e-News 19

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Our Students Perform On the Stage and in the Pool

Two very different events were held recently, the College production Guys and Dolls at the Octagon Theatre and the ACC A Division Swimming Carnival held at Challenge Stadium.

DSC_0878The cast, crew, musicians, staff, former students and parents involved in the production received many accolades following the high quality performances. This event was invaluable for the nearly 100 students involved in the production, memorable experiences they will carry with them into adulthood - very difficult to measure. I am proud of all involved and know that Head of Arts Mr James Dove, Mrs Kelsi Davis (Assistant Director), Musical Director Mr David Harries, assisted by Miss Shanice Palfrey and Miss Selena Meegan, and Choreographer Mrs Chanelle Spark, Costume Designer Mrs Katie-Anne Kennedy, Lighting and Sound Technician Mr Evan Georgopoulos, and Production Assistant Mrs Michelle Hunt are now gearing up for the next production in 2017, the last to be held in another venue off site. I am currently working on the final plans for the new Performing Arts Centre!

The ACC Swimming Carnival was also another wonderful opportunity, this time for our talented swimmers. According to Sports Coordinator Mr James Howard, our students were professional, courageous and impressive in their performance against elite opposition. Corpus was 4th in the overall aggregate shield, finishing ahead of St Mark s Anglican Community School and Kolbe Catholic College, just 26 points behind All Saints College.

On behalf of the College, I take this opportunity to congratulate the students involved in these events.

Official Opening of the Community Centre – Wednesday 11 May at 9.00am

All parents and friends are invited to the Official Opening of the Community Centre, which will be held as part of a whole school assembly in the David Heath Gymnasium commencing at 9.00am. Please save the date! (Please note: the David Heath Gymnasium is now a part of the new Community Centre).

Progress Report

All students will be issued with a Progress Report at the end of this term, providing parents with a summary of their child s progress to date. Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will follow on Thursday 5 May from 12.30pm until 7.30pm for all Year groups.

Uniform and Grooming Matters

With the commencement of Term Two, I know the majority of parents will have checked winter uniforms for sizing and will purchase items students have outgrown from the Uniform Shop. I would expect boys uniform items will be correctly sized and properly fitted. Students should also ensure their grooming standards (hair styles and colours) comply with the College Uniform Policy from the first day of term. We would prefer to start classes without having to spend time dealing with inappropriate skirt lengths, hair styles that are untidy, or boys who need to have their hair cut or styles changed.

We have already experienced a great deal of unseasonal warm weather in 2016. This year, the College is trialling a change to policy which will see the inclusion of a lead-in time in the wearing of the winter uniform. For the first two weeks of next term, students will be able to choose to wear either their full summer or full winter uniform (no mixing and matching). By Monday 9 May, all students will be in their full winter uniform.

Farewell to our Touring Groups – Space Tour to NASA USA; Humanities Tour to Canberra

There are two Educational Tours that will be undertaken during the holiday period.

The Space Camp to NASA in the USA is a wonderful opportunity for teachers Mrs Chanel Fenwick and Mrs Yvette Pearce, and the 13 students from Corpus Christi College who will be joined by a male teacher and 10 students from John XXIII College, from Friday 8 April until Sunday 24 April.

SpaceCamp_Logo_FinalDuring the five-night program, the students are immersed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, while focusing on college and career preparation. They undergo hands-on drills, as well as learn about the mental and physical demands for astronauts, engineers and technologists. Training on astronaut simulators, the buoyancy of water provides the environment for microgravity exercises, while the Multi-Axis Trainer and Gravity Trainer further challenge balance and movement. Students also experience the thrill of simulated space missions.

After attending the Advance Space Academy in Hunstville Alabama for five days, students will have the opportunity to tour the United Launch Alliance Rocket Factory in Decatur, visit the Kennedy Space Centre, Space Shuttle Atlantis, experience a Shuttle Launch Experience and have lunch with an Astronaut. A once in a lifetime experience, the students who attend will have a challenging and stimulating tour.

The second tour involves 31 Year 10 students who will be accompanied by teachers Mr Michael Rathmann, Mrs Lidia Di Giuseppe, Mr Adrian Richmond and Miss Victoria Carway on the Humanities Canberra Tour, from Tuesday 19 April until Monday 25 April.

