their group of 20 schools. Their bridge supported a load of 77.0 kg.

        We also congratulate Yannick Machado and Konrad Rucki for coming eight in their group of 20 schools. Their bridge supported a load of 40.3 kg.

        The winning school was Carmel Adventist College whose bridge supported a load of 223 kg, the best in Australia.

        All of the students were challenged by this fun activity and it has, perhaps, sparked an interest in a career in Engineering.

        Dieter Cadzow, Thomas Berkovic, Yannich Machado and Konrad Rucki

        The bridge building competition involved creating a prototype bridge before building the final bridge. Once we studied what makes a bridge a good bridge, we had some idea of the best shape and structure for our bridge. We sorted out to build the prototype bridge first. We then started building the final bridge with the materials provided by Aurecon. We spent several weeks on this project, meeting before school, after school and even on the last Sunday. We enjoyed building the bridge as we had a lot of fun chatting to our friends. However, it was the planning, hard work and determination of the two groups that made this experience possible.

        The bridge building competition started at Scitech on 3rd August, where we had to sign up and drop off the bridges. The first thing we all took part in was the flying cup challenge in which we had to cut up parts of a cup and stack them on each other to see how high we could get it and how long it would last upright. Following this, we went and explored Scitech and all the amazing exhibits. Later we went to the theatre and watched the show The things that glow. Frank, the host performed some interesting science tricks such as filling balloons with different gases and then popping them with a hot rod. This resulted in a gigantic ball of fire. We could hear the blast from far away. After this amazing science show, we moved to the planetarium for the judging of our bridge.

        Before placing the bridge on the testing mount, we were asked questions regarding the building of the bridge. The officials hooked the weight scale to the ground and onto our bridge. Then an official tensioned the hook which put weight on the bridge and gave us a measurement on the scale in kilograms. Prior to the collapse of the bridge the maximum weight our bridge could hold was recorded and compared to other bridges. This would give us a ranking between fellow bridge builders.

        We were very happy with our results. Dieter and Thomas bridge supported a load of 77 kg, placing 4th out of 20 schools. Yannick and Konrad s bridge supported a load of 40.3 kg, placing 8th out of 20 schools. Overall we were very happy with our results and look forward to trying again next year.

        We would like to thank Mrs Rourke for all the guidance, support and time she gave to make this experience possible.


        [accordion_item title="Years 9 to 10 Parent Evening" accordion="accordion"]

        In a previous addition of the e-news I informed parents that the Year 9 to 10 information evening would be postponed as the College Academic Council considered how best to construct a curriculum which met the requirements of the new mandated West Australian curriculum which will extend from K-10 in 2017.

        A date has now been set. The Year 9 to 10 parent information evening will be held on Thursday 25th August from 7pm in the College Hall.

        At this meeting I will present the Year 10 curriculum models for 2017, outline the subject selection process for Year 9 students entering Year 10 and answer any queries and questions parents may have about selecting appropriate subject pathways to set students up for success in Years 11 and 12. The transition from Middle to Senior School involves an increased level of student choice in the subject selection process. In this regard I look forward to speaking with you all on the evening of Thursday 25th August, in order to help make this transition a successful one for your child.

        Mr Jean-Paul Papineau
        Acting Deputy Principal Senior School



        One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


        [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


        [accordion_item title="Award Winners and Achievers" accordion="accordion"]

        On Wednesday we had the opportunity to gather as a whole College community for assembly. At the assembly I was pleased to see a number of Senior School students receiving awards and recognition for outstanding achievement In their individual areas of excellence.

        As is the tradition at Corpus Christi College, the following students received an embroidered towel in recognition of representative positions.

        Congratulations to the following students:

        Joshua Robinson - Year 7 Sailing
        Isabella Huggins - Year 7 Calisthenics
        Maya Surjan - Year 7 Gymnastics
        Jack Musika Year - 9 AFL Football
        Luke Dobson - Year 9 AFL Football
        LilyBird - Year 9 AFL Football
        Carla Drennan - Year 10 Basketball
        Travis Fee - Year 10 Basketball
        John Bacus - Year 10 Basketball
        Lindsay Fowles - Year 10 AFL Football
        Olivia Neri - Year 10 Little Athletics
        Nina Brown - Year 11 Trampolining
        Katie McFarlane - Year 12 Swimming

        A special congratulations is extended to the following students who were selected to the ACC All star team in their respective discipline:

        Swimming – Melvin Ding, Yew Tan, Katie McFarlane, Claire Coten, Natasha Wilson, Chris Johnstone, Ariella Illife-Rayner
        Cross Country – Kayla Van der Linden, Cade Ravlich, Taylor Kroyer, Harry Cormack, Brooke McCoy

        Congratulations also to the following students who were presented with their captains badges in recognition of their being elected leaders of College sports teams.

        Captains Badge Presentation

        College Netball Captain – Elysia Henley
        College Football Captain – Dean Barone
        ACC Cross Country Captains – Jennifer Delpup and Cameron Jones
        ACC Athletics Captains – Dylan Watson and Aleisha Wesley

        Finally, Congratulations to Nathan Cavaney in Year 10, who was the winner of the Year 10 Introductory Accounting Australian Schools Share-Market Competition.

