Student Services Information

Opening Hours

Student Services and Front Reception are all open from 8am to 4pm.  The Library is open from 7.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 7.30am to 4pm on Friday. The ICT helpdesk in the Library is open from 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 7.30am to 4pm on Friday.  However, the Absentee Hotline and SMS service are both available for you to leave a message on 24 hours a day.

Late Arrival, Early Departures & Absences

Students are expected to be at school prior to the 8.25am warning bell each morning.

If your child is late (arrives after 8.30am), then they need to sign in at Student Services before going to class.  It would be much appreciated if you could either ring, SMS or email Mrs Morton or ring the Absentee Hotline prior to your child arriving to school.  Alternatively, you can give your child a note to give to Mrs Morton or come to Student Services with your child.  The same process applies when exiting the College during normal school hours.  Students need to sign out at Student Services with parental/guardian permission if they are leaving school early (prior to 3.15pm).

When ringing, emailing or texting the College with your child’s absence, it would be much appreciated if you could please ensure that you include your child’s full name, their Homeroom (e.g. 7 Romero) and the reason for the absence in your message.

SMS Alerts

If your child is marked absent from Homeroom, an SMS alert will be sent to you before midday.  This either means that your child is not at school, they were late and did not sign in at Student Services or their Homeroom teacher may have made an error on the roll.  You can reply to this SMS if you are aware that your child is absent for the whole day.  Otherwise, you can contact Mrs Morton to confirm your child is in school.  Please allow some time for a reply to your query, as Mrs Morton may not be at her desk or your child may be off campus for Physical Education or an excursion.

Checking Absences on SEQTA Engage

Please note that the Seqta Engage website also allows you to see if your child has been attending classes, is being marked late or is being marked absent.  If your child has been marked absent from a class, please contact their teacher for that particular class.

Sick Bay

Sick Bay is located at Student Services and students are able to go there if they are feeling unwell at any point during the day.  If, however, they are leaving class to do so, they will need a note in their diary from their teacher excusing them from class.  If a student arrives shortly before the change of periods (i.e. between periods 1 and 2, 3 and 4 or 5 and 6), they will require a note from the teacher of their next class.

Please note that Sick Bay does not have a nurse attending to students, it is run by the staff in Student Services.  Hence, at most, first aid will be able to be administered to students. 

The staff at Student Services will determine if your child needs to be collected and will contact you to do so.  Your child should not be contacting you to collect them early from school.

If there is an emergency situation, an ambulance may be called.


We do not purchase nor administer medications to students.

If your child requires medication, we are able to store it, along with a medical action plan, in Student Services.  Medications, such as an Epipen, need to be provided to Student Services and kept up to date if your child suffers from a serious medical condition.

Any medication, including Panadol, is allowed to be kept by the student on their person, in their locker or in their school bag.  As students are in secondary schooling, they are able to administer the medication themselves as required.

Student Safety

Due to security and safety issues, parents/carers are not permitted to walk freely on College grounds during school hours unless accompanied by their child or a member of staff. 

Getting a Message to a Student

If you need to get a message to your child, please email them at their student email address.  Students are encouraged to look at their emails regularly, so this would be how Student Services would contact them also.

Leaving Items for Students to Collect

If your child has forgotten an item at home and asked you to bring it in for them, please bring the item, with their name and Homeroom (e.g. 7 Romero) attached, to Student Services.

You should also organise with your child when they will be able to collect this item from Student Services prior to you dropping it off.

Last Minute Appointments Students are Unaware of

We understand that in some circumstances, last minute appointments are unavoidable.  If this is the case for your child and they are unaware of the time of their appointment, please contact Mrs Barbara Morton at Student Services on 6332 2514. 

Please allow for some time for Mrs Morton to contact or collect your child.

Emergency Situations

If there is an emergency situation and your child will need to be collected early from school, please call Mrs Morton at Student Services directly on 6332 2514.

Mrs Morton will contact your child as quickly as possible.

If you need to unexpectedly contact or collect your child during recess, lunch or a Physical Education class, please note this may be quite difficult. 

  • As students are allowed to use the majority of the College grounds during recess and lunch and there are approximately 1300 students at the College, it is difficult to find your child during this time.  Normally, we would not be able to make contact with your child until the bell for the next period rings.

  • Physical Education classes are not always on site and if they are, could be in a number of locations, making it quite difficult to locate students.

Mobile Phone Usage

Mobile phones are not allowed to be used by students during the school day, i.e. from 8.25am to 3.15pm.

Information regarding College policy and procedure, please refer to the College diary, Seqta Engage, the Year 7 Portal and the College website.

 Bell Times

To access the Bell Times visit: