e-News 24

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Members of the Leadership Team were fortunate to join more than 1400 delegates in attending the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) Conference, hosted by CEWA in Perth. The conference highlighted Catholic education and its importance on the national stage. Executive Director Dr Tim McDonald commented At the end of an inspiring term for Catholic Education in Western Australia, I am filled with gratitude for the remarkable commitment to learning, development and faith formation that is so evident in our schools and communities. It was truly wonderful and humbling to hear Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga speak of Catholic Education in Australia as being among the best Catholic school systems in the world. I am proud to share that Cardinal Maradiaga also acknowledged, with immense admiration and thanks, the work of Catholic Education in Western Australia.

Catholic schools exist to provide a distinctly Catholic education for children enrolled in them. We were reminded an education which sidelines God is incomplete. Parents who enrol their child at Corpus Christi College will often note this when comparing the education received in our school compared to good, secular schools. God prefers to encounter with us, He wants to be known to us through Jesus Christ. This is the Catholic world view that humanity is good, it s good to be alive, a life affirming message. Animated with the spirit of living life fully, a forgiving and loving message, our Retreat programs across all Years stress the importance of this message, the reason why they are a compulsory part of our educational programme.

Catholic schools promote justice to all, with due consideration for the diversity of those who are culturally, socially, physically, intellectually, financially, emotionally or spiritually disadvantaged. As part of the NCEC Conference, Year 10 and Year 11 students from Catholic schools all over WA gathered at Notre Dame University to explore their obligations as developing leaders in a society envisioned by God. Our Year 11 students are preparing to go to Mulan in the Eastern Kimberley region to embrace two-way learning where they will learn about Aboriginal culture, as well as contribute to the community during their immersion experience. Inter-cultural understanding is a key goal, developing a deeper mutual respect for Aboriginal people. Our hope is that our students will promote justice for all people in our community.

This semester was filled with countless stories of student achievement, innovative teaching and learning approaches, and inspiring initiatives. Each copy of the e-News we recounted a number of these good news stories. Our students continue to embrace the wide range of opportunities afforded them. Again, I recount some of the activities our students are involved in.

More than 40 students flew out to New Zealand last Saturday to participate in a major Music Festival for students in Rotorua. Whilst there, our students performed at St Mary s Catholic School. The principal emailed me this week:

Our school had the privilege of having the young men and women from your school with us today. They sang, danced and played their instruments to the delight of our children at St Mary’s here in Rotorua. Your students performed beautifully and we all thoroughly enjoyed their concert. What also really impressed me was the way the group interacted with our young students during the concert and out in the playground prior to the concert. Great ambassadors for Corpus Christi.

Approximately 70 students were also involved in the Corpus Christi Public Speaking Competition during the week, an event coordinated by English teacher Mrs Noreen Stevenson. Noreen was supported by teachers and coaches Mrs Manuela Piscetek, Mr Jamie Clarke and Mr Adrian Richmond. There were no less than six former students who adjudicated and with more than 100 parents and friends, teachers and leaders in attendance. This was testimony to the strength of the College community in support of our students.

On Monday, the College was officially presented with our framed Apple Distinguished School certificate and banner for 2016-2017 by representatives of Apple Education, an acknowledgement of the leadership of the College supported by Director of Learning Technologies Mr Trevor Galbraith. The reason for pursuing this award is its alignment to our mission as a Catholic school to be the best we can be. Even Pope Francis has been articulating a vision that challenges his Church to re-imagine itself in the twenty-first century. As Principals, we too must re-imagine our schools in this century, for the sake of our students, for the future of a world which needs new solutions to problems – to protect the environment and the world s resources, to resolve poverty and the unequal distribution of resources, new ways to resolve conflicts, and to more humanely address the large movement of people across the earth in search of a better future for them and their children. Industrial forms of education will simply not do anymore. Our focus is using technology to enable us to re-imagine Corpus Christi College for the sake of our students and their future.