        Nathan Cavaney s astute portfolio investments made a total profit of $1,733.89 in the 10 weeks of the competition.


        [accordion_item title="Senior School Examinations" accordion="accordion"]

        Timetables for the Year 11 and Year 12 Semester 2 examinations are now available.

        Year 12 examinations for ATAR Units 3 and 4 subjects begin on Monday 3rd October.
        Year 11 examinations for ATAR Units 1 and 2 subjects begin on Monday 10th October

        2016 Trial WACE Examinations Timetable

        Year 11 Semester II Examination Timetable 2016


        [accordion_item title="Years 9 to 10 parent evening" accordion="accordion"]

        In a previous addition of the e-news I informed parents that the Year 9 to 10 information evening would be postponed as the College Academic Council considered how best to construct a curriculum which met the requirements of the new mandated West Australian curriculum which will extend from K-10 in 2017.

        A date has now been set. The Year 9 to 10 parent information evening will be held on Thursday 25th August from 7pm in the College Hall.

        At this meeting I will present the Year 10 curriculum models for 2017, outline the subject selection process for Year 9 students entering Year 10 and answer any queries and questions parents may have about selecting appropriate subject pathways to set students up for success in Years 11 and 12. The transition from Middle to Senior School involves an increased level of student choice in the subject selection process. In this regard I look forward to speaking with you all on the evening of Thursday 25th August, in order to help make this transition a successful one for your child.

        Mr Jean-Paul Papineau
        Acting Deputy Principal Senior School


        [accordion_item title="Premiers ANZAC Student Tour 2017" accordion="accordion"]

        Ten Western Australian secondary school students will be selected for the tour to visit Singapore in 2017. The education programme will cover Australia s military involvement in the Asia region during World War II.

        The Premier s ANZAC student Tour is a state-wide competition open to all Western Australian students currently enrolled in Years 8 to 11. Students are required to prepare and submit a written essay.

        All completion information, posters and entry forms are on the tour website at http://education.wa.edu.au/anzac

        Should you require further information please contact Ms Penny James, Principal Consultant on 94026273 or at anzactour@education.wa.edu.au



        One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


        [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

        [accordion_item title="Careers News" accordion="accordion"]

        Year 12 Parents and Students

        The applications for further study at universities across Australia are now open. TISC 2017 Handbooks have been distributed to all students and TISC have visited the College to present an information session outlining all the procedures and dates that are relevant to the university application process and beyond. TAFE applications open on 1st September 2016.

        In September, the Careers and Transitions Office will be conducting one-on-one 30 minute interviews with all Year 12 students to check application preferences and to offer advice prior to applications being submitted. We understand that students may not yet have made any final decisions about their future pathway or may have already completed their applications; the aim of these meetings is to support students at this time of transition to plan their future studies or employment and discuss possibilities.

        At this stage of the year all Year 12 students should have received a Prospectus from each of the WA Universities. Following on from the Corpus Christi Future Pathways Program, students are encouraged to attend university and TAFE Open Days throughout the month of August.

        As a parent, what can your son or daughter and you do together?

        • Discuss various courses in the prospectuses that may be of interest
        • Gather more information by visiting university of TAFE websites, or requesting further information from universities or TAFE. Talk to family, friends and career advisers about your plans and get feedback from people you know who work in your area of interest.
        • Attend university and TAFE Open Days that are advertised in each prospectus and in this newsletter and explore the web and printed material on career choices, pathways and courses
        • Be positive and dont panic!

        University OPEN DAYS

        Sunday 14 August:
        University of Western Australia
        ECU Mount Lawley and WAAPA Open Day

        Sunday 21 August:
        Notre Dame s Open Day Festival

        Skills West Expo 2016

        The final Careers Expo for 2016 will be held from 12-14 August at the Perth Convention Centre. Students and parents will have the opportunity to explore and acquire information from over 100 exhibitors in areas of:

      • Tertiary and VET Education and Training
      • Graduate, Apprenticeship and Traineeship Opportunities
      • Top Growth Industry Leaders
      • Pathways to university
      • Careers in the Electrical and Telecommunications Industry

        The College of Electrical Training (CET) is holding an Open Day at its campuses in Joondalup and Jandakot on September 3rd September 2016 between 11:00am and 2:00pm.

        CET is an award winning training provider, delivering pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship courses and post trade training to the public, licensed electricians and contractors in the domestic, commercial, industrial and mining sectors.

        We encourage students and their families to attend and find out more about studying an electrical apprenticeship at CET. Attendees will have the opportunity to tour the facilities, speak to the instructors and ask any questions they may have about career opportunities in the electrical trade while enjoying a free sausage sizzle and refreshments.

