e-News 18

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Careers Support at Corpus Christi College

Mrs Rachel Burke has recently commenced her role as our Careers Coordinator. With an English and Humanities teaching background, starting her career in 2009 at Moranbah State High School in Queensland, Rachel completed a Master of Education specialising in Guidance, Counselling and Career Development in 2012, before venturing to WA in 2013.

Mrs Burke has experienced working with young people in both education and social work settings in regional and metropolitan areas of Queensland and WA, most recently working for Uniting Care with a Women s Refuge. Rachel will be located in Mayne Block with Head of VET and Transition Services Mrs Kathleen Davey, and Workplace Learning Coordinator Mrs Terri Seers.

Students and parents, particularly those in the Senior School, are encouraged to make an appointment with Mrs Burke to discuss their career and study goals.

Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)

The importance of the WACE Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment which is being conducted at the College this week for many of our Year 10 students, as well as some Year 11 students who have not yet achieved the literacy and/or numeracy standard for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), cannot be underestimated. A small group of students from the College who achieved the standard in their NAPLAN tests last year will not be required to sit the OLNA this week.

The OLNA declaration form the Principal signs, ensures schools are aware of their responsibility in the delivery and management of the OLNA, which will enable many students to meet the literacy and/or numeracy requirement of the WACE. The OLNA results will be matched to Year 12 results this year, forming one part of the new League Tables that will be produced. Any student who does not achieve the necessary standard before they graduate from Corpus Christi College will not achieve their WACE.

Students who struggle to achieve this standard are provided with small group assistance by teachers to support them individually, even up to Year 12, if necessary. The College is well known for the intensive literacy and numeracy support we provide our students across all Years. I acknowledge the Learning Centre, Mathematics and English teachers who have been part of the Learning Support Program at the College.

ACC A Division Swim Team

The annual Swim Camp held last weekend, was based at Fairbridge Farm following the Inter-House Swimming Carnival which was held late in February. Mrs Kelly Wearing s Merici House just pipped Pallotti House to win this event. Age level presentations were made last week at the first Whole School Assembly in the David Heath Gymnasium, which is now located in the Corpus Christi College Community Centre. Names of Swimming Champions and Runners Up are listed at the end of my e-News article.

The Swim Camp is a terrific opportunity for Sports Coordinator Mr James Howard to work with the senior students in mentoring the junior competitors, another induction into the College.

On behalf of the College I would like to wish Swim Captains Katie McFarlane and Trent Weir, and the ACC Swim team all the very best, as they perform for their College at Challenge Stadium on Wednesday 23 March 2016.

College Musical Production

The Performing Arts department with a cast, crew and musicians involving more than 70 students, 19 crew members and nine band members under the direction of Mr James Dove, will be performing the musical Guys and Dolls. Performances will be held this weekend on Friday and Saturday nights, along with a matinee on Saturday afternoon, at the Octagon Theatre at the University of Western Australia. All those involved have spent many hours rehearsing, namely musicians, singers, dancers, as well as actors and students back stage or front of stage. I would like to particularly thank the staff who have been part of the majority of the rehearsals: Mrs Kelsi Davis (Assistant Director), Musical Director Mr David Harries, assisted by Miss Shanice Palfrey and Miss Selena Meegan, Choreographer Mrs Chanelle Spark, Costume Designer Mrs Katie-Anne Kennedy, Lighting and Sound Technician Mr Evan Georgopoulos, and Production Assistant Mrs Michelle Hunt.

Please click HERE for further details on the students who are involved, as well as reminders on how to purchase tickets.

On behalf of Corpus Christi College, I would like to wish all those involved in the production all the best.

Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne


One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Application, Attitude and Action in the Middle Years" accordion="accordion"]

Mr Frank Italiano
Deputy Principal Middle School

Term one is well and truly underway with the College Academic program in full swing. From Year 7 to Year 9, the necessary curriculum structures have been put in place and are now being implemented. There are a number of very simple, but important messages that need to be highlighted for the start of Term One.


It is really important that students take every opportunity to perform to the best of their ability in every aspect of College life. Be it in the classroom or on the playing field, it is always important to be consistently giving your best. Being well prepared and trying to always perform to capacity is the only way to ensure a really solid foundation to support future activities. Organisation for class, participation in-class and completion of assigned tasks should never be an afterthought, but the main focus of a school day.

