Middle School e-News 5 2017

Changeover Period for the Winter Uniform

For the first two weeks ONLY in Term Two, students will be able to choose to wear either their full summer or full winter uniform (no mixing and matching). By Monday 8 May all students will be in their full winter uniform.

Year 7 Sadler Shivoo - Social Evening

The Year 7 ‘Super Shivoo’ is one of the most anticipated and memorable highlights of the year and took place on Friday March 31, in the Sadler Centre. The purpose of this event is to assist students in their transition to Middle School as they interact with their peers in a social atmosphere and establish new friendships.

Students were provided with dinner before commencing a variety of games which encouraged students to interact with others and develop new friendships. These activates were facilitated by the senior members of the Student Leadership Team.

Mr Mark Barron
Head of Year 7

Year 8 News

As we near the end of Term One things are in no way slowing down. The Year 8s experienced many social, spiritual, academic and health-related matters of the last couple of weeks.

In Week 8, the students attended the ACC Swimming Carnival to cheer on our competitors. Our students actively engaged in supporting our community, and while our efforts didn’t see us take out the competition it was very pleasing to see the competitors give it their best.

Several of the Year 8 cohort participated in the College production of 'Hairspray'. If you were lucky enough to get along and see the show, I’m sure you’ll agree, it was a sensational performance. This would not have been possible without the blood, sweat and tears from students and staff.

The Lenten confessions occurred on Thursday of last week. Students conducted themselves maturely, and we are very appreciative of time provided by our local priests to support us.

"Receive the Holy Ghost; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." (John 20:22-23)

In Week 9, the Year 8 cohort experienced their third pastoral period. The focus was on setting goals. Using the Enhanced Learning Educational Services website, the students focused on what is a SMART goal (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, time-bound). Each student has a work sheet they are completing which can be found on their iPad under Notability. They should also have 3 to 4 goals which they have recorded in Seqta under student goals. Please support your son or daughter by asking them to show you their goals.

Jennifer Overend
Head of Year 8

Homework and Study Policy

As indicated in the College Diary, ‘Home study is seen as an integral part of the academic program of the College’ and has many benefits and purposes (Pages 24-25). 
Home study is work given by the teacher to be completed by students in out of class time.
It may be given for a variety of reasons including:

  • to consolidate concepts presented in class
  • to work on and complete assignments
  • to revise for tests and exams
  • to undertake work such as reading and note‑taking in preparation for future lessons
  • to extend class work through further written, reading and practical work
  • to complete work commenced in class
  • to review and reflect on assessment tasks
  • to develop independent learning skills in students

 Home study should:

  • reinforce knowledge and skills covered in class
  • develop skills which encourage students to work independently
  • be balanced across learning areas in order to avoid overload
  • be set in most subjects, on a regular basis
  • provide training for students in planning and organising time
  • establish habits of study, concentration and self-discipline and time-management 
  • strengthen home-school links

The Role of Students
Students should:

  • Ensure that home study tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability
  • Be proactive and self-directed regarding home study
  • Establish an effective working environment that is conducive to study
  • Seek support at the College, from teachers or homework club as necessary
  • Organise home study and other personal commitments, so deadlines are met
  • Develop effective home study habits such as working for short, concentrated periods of time (20-40 minutes in length), interspersed with short (5-10 minute) breaks 

The Role of Parents/Carers
Parents and carers are encouraged to support their child by:

  • taking an active interest in their son/daughter’s home study tasks
  • ensuring that there is time set aside for home study
  • encouraging and supporting students to complete home study tasks
  • providing, where possible, a dedicated place for home study to be completed
  • assisting teachers to monitor home study by signing completed work if requested and being aware of the home study set
  • communicating to teachers any questions/concerns about the nature of their son/daughter’s home study

Weekly time allocations by Learning Area:
Year 7              5 hours: 60 minutes 5 times per week
Year 8              6 hours 20 minutes: 75 minutes 5 times per week
Year 9              7 hours 30 minutes: 90 minutes 5 times per week

Students need to be able to organise and plan their time and therefore need to have sufficient notice of what is due and when it is due.

Mr Frank Italiano
Deputy Principal Middle School

Progress Reports

At the end of the Term a Progress Report will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via SEQTA Engage and therefore will not be posted out. A letter will be emailed to all parents outlining how to access these reports once they have been uploaded. If you have changed your contact details, please let Student Services know immediately by contacting Mrs Sara-Ann Tuson at stuson@corpus.wa.edu.au

Yidarra Primary School – Cross walk

Yidarra Primary School is seeking our assistance to ensure the safety of students using the bus stop on Marsengo Road. 

Please see the map below to notify students that for their safety they are required to use the cross walk within Yidarra at all times, when crossing the road beside the bus stop.

The drive through is very busy in the mornings and parents have raised their concerns that the number of students crossing in various parts of the road section may cause an unnecessary accident.

Yvonne Faulkner
Yidarra Catholic Primary School

Corpus Communications