E-News 20 April 2021
“We have realised that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other.”
Welcome to Term Two
On behalf of all of the staff at Corpus, I would like to state that we are very much looking forward to the return of the students.
Good teaching has always been about relationships, creating and maintaining great ones, with our students, our parents and our colleagues. We are about attempting to provide fabulous learning opportunities that meet the very diverse needs of all.
The Year 7-12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be held today on Tuesday 20 April in the David Heath Gymnasium. I thank everyone for using this formal opportunity to strengthen the partnership between parents, students and staff. A key attribute of the Corpus Christi College Learner Profile is the promotion of the importance of REFLECTION. These meetings bring this from words to actions for future success.
Principal for 2022
I would like to inform the Community that the Principal for Corpus Christi College commencing January 1 2022 will be announced later this week.
Staffing News
A welcome back from leave to Geoff Cantwell (Mathematics), Gaby Fabris (Arts) and Cheryl Gair (Learning Support). Welcome to Donna Italiano (covering Jim Greaves, Humanities) and Corey Holmes (covering James Howard, Health and Physical Education) who will be joining us for Term Two and Leonie Southwell (covering Tamar Caro, English) who joins the College for the rest of the year.
Student Success
Congratulations to all students who have qualified for the ACC Swimming All Stars Team for 2021 and those that won the Age Championship in their divisional carnival.
All swimmers selected in the All-Star team will receive a certificate and an All-Stars pin from the ACC as a memento for their achievement.
All Stars team:
Eilidh Milne
Max Coten
College Production in Week Two
We are delighted to welcome you to the Caroline Payne Theatre for the 2021 College Production of Monkey.
Originally slated for 2020, the production had to be rescheduled and recast in the wake of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on live performances. We are immensely proud of the way the students have rallied to meet every challenge – their enthusiasm, resilience and teamwork have truly Ignited the Spirit.
One of the many benefits the Caroline Payne Theatre offers is the opportunity for students to rehearse and perform in a purpose-built space that is our own. This also allowed the production to embrace creativity at every turn – including in staging and costume – thereby putting on our own spin on Colin Teevan’s adaptation of this classic story.
I congratulate the student cast, crew and musicians for their tireless effort and commitment to this wonderful production. I also extend my congratulations and gratitude to Director James Dove, Drama Teacher Jo-Anne Palmer, Arts Administrator Donna McCrystal, Theatre Operations & Technical Support Manager Chris Hastie, and all other support staff. Finally, we also thank our parents for their enduring support of the students. Much like the journey in the play, the journey to the 2021 College Production has been challenging but ultimately more rewarding than we could have anticipated.
Pope Francis: Now is time to build new world without inequality, injustice
The COVID-19 pandemic “reminds us that there are no differences or borders between those who suffer, we are all frail, all equal, all precious”.
“May we be profoundly shaken by what is happening all around us: the time has come to eliminate inequalities, to heal the injustice that is undermining the health of the entire human family,” the Pope urged.
“Let us welcome this time of trial as an opportunity to prepare for our collective future,” Pope Francis said, because without a vision that embraces everyone, “there will be no future for anyone”.
“Let us show mercy to those who are most vulnerable for only in this way will we build a new world,” he added. (Pope Francis celebrating Mass marking the feast of Divine Mercy at the Church of the Holy Spirit near the Vatican in Rome).
Frank Italiano
Image from: www.biography.com/religious-figure/pope-francis
In case you missed it...
Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:
Enrolments & Withdrawls
Year 7 2022, 2023 & 2024 - Enrolments Open
If you have a child currently in Year 4, 5 or 6 and are hoping for your child to attend the College in Year 7 2022, 2023 or 2024, please ensure an application has been lodged with the College.
Application fees are $100 per family, therefore there is no fee required for a sibling application.
If you wish to apply, please submit an online application: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/enrolments
For queries, please contact Manager of Marketing and Enrolments (Alex Carcione) via email on: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
Withdrawing Information
A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.
If your child will not be returning for Term 2, please email the College as soon as possible to notify us of withdrawal: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
Student Success
Congratulations to Seraphina who has returned with a silver medal after competing at the National Junior Under 15 Hockey Championships in Bathurst, NSW as part of the WA Gold Team.
Playing as a forward, Seraphina scored three goals and was nominated best on pitch in the NT and QLD Gold matches.
This is the fourth time that Seraphina has been chosen to represent WA. She was also recently selected as a train-on in the School Sport U16 squad. Well done Seraphina!