 Being positive in everything we do and say is an expectation. The way we interact with other students and teachers should always be in a way that we ourselves would like to be treated. As students in a secondary school environment, there is a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of others through personal actions and words. The focus should be on cooperation with others and not focusing too much on personal gain. 

 I am amazed at the unbelievable number of opportunities available to our students during the school day and after school. To mention a few these opportunities such as the Inter-House Swimming Carnival, the current House netball competition, the Youth Group on Friday afternoons, the Public Speaking Group and the Homework Club in the Library, gives you an idea of what is available. Students need to take some action to attend, join and participate, so that the Corpus Christi experience can be very worthwhile.


[accordion_item title="Uniform and Grooming" accordion="accordion"]

Parents are asked to ensure that their son’s/daughter’s uniform and grooming standards meet the College guidelines. Hair styles, make-up, care of shoes and jewellery, make-up should be the areas of focus. The school rules on these issues are available in the College Diary.


[accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College – We are eSmart" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 10.38.22 amWe are an eSmart school.

Since we first registered with the program, we have introduced many new policies and activities to improve the way our school manages cybersafety, bullying and cyberbullying.

We feel confident our students, staff and the wider school community are well supported to be smart, safe and responsible users of digital technology.

We encourage everyone in the school community to uphold and promote eSmart behaviours, at school and at home. If you are aware of any incidents of bullying, cyberbullying or risky online behaviour, please report them on Corpus Concerns. Further details are found HERE


[accordion_item title="THE RITE Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony " accordion="accordion"]

THE RITE Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony was held on Thursday 10 March, starting at 5.00pm at Piney Lakes Reserve, Murdoch Drive.

During this symbolic ceremony, students were ‘called on their journey’ and received the Blessing of their parents as they departed into beginning adulthood. The evening involved students, parents and The Rite Journey teachers.

At the start, parents and students met at Piney Lakes Reserve. Everyone then proceeded to the Ceremony site.


For the “Calling Ceremony”, the students and their parents took in the surrounding environment while reflecting on their childhood. The students were then asked to acknowledge their childhood and accept the challenge of the journey ahead.

The Liturgy involved the blessing of the program, students, parents and teachers.

For the concluding Departure Ceremony, students moved into class groups. Parents gave their blessing and support for their child to depart on their journey and the students joined their Rite Journey teachers.

A big thank you to Ms Larsen and teachers for their planning of the ceremony.


[accordion_item title="Student Success" accordion="accordion"]

Julyan Tan

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Julyan Tan in Year 9 has received scholarship funds from The Young Australia League (YAL), Australia s oldest youth organisation. YAL has recently launched scholarship opportunities which are broad in their focus and intended to break down financial or situational barriers which could otherwise stop young people from reaching their full potential.

On March 22, Julyan will formally acknowledged as a scholarship recipientsin the presence of The Chief Justice of Western Australia and the Education Minister.

The scholarship website address is www.yalscholarships.org.au and the next round of scholarships open August 1 if you are interested in finding out more.

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Ethan Hill

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As a part of Tennis Excellence and representing Blue Gum Tennis Club, Ethan Hill from Year 9 has done very well. He participated in the Esperance Open Tennis Tournament and in his age group of Under 14’s, he made the final of the singles after taking out the tournaments number 1 seed in the semi-final.

He lost to the number 2 seed in a very close final so was runner up. In the Under 14 s doubles, Ethan and his doubles partner won the title. He continues to also represent the College throughout the year.

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Luke Waller

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 10.57.29 amFor the second year in a row, Year 8 student Luke Waller is the highest fundraiser (and only child in top 10) in Australia for Februdarey-raising money for Cerebral Palsy. Luke thanks everyone who has supported him in his fundraising.

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[accordion_item title="Leeuwin Lines - voyages, scholarships and 30th anniversary events" accordion="accordion"]

Voyage Update

We are calling all high school students who are interested in joining the adventure during the April school holidays, from 9 to 16 April. We still have a few spots available for this voyage. Call us today if you’re interested and ask us about our scholarship opportunities!

