E-News 1 June 2021
The Feast of Corpus Christi
On the second Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi, which is Latin for “the body of Christ”.
This feast day commemorates the Eucharist, the meal in which we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is at the heart of our Catholic faith and traditionally, holds a special place among the sacraments. This feast is obviously very important for our College, and as one community we share the Eucharist at our Mass on Corpus Christi Day this Friday.
Corpus Christi Day wouldn’t be possible without a lot of work behind the scenes – teachers, Heads of Year, House Coordinators, Administrative staff undertaking a myriad of tasks. We are looking forward to a wonderful day showing exceptional school spirit.
200 years of Catholic Education National Eucharist celebration
On Monday 24 May, Deputy Principal Ministry Gemma Wooltorton and I were accompanied by students Sydney Sudiarko and Jezlyn Tribbeck to the National Mass for Catholic Education at St Mary’s Cathedral.
This year we not only celebrate 50 Years Together as the CEWA system, but also commemorate the rich 200-year history of Catholic education in Australia with students and colleagues at Catholic schools and education offices across the nation.
The National Mass commemorating the bicentenary was held on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians at cathedrals and parish churches across all states, territories and dioceses.
Year 11 Examinations
Best wishes to our students in Year 11 with examinations commencing this week. This is a wonderful opportunity to produce the good work that results from a concerted effort since the beginning of the year.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Camp
The Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance. The Award is a fully inclusive program and has no social, political, or religious affiliations.
Teachers Noel Patterson, Linda Kenton and Maighread Nidheasuna escorted a group of students on a camp last weekend. Thank you to Noel for having the passion to initiate and make possible the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program at Corpus Christi College. The components of the program fit very comfortably within our Vision for Learning and the College Learner Profile.
Cancer Council WA – Thank You Corpus
The College received this acknowledgement from the Cancer Council on a job well done at the recent Relay for Life Perth event. Students and families are to be applauded for their effort to raise so much money to support this worthwhile cause.
ACC Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to all of the students who have been dedicated in their preparation for the ACC Cross Country this year. Corpus was 7th overall, with some strong performances from some individual students. Thank you to all our staff involved, especially Teachers Reno Sinagra, Tessa Johnson, Michael Royall and the Health and Physical Learning Area.
Chess Club News
The WA Chess Association held the Southern Zone Chess Finals here at Corpus on Sunday 30 May. Thank you to teacher Suzy Lazarov for providing the weekly Chess Club opportunities for our students. We are pleased to announce that Corpus students placed third in the tournament, well done.
Fan the Flame Prayer Campaign
Sunday 23 May was the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost is about mission, and the goal of mission is that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” Pentecost reminds us that Christ’s Church is about spreading the knowledge of God to all the nations, beginning here in our own “Jerusalem”. We are invited at this time to refresh our commitment to the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, keeping in mind that “the love of God calls all Catholics to renew our commitment to share God’s mission in our time and place, reaching out to all people.” (Instrumentum Laboris 23.i)
Pentecost 2021 marks the third anniversary of the beginning of this journey of faith for the people of Australia.
Due to COVID-19, the first Plenary Council assembly has been moved to October 2021, and will now be conducted in a multi-modal format across Australia, combining online and face-to-face aspects, with the second assembly being held July 2022 in Sydney.
‘Listen to What the Spirit is Saying’ is the theme of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia.
‘Continuing the journey of Discernment toward the Plenary Council’ initiated the process of discerning what will be the main areas discussed at the Council assembly. The working paper (Instrumentum Laboris) called: ‘Continuing the Journey’ evolved from the consultation phase of the process and will be a significant part of further discernment during the assembly of members during October 2021.
“Fan the Flame” is a prayer and reflection resource package that could be used in a number of settings in parishes, schools, universities, hospitals and aged care facilities to name a few.
