eNews #5 Term Two Weeks 8-9

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Dear Parents

There has been a wide range of activities many of our students have been involved in since the commencement of term which have provided them with a broad selection of learning experiences – drama productions and music events, speech and debating competitions, a variety of sporting events, retreats and activity days, Christian service learning, coaching and umpiring, the list goes on! In reading an article by Connie Clarke in the ‘West Australian’ this weekend, I note that firms and recruiters advise university graduates to add a broader range of characteristics to their qualifications. According to Australian research quoted in the article, ‘Almost half (48.6%) of employers ranked communication skills as the most desired attribute, followed by academic results (24.3%) and team work skills (22.4%). Having relevant qualifications came in at 14%, or 11th on a list of 20 attributes’ (June 13-14, p113). A well-rounded, emerging young professional will need to develop their soft skill set in the future, enterprise skills, display a passion for a particular area of interest, inter-personal skills and a commitment to serve others, qualities that will be highly valued by employers in the future.

Although not measurable by any statistics or league tables, I believe our parents who choose Corpus Christi College for their sons and daughters know full well we provide a broad range of opportunities for our students to develop in these fields. The full range of activities our students have access to ‘value add’ to their overall education, is something not offered to the same degree in many other secondary schools. This was highlighted in the presentation of Colours Awards last Friday after the Corpus Christi Day Mass and which I acknowledge in this article.


We celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi last Friday, in the week after the feast was celebrated in parishes, a major feast in the Church’s calendar.

In a way, we have already celebrated this feast. We did so on Holy Thursday in Holy Week. On that occasion, the emphasis was on the institution, the gift of the Eucharist to us as one of Jesus’ last acts before his suffering and death. It was, moreover, to be an enduring memorial of that great liberating act by which God’s love would be forever kept before our minds.

One reason why we may have this second feast of the Eucharist is that it takes place during the more joyful period of the Easter season when we can celebrate it with greater freedom from the constraints of Lent and Holy Week. In many parts of the world, there will be a solemn and joyful procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the parish grounds or even through the public streets. I was fortunate to be in Rome a few years ago during this Feast day, a major celebration in the ‘eternal city’.

This year, celebrating the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ with an evening Mass outside the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome, Pope Francis said the church and its members will never cease being in awe of the Eucharist. As the sun began to set, the Mass was followed by a traditional Corpus Christi procession from St John Lateran to the Basilica of St Mary Major, one mile away.

Pope Francis asked the faithful as they walked through the city with the Eucharist, to remember our many brothers and sisters who do not have the freedom to express their faith in the Lord Jesus.

Let us be united with them; let us sing with them, praise with them, adore with them, he said. And, in our hearts, let us venerate those brothers and sisters who were asked to sacrifice their lives out of fidelity to Christ. May their blood, united to the Lords, be a pledge of peace and reconciliation for the whole world.

The Eucharist, he said, sanctifies us, purifies us and unites us in a marvellous communion with God. In that way, we learn that the Eucharist is not a prize for the good, but strength for the weak; for sinners it is pardon.

Christ, present amongst us under the sign of bread and wine, demands that power of love overcome every fracture and, at the same time, become communion with the poor, support for the weak and fraternal concern for those who struggle to bear the weight of daily life, and are in danger of losing their faith, Pope Francis said.

Christians lose heart when they lose sight of their dignity as Christians, he said, and instead worship the idolatries of our time: appearances, consumption and placing the I at the centre of everything.

Being competitive, thinking that arrogance is a charming personal quality or that you are never wrong are other symptoms, the pope said. All of this devalues us, makes us mediocre, tepid, insipid Christians, pagans.

As Christians, he said, we will always be poor sinners, but the blood of Christ will free us from our sins and restore our dignity.

We are fortunate to have our College named after the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a celebration of us all as Christians in community, together as one body of Christ.

We enjoyed our Feast Day celebrations on Friday, having commenced with Mass, with Fr Phillip Fleay from the St Benedict’s Parish, Applecross as our celebrant - a Mass that all students and staff, as well as a number of parents, attended. With the celebration of Mass being followed by the Food and Activity Stalls, and concluding with a talent quest, Fr Phillip reminded us that Catholic schools of the 50’s and 60’s were often given the remainder of the day off to celebrate their school’s feast day!


