eNews #3 Term Two Week 3

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents,

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers in our community a Happy Mothers’ Day!

Christian Service Learning Coordinator Ms Donna Chong organised 32 students to participate in the major annual fundraiser for Cancer Research, Relay for Life, held at the WA Athletics Stadium for 24 hours last Saturday afternoon. I was present when Miss Elaine Liew, Messrs Johnny Ho and Michael Rathmann, together with Mrs Laura Heard and Ms Cara Wright were supervising our students in a tent area with a number of other schools, who did us proud. Year 12 student Rhys Jones ran the marathon of 42km, an outstanding effort. As a cancer survivor, I am grateful to the staff and students who gave up a weekend to take part in this important community event.

Parent Involvement

Apart from the monthly Parents and Friends meetings, generally held on the first Tuesday of each month, the P and F are inviting parents to be involved in one of three sub-committees – Corpus Cares Parent Committee (outreach for members of the Corpus Christi College community), Academic Support Parent Committee, Friends of the Arts, or Friends of Sport Parent Committee. Each Year level has a parent committee, too. At the moment, the P and F are particularly searching for Year 7 parents who would like to be involved. If you would like to be involved in any of these committees, please contact P and F President, Mrs Shelley Hill on email: shelley.hill@crhtelnet.com.au

At the invitation of the College, local State member for Bateman, Mr Matt Taylor MLA BSc (Hons), will be attending the first part of the P and F meeting on Tuesday 2 June 2015 in the staffroom. Proceedings will commence at 7.00pm. It would be wonderful if our community would show our support by making time to come along. This is an opportune time to view any concerns we may have after the budget announcement, or any local issues you would like to raise.

Parent Teacher Student Interviews

A large number of teachers had a full book of appointments with parents recently. I know the majority of parents appreciated the opportunity to meet their daughters and sons subject teachers. The parent feedback regarding the change to the interview time slots available appeared to be positive and we have tried to streamline the process. Providing parents of a little more notice before opening the PTO online booking system is something we will do in future.

Despite our best efforts, a number of parents were not able to make appointments with subject teachers. The number of students taught on average by a teacher, along with the number of appointment times that are available, indicates it is simply not possible for them to meet with all parents. This situation improved with the 7-minute time slots. Teachers will contact these parents as soon as they can. Many parents did express gratitude to the emails received from teachers over the course of the year thus far, which kept them updated with their child’s progress.

Board Planning Day held recently

The College Board, Leadership Team and ICT Leadership met on Saturday 2 May from 8.30am until 1.00pm to focus on two strategic topics, the ICT Strategic Plan and 2015 update, followed by a workshop on Risk Management.

The College Board, consisting of Messrs Greg LeGuier, Michael Weir, Russell Hardwick, Mrs Clara Kirika, Dr Tonia Girardi, Mrs Deborah Talbot and Mr Paul Nicholls were all involved in setting the agenda, most of whom joined the Leadership Team including Messrs Peter Sackett, Vince Ialeggio, Frank Italiano, Ian Hagen, Jim Elliott, as well as Trevor Galbraith and David Moyle, to participate on the day.

The refreshed ICT Strategic Plan will be presented to staff in the coming weeks and placed on the College website.

‘Risk Management’ is an area that is covered at the College in various ways – through the implementation and communication of College policies, is included on the agenda of many leadership meetings at various levels, the Occupation Health and Safety Committee led by Property Manager Mr Chris Carbone, and all teachers and non-teaching staff being aware of their responsibilities in loco parentis, (Latin for "in the place of a parent") that refers to the legal responsibility of staff to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. Developing a safety awareness culture in the College which sees every individual taking responsibility for safety and wellbeing is an important part of having a strong ‘risk culture’.

Mulan Immersion Programme: ‘Wangku-marna Ngarpu’ Programme

The College invited Year 11 students to apply for a wonderful opportunity to live their faith through their involvement in a journey to an Aboriginal community in the Eastern Kimberley region, John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School at Mulan, a K-10 school approximately 300 km from Halls Creek, during Term Three.

Twenty six students applied, with 10 selected to join the staff accompanying the group consisting of Miss Amy Christophers, Mr Ian Bean, Mrs Noreen Stevenson and Ms Jennifer Overend. The 10 students selected were Rheanne Menezes, Ella Hart, Gracie Drennan, Jordan Nadj, Molly Elliott, Robert Stevens, Cassandra Rauh, Madison Arrowsmith, India Santaromita and Desiree Louis.

We call the Mulan project the Wangku-marna Ngarpu’ programme, meaning Follow the Lord in the local indigenous language. Whilst in the community, our students and staff will work towards developing meaningful two-way relationships with the students at the school.

iTunes U Shared Project: St Mary’s Broome and Corpus Christi College

Deputy Principal of Senior School Mr Ian Hagen and ICT Network Manager Mr David Moyle, spent three very busy days recently forming a supportive partnership with St Marys College Broome in order to share online resources. After setting up their senior teachers and their classes to enrol in many of our WACE course iTunes U classes, Mr Hagen led workshops for staff, then students, to ensure the success of this programme, ably supported by Mr Moyle. Resources may now be shared between the teachers in both schools. Whilst there, David also solved a myriad of ICT issues, as we know he would want to do for them. I hope the community is excited about the prospect of making a difference in a region known to struggle with the availability of resources and scant networking prospects.

