eNews #9 Term Three Week 5

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

In returning from leave recently, I would like to acknowledge Mr Ian Hagen, who covered the Principals role in my absence. The strength of our Leadership Team has meant we are able to support one another without fail, ensuring operational matters are attended to, as well as the strategic goals of the College, so that we do not miss a beat.

Inter-House Athletics Carnival
Rain almost led to the cancellation of the Carnival, which had already been postponed mid-last term due to the poor state of the oval. However, the sunny skies appeared by late morning allowing the event to continue with a modified programme. Prior to the Relays being run, Xavier House was leading from Merici House. However, the results will not be announced until the hurdle events have concluded during this week.

Acting Head of Health and Physical Education Mr Stephen Kingwell, organised the Carnival prior, but was very ill last week. We were fortunate to have Acting Sports Coordinator Ms Wendy Quint step up to finalise the arrangements for the Carnival during the week, along with every staff member in the Health and Physical Education Learning Area. I take this opportunity to congratulate and thank Wendy, our House Coordinators, House Captains and teachers for ensuring the success of the day. A big thank you is also extended to the Non-teaching and Support Staff, and Grounds and Maintenance for their invaluable contributions to this whole school event.


Parents may have received notification from the College regarding unexplained absences, which were incorrect. Our database SEQTA needed to be updated this week, the reason for these errors, and I know parents received an explanatory Short Message Service (SMS) communication from the College to allay any concerns you may have had.

I have also asked all teachers to focus on ensuring attendance data is accurate and that the regulatory requirements, including notes from parents regarding a child’s absence (via emails or direct messaging) is persistently followed up. I would ask for parents to provide this information as requested by Homeroom teachers. In addition, I cannot provide permission for students to be absent for holidays (during school time) - as you are aware, attending school is legally compulsory. This is the reason you are required to write to the Principal regarding this matter. Failure to do so, places our funding for each child in jeopardy.

Legally, schools must maintain attendance records and develop policies to support and maintain attendance. The College is focusing on this area for the remainder of the year. Any concerns you may have should be directed to Acting Deputy Principal Ministry Mrs Silvana Vicoli, this term, and Mr Jim Elliott next term.

Employment Vacancies The College has advertised a number of vacancies for 2016 to cover resignations (Business Manager and Indonesian teacher), appointments to other schools (Head of Health and Physical Education, Mr Peter Sackett has been appointed as Deputy Principal at Emmanuel College next year), as well as contracts which have concluded and involve some changes to roles. The full list of the positions vacant is as follows:

  • Manager of Finance and Operations (formerly the Business Manager)
  • Head of Learning: Health and Physical Education
  • Head of Library, Information and Research Services
  • Head of VET and Transition Services
  • Careers Coordinator
  • Indonesian Teacher.
  • I am grateful to Mrs Julie Hawes for undertaking the Acting Business Manager’s role until we are able to appoint the Manager of Finance and Operations.

    Parents of Year 12 Students
    As the term is concluding and many Year 12 students are gearing up for their Trial WACE examinations, I wish families all the best as you steer your child through the many obstacles that they may be experiencing at this time. This may take the form of your child experiencing increasing stress and anxiety levels, or may involve you needing to be firm about your child trying to maintain a greater balance of time towards their studies and less time devoted to social activities. To our Year 12 parents and carers, you remain in the prayers of the College community in the coming weeks, as do your daughters and sons.

    Yours sincerely

    Mrs Caroline Payne

    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Aurecon Bridge Building Competition" accordion="accordion"]

    Please find below a YouTube Link to the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition Experience in which the participating students presented to us at our recent College assembly.


    Once again, congratulations to the participants:

    Abbey Rock
    Joshua Thomas
    Lara Moylan
    Joseph Cadzow
    Finnian Arrigan
    Ashil Royal

    Mrs Filipa Carvalho
    Head of Academic Excellence


    [accordion_item title="Write a Book in a Day" accordion="accordion"]

    On Thursday 13 August, nine Year 9 students entered the ‘Write-a-Book-in-a-Day’ Competition. This competition is part of the Tuesday morning Academic Excellence Extension Program (AEEP).