        Electrical Group Training (EGT), the largest employer of electrical apprentices in the country will be in attendance to speak with students about potential employment opportunities, as well as representatives from The Apprenticeship Community and Milwaukee Tools. To register, visit www.cet.asn.au/openday

        University Scholarships

        UWA offers more than 400 scholarships every year to undergraduate students from all walks of life. In 2017, there will be in excess of $4 million in scholarships available to undergraduate students to assist them to realise their potential. Eligibility varies, however UWA s wide range of academic and equity-based scholarships provide commencing students with many opportunities to apply. Interested students can refer to the on-line portal at www.scholarships.uwa.edu.au which includes a full list of undergraduate scholarships with details about eligibility criteria, closing dates and how to apply. Many other scholarships are offered from individual faculties, schools, residential colleges and UWA Sports. For further information on any UWA undergraduate scholarships, contact the UWA Scholarships Office.

        Curtin University offers a wide variety of scholarships which are now open for students. Information regarding all scholarships available at Curtin can be accessed at www.scholarships.curtin.edu.au

        Murdoch University offers the following scholarships:

        The Murdoch Academic Excellence Awards are

      • awarded based on academic merit, to students currently enrolled in Year 12 who have a predicted ATAR of 90+ or 94+ for Law
      • one hundred (100) awards of $3,000 each.
      • Please note: Veterinary Science is excluded from this program.

        The School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) Chemical and Metallurgical/ Environmental Engineering Scholarships are available to students studying:
        a) Bachelor of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (Honours); or b) Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours).
        The Scholarships are:

        • awarded based on academic merit, to students currently enrolled in Year 12 who have a
        • predicted ATAR of 80+, who specify one of the above courses as their first preference
        • fourteen (14) awards of $3,000 each.

        Applications for the Murdoch Academic Excellence Awards and SEIT Scholarships for 2017 admission are now open. Application forms for these scholarships are available for download at: http://goto.murdoch.edu.au/scholarships.

        Recipients will be selected on the basis of:

      • their predicted ATAR results
      • endorsement from your school.
      • Applications close on Friday 30 September 2016 and applicants will be informed of the outcome in mid‐October 2016.

        Summer Job Opportunity Adventure World recruit team members in August and November. Group auditions involve group and one-on-one activities designed to reflect the skills required when interacting with guests. Selection is based on presentation, participation, communication and confidence. To apply and book a group audition, go to www.adventureworld.net.au

        Rachel Burke
        Career Coordinator


        [accordion_item title="Student Profiles and Achievement" accordion="accordion"]

        Lachlan Nadj and Daniel Ialacci

        Lachlan Nadj and Daniel Ialacci are two Year 12 Corpus Christi College students currently undergoing a Certificate II Building and Construction Pathway specialising in Carpentry and Joinery.

        The two students attend Skillhire WA every Friday in their school week learning the theoretical and practical elements required to guide them into a solid apprenticeship, post Secondary School.

        After visiting the students this morning at their workplace, when asked about their current situation, Daniel was quick to answer,

        "The support and pathway advice given to me by the careers and Workplace team at Corpus has allowed me to link up to Skillhire WA, an awesome organisation allowing me the opportunity to follow my dream in becoming a trade and eventually owning my own business, who knows, Lachlan and myself might go into business together!"

        After graduation, the boys will need to complete 110 hours in the workplace within their field, with the hope that 2017 is the start of dream careers for them both.

        Cam Allen
        Corpus Communications


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        Elyse Ainsworth - Sailing World Champion

        Year 12 student Elyse Ainsworth has recently returned from Ireland with a World Championship Sailing Title at 17 years-of-age.

        Elyse has balanced her Year 12 Studies and maintained her Training and Competition, what an amazing achievement!

        Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 9.53.04 am


        [accordion_item title="2016 Inter-House Athletics Carnival" accordion="accordion"]

        When: Thursday 18th August (Week 5)
        Where: Corpus Christi College
        Time: 8:40am – 3:15pm

        The carnival is an excellent opportunity for students to participate with enthusiasm, show pride for their House and appreciate the excellence of the top athletes at the College. Parents and family are very welcome to attend and experience the Corpus spirit. We always appreciate the support given by parents which ensures a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

        A reminder that attendance at the carnival is compulsory and all students are expected to participate in either the main or minor carnival. Any non-attendance or non-participation requires a letter to the House Coordinator prior to the event. Non-participants are expected to assist with the running of the Carnival on the day. Participation at Inter-house events is part of the graduation expectations of Senior School students and absences are not tolerated.


      • Full sports uniform with House shirt
      • College cap

      • BEHAVIOUR:

      • We ask that you support your house and cheer on your athletes on the day!.
      • Aim for the day is promoting house spirit. The use of phones, ipods, games etc does nothing to enhance this. These items will be confiscated if seen. NO PHONES/IPOD like devices.
      • The College is not responsible for the loss of any valuable items. Do NOT bring them to the carnival.


      • Have a sensible breakfast on carnival day.
      • Bring their own plastic water bottles (NO glass is allowed).
      • Fizzy drinks are discouraged.

      • MEDICAL:

      • Medical details need to be updated prior to the Carnival, including emergency contact numbers.

      • Sheldon McIntyre
        Head of Health and Physical Education



        One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



        The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news