eNews #11 Term Three Weeks 9-10

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents,

There is always cause for celebration! Week Nine was quite a week!

  • Year 12 leaders Benjamin Ring and Isobel Christian represented ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ cast and crew, and received a Shield for Drama at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival Final Concert last Monday night, on behalf of the College
  • The Celebrating Academic Excellence Evening was coordinated by Mrs Filipa Carvalho, with a large number of staff, students and parents attending last Monday night in the Sadler Centre. Seventy seven students were presented with badges and certificates after their involvement in the AEP (Academic Excellence Programme) after showcasing their projects
  • Academic excellence was also acknowledged when students from Years 7 to 10 received Subject Awards at the Whole School Assembly
  • As part of the Act-Belong-Commit Healthy School Programme, College Counsellors Mrs Rachel Goodchild and Mrs Luisa Rossi ran the inaugural Healthy Lunch hour last Thursday. It was wonderful to see staff and more than 300 students commit to participate in a range of activities, and access information about a range of local support agencies, with staff and students mingling in the Mater Christi Avenue on a brilliant, sunny day
  • Last Thursday night, we hosted the Parish Priests’ Zone meeting in our staffroom, a wonderful opportunity for us to speak of the importance of the presence of parish priests in our school
  • Head of Year 11 Mr Simon Messer was joined by a wonderful group of Homeroom teachers, having organised the Year 11 Dinner Dance last Friday night. The students looked quite resplendent on the night which was held at the Fremantle Sailing Club.

Many staff made these events possible, along with the support of parents. However, in this instance I would like to acknowledge the unsung heroes, staff such as Mr David Moyle and the ICT team, including Photographer Mr Yun Chen, Corpus Communications Mr Cam Allen, Head of Music Mr David Harries, Sound Technician Mr Evan Georgopolous, Property Manager Mr Chris Carbone and the maintenance and gardening team, Cafeteria Manager Mrs Jo Court and the Cafeteria team, and our Administration teams, who were all involved in many of these and other College events.

Whilst referring to special events, I take this opportunity to congratulate Principal Ms Carmel Costin and the Yidarra Catholic Primary School as they celebrate their 30th year with a Mass and Open Day this Thursday.

ACC A Division Athletics Carnival
I congratulate Acting Sports Coordinator Ms Wendy Quint and the Health and Physical Education Learning Area for leading our ACC Athletics Team to fifth place at the A Division ACC Athletics Carnival held at the State Athletics Stadium, last Wednesday, behind Sacred Heart College, John Septimus Roe, Chisholm and All Saints College. Other schools to compete in the A Division competition included Prendiville Catholic College, Peter Moyes Anglican Community School, Mercedes College and CBC Fremantle.

There were some incredible performances during the day, no less the Year 7 girls who were quite formidable. With a great deal of movement of schools between A and B Divisions in ACC Athletics, we are committed to continue competing together as a strong, united team, working hard for each other, an ongoing theme for Corpus sporting teams during the year. To the team of athletes who ran, jumped and threw last Wednesday, I say: ‘Well done!’

Congratulations In the last two College Assemblies of the term, we will have recognised a large number of students who have achieved Awards in a number of fields. For the first e-News next term, we will focus on recognising the accomplishments of many of our wonderful students who were acknowledged late in Term Three, including our Year 11 students who have been selected to form the 2016 Prefect Committee. We will see current Head Girl Rebekah-Anne Craggs and Head Boy Samuel LaMacchia conducting a formal handover to 2016 Head Girl Cassandra Rauh and Head Boy, Andrew Silveira at the end of Term Assembly on Thursday morning.


Staff Movements
I take this opportunity to farewell Indonesian teacher Mr Neil Geuer, who is retiring this term after almost two years at the College, and graduate teacher Ms Emma Van Woerden, who has covered a number of Religious Education classes in the past term. At either end of their careers, both have been wonderful teachers, having embraced the culture and life of the College. We wish them all the very best.

Next term, Mrs Deborah Middleton, Mr Damian Scali and Mr William O’Callaghan will be on leave. One of the challenges of attracting experienced staff from other Catholic schools is when they access their Long Service Leave entitlement. We wish them all a well-earned rest.

Ms Jennifer Overend has accepted the role as Head of Year Ten for Term Four and Ms Wendy Quint, the Head of VET and Transition Services.