    The Write-a-Book-in-a-Day competition is an incentive conceived by the Katherine Suzannah Pritchard Writers Centre which aims to create a charitable competition where writers of all ages converge as groups to spend 12 hours drafting, writing and completing a book. Students also created their own illustrations for their book.

    Students worked in the College Library Seminar Room from 8am to 8pm and were extremely excited by the time they submitted their story.

    A big thank you to Elaine Liew for giving of her time to prepare the students each Tuesday morning from 7.30 am over the last 12 weeks.

    The students listed below are to be congratulated for their efforts.

    Madison Conley
    Rohan Bay
    Semira Ballantyne
    Tamara Rodrigues
    Jodi Gagner
    Charisse Byrne
    Audrey Siah
    Jessica De Freitas Basilio
    And Reen Minotti (as illustrator)

    Mrs Filipa Carvalho
    Head of Academic Excellence



    [accordion_item title="Secondary Schools Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship On-line Web Survey" accordion="accordion"]

    I would like to draw your attention to the 2015 Secondary Schools Cybersafety & Digital Citizenship On-line Web Survey that is currently open to students in Years 7 and 9 in Catholic High Schools and Colleges from within Catholic Network Australia.

    The 2015 Secondary Schools Cybersafety & Digital Citizenship On-line Web Survey has been constructed by a small team from within the Contemporary Learning Working Group (C.L.W.G.) of Catholic Network Australia (C.N.A.). The survey has been modelled on existing Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship surveys as used and conducted successfully in previous years by the dioceses of Broken Bay and Lismore.

    This year we hope to have as many students as possible in Years 7 and 9 from within Catholic Network Australia complete the web survey. It is anticipated that the data from gathered from the survey will assist schools and school systems, to identify areas of concern to students and to respond accordingly.

    This survey is currently open and should take students no longer than about 30 minutes to complete. It is hoped that all students in Years 7 and 9 in Catholic High Schools and Colleges from within Catholic Network Australia will have completed the survey by Friday 25th September 2015. The web link to the survey is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KM35VK7

    Please do not hesitate to contact John Hession john.hession@dbb.catholic.edu.au for further information.


    [accordion_item title="Celebrations all round for Year 7!" accordion="accordion"]

    This term we have seen Joshua Browne return from playing State competition football, Grace Dunleavy get to the finals of the Great Australian Spelling Bee competition and Brooke Malone selected for State Basketball representation. Congratulations to these students for their development of the admirable qualities of resilience and excellence.

    The Year 7s participated with fervour in their first Corpus Christi College Athletics carnival this week and achieved some great successes on the wet day. They now have a long weekend to cherish and share the memories.

    On Tuesday 18 August the Year 7s were entertained and informed by Project Rockit, who spent time presenting tips to assist the students to maintain their safety online and demonstrated positive examples of Social Media usage.

    Finally, a reminder that the Sadler Sleepover has been moved to the new date of September 11. A new permission note will be sent home shortly for this long awaited social event of the year.

    Mrs Yvette Pearce
    Head of Year 7


    [accordion_item title="Year 9 Specialist Subjects 2015" accordion="accordion"]

    The Year 9 Specialist Subjects 2015 Handbook will be available on the Year 8 Portal from Monday 24 August and provides all the information required to complete your specialist subject selections.

    To make your subject selections for 2016, please go to the SSO website which can be accessed at https://sso.countrynet.net.au?school=41977

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    You will be emailed a login name and PIN.

    The SSO website will be open from Tuesday 25 August at 8.00am. The website will close on Thursday 3 September at 8.00am.

    If you need help using SSO, please contact Miss Sara Low at Student Services slow@corpus.wa.edu.au or phone 63322505.


    [accordion_item title="Attendance Procedures and Reminders" accordion="accordion"]

    Notes regarding absence
    Absences are to be covered by a written note, an email or a telephone call from a parent/carer.