Here’s a quick snapshot of the voyages that still have places available:

  • 9-16 April, Fremantle to Fremantle (1607, in the school holidays)
  • 21-28 April, Fremantle to Monkey Mia (1608)
  • 6-14 June, Monkey Mia to Fremantle (1609)
  • 18-24 June, Fremantle to Fremantle (1610)

  • For the voyages to and from Monkey Mia we are offering a courtesy bus service, at a small fee, for participants. You will find more information about upcoming voyages here.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Excelsis Club 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    Mr Ian Hagen
    Deputy Principal Senior School

    At the College Assembly on Wednesday March 9 the members of the Excelsis Club for 2016 were presented with their badges. Congratulations go to the following students;

    Year 11
    Cameron Cantwell
    Annika Clarke
    Dimitrie Damos
    Alexander Di Rosso
    Mitchell Garland
    Phoebe Holmes
    Lila Rodari
    Stephen Thornett

    Year 12
    Matthew Bailey
    Lachlan Clark
    Alison Cook
    Elana Di Giuseppe
    Thomasina Foo
    Thomas Glyde
    Victoria Hebbs
    Madison Holling
    Jessica Ly
    Anita Lynch
    Joseph McKenna
    Cassie Rauh
    Samuel Wong



    [accordion_item title="Progress Reports" accordion="accordion"]

    At the end of the term a Progress Report will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via SEQTA Engage and therefore will not be posted out. A letter will be emailed to all parents outlining how to access these reports once they have been uploaded. If you have changed your contact details, please let Student Services know immediately by contacting Miss Sara-Ann Low at slow@corpus.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Endorsed Programs and WACE" accordion="accordion"]

    Students in Years 10-12 are able to use a variety of endorsed programs to gain credit towards achieving their WACE (West Australian Certificate of Education). A number of students complete endorsed programs through certain courses or pathways at Corpus Christi. Naturally we register these students so they gain the extra credit they are entitled to.

    Each year, a number of students undertake endorsed programs through their own extra curricular activities, such as Leeuwin, Cadets and many others. A full list of endorsed programs is available on the School Curriculum & Standards Authority (SCSA) website http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/Endorsed_Programs or in the brochure at the link below. If any student has completed an endorsed program already in 2016, they are invited to bring their documentation indicating their completion of the program to Student Services so the College can register their achievement with SCSA.

    Please note that credit can only be gained for Endorsed Programs completed in the current calendar year.




    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="National Youth Science Forum" accordion="accordion"]


    Please click on this link to investigate a wonderful opportunity available in January 2017,



    [accordion_item title="Student Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

    Jennifer Delpup

    DelpupJennifer Delpup (12 SALVADO) has been selected to compete at the Australian Junior Athletic Championships to be held in Perth this month. She is very excited and so proud to represent her State again. Congratulations Jennifer!

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    Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent WA in the 2016 State Triathlon Team, competing in Hervey Bay from 18 to 21 April, 2016.

  • Matthew Wesley
  • Aleisha Wesley
  • Brooke McCoy
  • Taylor Kroyer
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    Hannah Harrison

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    Congratulations to Hannah Harrison who recently competed in the Hollywood Bound National Dance Championships in Melbourne and earned FIRST PLACE for her HipHop Duo and 3rd place for her HipHop Solo in a most competitive section.

    Congratulations Hannah!


    [accordion_item title="CORPUS ONLINE - OUR COLLEGE IN VIDEO" accordion="accordion"]

    CORPUS ONLINE is a marketing initiative of the College where we showcase the diversity the College and what it has to offer in monthly feature videos. The College website has been designed as an interactive space so that the online community can get a real sense of what the school is about.

    Keep checking this page each month and share it with family and friends.Link below.



    [accordion_item title="LIBIT - Library and Information Technology" accordion="accordion"]

    Connecting learners to the world…

    The College library is a dynamic centre of inquiry, discovery, imagination and creativity supporting and enriching all aspects of College life. We welcome students and staff in all years to make use of all the wonderful resources available through the library - books, online reference databases, Overdrive eBooks and more!

    The cultivation of information literacy skills and critical thinking processes enable students to negotiate the challenges and embrace the opportunities of an increasingly complex and interconnected world.




    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news