Digital Technologies


At Corpus Christi College we use technology to personalise learning and empower our students by giving them ownership of how they learn, making education relevant to their digital lives and preparing them for their futures. Our 1:1 iPad program provides our students with technology and access to resources beyond classroom walls ensuring that collaboration and support for learning is available when our students need it the most.

Our cutting edge Digital Technology program inspires our students to become problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and creators who apply the skills they learn in class to National STEM conferences (It takes a spark) and hosting technology events for local schools. Our students our encouraged to be active participants in contributing to planning events and competitions, that involve Technology.

The Digital Technology program at Corpus Christi College helps prepare them with the career and technical skills they need to be successful today and in tomorrow’s workforce. Relevant learning experiences in STEAM inspire creativity, help students apply meaning to their learning, and prepare them for future career opportunities and jobs that haven’t even been created yet. Specific skills in coding, programming, physical computing, and computational thinking help our students hone their problem-solving and critical thinking skills for the 21st century. Learning by doing with maker mindsets and environments enables our students to develop high order thinking skills, resilience and problem solving.

We believe that when technology has been successfully integrated into classrooms, students develop a lifelong love of learning. Students and educators at Corpus Christi College utilise our technology resources to create blended learning environments and leverage digital tools for formative and summative assessments, bringing new models for learning and teaching to classrooms.