Last Friday, our Year 11 students looked quite resplendent at the Annual Dinner Dance held at the Fremantle Sailing Club. Head of Year Mr Michael Rathmann and the Homeroom teachers prepared their students well, an important step towards the penultimate social event, the Year 12 College Ball in January. I was proud of our students conduct, their social graces and good manners they exhibited on the night, as they enter their final term as Year 11 students.

These were just a few of the activities our students were involved in, during the past fortnight.

Australian Federal Election
With the enormity of the wash-up over the result of the Brexit referendum in the UK so evident, there is no more poignant message about the importance of exercising our democratic rights by voting in the National elections. This will also be a momentous occasion as a number of Year 12 students will be voting for the first time.

In the lead-up to the July 2 Federal election, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) sent a series of questions to the Coalition and the Australian Labor Party, providing the parties with the opportunity to outline how their policies will support students and families in Australian schools, including Catholic schools. Their recently received responses are available at the following link: http://www.schoolfundingfacts.com/NCEC%20Party%20Responses%202016.pdf

Staffing Matters
After being at Corpus Christi College since 1983, the year we were founded, Mr Peter Thomson has decided to retire. We hope to have an opportunity to acknowledge Mr Thomson at a future assembly. Mr Peter Hackett retires after more than 12 years service to the College, having held the Head of Mathematics role for eight years during this period. Mr Trevor Galbraith leaves Corpus Christi College again, having served more than 20 years in total at the College. As Director of Learning Technologies, Mr Galbraith has assisted me in facilitating ongoing changes to educational programs at the College, challenged us to head towards the 21st century focused on students becoming more creative, more innovative, flexible and adaptive, able to meet headlong the challenges of the 21st century. Together, these three experienced teachers and leaders have a combined total of more than 66 years of teaching at the College, a huge contribution to thousands of students over the course of these years.

Other staff who are leaving us after covering staff on leave include Health and Physical Education teacher Ms Laura Birkhead, who is returning to the UK to marry and re-settle, Languages teacher Ms Francesca Cardoni, Religious Education teacher Mr Paddy McCarthy and Teaching Assistant Ms Claire McDonnell. We are also grateful to Dance Teacher Ms Leone Gatt who covered Mrs Chanelle Spark s classes for the last three weeks.

We wish staff who are on leave, all the best: Mr Ian Bean on leave during Semester Two, whilst Mrs Deborah Santaromita, Mr Russell Scanlon, and Mrs Lesley McAuliffe are all on leave in Term Three.

The Final Word
High achieving students were acknowledged and presented to the community at the Whole School Assembly last Tuesday. A complete list of those who received Academic Awards and Colours Awards are included in this e-News. I congratulate these students for their dedication and commitment to their studies, which has contributed to their high achievement.

For all parents, students and staff, please have a wonderful winter holiday break and return refreshed and ready for the challenges and opportunities that will form part of Term Three. Students will commence Term Three on Tuesday 19 July, after staff participate in a Professional Learning Catholic Identity Day, facilitated by Dominican Sister Margaret Scharff.

Best wishes and God bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 9 Languages excursion 27th June 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 12.45.39 pmMrs Anna Triscari
Head of Languages

What an excellent day of language, culture and food. We found out this day that LANGUAGES is the food for the body, the mind and the soul. The students took part in activities where they were able to practice their language skills in the topics they are currently studying.

Students were then able to enjoy the company of their peers and also enjoy traditional fare for examples the Italian students had Pizza and Pasta. French students enjoyed crepes and tart and the Indonesian students had rice, noodles, chicken, meat and fish all cooked Indonesian style.

The students were excellent ambassadors for the college and were well behaved and extremely well presented in their winter uniforms. The Language Learning Area would like to thank the College for allowing the students to take part in such an important activity for the language students where they can experience the use of the language in a correct environment and experience its culture.

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[accordion_item title="Academic Excellence Extension Program - Mural of the World" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 12.46.53 pmA02 (art room) has been our home for the past 4 weeks, as Julyan Tan, Amy Riordan and myself have been working towards the completion of our AEEP project, which is a mural of the world, from a cultural perspective.

Our project is a different take on the world - it has no political border, but only displays the cultural links between continents. We are showing how one continent may have a different culture to another, but are linked in more ways than one. The mural has each continent painted across 5 segmented boards. Each continent is painted using that continent’s tradition and native visual art form/s.

