Mulan Immersion Day 4

Waking up at 5am  to watch the sunrise was a great start to the day! It was cold and windy, but spirits were high and the sun appeared after 50 minutes of eager waiting.

After some breakfast, followed the huff and puff session with the happy children. In class, we worked with the children on reading, writing, and spelling. We attended The School Assembly led by Sister Alma which focussed on St Mary Mackillop's motto to 'never see a need and do nothing about it'. This really helped us realise how we can follow the Lord by being in service to one another, especially to the most vulnerable.

After school, we worked hard preparing for the annual Mulan Sports Day which will take place tomorrow, by painting banners and signs to cheer on the different houses. We look forward to sharing a meal with the kids, parents, and elders tomorrow over a community BBQ.

Stay tuned for more updates about who wins the carnival tomorrow! (By Carla)

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