eNews #12 Term Four Week 1

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Welcome to Term Four

I trust students and families had a wonderful holiday break. I acknowledge our Year 12 students who sat their Mock WACE examinations during the second week of the holidays, and their teachers, who have been marking these examination papers. Along with Year 11 students sitting their final examinations, which commenced last week, a large number of teachers will be marking and concluding marks books in the next fortnight, a very busy time of the year.

We welcome back staff who were on leave last term: Deputy Principal Ministry Mr Jim Elliott, Head of Languages Mrs Anna Triscari, Sport Coordinator Mr James Howard and Christian Service Learning Coordinator Ms Donna Chong.

This term, we welcome Ms Ping Teo known to some students as she was a practicum student at the College this year. Ping will be teaching Indonesian for Term Four covering Mr Neil Geuer s classes.

This week, we welcome Mr Alan Luks, Manager of Finance and Operations (formerly the Business Manager role). Alan is an enthusiastic, accomplished manager who has had a wealth of experience within the tertiary education sector. Alan has been a Faculty Manager Division Business at Southern Cross University, has been a lecturer and Academic Coordinator at Curtin University, and comes to us as the School Manager of the School of Plant Biology from UWA. Alan has gained extensive experience in successfully managing organisational finances and resources, as well as directing and leading budget planning initiatives. He has a strong track record in human resource management and strategic leadership overseeing the administrative requirements in university Schools and Faculties, having successfully formulated and implemented school policies, procedures, and strategies.

I am sure many parents will join me in welcoming the new staff to the College.

Please note the staff covering those on leave this term:

  • Ms Wendy Quint as the Head of VET and Transition Services position, and
  • Ms Jennifer Overend who will be Head of Year Ten.

  • Mr Peter Sackett will continue in his role as a Deputy Principal this term, finalising the timetable for 2016 amongst other Deputy duties, whilst Mr Ian Hagen will continue as Acting Vice Principal until Mrs Karen Prendergast commences at the College. This also means Mr Stephen Kingwell will continue as Head of Health and Physical Education and as Romero House Coordinator for Term Four, once Mrs Laura Heard leaves to commence maternity leave from next week. On behalf of the College, we wish Mrs Heard all the best as she prepares for the birth of her first child.

    Artificial The Creative Collective 2015

    The Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise teams showcased their students work at the Exhibition held in the Tony Curtis Centre, opening at 6.30pm on Tuesday night 20 October 2015.

    Judges included former student Mark Tweedie, an accomplished artist who has been a finalist in numerous national art prizes including the 2014 Kilgour Prize at the Newcastle Art Gallery NSW, where he was awarded the People s Choice Award; and Jane Packham, who has had 35 years experience teaching art, having exhibited in photography, ceramics and mixed media.

    I take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Gaby Fabris, Mrs Julie Pannell, Mrs Katie-Anne Kennedy and Mrs Rhonda Armenti for putting together such a professional and diverse exhibition.


    Maintenance and Building over the Holiday Period

    Mr Chris Carbone and his fabulous maintenance and gardening team have also been very busy over the holiday period. The projects completed over the holidays were:

    The new seating in Mayne Block has been carpeted

  • The Chapel ceiling was repaired and painted, and holy water font installed
  • The new Seminar room in the Library (former VET/Careers office) was painted and new furniture was added
  • The new bin area was cleared and a concrete pad was poured along the Dean Road boundary in readiness for a better located bin area
  • Sections of the paving around the school have been cleaned including some of the walls
  • The reticulation has been repaired and is ready for the summer period
  • The trees outside the Design and Technology block have been removed and the area is now ready for concreting, to form a new pathway to the new Sports Centre once completed next year.
  • There were also a number of other minor works completed by the maintenance crew over the Term Three holiday break. Also excitingly, the Sports Centre project is proceeding well, still targeted for completion by February 2016.

    Year 12 Students

    Having concluded their final week of secondary schooling last week, I take this opportunity to congratulate the departing Year 12 in the manner they sat their Trial WACE and WACE practical examinations held primarily during the holiday period. This final week will culminate in the Graduation Mass and Awards ceremony at St Mary s Cathedral on Friday, followed by the Graduation Dinner on Sunday afternoon. I ask the College community to continue to keep these wonderful young people in your thoughts and prayers as the majority of them prepare for the up and coming WACE examinations which commence on Monday 2 November.


    Late last term, we recognised a large number of students who were awarded major College awards for participation and service in extra-curricular activities by presenting them with a badge and citation certificate at the Whole School Assembly.

    There are two forms of these types of Awards, Colours and Service Awards, both only presented to senior students. Colours recognise excellence in student performance and endeavours, combined with commitment and service in pursuits other than academic studies. Service Awards, below the level of a College Colour, may be awarded to students who have distinguished themselves by their commitment, dedication and sense of service to a College activity. They are not to be automatically awarded based on the length of their involvement, but because of the quality of service.

    The students we acknowledged last term were:

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    Mrs Caroline Payne

    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Australian Schools Mathematics Competition 2015 Student Success" accordion="accordion"]

    The College has received the results of the Australian Schools Mathematics Competition that was conducted in July 2015. Schools in Australia and many other countries participated.