Being a group consisting of different nationalities and cultures (Asian, African and European), we hope that the viewer of our painting can knock down all barriers in their life relating to cultural differences and see that we are all one and that the world is a better place without conflict between continents.

We are still unsure on how to fully present out mural, but we look forward to displaying our final product.

Joseph Damiano - Year 9


[accordion_item title="ThinkUKnow - Cyber Safety Programme" accordion="accordion"]

Year 8 Pastoral Day
Mr Scott Connery
Head of Year 8

Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 12.48.19 pmToday we welcomed Sergeant Trimble from the Engagement Unit, Rockingham Police Station to impart some very important information on Cyber Safety and Digital Awareness.

ThinkUKnow is a free, evidence-based cyber safety program that provides accessible cyber safety education to parents, carers and teachers through schools and organisations across Australia. ThinkUKnow uses a network of trained law enforcement members and accredited volunteers from our program partner organisations to deliver the cyber safety education presentations nationwide.

For more information click ThinkUKnow for parents and carers. For the youth ThinkUKnow Youth Or visit the Year 8 portal and read the May newsletter.

Originally developed in the United Kingdom by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, ThinkUKnow Australia was established by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in 2009.

ThinkUKnow is a partnership between Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and is delivered in collaboration with the New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police Service, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.

The message from this afternoon s presentation was simple, rubbish going in, rubbish going out. Meaning that should you involve yourself with inappropriate behavior and material online then you yourself will become part of that inappropriate behaviour and material online.



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="College Colours and Senior School Award Winners" accordion="accordion"]

Congratulations to the following students who were recipients of College Colours at the recent Whole School Assembly.

College Colours are a significant recognition, given only to students who have dedicated their time and effort to an extra-curricular area of College life over many years, succeeding in making the College stronger in their specialty area through their ongoing efforts.

Congratulations also to the recipients of awards for outstanding Academic Achievement in Semester One.




[accordion_item title="Year 10 – 11 Subject Expo" accordion="accordion"]

On Wednesday afternoon and evening both students and parents were involved with the successful Year 10-11 Subject Expo. Interested students and parents spent time working closely with all the Heads of Learning Area to discuss subject options and future pathways for the students who will be beginning Year 11 in 2017. The evening concluded with a presentation on the subject selection process for 2017, which will commence in the Term 2 holidays.

A reminder that subject selection for Year 11 2017 is intended to set students on a pathway for success. Students should only enrol in courses for which they have met the prerequisite. Pursuit of an ATAR pathway which is not fitting with a student’s past academic achievements and study habits can lead to difficulties in achieving the WACE.

The Subject Selection Online (SSO) website will be open to students shortly. Students will receive their passwords via email in the second week of the holidays.


[accordion_item title="Year 11 Dinner Dance" accordion="accordion"]

Last Friday evening I had the pleasure of attending the Year 11 dinner dance. The theme was Midnight in Paris and the Fremantle Sailing Club ballroom looked absolutely spectacular with the candle lit tables, French language menus, silent foreign movies projected onto the walls and a giant replica Eiffel Tower really setting the scene. A credit to the dinner dance organising committee.

All students looked great in their dinner-wear and conducted themselves in a manner entirely appropriate for a formal event such as the dinner dance. In an often stressful and busy end to the term, it was wonderful to see the students relax and enjoy themselves for an evening. Sometimes the best remedy for a stressful school term is to simply dance the night away!

While all students were extremely well presented, congratulations to Yew Tan and Brittany Wassell who were voted Best Dressed male and female at the Dinner Dance.

Finally, Thanks to Mr Michael Rathmann and the attending staff who make formal events like this possible.


[accordion_item title="Year 10 Retreat" accordion="accordion"]

On Friday the Year 10s returned from their three day Retreat. Staff and students spent time away from the usual day-to-day stresses of school life and immersed themselves in a new and challenging environment.

Each of the 3 days had a different theme, all imperative to the pastoral and spiritual growth of the Year 10s.