During the tour, students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australian history, culture, heritage and democracy. They will start in Sydney, attending the Taronga Park Zoo and the Powerhouse Museum, then onto Canberra where they will experience the Australian War Memorial, The Australian Institute of Sport, Questacon, CSIRO Discovery, Parliament House, the National Museum, High Court of Australia, National Archives, National Capital Exhibition, National Dinosaur Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. As part of the experience, our tourists will also experience a Dawn Service as part of ANZAC Day in the nation s capital, in total, an exceptional educational tour for our students.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Humanities education. To assist Corpus Christi College students and their families in meeting the cost of the tour, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $260 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards these costs. This rebate is paid directly to the school upon the completion of the tour.

On behalf of the College, I am grateful to the staff who so willingly volunteer to accompany students on these tours during their holidays.

Farewells at the End of Term One

This week, we farewell long serving English teacher Mr Isaac Ramshaw, who commenced at Corpus Christi College in 2007 and leaves us after accepting a teaching position at Perth College. Mr Ramshaw has embraced a range of innovative teaching and learning initiatives in order to enhance student learning, and we are grateful for the work he has done as a former Coordinator of Christian Service, de Vialar House Coordinator and as an engaging English and Religious Education teacher. We also farewell and express our appreciation to Humanities teacher Mr Stuart Mackay and Mathematics teacher Mrs Diane Cakir who have replaced teachers on leave this term.

We wish those staff who are on leave from early next term all the best: Teaching Assistant Mrs Stephanie Marini, Mathematics teacher Mrs Jean Hein, Coordinator of Student Ministry Mr Simon Keane (from Week Two), and Payroll Officer Mrs Sue Palmer from Week Three.

To all parents, students and staff, please have a wonderful April holiday break and return after Anzac Day refreshed and ready for the challenges and opportunities that will form part of Term Two.

Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 7" accordion="accordion"]

Yvette Pearce
Head of Year 7

The end of term has quickly come upon us. The Year 7 s have had an extremely busy Term with many new adjustments to be made, new friendships entered into and new routines to develop. One of the amazing steps many have taken is the step into leadership. Wednesday 16 March saw the presentation of Student Leadership speeches and then the peer voting for House Representative positions. Wednesday 6 April will see the announcement of the Year 7 Student Leaders for 2016.

I congratulate the successful Student Leaders and commend all of the nominees for their willingness to serve others and for taking the step to stand up and be counted. The Year 7 s have successfully begun their transition into High School and I encourage them to keep questioning and challenging themselves to strive for their best. I wish all a Blessed and Happy holiday.


[accordion_item title="Corpus Care Bears" accordion="accordion"]

On Tuesday March 22 the Year 7 s gave of themselves in service to the College, spending two periods of their time to produce Corpus Care Bears for the community.

The Corpus Christi Care Bear program was created to put a smile on the faces of students and staff members who are going through a tough time. The students of Year 7 were asked to design a cute little costume for a bear to give to people who are in trouble and in need of sympathy. The Year 7 s decorated their bears in various ways and took a lot of time and effort into making the bear look cheerful, cute and special. Annalise Fernandez

The purpose of the Care Bear is to make someone feel better and to support them by giving them someone to talk to. Care Bears are supposed to be like a gift from God. The Care Bear is also a gift from the Corpus Christi College community. Dylan Siu

Anyone who would like to give a Corpus Care Bear to a community member is asked to contact either Mrs Bernadette Canny, Mrs Donna Chong or Mrs Yvette Pearce.

The Year 7 students, and assisting staff; Mrs Santaromita, Mrs Vicoli and Mrs Triscari are to be commended for all of their efforts to ensure that the College has a successful Care Bear program.



[accordion_item title="Year 7 Sadler Shivoo - Social Evening" accordion="accordion"]

The Year 7 Super Shivoo is one of the most anticipated and memorable highlights of the year and took place on Friday 1 April , in the Sadler Centre. The purpose of this event is to assist students in their transition to Middle School as they interact with their peers in a social atmosphere and establish new friendships.

