

 The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Our focus at Corpus Christi College is on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating.

Our aim within the English learning area is to assist our students to establish the connections needed to express themselves clearly and effectively in written, spoken and digital forms.

At Corpus Christi College, English learning builds upon the Early Years’ multi-sensory foundation skills of speech mastery and phonetic understanding and continues to support each students’ cognitive domains of learning. Explicit teaching of comprehension skills, reading fluency and writing proficiencies are embedded across learning opportunities through integrated, inquiry-based approaches and incorporate all disciplines of the curriculum.

At Corpus Christi College we believe the balance of explicit teaching and inquiry-based investigations within our English lessons, promotes questioning, critical thinking and differentiation. Our students are inspired, motivated and engaged learners who strive to understand more about the world they live in and be active participants in the learning of future generations.

Student learning in the area of English at Corpus Christi College allows our students to:

  • Participate in uninterrupted daily literacy block time frames.

  • Be exposed to teaching and learning programs which support and develop each child’s unique skills and talents

  • Learn key concepts using explicit teaching and inquiry-based lessons

  • Have numerous opportunities to present learning across digital mediums

  • Collaborate with class cohorts and the wider school community to increase speaking and listening proficiencies.

  • Participate in differentiated and adapted learning programs that are strengths and skills based where needed.

  • Participate in, and gain exposure to, numerous competitions and performances such as the annual school and regional Spelling Bee (Years 3-6), creative writing competitions, Read-A-Thon competitions and the Western Australian Debating League competition.

Corpus Christi College is proud to support our English learners to be deep thinkers who arrive at solutions to their problems using strong critical thought in a confident, holistic manner. We know that through effective teaching and learning in English, our students will have the necessary skills to be inspired to reach their potential wherever life’s experiences may lead them.