I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Silvana Vicoli who embraced the challenges as our Deputy Principal Ministry this term, whilst Ms Marian Lavelle undertook the role as Head of Religious Education and Mr Isaac Ramshaw, the role of Christian Service Learning Coordinator, also for this term.

Year 12 Trial WACE and WACE Practical Examinations
Please keep in mind many of our Year 12 students who will be focussed on their studies and will sit for their trial WACE Examinations in the second week of the holidays. A number of students have already commenced their WACE Practical Examinations which will continue into the first week of the holidays.

Year 11 students will also be studying for their examinations which commence on the first week in Term Four as they complete their Year 11 courses.

These students will be in our thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks.

AFL Preliminary Finals
As both our WA football teams are in Preliminary Finals with a possible Derby Grand Final, I am grateful these events are being held during the holidays! I wonder whether a Dockers or Eagles flag will be flying at the front of the College at the beginning of next term?

Irrespective, please have a safe and restful holiday with your families, returning on Monday 12 October, all energised and ready to welcome the final term in our academic year. In terms of your calendar, parents are asked to please note the next P and F Meeting is scheduled for the first Tuesday of Term Four on 13 October at 7.30pm, in the College staffroom.

Best wishes and God bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Student Success – Student Ministry" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 9.46.53 amJulyan Tan (Romero Year 8) was inducted into the Guild of St Stephen by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe on 5 September 2015. This acknowledges the many years of Altar Service and leadership that Julyan has served the Mater Christi Catholic community in Yangebup. With this induction, Julyan will continue to serve the community at Corpus Christi College in his ministry.


[accordion_item title="Term Three Middle School Academic Awards" accordion="accordion"]

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[accordion_item title="Science Talent Search" accordion="accordion"]

Science_TalentCongratulations to the three Year 8 students; George Kenny, Harry Regan and Alioth Paciente, who submitted their Academic Excellence Extension Project to the Science Talent Search. On Wednesday 16 September, these students were awarded 2nd place for their project.

As part of their Academic Excellence Extension Program, these students selected to learn the science behind what makes hot air balloons rise. These students had to research their topic, design their own hot air balloon, write a script and create a 60 second video. This video was submitted to the Science Talent Search. Congratulations on a great effort. To view the video, click on the following link: https://youtu.be/NgYOmVTt858


[accordion_item title="Celebrating Excellence" accordion="accordion"]

On Monday 14 September, over 300 parents and students attended the Celebrating Excellence evening. As parents, friends and staff arrived, they were able to view the unique and diverse range of thirty two projects created by the fifty six students who have been taking part in the Academic Excellence Extension Programme (AEEP) each Tuesday between 7.30am and 8.30am during Terms 2 and 3. Students worked individually or collaboratively, on a long term project of their choice.

Projects included short stories, scientific reports, monologues, art work, poems, computer games, a report on the renaissance period to name a few.

Congratulations to Sean Gorman, Finnian Arrigan, Owen Thamrin and Cameron Clark, for receiving first place for their 3D game trailer. Second place went to Libby Hart for her natural paints and art work and third place along with the People’s Choice Award were secured by Annabel Biscotto and Tiana Inman for their ‘Different Point of View’ photography website.

The formal component of the evening involved the presentation of awards and badges to the seventy seven students who were selected for the Academic Excellence Progamme (AEP) at the beginning of the year, along with the presentation of certificates to the fifty six students who participated in the AEEP and the fifty three Year 5 and 6 students who took part in the Academic Excellence Programme for Primary School students. Primary school students selected to partake in one of the three programs offered at the College: Investigating Science, CoderDojo and Robotics. This program ran during Term 3 for 5 weeks.

On behalf of the College, we would like to thank Mr Andrew Stevenson, Ms Janelle Dixon and Mrs Julie Galbraith who had the difficult task of judging the projects. I would like to thank Mr James Dove, Mrs Elaine Liew, Mr Johnny Ho and Mrs Karen Rourke for the time and guidance they gave students during the AEEP.

Several students performed musical items throughout the evening. Many thanks to Mr David Harries for preparing the students for the evening. In addition, we thank Mr Andrew Stevenson, an ex-student from Corpus Christi College, for delivering an inspirational speech to the students. Finally, I would like to thank all the staff members who made this evening possible.



[accordion_item title="Sustainability Summit" accordion="accordion"]

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Take action to solve climate change!

AYCC, in partnership with Melville and Fremantle councils, recently held a sustainability summit.

