St Georges Cathedral Youth Awards Winner

Congratulations to Ellessea Martinics for her success at the recent St Georges Cathedral Art Exhibition. This exhibition is open to all senior high school students in Western Australia. We are pleased to announce that Year 12 student Ellessea Martincic won the 2D category for her drawing titled ‘Strength hidden within the shadows’. This is an outstanding accolade for Ellessea and the College.

Artist statement: The intention of my work is to force the audience to question gender based stereotypes. I wanted to convey to young girls that it is ok to be a tomboy, okay to be masculine, okay to not conform to sexist stereotypes. I chose to work with white drawing board and graphite lead pencil creating depth, a clear focal point and to intertwine the saying ‘not everything is black and white’.

Judges Comment: “This is a contemporary look at an ancient practice; there is a sense of light, energy and balance, created with excellent technique”.

Special thanks to Emily Wilson, from Emily Wilson Photography & Design for the photo of the artwork, and David Broadway for all other images in this article.


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