These two continue to share their talents with the community! Over the weekend they were announced winners of Cockburn's Got Talent and performed two duos on the Foxtel show 'The Couch' last week. The show is available to watch now via Facebook: https://fb.watch/4J6Jnoxq7b/
Congratulations to Lauren who represented Western Australia at the National Athletics Championships in Sydney last week. She competed in Shot put placing 5th, Discus placing 10th and threw a PB of 36.08 in Javelin and placing second with only 6cm between her and the girl who won gold. She had an amazing experience. Well done Lauren!
Over the Easter weekend Oliver represented the Central Firebirds Division 2 Little League team in the Baseball State Championships. Over six games on the weekend they finished 3rd and will be heading to Lismore in June to play in the National Championships Division 2 competition.
He had a great competition playing 1st base and catcher over six games. One game went for 4 hours and had to play straight after in another 3 hour game on the Saturday night. Then finished the tournament catching the full 2 hour game. Great effort Oliver!
We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:
Uniform Reminders
Students are reminded that they should be wearing blazers to and from school, as well as to Homeroom at the start of the day and Period 6. Students may store blazers in their lockers during the day and they should also be worn to all formal occasions.
Please visit the Uniform & Grooming Policy, should you have any further queries.
Girls Uniforms
At Corpus, we believe our students should be able to choose uniform options that they feel comfortable in.
Our female students have the choice of wearing shorts and trousers instead of dresses and skirts if they prefer.
Visit the Uniform Shop to purchase or pre order.
Term 2 Groups and Clubs Nominations
With over 50 extra-curricular options offered throughout the year, students can participate in a range of activities outside of regular timetabled classes. We have options across a variety of areas that allow for intensive participation and skill-building:
📐 Academic
🎶 Arts
🎮 Hobbies
🤲 Ministry
🏀 Sports
🌏 Stewardship
Head to www.corpus.wa.edu.au/co-curricular to view the timetable for Term 2 and to nominate for a group or club today!
MONKEY! Tickets Selling Fast!
Tickets are selling fast to the long-awaited College production Monkey! to be held on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 April 2021.
This is a production not to be missed!
Monkey! by Colin Teevan tells the story of Monkey and his friends Pigsy and Sandy as they accompany the monk Tripitaka from China to the Buddha of the Western Heaven in search of the Sacred Scriptures and Enlightenment. A College production like no other, this fun- filled retelling of the classic Chinese story Journey to the West will excite and delight while conveying the message that it’s through the journeys in life – and not the destinations – that we perfect ourselves.
Students have been encouraged to contribute to the overall artistic vision of the show, with the production challenging them to learn more about stage craft, including digital set design, make-up, stage combat, lighting techniques and more. In addition to the creative utilisation of media, the performance will include many actors playing more than one part, placing a strong emphasis on the notion of shared roles within an ensemble.
Director James Dove is passionate about this piece and aims to educate and entertain in this retro-classic. ‘My intention is to bring this classic tale to life in what might be described as a ‘Noh Theatre’ and ‘Kyogen’ style that is both high energy and high comedic,’ he said. ‘It will be similar to Asian Kung Fu Cinema and Traditional Japanese performance style. The performance will have a considerable ‘physical’ element with a number of mimed martial arts scenes. These scenes will incorporate elements of stage fighting and will be choreographed as movement/mime sequences, set to music.’
Tickets can be booked online for the two performances to be held at the Caroline Payne Theatre.
Book now to avoid disappointment!
$20 per adult
$10 per child (children under the age of 18)
Mothers’ Day Breakfast
We invite mothers and your children to a Mothers’ Day Breakfast on Friday 7 May, 7.15am to 8.00am.
Tea, coffee, juice and a continental breakfast can be pre-ordered via the following link: www.trybooking.com/BQRPX
RSVP no later than 5.00pm Wednesday 5 May
We look forward to seeing as many Mothers and their children as possible.
Year 7 – Parent Connect Evening
Parents of Year 7 students are invited to attend our Year 7 Parent Connect Evening on Friday 23 April from 6pm to 7.30pm overlooking the Aquatic Centre on the top floor of the College Community Centre.
The evening will be hosted by the College Leadership Team and a great way to the meet the parents from the 2021 Year 7 cohort.