Two of our students joined other high school students from Perth at the two day sustainability summit. They were able to hear from inspiring speakers, learn about climate change, meet other young change makers and build skills to run sustainability campaigns in our school and community.

A report from our students
At the start of the day, we played some team games to get to know some of the other students. We then listened to some people talk about what climate change was, how it affected us, and what we can do to stop it. In my opinion, this was the most interesting part of the day because the speaker made it engaging and informative at the same time.

After recess, we were put into groups and we looked at how we could influence change and the different ways people influence change (locally, nationally and globally). During this session, we looked at campaigning and the different ways we could introduce sustainability into our lives.

After we took a lunch break, we got into groups with our schools and looked at how our school is sustainable and ways we could improve. We also got with other students from different schools to compare our schools in terms of sustainability.

Overall, it was a very informative day. Thank you again for the opportunity as we definitely did get a lot out of the day.
Andrea Lee and Rohan Bay (Year 9)



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 11 Important Dates" accordion="accordion"]

In 2015 Year 11 students will once again commence their Year 12 courses in week 4 of Term Four. The following important dates should be noted by parents and students.

12 October - Year 11 Examinations commence
20 October - Year 11 Examinations conclude
21 – 22 October - Year 11 Course Break
23 October - Year 11 Examination Review – all students must attend school
26 – 27 October - Prefects Camp and Course Break continued for other students
28 – 30 October - Year 11 Course Break
2 November - All Year students return to school to commence Year 12 Courses
3 November - Year 12 Commencement Mass – Period 1 and 2
4 December - Periods 1 and 2 Year 7 to 11 Awards – all students must attend
4 December - Year 11 Last day

If parents have any questions regarding these dates please contact Mr Simon Messer (Head of Year) or Mr Peter Sackett (Deputy Principal Senior School).


[accordion_item title="Subjects for Year 12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Students will soon receive notification of what subjects they have been allocated for their 2016 academic timetable. These are the classes that will commence in week 4 next term. Any student who would like to make alterations to their selections will need to make an appointment to see Mr Sackett during week 3 of term 4 (26 – 30 October). Please contact Miss Sara Low slow@corpus.wa.edu.au to arrange an appointment.


[accordion_item title="Booklists for Year 12 2016 Subjects" accordion="accordion"]

The Booklist for Year 12 2016 subjects is available through http://www.campion.com.au using the “4G27” as the code. A hard copy is also available from Student Services or please visit the Year 11 portal for a pdf version. Orders must be completed by Friday 2 October to arrive before the commencement of classes in week 4. Parents are encouraged to only purchase resources for subjects they are certain their child will study during year 12. If there is a likelihood of subject changes after the Semester 2 examinations then it may be wise to delay the purchase of those particular texts.


[accordion_item title="Trial WACE Examination and Year 11 End of Year Examination Timetables" accordion="accordion"]

Examination timetables are available on the Year 11 and Year 12 portals. All students will receive their personalised examination timetables this week. It is important that students take careful note of their schedules so they arrive at the correct time for their examinations.

The dates of the examinations are as follows:

Trial WACE – Monday 5 October to Tuesday 13 October
Year 11 – Monday 12 October to Tuesday 20 October.

Please remember that Year 11 students who are doing Stage 3 courses with Years 12s will be required to complete their examinations in the Year 12 examination period.



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

[accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]

Today Corpus Christi College celebrated Lifelink Day with a Footy Colours Day. We asked all staff and student to wear something supporting any football code. The day was organised by the Year 10 Student Leadership who have spent much time informing the school of the work Lifelink undertakes in our community. Please follow this link to read some good news stories of Lifelink.


2015 Catholic Social Justice Statement from the Australian Catholic Bishops on justice for refugees and asylum seekers is very timely. The Bishops statement advocates for people who have sought protection, not in Europe, but in Australia. The Bishops are concerned with what it takes. Their statement describes and criticises strongly the way in which people who seek protection in Australia are vilified and treated.


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An Invitation to young women and men from the ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Come and enjoy and evening of reflection, sharing and prayer followed by a light meal.

Theme: Living Community

 When: Monday 28th September from 4.00pm to 8.00pm

 Where: Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth 

RSVP: Sr Alma Cabassi rsj - cabassi@gmail.com - 0419 044 136 OR 
Sr Leonie Mayne rsj - leonie.mayne@sosj.org.au - 0437 120 337


And Jesus Said, “Chill Out!”

