Class of 2021 Results


We wish our Class of 2021 congratulations on all they have achieved, not only academically but also in the co-curricular activities and service-learning opportunities they have undertaken.

We commend our graduates on their adaptability, resilience and determination to achieve their personal best in another year filled with its own challenges.

We have no doubt that they will be able to now continue on, making a positive contribution to the wider community, empowered by the knowledge and experiences encountered as part of a holistic education.

Know that we are proud of you all and wish you all the best for the exciting journey that lies ahead.

Highest ATAR

Kathryn Tan 99.7

SCSA Awards

General Exhibition

Schutte, Megan

Nigli, Leah

Subject Exhibition: French: Second Language

Chong, Victoria Ann

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Dance

Maurogiovanni, Giorgia

Subject Certificate of Excellence: French: Second Language

Chong, Victoria Ann

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Human Biology

Soliman, Tobel

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Applications

Chong, Victoria Ann

Nigli, Leah

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Religion and Life

Schutte, Megan

VET Certificate of Excellence: Automotive, Engineering and Logistics

Tarzia, Cohen

Certificate of Distinction

Cakir, Christopher

Chong, Victoria Ann

Coten, Max

Erkes, Thomas

Kabondo, Mwenya

La Rosa, Antoni

Lai, Llenell

Malan, Alira

Morgan, Ashley

Murray, Isabella

Nigli, Leah

Romeo, Adriana

Schutte, Megan

Singh, Sanjeev Kabir

Symons, Jacinta

Tan, Kathryn

Van Der Linden, Josee

Van Der Linden, Kayla

Waddy, Ella

Wehr, Charley

Certificate of Merit

Andritsos, Sienna

Connolly, Sophia

D'Aurizio, Jacob

Davies, Dominic

Dellaca, Olivia

Diaz, Joseph

Harvey, Lochlen

Hodgson, Amelia

Lau, Eric

Low, Alexis

Martins, Natalie

Patching, Jade

Pham, Thi Mai Anh

Rees, Shannon

Rodari, Marius

Rondon Munoz, Viviana

Rose, Jennifer

Soliman, Tobel

Tavani, Angeline

Taylor, Chelsea

Thomson, Anna

Want, Tiarnan

Whitney, Madison

Zollner, Charlotte

Corpus Communications