The material is designed in such a way that it can be adjusted to suit your environment. There are a few suggestions in the outline of the material below as to how this could be done. Let us pray as we walk together the journey of the Plenary Council toward the October 2021 Assembly and beyond. www.plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au/fantheflame/
The annual NAPLAN assessments were held from 11–21 May for over a million students across Australia.
The data from this year’s NAPLAN assessment is going to be particularly important as it is the first test to take place in two years – NAPLAN was not conducted in 2020 due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. This year, 70 per cent of schools participated in NAPLAN Online, in preparation for a full transition to NAPLAN Online in 2022.
Read ACARA’s media release about NAPLAN testing.
COVID-19 Update
Following updated health advice related to the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria, Western Australia (WA) has strengthened its border controls to reduce the risk of the virus entering the WA community.
Effective from 10am, Thursday, 27 May 2021, Victoria transitioned from a “very low risk” State to a “medium risk” state under Western Australia’s controlled interstate border.
Controlled interstate border arrangements
Travellers who have arrived from Victoria between Sunday, May 16, 2021 and 10am yesterday (Thursday, 27 May 2021) will be required to:
undertake a COVID-19 test within 48 hours and self-quarantine until they receive a negative result;
wear a mask when presenting for testing;
check the list of Victorian exposure sites in Victoria. If travellers have visited any of these sites during dates/times specified, they must present for testing immediately and self-quarantine for 14 days from their date of exposure. These people are also required to present for a COVID-19 test on days two and 11 of their 14-day self-quarantine period.
It is important to note that people who have encountered a traveller who has recently arrived from Victoria are not required to self-quarantine and a COVID-19 test is only required if they develop symptoms.
All other states and territories are currently considered “very low risk”. Travellers must complete a G2G Pass declaration prior to entry, but do not have to self-quarantine unless instructed to by personnel from the Department of Health, WA.
Close contacts of a person in self-quarantine
In line with current Health advice, close contacts of a person in self-quarantine (due to testing for COVID-19 or travel) are still able to attend work or school.
National Reconciliation Week
View introduction: https://youtu.be/ZMhfKLiC5Rk
Reconciliation takes action… a powerful message to ponder during National Reconciliation Week. Reconciliation is so much more than just a word and requires a movement towards a just, equitable and reconciled country.
A simple, yet essential action is to ensure that we acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we work, play and live on. Acknowledging Country shows you accept and understand that no matter where you are across the nation, you are on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands.
At Corpus Christi College, we include an ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ at the beginning of each Assembly and key event, as we are proud that our College is situated on Whadjuk land. Whilst we know there is much to be done, we are on the journey with a determination to ensure that the wrongs of the past are not perpetuated in the future and that our students are developing a cultural competence.
What are we doing across the College?
Supporting staff capacity through cultural competence professional learning
Incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and histories into the curriculum
Flying the Aboriginal flag at the front of the College
Showcasing Aboriginal artwork around the College
Thank you
Frank Italiano
In case you missed it...
Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:
Uniform and Grooming Reminder
As we continue into the second half of the term, it is a great time to remind ourselves of the requirements surrounding the College uniform and grooming policy. Check out these images for few key points to keep in mind.
It is important to be looking our best and adhering to the policy at all times, including before and after school!
You can find further details in the College diary on pages A18-20, or via the College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/policies
ACC Cross Country
Our athletes had a great day at the ACC Cross Country Carnival last Thursday! The vibe amongst the team was positive all day and it was great to see our older students supporting our younger ones.
With 76 competing schools, we are pleased to share that Corpus Christi achieved 7th place in the Overall Aggregate Shield!
Congratulations to all of our runners for their efforts and sportspersonship and a special mention goes to the below stand-out performances on the day:
Darren Fernandez: 1st in the U16 Boys Race and the 2nd best time overall
David Smith: 2nd in the Open Boys Race and the 5th best time overall
Max Buiks: 2nd in the U13 Boys Race
Flynn James: 7th in the U15 Boys race
5th place in the Overall Boys Shield
Kayla Van der Linden, Carly Pizzuto, Ashton Nichols and Lachlan Angelatos finished in the top 20 for the Open Girls and Under 13 Boys races respectively
Carly Pizzuto and Cade Ravlich (Team Captains) for their leadership on the day
For a breakdown of results, visit https://bit.ly/2Sy08vN
To see the photos from the day please click here
Thank you to all involved for making the day possible
Student Success
Congratulations to Cooper who was recently selected to represent WA in the State U15 AFL Team and to Riley who was selected as a train on for the team!
We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:
Languages Club
The focus for Languages Club in Week 6 was Italy! Students baked and enjoyed Biscotti, learning new vocabulary and expressions whilst exploring the traditions and customs surrounding ordering foods and drinks in Italian cafés.
Here are some of the students’ comments about the session below.
It was my first time coming to Languages club this week and I had a complete blast. In the session we learnt all about Italian biscuits and coffee. I learnt lots of new Italian words and I also learnt a secret family recipe to make delicious Italian biscuits. We got the opportunity to cook these biscuits in groups with our friends while we followed instructions from Prof T. I would 100% recommend Languages club because it is so fun to do with some of your friends to finish your day on a positive and fun note. I also loved being able to cook some food and being able to eat it at the end.
- Layla Newman, Year 8
Languages Club is an afterschool club every fortnight on Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30pm. In this session, we learnt about Italian Culture and how to make Biscotti alle Mandorle. We also learnt about how Italians make and order coffee. We really enjoyed working together as a team to make the biscotti and learning about the similarities and differences between Italians and the rest of the world. We would definitely recommend coming to Languages club because it is a great experience and so much fun!
- Jessica Aulfrey, Chelsea Ernst and Kiara O’Leary, Year 8
Linda MacDonald
Head of Languages
Enrolments & Withdrawls
Year 7 2022, 2023 & 2024 - Enrolments Open
If you have a child currently in Year 4, 5 or 6 and are hoping for your child to attend the College in Year 7 2022, 2023 or 2024, please ensure an application has been lodged with the College.
Application fees are $100 per family, therefore there is no fee required for a sibling application.
If you wish to apply, please submit an online application: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/enrolments
For queries, please contact Manager of Marketing and Enrolments (Alex Carcione) via email on: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
Withdrawing Information
A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.
If your child will not be returning for Term 2, please email the College as soon as possible to notify us of withdrawal: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
Public Speaking Night
We warmly welcome you to join us for the annual Corpus Christi College Public Speaking Competition. This evening is an opportunity for our Public Speakers to showcase their skills in an atmosphere of friendly competition.
It is expected that all students who were involved in this activity this semester will participate in this evening. Full winter uniform for competitors is required.
Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Time: 6.50 for a 7.00pm start until approximately 9.00pm
Where: Sadler Centre
A light supper will be provided. For catering purposes, please RSVP the number of guests attending no later than 15th June using the link here.
Music Night - Tickets on sale now!
Join us on Wednesday 30 June as a number of our talented music students showcase their musical talents. It will be a great night featuring a wide variety of instruments and musical styles.
Doors open at 6pm. The performance begins at 6.30pm.
To book tickets, please visit: www.trybooking.com/BRRWR
Inter-house Play Competition
Inter-house play is back for 2021!
This competition for house points will have rehearsals beginning in Week 8 and will perform in Week 5 of Term 3.
Rehearsals will take place from 3:30 - 4:30 on Wednesday afternoons each week leading up to the performance. We would like to encourage everyone to come down and give the competition a go, even if they don’t want to act, as we have roles available in directing, set/costume/prop design, stage management and lighting! There is truly something for everyone at the Inter-house play.
Full details will be revealed at the first rehearsal... so get your teams together for next Wednesday and be prepared for what’s to come!
Middle School Homeroom Challenge has Begun!