For several years the religious community in which I lived invited our neighbours to join us monthly for an hour of quiet meditation and prayer in our small chapel. The congregation usually included fifteen to fifty young people from our school.

Over pizza after the prayer, the young people would often tell me how much the meditation helped relieve the stress caused by school, sports, friends and family. So I was happy they escaped for an hour with us.

And that’s what Jesus wants for his disciples in this week’s Gospel. They’ve just come back from doing his work. They could keep working; there were plenty of people who needed help. But Jesus says, “Come away … and rest.”

In other words, take time to chill out. Authentic discipleship requires downtime for prayer, laughs, naps and talk about life.

Our society seems to get busier and busier. We seem to have more responsibilities and less time to relax. But life gets more complicated, more painful, less rewarding and less Christian when it gets too busy.

Overworked people pray less, which means they lose God’s guidance. Overworked people lose their patience more quickly, which makes it easy to snap at friends or family and difficult to forgive. Overworked people think less thoroughly and listen less often, which makes it easy to make bad decisions.

So make sure you get away. Life is about building relationships, not completing tasks. Given the pressure in our society to stay busy, you might even have to schedule downtime. Then take it. God wants it for you.

Take time with friends. Laugh. Hang out. Take naps. Build in ten-minute “rest stops” with God, when you just close your eyes and imagine Jesus wrapping his arms around you. You’ll find life more rewarding and Christian living more doable.

In other words, just chill out.

Is your life too hectic? Identify one thing you could do to build in more downtime?

The Action Response

We are all shepherds of those who come under our care. Look upon those in need of your care with the loving eyes of Jesus.



[accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


Tuesday 20 - College Art Exhibition Opening
Tuesday 27 - Yr 6 Fun Day
Thursday 29 - College Production Auditions
Friday 30 - College Production Auditions


Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Well done to Corpus Dance Company and Corpus Collective in the Performing Arts Festival this year. Corpus Collective performed Beat of Life at this years festival and were recognised with a Certificate of Merit. Dance Company also gave a brilliant performance of their piece The Feudal Intrigue on the night and were recognised with an Honourable Mention. Congratulations to Mrs Spark, Mrs Fuhr and the 92 students involved who have been rehearsing since term one.



Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 11.12.31 amWe are very pleased to announce that the College Production in 2016 will be ‘Guys and Dolls’. Auditions will be held on Thursday 29 October and Friday 30 October from 3.30pm. More information about auditions will be available on the Arts Portal early next term.

ARTIFICIAL - The Creative Collective

On Tuesday 20 October, the College Art Department and the Technology and Enterprise Department will be showcasing student work in a special exhibition. This year it will take place in the Tony Curtis Centre. If you would like to attend with your family, please RSVP to communications@corpus.wa.edu.au so we can cater accordingly. Come along and support our talented students!



[accordion_item title="Parents and Friends Meeting" accordion="accordion"]

Dear Parents and Friends,

I would like to thank all those who attended the last P and F meeting on the 1st September. There was dynamic conversation and renewed enthusiasm to continue and build on the good work that has been done so far this year, both in providing resources for the school and students as well as supporting events that have been held to date. The commitment of Darren Friesner in coordinating parent support for many recent events was particularly noted and this is again an opportunity to thank him for the hours he spent over many nights supporting the Catholic Performing Arts Band evening and the Dance Showcase.

To try and find a solution to the reducing numbers of volunteers, a small sub-committee was convened to look at ways the P and F can attract parents to help at the many events during the year. Their suggestions will be tabled at the upcoming meeting, to be held Tuesday, 13th October at 7.30pm in the staffroom and we would love further input. The agenda can be found on the Parents and Friends Portal on Coneqtp, or at the link below.

On a really positive note, a significant decision was made to produce a calendar that will feature artwork chosen at the upcoming Art Exhibition which will be given free to every family at the beginning of next year. It will be an opportunity to showcase students achievements, highlight the great contribution of the Parents and Friends and increase the communitys awareness of the support we provide to the school.

So, with renewed energy at the meetings, I would like to invite all parents to the Parents and Friends Meeting, Tuesday 13th October.



[accordion_item title="Australian National Chemistry Quiz 2015" accordion="accordion"]

The aim of the Australian National Chemistry Quiz is to prompt an interest and appreciation of the role of chemistry and chemists in our society, and engendered a better understanding of the nature and relevance of chemistry amongst students.