  • Day 1 – Service
  • Day 2 –Leadership
  • Day 3 – Reflection
  • The retreat experience is an integral part of the Religious Education curriculum and an essential part of the life of the students at the College. It provides possibilities for enhancing the spirituality of students in ways different from, but complementary to, those of the classroom and school environment. Most importantly, the retreat is an opportunity for students to remove themselves from the stresses of a busy school term and focus inwards for a brief few days.

    Specifically the Year 10 retreat is outstanding preparation for the essential growth experiences which form the Year 11 and 12 retreats. Thanks to Mr Scali, Miss Thomas and Ms Chong who planned and supervised the retreat as well as all the staff who gave up their days and evenings to assist in the pastoral growth of our senior students.


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Retreat" accordion="accordion"]

    Future Pathways – Year 11 and 12

    On Wednesday afternoon the Year 11 and 12 students were given the opportunity to meet with a number of University, TAFE, Vocational and community groups in relation to their options for further study.

    Each student attended some of the following sessions. It would be a worthwhile exercise to discuss with your child what information they took from the sessions.

    Curtin University
    Information presented on; Courses, how to Apply, entrance Requirements, pre-requisites, Flexible Entry Pathways- Uni-Ready enabling course, Enabling Course for Science, Engineering and Health, different modes of study, Campuses, Prospective Students Centre and Orientation Week, International Campuses- Singapore and Malaysia.

    Notre Dame University
    Information presented on; How to Apply Directly to the University, Application Process and Interview, Courses, Alternative Entry- Foundation Year Studies, Future Student Centre and Orientation Process.

    University of Western Australia
    Information presented on; Undergraduate Courses and Careers, Application Process, Entry Pathways, Facilities, Campus Locations, Student Support Services, Future Student Centre, Orientation.

    Murdoch University
    Information presented on Courses, Admission, Facilities, Student Support, Scholarships, Orientation Week, Alternative Pathways into University, Prospective Student Centre, WA Campuses and International Campuses- Dubai and Singapore.

    Edith Cowan University and Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts
    Information presented on; Courses available at ECU and WAAPA, How to Apply, Campuses, Facilities, Online Study, Future Student Centre, University Preparation Bridging Courses.

    South Metropolitan TAFE (Challenger and Polytechnic)
    Presentation about Courses, Application through State Training Admissions, Application Dates, Entry Requirements, Selection Criteria, Bridging Courses, Fees and Charges, VET Fee Help, Career Development and Student Services, University Pathways.

    Sport Development (West Coast Eagles)

    West Coast Eagles Sport and Development Officer, Joseph Wear, spoke about career pathways within the field of Sport Development. He iterated Sport Science graduates have the choice of distinct career paths: broad sport and recreation promotion, sport management and marketing sector, athlete preparation as an exercise scientist; or graduate training in sport, recreation management, coaching or research.

    Construction Careers
    Braden Lang from Building and Construction Industry Training, presented information on the building and construction industry, including career pathways for Tradespeople to Professionals including Engineering, Architecture, Project Management, Business:

  • Career pathways within construction
  • Attitudes within industry and finding a job
  • The apprenticeship system
  • Government assistance to achieve your career

  • Melville City Council
    Past Corpus Christi Student and Melville City Council Employee Services Officer, Nicholas Olds, spoke about local government careers and the different occupations employed by the Melville City Council. He discussed career pathways specific to different council departments and the benefits working for the government. Additionally, he presented information in relation internships/ traineeships opportunities and opportunities for students with a disabilty.

    Murdoch Fire and Emergency Services
    Recruitment and the reality of working as a Fire Fighter. DFES currently recruits Trainee Firefighters on a yearly basis and the most competitive applicants are offered positions in Trainee Firefighter schools commencing in the following year.

    DFES is strongly committed to building a diverse workforce that represents the diversity within WA and strongly encourages applications from Aboriginal people, young people, females, and people from culturally diverse backgrounds.

    Land Conservation Program Western Australia
    Conservation projects are managed in conjunction with project partners that includes regional councils, national parks, museums, landcare groups, conservation departments and other national conservation agencies.

    Conservation program participants come from a wide range of backgrounds and no prior skills or experience are required, and volunteer projects are available to suit your availability and particular interests.

  • Wild Futures: Conserving Australia s Threatened Species
  • Wild Futures: Conserving Australia s Natural Environments
  • Consumer Credit Legal Services
    Paralegals from Consumer Credit Legal Service walked students through bite-sized buzz sessions on:

  • Credit cards: Whose money is it you’re really spending?
  • Shopping: More fun if you really bought what you thought you were buying.
  • Moving out of home: Is it worth it?
  • Cars: Wheels or clamps on your life?

  • Wishing all our Senior Students and their families a safe holiday and a well deserved rest. See you back at school on Tuesday 19 July.

    Mr Jean-Paul Papineau
    Acting Deputy Principal Senior School



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Science - Titration Stakes Competition" accordion="accordion"]

    On Tuesday 21 June two enthusiastic teams of Year 12 Chemistry students ventured off to compete in 2016 RACI TITRATION STAKES in Resources and Chemistry Precinct at Curtin University of Technology between 5.00 - 8.00 pm.

    The competition is designed to encourage students who enjoy Chemistry, particularly its practical side, to develop their skills and to reward those who attain a high level of proficiency. Every secondary school in the metropolitan area plus interested country schools was invited to enter two teams consisting of three members each.

    Each team had one and a half hours to complete all titrations, carry out all calculations and hand in result sheets. Both of our teams performed well and competed successfully with a high degree of accuracy.

    Congratulations to:
    Jake Wasley, Alison Cook, Thomas Glyde, Daliso Tembo, Cian Flynn and Daryl Kim.

    Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 12.55.30 pmScreen Shot 2016-06-30 at 12.55.22 pm


    [accordion_item title="Year 12 Psychology Class visits Yidarra" accordion="accordion"]

    The Year 12 Psychology class, excitedly visited Yidarra Primary school last Friday as part of their assessment program.

    The Corpus students replicated a study by Jean Piaget to test the Pre-Primary and Grade 6 student s Cognitive abilities, specifically their ability to conserve. It was an experience that both the Corpus students and Yidarra students both thoroughly enjoyed. If you would like to find out the results please ask any of the Year 12 Psychology students, they would love to share their results with you.


    Ms Jen Overend


    [accordion_item title="Corpus ONLINE - Monthly Video Space" accordion="accordion"]

    Corpus Online is a monthly Video space showcasing the diversity of our College. Check in on occasion to see all of the developments, activities and events throughout the year and share with family and friends.



    [accordion_item title="See into your future, Consider the Arts" accordion="accordion"]

    See into your future, one with the Arts in mind is a good choice for your career path, as it sets you ready for tomorrow s changing world.

    We are moving towards a new development in resourcing the Arts at Corpus Christi College. These are exciting times for the development and creativity of every student at the College. With improvement in quality in every subject in the arts and the increased rigour that comes with a new curriculum, the time has never been better to consider an arts subject.

    In considering your subject choices, there is some important and often overlooked statistical reasons for including an arts subject that improve your future employment chances.

    • The global marketplace requires candidates to compete with others world wide for roles and markets, particularly in the computer games, animation and visual effects sectors. (Source: Australian Interactive Media Industry Association)
    • There are over 20,000 different career pathways associated within and associated to the Arts Industry-Including Entertainment Law and Arts Management.
    • The market needs the creative genius: creative types are more in demand, but the corporate world hasn t yet learned how to manage them.
    • If you can show you are creative and can fit into a team you will have a distinct advantage in the jobs market. (Source:Ibid)
    • There are a wide range of skills covered in Arts courses, most of these compliment your other subjects
    • Statistically Arts candidates who complete ATAR have their Arts Subject as their highest scoring WACE -last year alone we had 100% of Dance students with their Arts Subject as their first choice.
    • Your chances of success are increased by the way an Arts subject is assessed, there is often an even split between written and practical, thus making it easier to fit in with your strengths.
    • In the last industry census in WA over 576,000 people where employed in primary Arts jobs alone. This does not include Jobs associated within the arts field, for example, licensing.
    • (/ul>

      There is no doubt that our new building and the development of our Arts facilities will increase our ability to offer an extensive programme that will extend opportunity to all. There has never been a better time to choose an arts subject.