Despite teachers being sensitive to students when returning papers after the Senior School examination period concluded, I have received some communications from parents, particularly of Year 10 students, who were concerned at the levels of stress their children had experienced at home. The timing of examinations, the thoroughness of the revision period prior, or maybe some of their extra-curricular demands may have contributed to some students experiencing anxiety. The College will explore this issue further to more accurately diagnose whether this is a widespread issue. To counter-balance this issue, it appears Year 12 students have, in the main, sat the examinations calmly and with some confidence.

The nature of the feedback students receive from their teachers is a really important part of the learning process. We want our students to develop the quality of resilience, to be able to more easily cope with the failures that come through learning challenging work, and through hard work and determination will become less stressed and healthier, more likely to do better in their studies in future.

Our teachers of Years 10 and 11 students will be carefully going through answer keys, continuing to teach students how to respond to essay questions, multiple-choice, short and long answer questions and answering problems. These are important learning experiences to prepare students for the higher stakes of Year 12 examinations.

If you feel your child is struggling after the return of their examination papers and learning/feedback sessions, please let their Head of Year know so that strategies of support can be put into place.


The role of the College Psychologists is to support students to achieve academic success, psychological health, and emotional and social well-being. This is achieved through the delivery of preventative and point of need services directly to students, parents and teachers, and through consultative processes and programme delivery for the College.

If parents wish to refer their child to seek confidential counselling from one of our College Psychologists, either Mrs Rachel Goodchild or Mrs Luisa Rossi, I would ask you to complete the Psychologist’s Referral Form for Parents on the parent portal, via coneqt-p. If you have any difficulties accessing this portal, I implore parents to contact the ICT Service Department (Helpdesk) at the College where a staff member will be able to assist you. Rachel or Luisa will respond to your request within 48 hours.


College Colours are prestigious awards that recognise excellence in student performance in a particular field. To achieve a College Colour, a student must demonstrate a commitment to achieve at an outstanding level and represent the College with pride. In addition to their own achievement, students must also exhibit a willingness to consistently serve others.

The following students were presented with Colours following the Corpus Christi Day Mass:

Alyssa Bay - 12CH Christian Service and for Journalism
Aveen Yoong - 12DE Christian Service and for Public Speaking
Jennifer Gresham - 12RO Christian Service and for Basketball
Rebekah-Anne Craggs - 12ME Christian Service
Jason Martins - 12ME Christian Service
Rebecca Lu - 12DE Basketball
Rhys Jones - 12XA Cricket
Isobel Christian - 12MA Drama
Benjamin Ring - 12SA Drama
Emilio Palazzo - 12ME Swimming
Talia Jakubans - 12PA Swimming
Chloe Kingston - 12MA Touch

I take this opportunity to congratulate these wonderful Year 12 students.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Caroline Payne

NOTE: There is currently a glitch in the text in the e-News, where apostrophes are not displaying correctly in the web font, hence you will notice their absence some of the articles. We hope to have this fixed very soon. Apologies for any inaccuracies. (Corpus Communications)

The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au


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[accordion_item title="Year 7 Reflection Day" accordion="accordion"]

On Monday the 8th and 9th of June the Year 7 students experienced The Hero Within Retreat program. This program was designed to assist Middle School students to recognise the hero within them, and identify how they can make a contribution to the world.

The program was run by Youth Impact to develop the concept of each person being special, focussing on: A look at heros, The Armour of a hero and Jesus the hero.

I am Special
You are who you are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You’re just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the one’s he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with
God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.
You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God.



[accordion_item title="School Vaccination Program (9th and 16th June)" accordion="accordion"]

The second round of vaccinations for Year 8 students will be held on Tuesday 9th June and Tuesday 16th June. Vaccinations administered during this round to students who have consent from parents/carers to receive them will be the Diptheria/Tetanus/Whooping cough (Dtpa) vaccine and the 2nd dose of the HPV vaccine.

Further information about the vaccinations can be found on the following websites:

http://www.public.health.wa.gov.au - Department of Health
http://hpv.health.gov.au/for-parents/ - Immunise Australia Program
http://ncirs.edu.au - National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance
Alternatively, parents/carers can ring the Immunisation Information Hotline on 1800 671 811.