Students were provided with dinner before commencing a variety of games which encouraged students to interact with others and develop new friendships. These activates were facilitated by the senior members of the Student Leadership Team.


[accordion_item title="Home Study Policy" accordion="accordion"]

As indicated in the College diary, Home study is seen as an integral part of the academic program of the College and has many benefits and purposes (Pages 24-25).

Home study is work given by the teacher to be completed by students in out of class time.

It may be given for a variety of reasons including:

  • to consolidate concepts presented in class
  • to work on and complete assignments
  • to revise for tests and exams
  • to undertake work such as reading and note taking in preparation for future lessons
  • to extend class work through further written, reading and practical work
  • to complete work commenced in class
  • to review and reflect on assessment tasks
  • to develop independent learning skills in students

Home study should:

  • reinforce knowledge and skills covered in class
  • develop skills which encourage students to work independently
  • be balanced across learning areas in order to avoid overload
  • be set in most subjects, on a regular basis
  • provide training for students in planning and organising time
  • establish habits of study, concentration and self-discipline and time-management
  • strengthen home-school links

The Role of Students

Students should:

  • Ensure that home study tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability
  • Be proactive and self-directed regarding home study
  • Establish an effective working environment that is conducive to study
  • Seek support at the College, from teachers or homework club as necessary
  • Organise home study and other personal commitments, so deadlines are met
  • Develop effective home study habits such as working for short, concentrated periods of time (20-40 minutes in length), interspersed with short (5-10 minute) breaks

The Role of Parents/Carers

Parents and carers are encouraged to support their child by:

  • taking an active interest in their son/daughter’s home study tasks
  • ensuring that there is time set aside for home study
  • encouraging and supporting students to complete home study tasks
  • providing, where possible, a dedicated place for home study to be completed
  • assisting teachers to monitor home study by signing completed work if requested and being aware of the home study set
  • communicating to teachers any questions/concerns about the nature of their son/daughter’s home study

Weekly time allocations by Learning Area:

YEAR 7 - 5 hours: 60 minutes 5 times per week

YEAR 8 - 6 hours 20 minutes: 75 minutes 5 times per week

YEAR 9 - 7 hours 30 minutes: 90 minutes 5 times per week

Students need to be able to organise and plan their time and therefore need to have sufficient notice of what is due and when it is due.

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HPE. The Arts and Technology and Enterprise, will allocate home study as required.


[accordion_item title="Progress Reports" accordion="accordion"]

At the end of the Term a Progress Report will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via SEQTA Engage and therefore will not be posted out. A letter will be emailed to all parents outlining how to access these reports once they have been uploaded. If you have changed your contact details, please let Student Services know immediately by contacting Miss Sara-Ann Low at slow@corpus.wa.edu.au



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 12 Retreat" accordion="accordion"]

The Year 12 Retreat experience will take part from Wednesday 27 April to Friday 29 April.

Many thanks to Mr Messer, Mr Keane and all staff involved, who are working towards making the retreat experience rich and rewarding for our students. If parents have queries regarding retreat please email Mr Messer smesser@corpus.wa.edu.au.


[accordion_item title="Progress Reports " accordion="accordion"]

This week Progress Reports will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via SEQTA-Engage and therefore will not be posted out. A letter will be emailed to all parents outlining how to access these reports once they have been uploaded. If you do not receive this letter, please contact Miss Sara-Ann Low at slow@corpus.wa.edu.au


[accordion_item title="Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews" accordion="accordion"]

Year 7 to 12: Thursday 5 May 12:30pm to 7:30pm (early closing day)

This is just reminder that information regarding these interviews will be emailed out to parents. The email will contain your username and pin and an attachment to the email will explain how to book appointments using the PTO system.


[accordion_item title="Term Assembly and Awards" accordion="accordion"]

At the College Assembly on Wednesday 6 April students across all year groups will be presented with Certificates of Outstanding Achievement and Certificates of Improved Achievement for Term One. A list of award winners will be published after the awards have been presented.

Wishing every family in the Corpus Christi College community a very safe and restful holiday break.

God Bless

Mr Ian Hagen
Deputy Principal Senior School



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

[accordion_item title="Senior School students wanting to study Medicine, Dentistry or Health Sciences" accordion="accordion"]

UMAT information session for Years 10, 11 and 12 students and parents.

We invite parents and students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are considering a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Health Sciences to attend an information session to find out more about the UMAT Test and undergraduate pathways to medicine and health programs. The UMAT is a prerequisite test to be completed before a student can apply to Medicine, Dentistry or Health Sciences undergraduate university course. The UMAT is held once a year.

Information session at the school, in Mayne Block Room M03, on Tuesday 26th April at 3:30pm.

NIE will present information on; undergraduate selection criteria, what is UMAT, when and who can sit the UMAT, what happens after I sit the UMAT and undergraduate medical interview process.

Rachel Burke
Careers Coordinator

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[accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College Annual Quiz Night" accordion="accordion"]



ARRIVE 7.00PM for a 7.30PM START



The theme of the evening will be BOOKS as the focus of the fundraising of the evening will be going towards refurbishments of the Library Resource Centre. Competition for best book-themed table and individual (author)






[accordion_item title="Students Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

CARLA DRENNAN - State Basketball Selection

Carla DrennanCarla Drennan (Year 10 de Vialar) has been selected to represent Western Australia as a member of the Under 18 Metro Womens State Basketball Team. The team will compete at the 2016 Under 18 Australian Junior Championships, to be held in Adelaide SA from 16 – 23 April 2016.

The opportunity to compete at an Australian Junior Championships level will provides athletes with an invaluable experience. On behalf of the College, we would like to congratulate Carla on her selection and achievements to date.

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OLIVIA NERI - State Track and Field Success

NeriCongratulations to Olivia Neri (Year 10 Merici) who recently achieved a Bronze Medal in the Long Jump at the State Track and Field Championships in March.

Based on her performance she has been selected to participate in the WA State Team for the International Little Athletics Competition to be held in Singapore in July 2016. Congratulations Olivia!


[accordion_item title="Year 10 Da Vinci Decathlon 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 2.58.27 pmOn Wednesday the 30th of April eight Year 10 students travelled to Wesley College to compete in the annual Da Vinci Decathlon. There were three different sessions during the day and in these sessions there were different challenges such as: Math, Science, Art and Poetry, Engineering, Creative Producers, Philosophy, English, Cartography, Code Breaking and General Knowledge.

We found these challenges fun, enticing and challenging. In our first session, we had the Science, Art and Poetry, Engineering and Creative Producers. We ended up achieving first in Creative Producers. In the second session we had Math, English and Philosophy. We were surprised at how challenging some of the questions in the booklets were, but we put our heads together and tackled the challenge the best we could. In the final and third sessions we had General Knowledge, Code breaking and Cartography. Throughout the day we faced difficulties but in the end we did well by tying in 7th with Wesley College.

Year 10 Da Vinci Decathlon Squad


[accordion_item title="Winter Uniform Reminder" accordion="accordion"]


For the first two weeks of Term Two there will be a transition period for Winter Uniform.

That is:

Week One and Week Two
Students may wear full Summer Uniform or full Winter Uniform (including blazer). Definitely NO mix and match.

Week Three
All students must wear full Winter Uniform (which includes the Blazer)


[accordion_item title="Individual Photo Day, Term 2" accordion="accordion"]

Monday 9 May is the Individual Photo Day at the College.

ALL students received their order form/envelopes in homeroom this week.

If you have more than one child at the College and would like a Family Portrait, these forms/envelopes are available for collection at the Front Reception by yourselves or your children.

PS: If your child does not receive an envelope tomorrow, spare envelopes can be collected at the front reception.

Corpus Communications


[accordion_item title="2016 Cambodia Immersion High Tea" accordion="accordion"]

You are cordially invited to a Mothers Day High Tea

Saturday 7 May 2016
2.00pm - 4.00pm (College Staffroom)

COST: $25.00 per head (6 per table)

(Includes a glass of sparkling wine on arrival, followed by a selection of beautiful nibbles and a variety of fresh tea)

Tickets are available online: https://www.trybooking.com/LCHF

All proceeds go to the: Year 10 Cambodia Immersion 2016



[accordion_item title="Uniform Shop Hours during holidays" accordion="accordion"]

Please note that during the April school holidays, the College Uniform Shop will have the following special opening hours:

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*Once an appointment has been booked, it cannot be cancelled via the booking website. If you have booked an appointment and can no longer attend, please contact me by email slow@corpus.wa.edu.au or by phone (6332 2505).