In Extended Homeroom Week 5, this was launched to challenge you and your homeroom to collect as many donations as you. You will find labelled donation bins in the following areas:
Year 7
Sadler Stage - Socks
Year 8
TCC Breakout Area - Toiletries
Year 9
Bottom of the Upper Room - Beanies, Gloves, Scarfs
The Homeroom Challenge finishes this Friday, so bring in as many as you can!
May the most amount of donations win!!!!
Do not forget to have your booklet signed by your Homeroom Teacher for donations given.
“Reflection provides a way for you to synthesize what you have observed from your service activity and connect the new knowledge with the formal knowledge obtained by attending a Catholic School. Reflection can promote interpersonal communication, problem solving skills, self-awareness, a sense of civic responsibility and a sense of belonging.”
Cooking for St Patricks Community Centre
Our Year 10 and 11 students have been busy cooking up a storm for the clients at St Patricks in Fremantle. Each week, we have 10-12 students cooking sweet and savoury dishes that are donated to the centre. The clients and the volunteers are very thankfulu for these cooked meals!
Record of Service Sheet
For any Corpus run event, students will need to collect a Record of Service Sheet from the Upper Room and have it signed by the supervising/organising person of the event. This sheet will then need to be handed back to the Upper Room for it to count, with the reflection completed. The following forms are available from the Upper Room now:
Project Compassion Launch (musicians)
Community Mass (musicians and dancers)
Memorial Service for Mrs Payne
Yidarra Welcome Night
Yidarra Tough Mother Event
Card Making on a Tuesday afternoon
Cooking on a Thursday afternoon
Relay for Life
If you volunteered for the Chair movement from the beginning of Term 1, please bring your FIA Booklet to Ms Thomas for signing!
Over the upcoming Long Weekend, continue to have a conversation with your child about their progression with Faith in Action Hours. Could they do something in their local neighbourhood to help those most in need to complete their hours.
Some important Due Dates for Senior School students to remember:
Year 11 Thursday 19th August
Year 10 Friday 16th October
Year 10 Examinations
Students in Year 10 have received an individualised email with their Semester One Examination timetable. The complete Examination timetable and the conditions/procedures for your upcoming Examinations are also on the Year 10 Portal.
The Examination period runs from Monday 14th June to Friday 18th June. Each Examination will be either 1.5 or 2 hours in duration plus 10 minutes reading time. The morning Examinations commence at 8.30am and the second Examination session commences at 11.30am. All students are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to their Examination. All Year 10 Examinations will be held in the James Nestor Centre
All students are only required to attend the College for their scheduled Examinations.
On the days/times when students don’t have an Examination they are permitted to stay home and study.
If students have a morning Examination and wish to remain at school for the remainder of the day to study then they will be able to study in the library. If they have an Examination later in the day, they can study in the library prior to this.
Assessment Free Days
Wednesday 9th June, Thursday 10th June and and Friday 11th June are Assessment Free Days. These will be structured revision days. All Year 10 students are expected to attend school on these days.
Students on a General Pathway
There are no General exams for Religion, English, Maths, Humanities and Science. Students in general English, Humanities, Science, Religion and Maths C are only required to be here during the exam period if they have an exam in another course, for example Psychology.
No formal classes will be occurring during the exam period, however, students can work quietly in the library to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work. This is a good time for students to do a work experience placement. Year 10 students on a General pathway have been advised to speak to Mrs Martin as soon as possible if they are interested in doing this.
Speaking Out Survey 2021
On Monday 31st May, Corpus Christi College participated in the Speaking Out Survey 2021 (SOS21), the most comprehensive survey of children and young people’s views to be undertaken in Western Australia (WA). The Speaking Out Survey is the only representative study of the wellbeing of children and young people across WA and has provided “valuable insight on the experiences and perceptions of Western Australian children and young people.
