From the Principal - e-News 4 2017

Dear Parents

Corpus Christi College has been proudly an Alannah and Madeline Foundation eSmart School since 2013

eSmart is an initiative of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation using a cultural change approach to improve cyber safety and reduce cyber bullying. Corpus Christi College achieved eSmart status in 2013, the first WA school to do so. Surprisingly, there are only 13 secondary schools who have eSmart status in WA, with nearly all schools in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania registered. Corpus Christi College is proud of our association with this professional organisation which has assisted us to provide a comprehensive eSmart program across all Years in the College. As an eSmart school, we are provided with a prevention and risk management framework to help us better integrate cyber safety practices, and promote the safe use of online technology in our community.

To achieve this status, the College has demonstrated planning and implementation strategies across six domains:

1.    Effective school organisation.
2.    School plans, policies and procedures.
3.    Respectful and caring school community.
4.    Effective teacher practices.
5.    eSmart Curriculum.
6.    Partnerships with parents and community groups.

Our ICT Strategic Plan expands on these domains and is available on our website, outlining what we have done and what we must continue to do to sustain this status.

As an e-Smart school, we utilise many resources which are available through the eSmart website to supplement our ongoing methods. Pastoral programs across all Year groups address issues surrounding digital citizenship. For a general view of the eSmart website go to:

Students experiencing cyber issues or who are concerned for their friends will often report them online, via the Corpus Concerns portal available on the Jump page. If parents are concerned their child is experiencing cyber safety issues or feel the digital citizenship of their child is in jeopardy, please contact ICT Services on (08) 6332 2574 for advice. 


 ‘Hairspray’ will be the final production which needs to be held off campus, as we finalise the plans for our new College theatre. So, it is wonderful the Performing Arts team selected an upbeat and celebratory musical, which I am sure all audiences will appreciate. With lots of energy and foot tapping music, our dancers will certainly enjoy the challenge of this romantic musical production.

Whether a member of the cast, crew, musicians, backstage or front of stage, we are proud of the dancers, actors, musicians and crew who have prepared themselves for the musical performance our audiences will experience.  This wouldn’t have been possible without the sheer effort, the dedication towards bringing the production to the Corpus community led by the staff who have been involved, and ably supported by the parents and family who ensured students attended all the necessary rehearsals.

I would particularly like to extend my congratulations to Director Mrs Kelsi Davis and Producer Mr James Dove, Musical Director Mr David Harries, Lead Choreographer Mr Lauchlan Bain supported by Mrs Caroline Fuhr, Lighting and Sound Technician Mr Evan Georgopoulos, and Production Assistant Mrs Michelle Hunt. Without their commitment above and beyond, ‘Hairspray’ could never have been staged.

Please support the cast and crew of this important cultural, extracurricular event by booking your seat to the performance. Check for booking details on our website.

 Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)

Many of our Year 10 students, as well as some of our senior students who have not yet achieved the literacy and/or numeracy standard for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), sat the OLNA test during the week. The group of students from the College who achieved the necessary standard in their NAPLAN tests last year, were not required to sit the OLNA.  The importance of the WACE Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment conducted at the College cannot be underestimated, given its requirement for WACE graduation.

Students who struggle to achieve this standard are provided with small group assistance by teachers to support them individually, even up to Year 12, if necessary. The College is well known for the intensive literacy and numeracy support we provide our students across all Years. I acknowledge the Learning Centre, Mathematics and English teachers who have been part of the Learning Support Program at the College.

Professional Code of Conduct

In my most recent article to parents, I noted the first three of the conduct statements from our newly implemented Professional Code of Conduct. Given our website has recently been updated, I now invite you to read the Professional Code of Conduct in its entirety at your leisure, one of a range of policies that are listed at this link:

ACC A Division Swim Team

The annual Swim Camp was based at the Warnbro Swimming Pool, following the Inter-House Swimming Carnival which was held last month. The Swim camp was a terrific opportunity for Sports Coordinator Mr James Howard and the Health and Physical Education team, to work with the senior students who mentor our junior competitors, another ‘induction’ into the College sporting culture.

On behalf of the College, I would like to wish Swim Captains Claire Coten and Liam Hall, and the ACC Swim team, all the best as they perform for their College at Challenge Stadium on Wednesday 22 March.

 Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne


Corpus Communications