Student Leadership Opportunities
At Corpus Christi College we provide many opportunities for our students to develop their leadership skills and gain experience in their areas of interest. The various roles allow students to take on the responsibility of a leading a portfolio, thereby encouraging them to actively connect with peers to foster a sense of community and build participation – key to ensuring we enjoy a vibrant, inclusive atmosphere in all aspects of College life.

Student Leadership Team (SLT)
Prefect Committee (Year 12 only)
The central student leadership body is the Prefect Committee which is made up of the Head Boy, Head Girl, House Prefects (2 from each House), Arts Prefects, Stewardship Prefects, Student Ministry Prefects and Sports Prefects. The Head Boy and Head Girl are responsible for its leadership and management. Each member of the Prefect Committee has a role as a prefect, and as a prefect his/her leadership will be focused at a broader school level. “Non sibi sed scholae– Not self but school’. Members of the Prefect Committee will have significant leadership roles in the College, which involves them working with teams/committees of students in their specific areas of responsibility.
Each committee will have a member of staff as a guide and mentor. These committees cover significant aspects of the College.
Nominations open up for these positions in Semester 2 of Year 11.
House Representatives (all years)
House Committees will include representatives from each Year group. There will be a separate House Committee for each House. The respective House Coordinator will be the guide and mentor.
Arts Representatives (all years)
An Arts Committee will be selected for their abilities and leadership qualities in those areas. An Arts Prefect may also take on the duties of a specific area (e.g. music). The Head of Arts will be the guide and mentor.
Sport Representatives (all years)
A Sports Committee will be selected for their abilities and leadership qualities in those areas. A Sports Prefect may also take on the duties of a specific area (e.g. soccer). The Head of Sports will be the guide and mentor.
Ministry Representatives (all years)
The Student Ministry Committee will be formed from students expressing an interest in this area. The Coordinator of Liturgies and Retreats and Coordinator of Christian Service Learning will be the guides and mentors.
Stewardship Representatives (all years)
The Stewardship Committee will be selected on their commitment to communication and sustainability. The Sustainability Coordinator will be their guide and mentor.
Nominations for the Student Leadership Team
Opportunities for nominations are advertised via the Heads of Year, with nomination forms to be collected from the Head of Year office. Students may nominate for more than one position by completing the appropriate nomination forms. Students will be informed if/when interviews for the various positions will occur. Note: All students who nominate are not necessarily given an interview.
In Year 7 all students are automatically put forward as Nominee’s for House positions, but have to self nominate for Committee positions (e.g. Arts, Sport, Ministry, Stewardship).
Other Opportunities for Leadership
ACC Captains
Senior students who have excelled at the ACC throughout their time at the College and shown traits such as grit, resilience, self-discipline, integrity, respect and care may be chosen to lead our ACC team at the Swimming, Cross Country or Athletics Carnivals. These captains are selected by the Head of Sport and will work together with the SLT Sports Representatives.
Team Coaches
Senior students are invited to assist with coaching of the junior teams within their area of expertise. These opportunities are advertised in the notices as they come up and positions are selected by the Head of Sport.
Team Captains
Some students may also be given an opportunity to be the captain or vice captain of their chosen sports team. Nominees are chosen based on merit and in most instances will be from the most senior year level on the team. These positions are elected by the team and are approved by the staff manager and Head of Sport.
Year 12 Captains - Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art.
Senior students are given the opportunity to nominate for a role as the captain of their chosen area of expertise. These positions are held by Year 12 students and are selected by the Head of Arts. Arts Captains work together with the SLT Arts Representatives.
Tour Guide
Students are invited to nominate as a College ‘Tour Guide’ on our College Tour and Open Days. This role includes taking prospective families on an hour-long tour of the College grounds, while answering any questions they have about the facilities and life at the College. Opportunities for this are advertised in the notices and via the Heads of Year.
While this list is not exhaustive, it does provide a useful insight into some of the many opportunities available at the College. If being a student leader is of interest to you, be sure to nominate when the time comes!