      All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up. - Pablo Picasso

      To look into the course pathways towards a career in the Arts, select one of the Arts Learning Areas below.



      [accordion_item title="Careers Office News" accordion="accordion"]

      University Open Days 2016
      Sunday 24th July: Murdoch University
      Sunday 31st July: Curtin University
      Sunday 14th August: University of Western Australia
      Sunday 14th August: Edith Cowan University (Mt Lawley) and WAAPA
      Sunday 21st August: Notre Dame University Fremantle

      Parents of Year 12 Students
      In August students will be given the 2017 TISC Guide that will outline all the procedures and dates that are relevant to the university application process and beyond. TISC is coming to the college to speak to Year 12 students on Friday 29th July. Following the My Future afternoon held at the college this week, students are encouraged to attend university Open Days throughout July/August. Parents of Year 12 students can assist their son or daughter with their future plans by:

    • Discussing various courses in the prospectuses that may be of interest to your child
    • Gather more information by visiting university and TAFE websites, or requesting further information from universities of TAFE
    • Attend university Open Days that are advertised in each prospectus and in this newsletter
    • Be positive; don t panic and communicate with as many people as possible

    • University Information Sessions
      Murdoch University
      FREE Mindfulness Sessions: Learn to study and deal with exam stress
      50 minute sessions during the first week of school holidays (1:30pm or 3:15pm daily)
      This introductory mindfulness course aims to support students on their study and exam preparations to enable optimal personal performance. The course draws upon the MAT Toolbox program developed through Perth Modern School. For further information contact Kerina Puttman on 9360 6078 or email k.puttman@murdoch.edu.au
      To register, email engage@murdoch.edu.au with Mindfulness Course in the subject line.

      University of Western Australia
      UWA Future Students team will be running School Advisory Sessions during the July school holidays.

      This is a chance for students and parents to go on campus and speak directly to Future Students Adviser. The sessions will last about 30 mins each and will give a chance for the students/parents to ask any questions regarding admission into our courses, course structure and content, the TISC application process, and the new Direct Pathways and early offers for Engineering.

      Details for the sessions are below.

      Who:For Year 10-12 students (parents/guardians are welcome to attend)
      Where:UWA Crawley Campus (exact location to be confirmed upon booking)
      Dates:Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 July, Monday 11 to Friday 15 July
      Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm (each session is approximately 30 minutes)

      Bookings are essential as sessions are strictly limited - historically these sessions are very popular so book asap! To register your interest please email alison.chan@uwa.edu.au

      Notre Dame University Fremantle
      A Day in the Life of a Uni Student- Friday 15th of July
      9:30am- 2:30pm Prindiville Hall (ND3) Mouat Street, Fremantle
      A Day in the Life of a University Student is a day for Year 10, 11 and 12 students to experience what life is really like at Notre Dame. This event is the ideal opportunity for you to come down to Notre Dame in Fremantle and get a taste of the areas of study on offer. You ll take part in lectures and activities, enjoy a campus tour, and meet current students and academics. To register for this event please complete the form at www.nd.edu.au/events/fremantle. You can choose from a range of study areas including Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Law, Nursing, Philosophy and Physiotherapy. If you have any questions please contact us at future@nd.edu.au or 9433 0851.

      If you are in Year 12, you can come along to the optional application workshop at the end of the day. Advisors will take you step-by-step through the application form and answer all your questions about applying. Bring along your application to have it reviewed or hand it in, if you are ready.

      Notre Dame ATAR Express Workshops
      This July school holidays, The University of Notre Dame invites Year 11 and 12 students to attend revision workshops in ATAR English, Human Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Methods, as well as Study and Writing Skills.
      For more information and to register, contact 9433 0950 or visit http://www.nd.edu.au/academic_support/outreach

      Notre Dame Early Offer Program 2017
      Notre Dame University acknowledges and rewards the achievements of outstanding students through the Early Offer program by simplifying their access to university. Students who have a predicted ATAR of 90+ (or 93+ for Law & Physiotherapy) are encouraged to apply for this early offer by contacting Mrs Burke at Corpus Christi College. If a student is successful and accepts their Early Offer, it would in no way prohibit them from applying and accepting an offer from another university.
      Applications are now open and close on Friday, 29 July, 2016, for study beginning in 2017.

