Senior School News - e-News 4 2017

Year 10 News

PBF Pastoral Session

Our second Pastoral session was dedicated to PBF (Paraplegic Benefit Fund) presentation from Keith Conder and Karen Harvey. The aim of these presentations is to make learner drivers aware of road traffic trauma. Both Karen and Keith are road trauma survivors and shared their deeply touching stories in order that the young people before them can be better informed about good decision making not only while in cars.  The shared message was ‘Take life slowly” and “once it has gone it has gone for good”. Road trauma does not just affect the survivor but the entire family and wider communities. These are sobering thoughts when placed in light of parents wishing to protect their most precious gift, a child.

Below is an email from a parent recognising and supporting this educative venture.

"Hi Scott

We really appreciate this being organised for the Year 10s.  Our son came home and told us all about it and it was very clear that Keith's story really hit home.  

As a policeman I have seen way too many car accidents including fatalities and we have discussed road safety over the years with Tommy and Em.  However it is not the same as having the opportunity to sit and listen first-hand to someone who was actually in a car crash and has had to live with the consequences.  

As our son is one of the older Year 10s he can get his learner's permit in July so the timing of this talk was perfect.

We hope this is something that the school will continue to organise in the future.

Thanks very much to all involved.

Kind Regards

Mr and Mrs ..................

Below is an opportunity for people to contribute to a membership should anyone be interested in the benefits from belonging to the benefit.

Hi Scott,

I hope you are well.  I just wanted to say thanks again for letting me be a part of the PBF Presentation at Corpus Christi.  It was great speaking with you and Keith after the presentation and it was so nice to hear how much you believe in PBF and the importance of safety.

I thought I would send you the details on Private Membership should you be interested in joining PBF.

The benefits of Private PBF membership include:

  • $250,000.00 member benefit expense claim should you suffer from a permanent spinal cord injury
  • The $250,000.00 payment is provided as soon as possible to help cover immediate costs of injury
  • Protection/coverage 24/7

I have provided the link below to our website and further details on Private PBF membership.

Thanks again Scott and have a great rest of your week.

Kind regards,

Katie Stokes
Business Development Manager


Corpus Communications