Vaccination Dates

The vaccines will be administered in three doses. In 2015, the dates for vaccinations are:

1 Tuesday 3 March Tuesday 10 March
2 Tuesday 9 June Tuesday 16 June
3 Tuesday 13 Oct Tuesday 20 October

All Year 8 students will be required to wear their full House uniform to school on the above dates.

Please note that ALL Year 8 students are required to see the nurse in room T01 at their scheduled time during Round 2, even if they will not be receiving a vaccine. Vaccines will only be given to your child if you have ticked Yes in the consent form for them to be vaccinated. If your child happens to be feeling unwell or has cold/flu symptoms, they must let the nurse know.

In each round, some students will be vaccinated on Day 1 and the remainder on Day 2. Students will be told their scheduled vaccination times in homeroom on Day 1.

After vaccinations, students must sit on the floor in T02 for a recovery period of 15 minutes before they will be allowed to go back to class.


[accordion_item title="Homework" accordion="accordion"]

Home study is seen as an integral part of the academic programme of the College. It is recommended that all students should be engaged in consistent home learning. Regular, planned study timeslots organised around family, leisure and sport commitments are a guideline for success.

The guidelines below are average times recommended for 5 days/times per week (including weekends).

  • Year 7 = 30-60 minutes per day
  • Year 8 = 45-75 minutes per day
  • Year 9 = 60-90 minutes per day

  • What is expected of Teachers?

  • Homework should be issued with the intention to assist students consolidate their learning
  • Outcome of homework should be communicated to students
  • Provide suggested time to spend on set activities, e.g (15 minutes)
  • Differentiate homework to appropriately challenge each level of learner.
  • Homework should be entered on SEQTA

  • What is expected of the student at home?

  • Ensure that all possible homework is completed.
  • Work for short, concentrated bursts. Twenty to forty minutes of fully-focused effort interspersed with short breaks is recommended.

  • Parents can help by?

  • Regularly checking Coneqt-p for communications from teachers
  • Providing a suitable environment for home study
  • Insisting on a high standard of neatness for all work in all subject areas
  • Providing firm support to follow a set study plan (thus helping the student to avoid overloading on any one night)
  • Providing resources (e.g. providing internet access, obtaining books, encouraging the use of the library)
  • Monitoring the effective use of the Internet
  • Being actively involved in the learning with students
  • If a student is unable to complete an ‘overnight’ learning task due to family reasons, please either email the teacher concerned or write a note in the Student Diary.
  • Yours sincerely

    Mr Frank Italiano
    Deputy Principal Middle School


    [accordion_item title="Year 9 News" accordion="accordion"]


    This term the year 9 students have been using the ELES Online Study Skills Program.

    This program provides a comprehensive and interactive online guide for students, parents and teachers developing essential skills for academic success. This is a great online resource for students and parents to address all their study skills issues and concerns and includes a huge amount of information as well as a large number of interactive activities.

    Please take the time to look at the site so you know what topics are covered and what resources are available. To access the program, please go to:


    Username: corpuschristi
    Password: 33achieve


    All year 9 students will be participating in a Language Excursion on Monday 29 June. Further details will be provided closer to the event.


    All students should have met with their staff supervisor to discuss their personal project plan and research. Students are now required to arrange a second meeting with their supervisor for week 9. The focus of this meeting is to discuss the outcome to ensure the student is on track and making progress with their project.

    It is disappointing that a number of year 9 students have failed to make contact to arrange the initial meeting. I have addressed this with the students, however, please discuss this with your child to ensure they are successful in achieving their goal.

    Please remind your child to download the Communication Log from the Year 9 Portal and ask their supervisor to sign this form at each meeting.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


    Naomi Larsen
    Head of Year 9



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


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    [accordion_item title="Australian Curriculum Update (Years 7-10) " accordion="accordion"]

    The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority that is in the process of developing and implementing a national curriculum. ACARA is yet to complete the development of the “Australian Curriculum” across ALL learning areas, however, Phase One subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are finalised and ready for reporting.

    The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has mandated that all schools report on student progress in Phase One subjects for students in Years 7 to 10. Corpus Christi College will start to provide this information on the Semester One Report. Students will receive two grades for these subjects, a school based Course grade and an Australian Curriculum (State) grade. With respect to all other subjects (where the Australian Curriculum is yet to be finalised by ACARA) students will only receive a school based Course grade as has always been the case.


    [accordion_item title="Subject Selection and Careers Information for Year 10-12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    On Wednesday 24 June, all students will engage in Year 10, 11 and 12 will engage in the Pastoral Program for Periods 5 and 6. The focus of the sessions for Year 12 students will be how to make the most out of their last semester of secondary school and how to make choices regarding the next phase in their lives, which will include applying for university or TAFE.

    The current Years 10 and 11 students will have a significant focus on the options available to them for next year. These cohorts will receive information regarding the subject selection process and how to obtain the necessary information for them to make educated choices enabling them to achieve academic success.

    All current Years 10 and 11 students will have access to their Subject Selection Handbook for 2016 by the end of the term.


    [accordion_item title="Careers Expo and Year 10-11 Information Night " accordion="accordion"]

    On June 24 the College will be holding a Careers Expo and Information Evening for students entering Year 11 (or Year 12) in 2016. All Year 10s will have the opportunity to visit the Expo during Periods 5 and 6 on the day.

    The Expo will be open to parents and care givers from 3:15pm to 5pm and then from 6:00pm until 6:50pm. Following the Expo there will be the Year 10 to 11 Information Evening in the College Hall commencing at 7:00pm.

    Information on the following topics will be presented at the Information Evening:

  • Courses available at the College
  • The process of using Subject Selection online.
  • Secondary Graduation
  • Vocational Pathways

  • [/accordion_item]

    [accordion_item title="Academic Reports " accordion="accordion"]

    At the end of the term Academic Reports will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via Coneqt-P and will be available after July 3. Letters will be circulated to parents outlining how to read these reports.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]



    Feast of Corpus Christi

    On Friday 12 June, the College celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi. The day commenced with the celebration of the Eucharist, as we were reminded of our Catholic calling to give witness in being the body of Christ. We thank Fr Phillip Fleay from St Benedicts Parish in Applecross for leading us in this celebration.

    College Colours Awards
    Following the Mass, the College acknowledged 15 recipients of College Colours. College colours are prestigious awards that recognise excellence in student performance. To achieve a College Colour, a student must demonstrate a commitment to achieve at an outstanding level, and represent the College with pride. In addition to their own achievement, students must also exhibit a willingness to consistently serve others. The following students were awarded Colours. Click here to read an excerpt of their citations:

    Alyssa Bay (12CH) Christian Service
    Rebekah Craggs (12M Christian Service
    Jennifer Gresham (12RO) Christian Service
    Jason Martins (12ME) Christian Service
    Aveen Yoong (12DE) Christian Service
    Rebecca Lu (12DE) Basketball
    Jennifer Gresham (12RO) Basketball
    Rhys Jones (12XA) Cricket
    Isobel Christian (12MA) Drama
    Ben Ring (12SA) Drama
    Alyssa Bay (12CH) Journalism
    Aveen Yoong (12DE) Public Speaking
    Emilio Palazzo (12ME) Swimming
    Talia Jakubans (12PA) Swimming
    Chloe Kingston (12MA) Touch

    Staff v Students Soccer
    Following the awards presentation, students moved to the oval to witness the annual staff v students soccer match. The students were comfortable victors.

    Fundraising for Mulan
    From the oval, students moved into the school and enjoyed the different stalls on offer. Each homeroom was involved in organising and running a stall. A variety of food, drinks and activities were available with all funds raised going towards the Mulan Immersion Program, providing this remote aboriginal Mulan community with resources that they so desperately need.

    Talent Quest
    The day concluded with a talent quest organised by Music Director, Mr David Harries. The performers had all progressed through a phase of auditions and the quality of music on display was certainly impressive. Many thanks to Katherine Friend (musical theatre professional) and Shanice Palfrey (WAAPA) who were present to judge the contest. Congratulations to 3rd place Peter Ho (10ME), 2nd place Ricky Perdec (11MA) and our winner Kirsten d’Cruz (10PA), who was awarded time in a recording studio to put together a demo recording.