    This year, Vineeth Vincent elected to participate in the competition and obtained a very pleasing result of a Distinction. Well done, Vineeth.


    [accordion_item title="Student Success – Creativity (Video link provided)" accordion="accordion"]

    Creativity is the ability to generate and communicate original ideas and appreciate the nature of beauty. It fosters imagination and innovation.

    We inspire creativity when we encourage young people to express themselves through writing, poetry, acting, photography, art, digital media, unstructured play, etc. When we notice and praise them for thinking outside the box and taking risks, their imaginations blossom.

    Can we learn to be smarter and more creative?



    [accordion_item title="Term 4 Help Classes for Students" accordion="accordion"]

    Academic Task Force

    Enrol now in Academic Task Force Weekend Help Classes in Maths, Science and English for Years 7 – 10 and most ATAR and WACE courses for Years 11 & 12. Students receive individual help to strengthen their understanding in areas of need in their courses before your exams.

    To enrol visit the Academic Task Force website at www.academictaskforce.com.au

    Megan Bagworth
    Education Manager
    Ph: 9314 9506 Mob: 0433 721 395
    Email: megan.bagworth@academictaskforce.com.au
    Website: www.academictaskforce.com.au

    Top Marks Learning Centre

    1 and ½ Day Course (2016)

    Years 7-9
    January 7th – 8th - (ECU – Joondalup Campus)
    January 14th – 15th - (Murdoch University)
    January 21st – 22nd - (ECU – Mt Lawley Campus)

    ** The first day for each course commences at 9:00am and finishes at 3:00pm.
    ** The second day for each course commences at 9:00am and finishes at 12:00.

    Landline: 9091 7374/Mobile: 0437 222 480
    E-mail: topmarks1@bigpond.com
    Visit our Website: www.topmarks1.com
    COST: $230 (For the 1.5 Days)



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Year 12 – Graduation Celebrations" accordion="accordion"]

    The Year 12 students have now received their Semester 2 examination results and will now celebrate their final formal week of secondary school. There are a number of events this week at following dates and times:

    Monday 19 – Thursday 22 October - WACE revision sessions (Students are encouraged to take full advantage of these sessions to best prepare themselves for the upcoming WACE examinations. Sessions will occur during their normal class time. Non-ATAR classes will not occur and students should attend the library if they have a break during the day)

    Wed 21 October (P 1 & 2) - Year 12 Graduation Mass rehearsal in College gym – all students to attend (NB. WACE revision sessions will occur Periods 3-6. Non-ATAR students to depart at recess.)
    Wed 21 October (P 5 & 6) - Year 12 Graduation Mass rehearsal at Cathedral for readers, helpers etc (Only selected students to attend)
    Fri 23 October @ 7.45am - Year 12 Graduation Breakfast in College Auditorium
    Fri 23 October @ 9.30am - Year 12 Graduation Assembly in College Gymnasium
    Fri 23 October @ 7.00pm - Year 12 Graduation Mass & Awards at St Mary’s Cathedral
    Sun 25 October @ 6.30pm - Year 12 Graduation Dinner at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
    Mon 2 November WACE Examinations commence

    Please contact Ms Sally Farrington (Head of Year), Mr Ian Hagen (Vice Principal) or Mr Peter Sackett (Deputy Principal Senior School) should you have any queries.


    [accordion_item title="Year 11 Dates Term 4" accordion="accordion"]

    A reminder to all Year 11 parents and students that Year 12 2016 courses will commence this term soon after students complete their Semester 2 examination. Below are some important dates for parents and students to take note of.

    20 October - Year 11 Examinations conclude
    21 – 22 October - Year 11 Course Break
    23 October - Year 11 Examination Review – all students must attend school
    26 – 27 October - Prefects Camp
    26 – 30 October - Course Break continued for all students
    2 November - All Year students return to school to commence Year 12 Courses
    3 November - Year 12 Commencement Mass – Periods 1 and 2
    4 December - Periods 1 and 2 Year 7 to 11 Awards – all students must attend
    4 December - Last day of term for Year 11 students

    If parents have any questions regarding these dates please contact Mr Simon Messer (Head of Year) or Mr Peter Sackett (Deputy Principal Senior School).


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Students - Subject notification for Year 11 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    Later this term Year 10 students will receive notification of the subjects they have been allocated for next year. There is often a number of students who wish to make changes to these subjects due to a variety of reasons. Changes are best made taking into account the whole picture of a student’s capabilities, work ethic and study load which is the reason we wait for the results of year 10 examinations before making any alterations. Appointments for course changes will occur between 7-10 December and appointments can be made by contacting Miss Sara Low slow@corpus.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Social Media Webinar for Parents and Educators" accordion="accordion"]

    Josh Ochs is the founder of SafeSmartSocial.com and shares the common goal of helping students to be safe online.

    He is hosting a very special FREE College Prep Social Media Webinar that will be valuable to parents of students.