If you are wishing to attend, please register your attendance using the following link which will assist with catering for the evening: https://CorpusChristiCollege.formstack.com/forms/year_7_parent_connect_evening
Faith in Action
“If not you, then who? If not now, then when?” Andrzej Kolikowski
Relay for Life
Final reminder to support our team of 91 students and staff for Relay for Life. So far, we have raised an incredible amount $8000 for the Cancer Council, let’s keep it up and raise as much as we can for this worthwhile cause. If you wish to support our team by donation please go to the following link: https://secure.fundraising.cancer.org.au/site/TR/RelayforLife/CCWA?team_id=68486&pg=team&fr_id=6455
Also, if you or someone you know have lost someone to cancer and would like to remember them please complete a Hope Bag in their honour. These can be purchased for $5 (all funds go to the Cancer Council) from the Ministry Office. We well take these with us to the track on the 1st and 2nd of May. You may like to include a photo also on the bag.
Relay for Life also have a photomontage of people who have lost their battle to cancer will be running throughout the event. If you wish for someone to be included in this, please email Miss Thomas (katrina.thomas@cewa.edu.au) with a photo of them and their name I can forward this onto the organisers.
Give Write – Thank you
End of last year, we donated 40 back packs and stationary kits including over 150 personalised pencil cases to an organisation called Give Write.
Give Write is a not-for-profit enterprise aimed at taking donations of new and pre-loved school stationery to recycle, repackage and regift to Western Australian kids in need who start the school year with nothing. As well as helping needy local families, the program is also aimed at promoting recycling to reduce local landfill, encouraging children who may feel excluded or ostracised at school, alleviating the pressure on teachers (who often have to reach into their own pockets) and encouraging philanthropy in children from an early age.
We have recently received a Certificate of Appreciation to Corpus for all our efforts with the donations. These mainly came from the Staff at Corpus and the year 9 students in 2020 as part of the Year 9 Retreat experience in Term 4. As you can imagine there were many schools and students were hit hard and needed these resources. Your donations are much appreciated!
Senior School Students – Opportunities
Rosters for Term 2 are now available to sign up for the Card Making (Tuesday afterschool) and Cooking on Thursday Afterschool can be found in the Upper Room Faith in Action Table. This is a great way to kick start your hours with your friends. These are all CORE Hours.
There will be a checkpoint for the senior school students during Week 2 Extended Homeroom which will be completed by their Homeroom Teacher. Please make sure the CSL Contract is signed and your son or daughter has started to make a plan for their Faith in Action Hours.
Middle School Students – Launch Extended Homeroom Week 2
Our Middle School Faith in Action Program will be launched during Extended Homeroom in Week 2. Students will be given a booklet similar to the Senior School, but their focus will be donations and not hours. There will also be a Homeroom Challenge in year group to collect donations, so keep a look for that.
Katrina Thomas
Christian Service Co-ordinator
Individual Photo Day
On Wednesday 28th April, Corpus Christi College individual portrait photo’s will take place. It is very important that students wear their FULL winter uniform on this day. We look forward to seeing students polish their black shoes, dust off their blazers and practice their smiles in preparation for their individual photos. Students have received an ordering package for photos from their homeroom teacher, this details how photos can be ordered online.
Year 12 Examinations
The Year 12 Examination timetable as well as Examination rules and procedures can now be accessed via the Year 12 Portal.
Year 12 Information Handbook 2021
The School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA) have released their Year 12 Information Handbook 2021 Part One.
The Year 12 Handbook contains essential information that is useful to Year 12 students such as:
Important dates
Making the most of Year 12
Staying healthy in Year 12
WACE requirements
WACE checker
The Handbook can be accessed by clicking on the following link
Year 10 Information Handbook 2021
The School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA) have released their Year 10 Information Handbook 2021 and the Year 12 in 2023: Information for Year 10 Students and their Parents presentation. This is now available on the SCSA website.
The Year 10 Information Handbook 2021 is essential reading for Year 10s and their families. It contains information for students on a range of important topics, including the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) and the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
The information pack can be accessed by clicking on the link - https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/year-10-information
TISC Presentation for Year 12 Students
The Tertiary Institution Centre (TISC) has released their 2021 presentation for Year 12 students. The presentation includes information on the following topics:
Applying Interstate
Entry requirements
Scaling and moderation
VET studies
This presentation can be downloaded from the following link - https://www.tisc.edu.au/static/guide/download.tisc
There are also some Help videos which elaborate on some of the points listed above. This can be accessed from the following link -
NAPLAN YEARS 7 and 9 - 2021
NAPLAN will be occurring in weeks 4 and 5 of Term Two at the following times:
If your child has missed both of our Practice NAPLAN Tests and would like an opportunity to complete a Practice Test, please register their name by emailing simon.messer@cewa.edu.au by no later than 3pm on Friday 23 April.
More information or additional NAPLAN resources can be found at http://www.nap.edu.au
Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School