[accordion_item title="Entertainment Books" accordion="accordion"]



[accordion_item title="Archbishops LifeLink Launch" accordion="accordion"]

arch_001On Tuesday eight students from the Student Ministry Team from Years 8 to 11 attended the launch of the Archbishop s LifeLink appeal for Catholic Colleges. Some 250 students from Catholic Colleges were in attendance at Aranmore Catholic College to hear the Archbishop Timothy Costelloe speak about the reason we need to be aware of the needs of people in the city of Perth and beyond. Some of the agencies assisted through the funds raised through LifeLink are the Shopfront – a place were homeless and troubled people can drop in and receive a warm welcome and perhaps some food to keep them going. Another agency was the Emmaus Community which provides housing for people who are unable to live in a normal household because of mental health issues or illness resulting form an accident. Some of the individual stories from these people challenge us to be large-hearted people & people of compassion and mercy.

Following this, the Archbishop answered many personal questions such as how did you become a priest and what gives you the greatest enjoyment in your role as Archbishop?

Our students were inspired to take up some of his challenges next term.


[accordion_item title="Community Notices" accordion="accordion"]

Leeming Dental Therapy Centre

The centre will be closed for the April School Holidays.
In a DENTAL EMERGENCY please phone the following clinics:

Monday 11th April to Friday 15th April, 8am to 4pm, please phone Caralee DTC on : 9337 6818

Monday 18th April to Friday 22nd April, 8am to 4pm, please phone Beaconsfield DTC on : 9335 8758

For afterhours Emergencies please phone : 9325 3452

We will re-open Tuesday 26th April at 8:15am.

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April School holiday Sailing Courses

At the South of Perth Yacht Club Sailing Academy, staff are keen to promote healthy outdoor recreational activities to keep children to be active over the April school holiday period. The Academy offers a range of educational sailing courses to suit children between the ages of 7 to 16 years.

The Academy is running two Trackers 1 courses during the April School Holidays for children interested in learning to sail.

This after school programme runs at a significantly reduced rate and has already been successful in encouraging children to get active and enjoy the outdoor environment.

Please click HERE for more information.

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All the best news from around the Archdiocese of Perth Edition #76 available at the link below:

THE RECORD Edition 76

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Phoenix Knights Junior Soccer Club

An exciting opportunity exists for you to join the Phoenix Knights Junior Soccer Club, Under 15s team. We currently have a few spots available and looking for players to add to our squad. No soccer experience is necessary but if you have played for a club or for your school before that would certainly help Boys in Year 8,9 or 10 with birth dates between 1/1/2001 to 1/1/2003 are eligible as are girls in Years 9,10 or 11 with birth dates between 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2002. We have a great team and play in South Division 1. Training occurs every Tuesday and Thursday nights at Len Packham Reserve in Coolbellup from 4:45 to 6pm. Fees are low compared to other clubs and the Cockburn Council offers fee reductions for eligible players. To register your interest or for more information, please call Joel Woods, U/15s coach on 0407107684

Regards – Joel Woods
Phoenix Knights Junior Soccer Club
U/15s coach

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Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 1.59.58 pmSacred Fig Yoga and Retreats are doing a promotion and are offering fundraising organisations the possibility of raising funds with an exciting difference – Bumper Bar Stickers with an excellent twist! Your organisation has the opportunity to make a 37.5% profit on your outlay for your efforts plus the chance to win amazing Wellness Retreats with us both for the people who buy the stickers plus the organizations selling them. There will also be a cash prize for the organisation who sells the most stickers. Please find detailed information attached. We will also offer Tips on successful fundraising should this be required.

If you would like to be involved - and you should - this is an incredible healthy, relaxing and fun way to raise funds for your organization. Please contact me either by email or phone. I look forward to working with you and your organisation.

Rhonda Kauiers
36 Bayview Street
Mount Tarcoola
Western Australia 6530



One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news