    The College has been asked to share this event with any parents or educators that may find it helpful. Regardless of their student or child’s age, this free event will open their eyes and show them the positive side of social media.

    Event details:

    Event link to share: https://safesmartsocial.com/social-media-webinar/
    What: 60-minute training to learn the best practices that will build a positive online image (and how to motivate your kids to be smart online).
    Who: Parents, educators and students
    Where: Online training webinar at SafeSmartSocial.com
    When: October 13th or 27th at 5PM PT (8PM ET)
    How: Use your phone or a computer to join in
    Why: This event will help parents to go from confused about social media, to comfortable in 60-minutes. You will find out what networks are safe and how colleges will search for your kids online. You’ll be ahead of the pack and know how to talk with your kids (and their friends) about their online reputation.

    Registration is free and we encourage parents to reserve their spot here: https://safesmartsocial.com/social-media-webinar/

    In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to shine online months before colleges find your student (and the techniques to impress colleges)
  • The 7 networks where colleges want to find your public profile
  • How to connect all networks into your own “personal web” to show Google you’re serious about getting discovered
  • How to structure your student’s Google results to compliment their college application
  • The 3 words that can help you talk with your student about wise social media use
  • What types of tweets can limit your child’s admission opportunities

  • Event link to share: https://safesmartsocial.com/social-media-webinar/


    [accordion_item title="Academic Task Force" accordion="accordion"]

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    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Burgundy, White and Blue - Celebration of Sports Dinner" accordion="accordion"]


    This year we celebrate the Burgundy White and Blue Celebration of Sport Dinner in the College David Heath Gymnasium.

    There have been many contributors and achievers in Sport in 2015 and this event (In its third year) aims to acknowledge and award these students publicly in front of their peers, teachers and parents.

    Tickets are $25 each and include buffet dinner and non alcoholic beverages along with musical entertainment and special guest speakers Ashleigh Nelson and Rachel Lynch (Current Australian Women s Hockey Team Members and Dual Commonwealth Games Gold Medalists).

    All students who have been selected for an award, acknowledgement of Sporting Colours, Service to Sport, ACC All Stars and Captains, Best all Rounders, Fairest and Best and State and National Reps have been contacted by email and invited to the event, along with their parents.


    [accordion_item title="ARTIFICIAL - The Creative Collective" accordion="accordion"]

    The ARTIFICIAL Visual Art and Technology & Enterprise combined exhibition was a resounding success this week, hosted first time in the Tony Curtis Centre.

    Although not a traditional exhibition space, the irregularly shaped centre suited the artwork selected for viewing and, once again, the diversity of talent and creativity shone through!

    A huge thank you to all of the parents who supported their children, Art Teachers Ms Gaby Fabris and Mrs Julie Pannell, and all of the other supporters of the event whom were thanked on the evening by our Arts captains. A special thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to assist in serving drinks and nibbles on the evening, your support is always very much appreciated!

    The following students were the Award recipients on the evening:

    Year 12 Award - Victor Chong (Print-making/Ceramics)
    Year 11 Award - Nina Lazarov (Mixed Media Drawing)
    Year 10 Award - Hayley Zeller (Ceramics)
    Year 9 Award - Nicolina Ierino (Graphic Design)
    Year 8 Award - Lola Davies (Printmaking)
    Year 7 Award - Jordan Vincenti ( Painting)

    Principal s Award - Sachin North (Painting) (Year 11)
    Corpus Christi Award - Rachel Raphael (Drawing) (Year 10)

    Parents and Friends Special Awards

    Harriet Ogwaro (Year 7)
    Tyler Sandon (Year 9)
    Clarissa Sutandi (Year 11)
    Jennifer Nguyen (Year 12)
    Matthew Nel (Year 9)
    Claudia Karwacki (Year 11)
    Nicholas Komnick (Year 10)
    Olivia Wilkinson (Year 10)
    Brooke O'Donnell (Year 12)
    Victor Yong (Year 12)
    Matthew Nel (Year 9)
    Year 8 Collective Project (Slinky Cats)

    To view some of the photos from the evening, click HERE


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    [accordion_item title="Psychological Services" accordion="accordion"]

    Upcoming workshops

    WORKSHOP: Kids and todays technology
    DATES: 4th, 11th November
    TIMES: 6:30-9pm
    WHERE: Relationships Australia - Fremantle
    COST: $35 pp

    WORKSHOP: Parent - Teen Connection
    DATES: 28th November
    TIMES: 9:30-4pm
    WHERE: Relationships Australia - West Leederville
    COST: $50 pp

    Act-Belong-Commit Tip for the Week:

    Get a good night s sleep

    Getting a good night s sleep is known to nurture mental and emotional resilience while irregular sleep can pave the way to negative thinking and emotional instability.

    Maintain a regular sleep cycle, increase light exposure during the day, keep your bedroom quiet and dark, avoiding large meals and caffeine before sleep, and exercise regularly.

    Before you go to bed do something that will help you wind down, like reading a book, taking a warm bath or listening to soft music. All of these things will help you sleep better at night.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news