    Many thanks go to all staff and students for their efforts towards ensuring the day was enjoyable and successful. The day had a wonderful atmosphere and the contributions from so many people resulted in the community feel so very fitting for the Feast of Corpus Christi – The Body of Christ.

    Weekly Homeroom Masses – Fridays 8.00am in the College Chapel
    A reminder that all members of the community are invited to celebrate the Eucharist with the Year 12 Homerooms. Weekly Mass commences at 8.00am on Fridays in the refurbished College chapel.

    Week 9 (19 June) 11 Merici
    Week 10 (26 June) 11 Pallotti
    Week 11 (3 July) 11 Romero
    Week 1 (24 July) 11 Salvado
    Week 2 (31 July) 11 Xavier
    Week 3 (7 August) 10 Chisholm
    Week 4 (14 August) 10 de Vialar


    [accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


    Thursday 25 - Inter-house Play Competition
    Friday 26 - Be Your Self Dance excursion
    Saturday 27 - Mrs Alexander’s Classical Guitar Concert
    Tuesday 30 - Music Night

    Sunday 5 - Sydney Dance Tour
    Thursday 25 - St George’s Art Awards Night
    Friday 24 - Art Camp
    Monday 27 - PAF Opens

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    Last week our students performed exceptionally well at the 2015 Atwell Youth Awards. The Opening Night was rather entertaining commencing with a power failure adding an interesting twist to how some of the works were showcased. The crowd was left in the dark contemplating whether some of the works were going to come alive. However, with the efforts of the gallery staff and the torches on mobile phones, we were able to create a rather interesting ambience, while the crowds continued to pour through the doors of the gallery. Here we all were, standing in the gallery space, packed like sardines in the dark receiving awards.

    Our Year 8 installation “ Slinky Cats” looked absolutely fantastic in the dark, with the spot lights casting creepy shadows of these wild fleuro beastly cats, which incidentally won the best collaborative installation in show.

    Award Winners for the evening:

    Year 12 Cameron Whiting - Curators Award Special Challenge Recycled material. (Loved the innovative use of materials)
    Year 12 Michelle McMahon - Highly Commended for her ceramic installation and clever use of materials
    Year 11 Sachin North - Highly Commended for Photo realism - Sister
    Year 10 Gracie Macri - Overall Year 10 winner for Charcaol Photorealism - Aviator
    Year 8 Collaborative Installation - Overall Best in Show Winner - Slinky Cats

    The College also received the The Best school in show receiving a $300 Jackson drawing supply voucher “School Art Dept Award". Comments from the gallery judges and curator.

    Thank you for supporting the aims of the Atwell Youth Awards with a wonderfully diverse and innovative collection of creative artworks spread over the entire age range resulting in several prize winner including the fabulous collaborative installation Slinky Cats.


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    Congratulations Niña Brown and Brittany Pymm
    Year 10 student Niña Brown has been selected to compete in the 2015 National Clubs Tournament with her trampolining club. This will take place in Bendigo, Victoria at the end of September. At this event, Niña will compete in three different sections: tumbling, trampoline and vault. This isnt her first time attending such events - In previous years Niña has successfully placed in the the top 20 competitors. We wish her the best of luck for this years competition.

    On the 6th and 7th of June, Year 10 student Brittany Pymm competed in the National McAleer Open Championship for Irish dancing. Brittany is a veteran of many Irish dancing competitions and this showed in her outstanding achievement of being placed second in her category. We congratulate her on her success and wish her luck in her upcoming State competitions in August.

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    One and all are cordially invited to the following upcoming music events.

    Mrs Alexander’s Classical Guitar Concert
    Saturday 27 June
    James Nestor Auditorium
    All welcome to this free event

    Music Night
    Tuesday 30 June
    James Nestor Auditorium
    Ticket available through Trybooking very soon

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    Inter-house Play Competition
    Preparations are well under way for the 2nd annual Inter-house Play Competition which will be held at the Nexus Theatre on Thursday 25 June at 6.30pm. Tickets for this fabulous night of entertainment will be available HERE.