We have now received the results of the Australian National Chemistry Quiz that was conducted in July 2015 for some Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students. This year there were entries from Levels 7-12, representing 443 schools throughout Australia and many schools from 17 other countries including Austria and Qatar.

Again students from Corpus Christi College have achieved very creditable results.

Students from this school were awarded 1 High Distinction Excellence Certificate (for outstanding performance), 5 High Distinction Certificates (within the top 10% of the state), 9 Distinction Certificates (within the top 10% - 25% of the state), 10 Credit Certificates (within the top 25% - 40% of the state) and 19 Participation Certificates.

Congratulations for achieving a High Distinction Excellence Certificate to ALEXANDER DI ROSSO of Year 10 whose score was within the top 1% of Australia.

In Year 12, congratulations for achieving a High Distinction to KATRINA GAN.
In Year 12, congratulations for achieving a Distinction to MATTHEW DESA,CALLUM MACDONALD,HAYDEN RICHARDS and CAMERON URQUHART.
In Year 12, congratulations for achieving a Credit to VICTORIA BANDURSKI,NATHANIEL BARRY,PATRICK STEPHEN and SERENA YUNG.
In Year 11, congratulations for achieving a High Distinction to ALISON COOK and THOMASINA FOO.
In Year 11, congratulations for achieving a Distinction to MATTHEW BAILEY,LACHLAN CLARK,ELANA DI GIUSEPPE and THOMAS GLYDE.
In Year 10, congratulations for achieving a High Distinction to BRENDAN ALVARO and PHOEBE HOLMES.
In Year 10, congratulations for achieving a Distinction to JACK MAGUIRE.

Finally, well done to all those who committed themselves to the extra work required studying for this competition.

Mr Brian Hurn, Head of Science


[accordion_item title="Student Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

Congratulations to Brooke Malone who was recently selected to represent WA in the 2015 State Basketball Team competing at the National Schools Championships in Adelaide from 21 to 29 November, 2015.

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KIARA HERON - STATE SOFTBALLKiara Congratulations to Kiara Heron who was recently selected to represent WA in the 2015 State Softball Team competing at the National Schools Championships in Adelaide from 20 to 28 November, 2015.

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Julyan Tan was inducted into the Guild of St Stephen by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe on 5 September 2015. This acknowledges the many years of Altar Service and leadership that Julyan has served the Mater Christi Catholic community in Yangebup. With this induction, Julyan will continue to serve the community at Corpus Christi College in his ministry.


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Lola recently competed in the WA Rowing State Championships, she and her partner qualified for the final in the fastest time and went on to take out the championship final of the Women’s E grade Double Skull. This is a really fabulous achievement for Lola, she started rowing less than a year ago so she is still very new to the sport. In addition to this at 13 she would have been the youngest competitor by a very long way, this category is an open age category so Lola and her partner were racing against much older girls as well as full grown women (including her mother!). They won their races in emphatic style, we are very proud of their achievement.

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Corpus Christi also has another State Champion, Michael Orton and his crew won the Championship final of the C Grade Men’s Eight. We hope that next year Michael and Lola will get the opportunity to race in their School colours in a Mixed Double. Like many of our talented students, these two kids have put a lot of effort into gaining these achievements, 4.30am starts several times a week for a start. Congratulations to both Lola and Michael!

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Corpus Christi Teacher Mr Johnny Ho and four Year 8 students attended the judging finals of the Young ICT explorers on Saturday 19 September. Matt Rossi and Josh Allen received a Merit Award for their game Polar Bear http://arcade.gamesalad.com/games/133189. Tiana Inman and Annabel Biscotto received 2nd place for their website on photography http://differentpovphotography.weebly.com/.

They have worked on these projects for 18 weeks and are extremely proud of their projects.

Thank you to Mr Ho for all his time and efforts in assisting and guiding these students in the development of their projects each Tuesday morning during the Academic Excellence Extension Programme (AEEP).


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BRITTANY PASCOE - Nation Youth Science Forum

Brittany-with-the-Governor-eBrittany Pascoe has been selected to represent Western Australia in the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra next year, for the first two week of January. She forms part of a team of 15 who have been selected in the state to participate. Recently this team was invited to attend an afternoon tea at Government House with Her Excellency the Honorable Kerry Sanderson AO Governor of Western Australia. Congratulations Brittany!


[accordion_item title="Lost Property at Student Services" accordion="accordion"]

There is a large amount of lost property at student services both uniform and other items. Please call in to have a look before the end of term if you have lost something recently. All the non-uniform items will go to the “Vinnies” bin during the holidays.

