Year 8 Retreat

In conjunction with the Religious Education Curriculum in Year 8, on Wednesday 25 July the students attended a retreat experience run by the 24:7 Middle School Ministry group titled- Masterpiece of Creation.

The day comprised of a series of interactive sessions including group discussions, games, video clips, reflection and prayer that brought to light God's wonderful creation. Students were directed to reflect on the pinnacle of creation as humanity, with themselves being a precious and unique creation that is 'fearfully and wonderfully made'. The students also focussed on their responsibility as 'stewards' of creation. The concept of stewards was discussed as someone who is given the responsibility to care for a precious gift of God's creation- 

  • The greatest gift of creation being our own life- so we are called to be stewards of our own life and use our gifts to bring joy in our own life and the lives of those around us.
  • Following from this- we are called to be stewards of the all humanity as the pinnacle of God's creation
  • And lastly we are called to be stewards of the rest of creation

To enable students to appreciate their responsibility of stewardship, they were given a seed in some soil to look after and nurture to produce fruit, using this as an analogy to encourage them to nurture their own gifts and bring them to fruition.

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