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream
    If you enjoyed the 2015 Collge production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, why not treat yourself to a copy of the DVD so you can re-live the magic! DVD orders can be placed HERE


    [accordion_item title="Sports News" accordion="accordion"]




    ACC_CX_3On Thursday 28 May around 120 of Corpus finest runners travelled to Perry Lakes Reserve to compete at the ACC Cross Country Carnival. Corpus had a very successful day in ideal conditions. There were 50 schools competing and although we were disappointed not to finish higher in the overall combined rankings, we enjoyed consistent results and once again the coaches were very proud of the positive attitude and willingness of our athletes to work hard for their team mates.

    Highlights included:

  • Corpus winning the U13 Girls Champion Team!
  • Our Girls were ranked 4th overall and boys were ranked 11th.
  • Our Overall Combined ranking was 7th.
  • We achieved a top 10 ranking in 4 out of the 5 age groups and our open age group were ranked 11th.
  • Thanks once again to our dedicated team of running coaches, especially Mr Reno Sinagra, Mrs Laura Heard and Mr Ian Hagen who have been training the team since early in Term 1. It is their shared passion for running that retains our athletes and keeps them striving for personal bests.

    Outstanding individual performances:
    Taylor Kroyer U13G 2nd
    Brooke McCoy U16G 4th
    Jen Delpup U19G 7th
    Kayla Weekes U15G 8th
    Sophie Jones U13G 8th
    Aleisha Wesley U19G 11th
    Amelia Swan U15G 22nd
    Naoisa McNellis U14G 17th
    Andrea Fernandez U13G 28th
    Holly van Der Linden U14G 27th
    Michael Radonovic U14B 9th
    Mitchell Garland U16B 20th
    Jacob Barham U16B 33rd

    Considering there were around 400 runners in each of these races – these are sensational performances!

    Congratulations also to Braden Hannon Yr 12 who won the Inclusive event and Braden Panizza Yr 8 who finished 3rd!

    We look forward now to Athletics and encourage all cross athletes to compete in the middles distance events at inter-house early in Term 3 with a view to representing again at the ACC Athletics Carnival to be held at the State Athletics Centre on Wed 16 September 2015.

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    footy1On Wednesday 10 June our Year 10 Boys participated in the ACC Year 10 AFL South Metro Cup played at Sutherlands Reserve, Huntingdale. Schools represented included, CBC Fremantle, Clontarf Aboriginal College, Kennedy Baptist College, All Saints College, La Salle College and Seton Catholic College.

    After losing a close opening encounter with CBC Freo, the boys went on to post a convincing win over and La Salle which meant we progressed to the Finals Round. The Corpus boys showed great strength of character, improving their team play as the Carnival progressed. In impressive style Corpus went on to register strong wins over Clontarf, Kennedy and then bounced back over CBC to claim victory in the Carnival with their most impressive performance for the day.

    The boys were coached brilliantly by College Football Captain Scott Price, led superbly by Captain Gavin Thompson and Managed by Mr Neil Geuer with Rhys Jones as Assistant Coach.

    The boys have the opportunity now to play in a Grand Final Carnival against the winners of the North Metro, South West and NAS Sub Association competitions. This Carnival is likely to be early in Term 3 – the date to be confirmed.

    Congratulations to the following team members:
    Scott Price Yr 12 (Coach)
    Gavin Thompson (Captain)
    Joshua Antulov (Vice Captain)
    Chad Sims
    Stephen Thornett
    Liam McKinnon
    Aussie Jones
    James Kelly
    Nicholas Patat
    Matthew Burton
    Brodie Low
    Cameron Cantwell
    Cameron Bell
    Thomas Wright
    Trey Katnich
    Matthew Marin
    Liam Hall
    Jordan Da Cruz
    Dane Jameson-Jenzen
    Corey Marciano
    Jake Coleman
    Zack Giuppa
    Isaac Liedke
    Jamie Marwick
    Liam McKinnon
    Luke Caifano
    Josh Evangellis
    Jacob Menezes
    Mr Neil Geuer (Manager)
    Rhys Jones Yr 12 (Assistant Coach)
    Shaun Burne, Thomas Bendsten, Zach Fuller, Declan Thompson – Yr 9 (Boundary / Water)



    [accordion_item title="Outdoor Education" accordion="accordion"]


    Way back in March this, year 12s from the 3AB Outdoor Education Unit participated in a four day bushwalking expedition along the gorgeous Cape to Cape walking trail in WA’s South West. As part of the their assessment, the expedition was completely planned, and lead, by the students themselves. From booking accommodation, packing equipment, navigating the way and running the briefs and debriefs. A fantastic opportunity for students to learn through experience, whilst also enjoying the great outdoors.