A confidential report outlining the results for the students at Corpus Christi College will be provided at the end of June. The results will help to outline the College’s future pastoral programme.
Overall findings from the Speaking Out Survey will be published in a summary report that highlights the views of WA children and young people on issues that are critical to their wellbeing.
Student Declaration and Permission online
The following students are required to complete the Student Declaration and Permission online:
All Year 12 students
Year 11 students who are studying ATAR Units 3 and 4 and sitting the 2021 ATAR course examinations
Students are requested to complete this process online by Wednesday 16th June.
Student Declaration
All categories of students as listed above will need to declare that they are aware of the requirements to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and for sitting the ATAR course examination. Please refer to the Year 12 Information Handbook available on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/year-12-information.
Prior to ticking the declaration box for online submission, one of the requirements, is that your child has discussed their permission responses with you. Please refer to the link above for this information.
Student Permission
All students, as listed above, will be asked to give permission for the following:
(a) Release of their name should they win an award
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority award winners are published in the media and on the Authority’s website, if permission to do so, has been given by the student.
(b) Use of school work for creating support materials
The Authority is seeking permission for the use of the school work produced during 2020, e.g. assignments, projects, portfolios, test, school-based exam responses.
(c) Use of examination responses (written and practical)
The Authority is seeking permission for the use of:
ATAR course written and practical examination responses (copyright owned by the student); and
images and sound recordings of the student in photographs, audio recordings and audio visual recordings that are made during the ATAR course practical examinations (copyright owned by the State of Western Australia).
Your child will be encouraged by the school to discuss each of the above questions with you, prior to completing the Student Declaration and Permission online. If your child is under 18 years of age, and has not discussed their responses with you, they will not be able to proceed further with their submission. This procedure ensures that your child cannot complete the Student Declaration and Permission unless they click on ‘Yes’ to the condition ‘I have discussed my responses to the above questions with my parents/guardians’.
Please note: Students will be required to complete the Student Declaration and Permission when they log in to the student portal before they can gain access to other important information, such as their course enrolments, examination timetable/s and results.
Further information on Student Declaration and Permission is available on the Authority’s website via link https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/the-wace/student-declaration
Year 11 Course Enrolments
Please note that the deadline for enrolling in year-long Year 11 ATAR and General courses is Monday 28th June. If Year 11 students would like to enrol in a new course they need to email Mr Ramsey – james.ramsey@cewa.edu.au prior to this date.
James Ramsey
Deputy Principal Senior School
Junior Boys Basketball - Runners Up!
On Tuesday 25th May the Corpus Christi College Junior Boys Basketball team played off in ACC Champions Schools Grand Final against Kingsway Christian College out at Warwick Stadium.
The following boys are to be commended on another outstanding season going through undefeated until the final game.
Zac Zammitt
Rod Mangoba
Beau Carr
Jordan Ritchie
Hayden Piper
Hudson Pivac
Riley Duckworth
Jake Clark
Aiden Boland
Tyson Enriquez
After winning the competition in 2020, the boys left nothing behind in their defense of the title in 2021 unfortunately going down by 21 points after being overrun in the final term in a competitive, tactical and highly skilled game basketball against a very strong Kingsway team.
With the Senior Boys and Senior Girls teams both making if through to the Quarter Finals in 2021, Corpus basketball is in a strong position to continue to compete for titles in the coming years.
Congratulations to the Junior Boys for their hard work throughout the very long season and I look forward to working with them all again next year in an attempt to regain the cup.
Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School
Alumni - call out for stories and announcements
We are currently compiling our ‘Alumni Announcements' for the next issue of our Alumni magazine, Corpus Spirit.
If you are an Alumni or know of an Alumni who has celebrated a career highlight, the birth of a child or wedding in the past 12 months, we would love to include it in our digital magazine.
Please email details and photos to alumni@corpus.wa.edu.au
To view our previous issues of Corpus Spirit, please visit www.corpus.wa.edu.au/alumni