Middle School News - e-News 4 2017

Year 8 News

Ms Jennifer Overend
Head of Year 8

In Week 6, the Year 8 students experienced their second pastoral session. The focus was on cyber safety. Jordan Foster from YSafe discussed a few key messages with the students:

Thinking about how you want to come across to others, only ever act in that way. Your image  matters:

  • Be aware of cat-fishing
  • Make sure your privacy settings are high
  • Don’t be a troll
  • ¼ teens have been cyber bullied
  • If you are cyber bullied, don’t respond. Let someone know
  • Be an ethical bystander – don’t join in on negative behaviours; offer support in person; report it.
  • Think before you post
  • Sexting – considered child pornography if under the age of 18; a very serious offence.

Several apps were discussed including Tinder and Yellow. Could you please be vigilant in checking your son/daughter’s devices to make sure these apps do not appear?

“The cyber safety session for the Year 8 students of Corpus Christi College was a rousing success. Students were captivated by the stories they heard. The morale of one of the stories was never meet with someone you met online without telling people where you’re going, meet them there and always in a public place.” - William Ellement-Hughes

It is pleasing to see that several students have received affirmations for positive behaviours and successful academic results. I encourage this behaviour to continue as students, parents and staff can all have positive effects for them to do so.

The Year 8s will be travelling to the HBF Stadium on Wednesday the 22 March as spectators for the ACC Swimming Carnival. There will be no classes run on this day. If your son or daughter is involved with the 'Hairspray' production, they will not attend the ACC Swimming Carnival as a spectator. Instead, they will come to school and then travel to Newman College for their full-dress rehearsal.

Year 8 Health Department Vaccinations

 The first round of vaccinations for Year 8 students will be occurring on Tuesday 21 March (Day 1) and Tuesday 28 March (Day 2).

Please note:

  • Year 8 students are to wear their full House uniform on these days and will go to the Breakout area in front of T01 at their scheduled times. (Please note that students are to wear their House uniforms on both days as they will not find out if they are being vaccinated on Day 1 or 2 until the day itself, to reduce the likelihood of absence due to anxiousness)
  • ALL Year 8 students must go to T01 at their scheduled time to speak to the nurse, regardless of whether or not they are going to be vaccinated. Students will not receive vaccination(s) if their parents have not given consent
  • Students should bring their water bottles with them during their scheduled vaccination time.

ACC Swimming Carnival

Corpus Christi College will be participating in the ACC Swimming ‘A Division’ Carnival Wednesday 22nd March 2017. We traditionally take along a group of students as spectators to support our athletes.

This year all Year 8 students will be our representatives.

Details of the day are as follows:

Date:  Wednesday 22 March 2017   
Departure time:  8.40am from Corpus Christi College (Murdoch Drive)   
Destination:  HBF Stadium
Mode of Transport:  Bus
Dress Requirements:  Sports Uniform (PE top and shorts with trainers)
Return to School:  3.00pm.

Other Details:                         
Students will be required to BRING their morning tea, lunch and plenty to drink (no canteen facilities are available on this day). They need to bring this in their College PE bags. No digital devices are to be brought to the carnival. Valuables can be left in lockers as per normal.

Awards Term One - The Certificate of Endeavour

For each class in the College, The Certificate of Endeavour is awarded to a student who has demonstrated:

  • outstanding effort over the term
  • consistent application in class
  • positive cooperation, and
  • thorough completion of homework and assignment tasks.

Academic Excellence Program - Greg Mitchell Incursion

Mrs Filipa Carvalho
Head of Academic Excellence

"On Wednesday 15 March, Years 7-10 Academic Excellence Program students were given the opportunity to attend an incredibly beneficial seminar. Greg Mitchell, a motivational speaker who travels interstate to teach both students and teachers alike, presented a fun and engaging workshop for our students, brushing on issues such as motivational thinking and remaining optimistic throughout our high school journey. He helped us set personal goals on maintaining a healthy attitude to all tasks that come our way, and how to cope with the ups and down's that come with life through acknowledging our mood. Greg was an incredible man and we are all really grateful for this opportunity given to us!"  - Year 10, Tiana Inman

Some student comments after having attended the incursion:

‘I have learnt how mental health is extremely valuable, how to feel at peace with yourself and most of all how to acknowledge negative emotions.’

‘To believe in myself, not let anyone drag me down and to make attainable goals.’

‘That simple ideas can go very far, if you push yourself you can achieve great things, don't push yourself down for making mistakes.’

‘You don't need a successful family to be successful, you don't need to always be happy to be a good person, you don't need to start off really well to land up with a good job.’

‘To set goals, that what we achieve is based mainly on our mindset, and that we should master our moods.’

‘That success isn't about how smart you are, it's about your attitude toward things.’

Corpus Communications