      Scholarships applications to most universities are now open and students need to start preparing their applications as soon as possible. Scholarships information can be accessed on individual university websites and also by contacting Mrs Burke at Corpus. There are many different scholarships available with different criteria attached to each. Applications for scholarships are made direct to the university concerned.

      My Future Careers (School Subscription)
      Use your school student email address to logon and access the My Future Careers website, for career exploration and occupation videos, job outlook, starting salaries, and much more.

      Australian Defence Force Academy
      Year 11 students who may be interested in entering the Defence Force Academy at the completion of Year 12 are encouraged to apply for an ADFA Education Award. This award is presented annually to Year 12 students in recognition of leadership potential, and academic and sporting achievements exhibited in Year 11. The award comprises a laptop computer and certificate for the student and a recognition plaque for the School. There are 120 awards offered and there is no obligation for the student to attend ADFA.

      The application process comprises the ADFA entry aptitude test, medical testing and a series of interviews including an Officer Selection Board. These are conducted in Canberra during April/May 2017 with all fares and accommodation provided.

      For further details contact the local Defence Force Recruiting Centre on 131901, visit www.defencejobs.gov.au/adfa

      The Royal Military College The Royal Military College (RMC) in Duntroon, ACT, is one of the world s truly outstanding military training institutions. Every course at RMC focuses on bringing out the best qualities and equips students with the confidence and skills to make decisions, think quickly on their feet and motivate others in any situation. At RMC, students learn all the skills and knowledge needed to turn from a regular civilian into a world-class officer in today's Army. Training will focus on bringing out their best, and the leadership courses offered are second to none. Training in everything from infantry tactics and strategy, to military technology and communication, will ensure graduates are ready to lead.

      To find out more or start the application, please call 131901 or visit www.defencejobs.gov.au

      Defence Work Experience Programme
      Fri 2 September, Thu 8, Thu 15, and Thu 22 September, RAAF Base Pearce, Bullsbrook
      Number 2 Flying Training School is the main flying training school for the Royal Australian Air Force. This placement is suitable for participants who have a strong interest in becoming pilots or pursuing an aviation career within a Defence environment.
      Applications close: Fri 26 August

      Marine Technician
      Mon 19 September - Fri 23 September, HMAS Stirling, Garden Island
      The Fleet Support Unit provides high levels of maintenance support including metal fabrication, corrosion control and electronic repair. Participants will be involved in the maintenance and repair of ships and submarines.
      Applications close: Fri 9 September

      WA Police Force Recruitment Information Sessions
      People who have an interest in a career as a Police Officer are encouraged to attend a Recruit Information Session. Please be advised the Recruit Information Session only provides information on the Police Officer role and recruitment process and does not provide information on the Cadet or Police Auxiliary Officer entry pathway.

      Recruit Information Sessions include presentations by WA Police Recruiting Personnel, Police Recruits and other members of WA Police and provide an overview of the recruitment and selection process, training requirements and job specific information relevant to a career as a police officer.

      Due to limited availability and space, bookings will be accepted from prospective applicants only. We are unable to accommodate guests at this time. If you are interested in any other entry pathway such as Cadet or Police Auxiliary Officer, please be advised that an Information Session relevant to each entry pathway will be held prior to recruitment campaign for these positions opening.
      Online Booking on www.stepforward.wa.gov.au is essential
      Upcoming Sessions:
      4:30pm - Thursday 21 July 2016: WA Police Academy
      Bookings open from 13 June 2016

      Holiday Revision Courses
      July Holidays: ATAR Revision Program at UWA - www.academicassociates.com.au July Holidays: ATAR Revision Program - www.academictaskforce.com.au

      Rachel Burke
      Careers Coordinator



      One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



      The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news