
In Corpus Christi College’s Indonesian program, we actively embed culture in the learning experience of our students through a range of exciting excursions such as the annual Indonesian Festival at Elizabeth Quay, cooking lessons through Osh5One Bali Cuisine Restaurant and dance lessons with Indonesia Dance Studios.

Languages Week and Harmony Day are important events at the College. We take a whole of school approach to the celebration of unity in diversity through Languages. By involving our staff and students in activities such as a whole school Indonesian lunch or a Harmony Day fashion parade, we aim to raise awareness of the benefits of learning a language in our students.

The College offers Indonesian from Pre-Primary through to Year 6 and has strong ties with our sister school, Santa Maria Regina in Surabaya, Indonesia. This partnership was established in 2015 with the aim of strengthening bilateral relations with Indonesia and Australia. It enables the sharing of cultural practices and resources and most importantly, the forming of meaningful relationships with Indonesian students and teachers overseas.

Corpus Christi College has a close affiliation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Perth. The Consulate provides our students with regular workshops in batik, angklung, gamelan, wayang kulit (shadow puppets) and pencak silat (martial arts). The Indonesian Language Ambassador Programme provided by Balai Bahasa Indonesia Perth connects our school students with young Australians who have experienced living and working in Indonesia. Ambassadors share their personal stories about their study of the language and their love of Indonesia, inspiring our students to pursue a lifelong engagement with Indonesia.

A sense of community is vital to the life of our school. Indonesian Catholic Community, Perth hosts Indonesian Food Fairs at the College twice a year for members of the public and Indonesian families from neighbouring suburbs and beyond. Indonesian lessons are delivered once a week by Ibu Nicola, member of WILTA (Westralian Indonesian Language Teachers Association) and MLTWA (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia).