Student Ministry

A core value of the life and spirit of Corpus Christi College is nurturing spiritual growth in our students, while laying a strong foundation for their faith development. Occasions such as praying together, ministering to others and studying their faith, seek to develop and equip our students to become followers of Jesus Christ.

As a College community we celebrate and live by the motto, Sequere Dominum – “Follow the Lord”. The name of our College centres us around the Eucharist, the gift of Jesus Himself.

The Student Ministry programmes at the College seek to nurture faith within a peer-to-peer ministry framework. This is done through a varied and exciting range of activities, as well as by experiencing the general culture and ethos of the College environment.

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Quest - Handbook for Parents
Quest - Year 7 Parent Letter
Quest - Parent Consent Form

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Spiritual Development: Retreats and Reflection Days provide a unique opportunity for students to reflect upon issues of faith, life and culture. The first retreat students experience is the Year 7 Quest Retreat. This is a time to welcome our new students and it is an opportunity for senior students as Cadre Leaders and Quest Ministers to mentor and support the newest students in the College. Year 10 students will experience a range of activities over a three day Retreat in Term Two. This experience will focus on nurturing faith, serving others and developing self-responsibility. Years 11 and 12 students participate in a three-day residential retreat in Terms One and Three, conducted by staff. The focus for these occasions is the celebration of the Eucharist.

Community: The College House system enables all staff and students to engage in many events and activities within their House group. In doing so, the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect among students can be enhanced.

Serving the Community: Our students enthusiastically support local and global communities. Year 10 students are able to become involved in St Patrick’s Community Care Centre in Fremantle, joining the Young Vinnies and/or ‘Peer Pals’ which assists students from the Education Support Centre. Students can make a difference to the lives of many and the College seeks to foster humble, respectful and active future leaders within society.


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Christian Action: Students are challenged to undertake experiences that take them beyond their own expectations - to assist and guide others. Examples of taking action might be peer to peer ministry and in Student Leadership ministry roles. Students are also involved in fundraising and supporting activities, such as the Caritas Project Compassion Appeal during Lent and the Fast For Faith Appeal.

Discipleship: The College fosters the personal and spiritual development of all students, while at the same time empowering them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. This is done by raising awareness of our Catholic culture through the understanding of Feast Days, Liturgical prayers and Archdiocesan activities, such as LifeLink and Project Compassion. We also invite students to participate in the life of their parish community. Some of our senior students are assistants to the Catechists in the parish after-school Religious Education classes.

Liturgy: Students are provided with opportunities for Eucharistic celebrations so that they value the Sacramental life of the church. Senior students are able to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, thereby, facilitating their faith witness before their peers and families.


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Over the past five years, Corpus Christi College has forged an amazing partnership with John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School in the remote Mulan Aboriginal community.<br/><br/>

Each year, a group of ten Year 11 students are selected for this service-learning experience, initially by submitting an application form, followed by an interview with the Deputy Principal Senior School, Head of Year 11 and the Mulan Immersion Coordinator. This process involves outlining their interest and the gifts and talents they feel they have to contribute to this programme, and how the experience may be of benefit to them.<br/><br/>

The focus of such an important experience is to not only fundraise to travel to Mulan, but provide the necessary funds to support the ongoing growth and development of this Aboriginal community. It also offers educational experiences to the students they would otherwise not be exposed to. This journey for our Corpus students, allows them to experience this unique culture first-hand, engage with its people and understand and appreciate many of the learning challenges indigenous children face. One of the greatest success stories of this Immersion Programme, is the interaction and relationships formed between students from both schools.<br/><br/>

It is truly a life-changing and memorable experience for our students and staff, and each visit deepens relationships and strengthens ties with the Mulan community, whilst at the same time, working towards reconciliation and bridging the gap.<br/><br/>


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