    Student reflection:
    Day 2 was a very good day despite the average morning weather. We walked in the morning, went surfing in Yallingup around midday, and then walked in the afternoon to our next campsite. After surfing we were able to stop and reassess our backpacks. Many of us realised how poorly we had packed, mainly because we overpacked. Once the weight of unnecessary items was out of the bag walking was a lot easier/faster and group moral a lot higher. This is a good lesson to learn as it can be taught to the year 10s when we take them on expedition in Term 2. We got to the campsite really quickly that afternoon. This meant we were faced with a whole lot of down time or free time - something that could have been destructive to the group. Luckily, we found a half built teepee cubby which we converted into a game which then kept us occupied most of the afternoon. We finished the day with another short walk to take in some beach views. This is whats great about our group – we can always find things to do and keep ourselves entertained. Other groups may not. When we plan the expedition for the year 10s we will have to keep this in mind.


    Day three was the day that I had to miss out on bushwalking because my foot was too sore. As a whole I don’t know how the group worked but personally I know I wasn’t in the greatest moods knowing I would miss the banter of the group. I really wanted to give up and go home. But, in the spirit of making the most of the time I just ignored that feeling and got along with helping the support crew. It obviously wasn’t as fun as being with the group, but it was a good morning and I appreciated still being able to join in. It was also the biggest day in terms of covering the most kilometres This was the day that people may struggle. But,everyone got to the end, and, we got to Meelup beach on time and had a great time! Group cohesion was at an all time high. This was important - it showed that hard work deserves celebration and reward. Having something to look forward to at the end can help motivate the group work together really well, and it did.


    [accordion_item title="Corpus at the Ellington" accordion="accordion"]

    On Monday 15 June, the Ellington Jazz Club hosted students from Corpus Christi College in the annual Corpus at the Ellington, a showcase of student musical talent.

    Hosted by Year 10 student, Peter Ho and arranged and produced by our Director of Music Mr David Harries, parents and guests were treated to a variety of different Music Genres including some upbeat tunes from the WA 66 Corpus Celtic band. Performances also included a variety of mixed acapella vocals from our talented Year 10 singers, flute jazz interpretations, Classic Jazz numbers from the Jazz Band, Brass duets, Clarinet and Flute Ensembles, a solo electric guitar performance and a combined classical guitar collaboration, Boys Choir and some incredible vocal solos.

    In its third year, the Corpus at the Ellington is proving to be a popular event and allows our music students an invaluable opportunity at performing in a professional venue.

    To see some pics of the event, please go to: https://www.corpus.wa.edu.au/album/college-gallery/

    Alternatively, go the Corpus Christi College Facebook page and see all of the action: https://www.facebook.com/corpuschristicollegewa


    [accordion_item title="Public Speaking" accordion="accordion"]

    It is that time of year where there seems to be lots of Public Speaking news!

    On the Saturday 30th May, six students represented Corpus Christi College at the Rostrum Voice of Youth Semi Final. All were quite amazing. They had to present a prepared speech after which they had 15 minutes in which to plan and write a three-minute impromptu speech. The topics were unseen. This is quite a daunting task for most people.

    Ike Adesanya(Yr 8), Sam Coten(Yr 12) and Rebekah-Anne Craggs(Yr 12) progressed through to the State Final. Ike’s achievement was quite a feat as it was her first year in competition and she was competing against Year 10s in the Junior division. Sam’s speech was thought provoking and Rebekah is a natural public speaker.

    The other students competing were:
    Karen Escobar (Year 12)
    Desiree Louis (Year 11)
    Olivia Fuderer (Year 10)

    SamC_001These students were incredibly unlucky not to have made the finals. All were outstanding in the content of their speeches, as well as their deliveries. They are all to be congratulated on their achievements.

