A message from the Principal

To all families, welcome back to Semester Two!

Holiday happenings

There were two tours conducted over the holidays. The Music Tour to New Zealand was coordinated by former Director of Music David Harries, supported by Selena Barrett and Lydia Gardiner.  As part of the tour the choir performed at the Rotorua Rhapsody Music Festival, where Corpus win 2 gold medals and 1 silver. Visual Arts students attended the Melbourne Art Tour which was coordinated by Julie Pannell and supported by Trevor Bly. Attending a number of galleries, having an opportunity to create art works in the city, meant the tour was also a resounding success, with plans already underway for another tour in two years.

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The Archdiocesan Veritas Catholic Youth Festival organised by the Perth Catholic Youth Ministry team was held in our Community Centre over the holidays, and with record numbers of attendees, was a wonderful testament to the youthful faith community in Perth. It was wonderful to see our Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Bishop Don Sproxton, Bishop Michael Morrissey, and Emeritus Bishop Justin Bianchini, also able to attend various sessions with our youth over the weekend. There was a strong Corpus presence, including staff Joel Massad and Marian Lavelle. Hosting the opening event was former student and Sequere Dominum Award winner Clarence Goh, and current Head Girl Jessica DeFreitas Basilio, supported by Head Boy Liam Rego. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Corpus was well represented at this important event.

Discipleship at Corpus Christi

We commenced the term with a wonderful professional development day for staff with a focus on Catholic Identity. The goals of the ‘Audacious Hope!’ Faith Formation program focused on Corpus Christi College as a community of faith. Whilst living in an increasingly individualised society, we are called to reflect on our young people’s understanding of themselves, their world and their future. If we are to remain true to our Christian Mandate as outlined in the WA Bishops’ Mandate, we need to continue to form our youth to be people of faith and hope. This program addressed the possibilities audacious hope offers in enabling us to respond to the challenges life presents.

This program aimed to:

·       investigate how Australians view Christian faith in our contemporary culture;

·       explore how hope plays an integral part in our own lives and in the future lives of young people;

·       identify that, as Christians, our hope is grounded in the Resurrection of Jesus and is one which reflects Mary’s audacity and courage.

Our entire staff gathered together to experience this program, which reminds us of our special role in working in a Catholic school.

Staffing Matters

Welcome to our new staff joining us this term, covering staff who are on leave or who have left the College:

·      Keshia Rodrigues joins us as a Music teacher for Term Three, supporting Acting Head of Music Selena Barrett while we await the commencement of new Director of Music, Jonathan Bradley, in Term 4. Keshia has completed practicum placements at St Mark’s Anglican Community School, Greenwood College and Swan Valley Anglican Community School. An experienced performer in choirs and bands, Keshia is also active in youth ministry, serving as a Youth Coordinator for ALIVE Youth.

·      Joshua Pauley joins the Mathematics learning area, coming to us from John XXIII College after having recently returned from London where he taught Business.

·       Maighread Nidheasuna joins us for Term 3 to cover Filipa Carvalho’s Science classes whilst she is on Long Service Leave. Maighread has taught at Swan Valley Anglican Community School, Trinity College, Chisholm Catholic College, Methodist Ladies’ College and Servite College.

·       Pearl Morrow returns to teach Katrina Thomas’ Religious Education classes while she is on Long Service Leave.

Other changes as a result of teachers on leave for this term include:

·       Selena Barrett is Acting Head of Music

·       Jamie Clark will be Acting Head of Academic Excellence whilst Filipa Carvalho is on Long Service Leave.

·       Andrew Ward will continue to cover Elaine Liew’s English classes.

·       Melanie Bird will be covering parts of Jamie Clark’s English teaching role. She has also accepted the position of Acting Head of Christian Service Learning.

·       Frances Whiting is covering Joy Kinner’s teaching role whilst she is on Long Service Leave.

We also welcome the return of English teacher Lorraine Carpenter, Home Economics teacher Marie Drygan, and Teaching Assistant Jody Driver, from leave.

Animal Farm

In order to assist senior Drama students, the College is proud to hold a much smaller production this year prior to a large musical which will open our new College theatre in 2019. This doesn’t mean it has been easier for the students involved, rather our focus is to provide students with a different performance experience which will enhance their learning and engagement in the Arts.

Our Drama department deliberately chose Animal Farm because it is quite different to previous productions, which have included Hair Spray, Guys and Dolls, and Oliver. Students involved have invited their family, friends and teachers to attend the school’s production of George Orwell’s Animal Farm held in our more intimate theatre in the James Nestor Centre.

I would like to extend my congratulations in anticipation for the dedication of a number of staff who have contributed to making this production a success, including Head of The Arts James Dove, Drama teacher Kelsi Davis and Performing Arts Administration Assistant Michelle Hunt, as well as our actors, the students who have worked very hard to make Animal Farm a success. I would also like to recognise our parents who listened to the recitation of the script at home and accompanied their children to many rehearsals.

Best wishes and God bless

Caroline Payne


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