    Student Services
    Students who arrive late (during Homeroom or after period 1 has begun) are required to sign in at Students Services. Those who leave the College for appointments before the end of the school day are also required to attend Student Services to sign out.

    Termination Clearances
    Written notification from the parent/carer is required when a student is terminating his/her enrolment at the College. The student is also required to obtain a clearance form from Student Services. This enables outstanding book loans and accounts to be checked and settled.

    Mr Frank Italiano
    Deputy Principal Middle School



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Trial WACE Examination and Year 11 End of Year Examination Timetables" accordion="accordion"]

    Year 12 (and Year 11 students doing Year 12 courses) and Year 11 students will receive their examination timetables in coming weeks. The timetable will also be published on the Year level portals. It is important that students take careful note of their schedules and ensure they arrive at the correct time for their examinations.

    The dates of the examinations are as follows:

    Trial WACE – Friday 2 October to Tuesday 13 October
    Year 11 – Monday 12 October to Tuesday 20 October.

    Please remember that Year 11 students who are doing Stage 3 courses with Years 12s will be required to complete their examinations in the Year 12 examination period.


    [accordion_item title="OLNA Testing Round 2 – Year 10 and 11 Students" accordion="accordion"]

    For Year 10 & 11 students who are required to sit the assessments, the second round for 2015 are as follows:

    Literacy – Writing Monday 31 August
    Literacy – Reading Wednesday 2 September
    Numeracy Monday 7 September

    Information regarding these tests will be circulated to parents shortly. It is imperative that those who are required to complete the assessments do so as there can be implications for 2016 subject selection if the minimum standards are not met.

    Information on OLNA can be found at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/OLNA


    [accordion_item title="Student Leaders 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    The process of selecting our Year 12 student leaders for 2016 has begun. On Wednesday 26 August the students who have nominated for Head Boy or Head Girl will address their Year 10 and 11 peers. These speeches provide the opportunity for all students to hear the prospective leaders outline how they will serve and represent the College in the role of Head Boy/Girl.

    For the students who nominate to be members of the Prefect Committee (House, Sports, Arts, Communications and Ministry Captains), interviews will be held after the Head Boy/Head Girl Speeches. The official investiture of the student leaders will take place at the College Assembly on Thursday 24 September.


    [accordion_item title="Subject Selection for Year 10-12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 should have now completed the process of selecting their preferences for 2016 subjects ussing SSO. Any student who is yet to submit the hard copy of their selections should do so by Monday of Week 6. Students who wish to change a selection are not encouraged to take action at this stage. During October, students will receive a copy of the subjects that they have been allocated for next year. They will also be provided with details of when they can make changes to their selections prior to the 2016 academic year. Please contact the Head of Year, or Deputy Principal Senior School if you have any queries.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]

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    [accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


    Monday 24 - PAF - College Choir
    Tuesday 25 - Showcase Tech Rehearsal – Senior School 3.30-8.00pm
    Thursday 27 - Showcase Tech Rehearsal – Middle School 3.30-8.00pm
    Friday 28 - Showcase Dress Rehearsal 3.30-8.00pm
    Sunday 30 - Showcase Dress and Tech Rehearsal 10.30am-3.00pm
    Dance Showcase Performance - Tarantism 7.30pm
    Monday 31 - Dance Showcase Performance- Tarantism 7.30pm
    PAF - Piano Solo
    YOHfest - Visual Arts @ Subiaco Arts Centre

    Tuesday 1 - PAF - Piano Solo
    Tuesday 1 - YOHfest - Visual Arts @ Subiaco Arts Centre
    Wednesday 2 - YOHfest – Visual Arts @ Subiaco Arts Centre
    Thursday 3 - YOHfest – Visual Arts @ Subiaco Arts Centre
    Monday 7 - The Big Draw
    Tuesday 8 - The Big Draw
    Wednesday 9 - Senior School OSP Drama Night
    Thursday 10 - Yr 11-12 OSC Dance Night
    YOHfest - Drama @ Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
    Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 - Auditions for College Production

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    Please hurry for the final tickets available.


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    The Catholic Performing Arts Festival is a festival for Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools from all over Western Australia. The underlying goal of the Festival is to provide students with unique performance platforms through which they can strive for excellence and develop performance skills, confidence and self-esteem. The College will be represented by over 200 students in the Festival this year. Congratulations to all students who have showcased their talents and good luck to our final participants who will perform over the next 2 weeks.

    The following students have been recognised with a Certificate of Merit or an Honourable Mention by the section adjudicators:

    Honourable Mention

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Secondary Drama Production
    Sam Coten - Secondary Vocal Solo
    Gabriela Postma - Secondary Vocal Solo
    Emma Marsh - Secondary Vocal Solo
    Caitlin Dougall - Secondary Vocal Solo
    Corpus Christi Woodwind Quartet - Instrumental Ensemble (Woodwind)
    Corpus Christi College Viva Guitarre - Instrumental Ensemble (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Corpus Christi Guitar Quartet - Instrumental Ensemble (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Corpus Christi Celtic Band - Contemporary Band
    Corran O'Brien - Instrumental Solo (Secondary Strings)
    Isabelle Jefferies - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)

    Certificate of Merit

    Sam Coten and Hayley Groen - Secondary Vocal Duet
    Charli Lill and Samantha Lill - Secondary Vocal Duet
    Samantha Lill and Jessica OLeary - Secondary Vocal Duet
    Corpus Christi College Choir - Secondary Sacred/Liturgical Choral Music
    Corpus Christi College Wind Band - Instrumental Ensemble (Other Instruments)
    Jack Dellaca - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Joshua Wong - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Zoe Hardingham - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Cassandra Sutton - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Mikaela English - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Marcus Byrne - Instrumental Solo (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)
    Joshua Wong and Shannon Subasinghe - Instrumental Duet (Acoustic/Classical Guitar)

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    Auditions for the 2016 College Production will be in Week 10 on Monday 21 September and Tuesday 22 September. Mrs Payne and the creative team will finalise the choice of Production in the next few weeks.


    [accordion_item title="Psychological Services" accordion="accordion"]

    To celebrate Mental Health Week in October, Corpus Christi will be hosting a ‘Mentally Healthy’ Expo during lunch on the 17th of September. There will be lots of fun activities, delicious food, and prizes. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for details.

    Upcoming courses: COURSES

    Parent-Teen Connection

    Remember, you were young once. Adolescents can be challenging, and living alongside them can be confusing and worrying. This course reduces stress and teaches parents how to communicate, negotiate and minimise conflict.
    Fee: $50 per person, $75 per couple
    Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm
    Dates: Sat 5 Sept
    Location: Relationships Australia West Leederville

    Act-Belong-Commit Tip of the Week:

    Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 11.46.13 amSupport a cause that you’re passionate about!
    Knowing that you have done something to contribute to a meaningful cause will make you feel good. You may like to consider making a financial donation to a charity, joining a committee or participating in a peaceful protest.


    [accordion_item title="Parent Helpers Required - Tarantism Dance Showcase This Weekend" accordion="accordion"]

    The Dance students and staff are frantically putting the finishes touches to the showcase 'Tarantism' at Curtin Theatre (John Curtin College of the Arts) and we are putting it out there to see if any parents are able to assist on either this Sunday 30 August 7.30pm, or the following evening Monday 31st August, 7.30pm. We require a few extra parents to assist with serving of coffee and snacks at intermission.

    If you can support us, that would be fantastic. You can email Cam Allen communications@corpus.wa.edu.au and he will be in touch with you with details.

    Thank you.



    [accordion_item title="Celebrating Languages Week" accordion="accordion"]

    The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
    ‒Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Buongiorno, Bonjour and Salamat Pagi

    Languages2Last week languages students and teachers have been busy celebrating the beauty of beauty of speaking more than one language and the appreciation of cultural diversity as inestimable values in today’s global world.

    We are really grateful for the enthusiastic support shown by students, other staff members and parents.

    The whole Corpus Christi Community was called to reflect on why it is so fantastic to learn another language. Among others, the main reason is that the brain benefits from speaking two or more languages by improved cognitive skills, developing denser grey matter, improved decision making skills and even delaying the onset of dementia.

    Academically, bilingualism improves childrens test scores and critical thinking, as well as their concentration and multi-tasking abilities. Thinking about future employment, speaking two languages also means a better salary in the workforce across a wide array of professions. Travelling, studying abroad and connecting with ones own language and cultural background are equally important factors.

    As part of this reflection, the year seven students linked some of the attributes of the Corpus Christi College Learner Profile to their second language learning. Through creative posters, the students explained in their own words how learning Indonesian, Italian or French enables them to be better communicators, skilled thinkers and definitely more aware global citizens.

    All the Homerooms were challenged with an online quiz to identify some of our bilingual teachers at school, their language and message. Congratulations to the winners, Year 10 Salvado. Since traditional food is certainly a big part of each culture, the cafeteria worked really hard to provide the College with three days of special food.

    Most importantly, a number of hand-on activities allowed our students to explore some unique aspects of each language taught at Corpus. They attended workshops of Indonesian martial arts, classes of French and Indonesian traditional dancing, an interactive performance of an international accordion player, engaging quizzes, cooking classes and so much more.

    Terima Kasih, Merci and Grazie

    Languages Department



    [accordion_item title="Cyberbullying – A Change of Direction" accordion="accordion"]

    In Week 5 we welcomed first time visitors to Corpus Christi College in Lucy and Cassie, members of the Melbourne based Project Rockit Team. This organization which is gaining in significance and presence is a youth group driven to take a stance against bullying. Project Rockit came to the College to suggest strategies to our students about tackling (cyber) bullying by engaging them in conversation about social media, online behaviour and empowering students to stand up and lead change in a positive way.

    Over two days the girls had the opportunity to bring to our Years 7 – 11 students a workshop that was not aimed at banning Social Media or highlighting where one can go wrong on-line, rather the message was strong – you have the chance to make a difference. Students were offered a set of tips on how to counter online bullying and a chance to engage in a process that we hope leads to a radical change in student participation at our College in in taking a stance. We invited students form Newman College and Servite College into the leadership session on the final day. The process is organic, a seed has been laid and we now wait to see our students grow as leaders and respond to call to stand up and safe enough is enough.

    Memorable Quotes…

  • You dont have to be a chosen leader to stand up!
  • Project Rockit believes that each person should be treated for who they are.
  • We believe that school should be more than just a safe place for learning. All young people deserve access to respect, acceptance, creative expression & real leadership opportunities – regardless of their social label, popularity, sexuality or cultural background.

  • Instagram projectrockit
    Huge thanks to the beautiful people at Corpus Christi College in Perth for having @cassie.rockit and @lucylockit for the past 2 days. We have honestly grown so much thanks to your honesty, kindness and generosity and we know that some really amazing change lies ahead for your already awesome school community

    Student I
    Thank you guys so much! Coming from a student you guys where honestly one of the best talks that engaged with the audience and got us to actually connect with what you where saying. Thank you!!

    Student II
    Thanks for coming, u guys were so fun and entertaining and i learnt some great info and tips that I will definitely use!!


    Parent Response
    My son attended your classes & was captivated by all the info - came home talking all about it (which speaks volumes, as teenage boys don't talk all that much!)

    "Every single time that I stand up (instead of going along with the crowd) I know that I'm making it easier for other people to stand up too." student at Corpus Christi College.

    For more information, please go to http://projectrockit.com.au/



    [accordion_item title="Community Notices and News" accordion="accordion"]

    The Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation The Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Fremantle. Since 1986 we have welcomed more than 40,000 young people onboard the STS Leeuwin II. If you would like to find out more, please click HERE



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news