    On Sunday 7th June, Sam Coten competed in, and won the state final of the Plain English Speaking Award. He had to deliver an 8 minute prepared speech, take part in a 3 minute interview (which was part of the adjudication) and deliver a 3 minute short notice speech after 5 minutes preparation. These were challenging tasks to say the least, however Sam handled the experience with confidence and poise. Sam received a $200 prize along with a shield to be displayed in the College. He will be sponsored to go to Canberra from the 7th to the 10th of August when he will take part in the National Final. If Sam is successful there, he is off to London!

    I feel very privileged to work with all these students and am so proud of their willingness to take up the challenge to participate in public speaking. I want to thank them most sincerely for their efforts and acknowledge the on going support of their parents, without whom these achievements would not be possible.

    Noreen Stevenson


    [accordion_item title="Psychological Services" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 3.04.28 pmWhat’s happening in Psych Services?

    We have a new referral form on the Psych Services Portal page that Students and Parents can access.

    Upcoming Workshops
    23rd June 2015
    Relationships Australia Leederville
    Mums Raising Teenage Girls

    Act-Belong-Commit Tip for the week

    Connect with Nature - Connecting with nature helps us to recover from stress and mental fatigue, helps us to relax ad puts us in a good frame of mind. Next time you need a lift you might like to explore your local park, walk along the beach, or get out into your garden.


    [accordion_item title="Community Notices" accordion="accordion"]


    In 2015 all schools in Australia will participate in the NCCD, on students with a disability and the level of educational adjustment they are provided with. This is to ensure that governments have understanding of level of resourcing and need in schools.

    A student with disability is defined as: The Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 definition of disability is broad and includes temporary and permanent disability that a person has now, may have in the future or is believed to have. The DDA definition encompasses impairments or diagnoses regardless of the impact an impairment has on a person’s life functioning. E.g. mental, cognitive, illness, physical, learning, sensory etc.

    This collection of data gives information on the level of individual student’s needs. This is anonymous to the governments, but shows numbers of students requiring teaching and learning adjustments to their curriculum. Corpus Christi College is gathering this data over the next few weeks.

    A fact sheet is included HERE for all parents. Please contact Kellie Jones on 6332 2580 if you have any further questions.

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    Dear Parent,

    Unfortunately, accidents involving students happen. To assist parents with costs associated with accidents, we have SchoolCare insurance provided by Catholic Church Insurance Limited (CCI). SchoolCare is a student accident insurance policy, providing protection to all students attending our school. For more information DOWNLOAD the following flyer:


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    Join both the National Library of Australia and the State Library of Western Australia to access a valuable range of e-Resources. It is free to join and easy to do. The instructions are on the web sites.

    The National Library:

    The State Library:

    Although there is a huge range of freely accessible material on both sites, it is worth joining to access the full range of online journals and databases.


    [accordion_item title="Inside Out Premiere" accordion="accordion"]



    [accordion_item title="National Science Week" accordion="accordion"]

    Years 10-11 Guys and Girls - Science Careers

    Wednesday 26 August

    The WA National Science Week Committee has invited 80 West Australian scientists as mentors, and 8 of our enthusiastic science-loving students (4 girls and 4 guys) to the Science Café to discuss and promote Science Careers.

    Periods 1-4, 9.00am–12.00pm, Free.

    Venue: The University of Western Australia, Winthrop Hall.

    WA scientists will host a morning tea providing Years 10-11 students with a unique opportunity to speak one-on-one with them and receive practical knowledge about science career pathways. Scientists from WA Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM); professionals from the state’s universities; CSIRO; Engineers Australia; Kings Park and Botanic Gardens and Perth Zoo will attend.

    A consent form and media clearance form must be completed for each participating student and returned before the day of the event.

    [There is the ACC athletics warm up meet period 4-6].


    If you want to be considered e-mail me by 2 July. bhurn@corpus.wa.edu.au

    Mr Brian HURN
    Head of Science


    [accordion_item title="Year 7 Science - Gel Electrophoresis" accordion="accordion"]

    Two Year 7 Science classes were recently treated to the use of very expensive electrophoresis equipment loaned from Murdoch University. Students learned the basic techniques of DNA separation and how to use an advanced pipette for measuring out very small volumes into wells in the gel.




    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news