Please check all your items are labelled with first and last names. This makes it easier for us to return them to their owners.


[accordion_item title="2015 Graduates Yearbook and Leavers Disc" accordion="accordion"]

Any families who had a student in Year 12 at Corpus last Year, their Yearbook and Leavers disc ($10.00) are still available for collection at the College Reception. The Office will be open the second week of the school holidays and can be collected from Michelina Crane.


[accordion_item title="Community News and Notices" accordion="accordion"]

Better Than OK - Helping Young People Flourish

The Western Australian Association for Mental Health invites you to attend this free and highly informative forum for parents and teachers, during Mental Health Week.

This evening will be facilitated by Applied Social Psychologist and Educator Dr Helen Street, renowned for her highly successful Positive Schools national conferences and publications.

Resources and learning material will also be available, plus special guest speakers from WAAMH, Act-Belong-Commit and Anglicare WA.

About Dr Helen Street
Helen works as an academic, presenter and author. Her work has been met with international acclaim. As co-chair for the Positive Schools mental health and wellbeing conferences for teachers, Helen provides an opportunity to learn up-to-date knowledge, ideas and strategies about positive education and wellbeing.

Topics include:

  • Helping young people flourish
  • Raising emotionally resilient children
  • Embracing creativity to help young people find their passion
  • Spotting early warning signs as part of prevention
  • Instilling mentally healthy behaviours and attitudes
  • How to Act-Belong-Commit for better mental health
  • Question and answer time, plus networking.

Thanks to the support of our event sponsor Anglicare WA.

Registrations for this event are now open at: mhw.waamh.org.au/parents

Download PDF flyer HERE

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Dads Raising Teenage Girls – Thursday 24 September at 22 Southport Street, West Leederville 6.30-9. $25.00.
The father-daughter relationship is particularly important during the teenage years to help girls navigate this difficult time. Find out how you can build a more rewarding relationship with your teenage daughter. For further information please click here or ring 9489 6322.

Mums Raising Boys - up to the age of 12 years – Wednesday 14 October at 22 Southport Street, West Leederville 6.30-9. $25.00.
However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to having a boy is often still, ‘Wow! This is unknown territory.’ It is true that for many mothers, the idea of raising a son carries its own set of worries. As the primary female role model in a boy’s life, mothers play an important role in the development of their son’s identity including their ability to be nurturing. This in turn affects how they relate to others, particularly to girls and women. For further information please click here or ring 9489 6322.

Parent-Teen Connection – Tuesday 20th October x 4 weeks at 22 Southport Street, West Leederville. $50 per person/ $75 per couple
We have all come through adolescence – do we remember? It has always been a challenging, sometimes frustrating period of life’s journey. Thankfully, today’s parents are usually more inclined to listen. Living with teenagers can be confusing and even worrying, but also rewarding. This course reduces stress and teaches parents to communicate, negotiate and minimise conflict. For further information please click here or ring 9489 6322.

Building Stronger Families - a course for the whole family. Thursday 22 October x 6 weeks. $80 per person/$120 per family.
This six-week course is designed specifically for families with children over the age of 10. Inclusion is the key, and any adult involved in the parenting process is invited to come along and learn the skills needed to keep your family healthy. Parents, learn how to be leaders and role models in your family. Children learn how to be special and also how to belong. This course is based on the work of George Doub and Florence Creighton, authors of Survival Skills for Healthy Families. For further information please click here or ring 9489 6322.

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Stronger Teens Camp 2nd - 4th October 2015 at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra. An amazing weekend with huge games and activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends. Cost $150 incl. all accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to/from Perth. Open to all high school aged teenagers. For more info visit cym.com.au or contact Catholic Youth Ministry 9422 7912 | admin@cym.com.au

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Embrace the Grace Youth Conference 9-13 December

Embrace the Grace (ETG) is a must attend youth conference on 9-13 December in New Norcia for 16-30 year olds. At ETG you will explore faith and life’s greatest questions through dynamic talks, workshops, music, drama and prayer. There will also be a mini-Olympics plus a dinner dance. Be part of this not to be missed annual conference and register now at cym.com.au/embracethegrace For general enquires contact Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM): admin@cym.com.au or 9422 7912. If you would like to help with a donation toward sponsorship to assist a young person to attend, please contact CYM.



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news

eNewsCorpus Communications