Staff News

Mr Trevor Galbraith, Apple Distinguished Educator

Director of Learning Technologies Mr Trevor Galbraith has been recognised by Apple as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADEs), part of a global community of education leaders recognised for being the most innovative educators in the world. ADEs must demonstrate that they explore new ideas, seek new paths and embrace new opportunities, which includes working with each other and with Apple, to bring the freshest, most innovative ideas to students everywhere. This requires them to author original content about their work and to help engage students in new ways. ADEs are ambassadors of innovation, participating in and presenting at education events around the world, which Mr Galbraith has done over the course of a number of years. His humility prevented him to apply sooner, but many of his students have insisted he do so. Mr Galbraith has now been invited to attend the next ADE education event in Singapore to receive his award and to collaborate on solutions to the global education challenges of today and tomorrow, with other ADEs from across the world. Congratulations Mr Galbraith, you have done us proud!

Appointment of Vice Principal

It is with great pleasure that I welcome our new Vice Principal, Mrs Karen Prendergast, announced last Wednesday morning after Staff Prayer. Karen will take up her position at the College at the commencement of Term Four, immediately after the Year 12s graduate.

Mrs Prendergast is currently Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning (K-12) at Newman College, a position she has held since 2011. Karen was formerly Head of Society and Environment at St Marks Anglican Community School, having also held a variety of roles at Christ the King Catholic School in the UK for over 16 years, ranging from Head of Geography to Director of Teaching and Learning, and finally, Assistant Head Teacher. Mrs Prendergast has also had an early association with Corpus Christi College, having taught Social Studies and Geography in 1991.

Mrs Prendergast is also well qualified for this senior leadership role in the College. Holding a BA (Hons) in Geography, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a Catholic Teachers’ Certificate, Karen is currently completing a Master of Religious Education qualification at the Notre Dame University.

Mrs Prendergast is committed to ongoing learning, her priorities this year being the creation of a staff performance and development culture, improving practice in the area of diversity education, and supporting digital innovation to enhance student learning outcomes as part of the educational goals at Newman College. Clearly, these goals resonate with ours at Corpus Christi College.

Mrs Prendergasts passion for a strong Catholic co-educational learning programme, her strong inter-personal skills, along with her knowledge of the challenges which educational leaders face in schools will enable her to collaborate closely with our Leadership and Teaching and Learning Council Teams, as we pave the way for the future. I am certain Mrs Prendergast will ensure the College continues to provide our students with positive, challenging and rewarding school experiences.

I am confident in your support of Mrs Prendergast as she takes up her appointment in Term Four.

The coming weeks: Weekly Mass, NAPLAN, Retreat and Examinations

I take this opportunity to wish students all the best in the coming fortnight. Year 12 students commence examinations next Monday, whilst Year 10 students participate in their Retreat and Year 7 and Year 9 students sit the NAPLAN tests this week.

Please keep these students in your prayers.

Finally, a reminder all parents are welcome to attend Friday Mass in the Chapel, as we move to Year 11 Homerooms preparing Mass for the majority of the remainder of this term.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"] [accordion]

[accordion_item title="Year 7 Student Leadership" accordion="accordion"]

Wednesday 6 May saw the new Year 7 Student Leaders receive their blessed Student Leadership badges. Mrs Payne presented the students with their badges and then they recited their Student Leadership pledge to the assembled Year 7 peer group. The students are to be congratulated for their commitment in standing up to serve their peers.

Mrs Yvette Pearce Head of Year 7



[accordion_item title="NAPLAN 2015" accordion="accordion"]

NAPLAN will be taking place from Tuesday 12 May to Thursday 14 May for Years 7 and 9.

Tuesday 12 MayPeriods 1 and 4 (Assembly bell times)

Wednesday 13 MayPeriod 1 (Wednesday bell times)

Thursday 14 MayPeriods 2 and 3 (Normal bell times)

Students will need to ensure they have the following stationery items for NAPLAN testing:

  • 2B pencils

  • An eraser

  • A sharpener

  • A calculator


[accordion_item title="Year 9 Personal Project" accordion="accordion"]
The Year 9 students have been busy working on their Personal Projects since the beginning of the year. They have now developed a plan and completed research on their particular topic and should be ready to begin working on the outcome/product.

All students will have a staff member to act in a supervisory role – providing guidance to assist them in achieving their goals. The role of a supervisor includes:

  • Meeting with the student twice a term to discuss their progress and review any work or evidence.
  • Signing the Communication Log as evidence that the student has met and communicated effectively with you.
  • Assessing the report and final outcome.

  • Naomi Larsen
    Head of Year 9


    [accordion_item title="Uniform and Grooming" accordion="accordion"]
    To ensure improved clarity with regards rules and expectations of the College Grooming and Appearance Policy, please note:

  • Hair must be clean and neatly combed.
  • Hair is not to be styled in such a way that it is capable, at any time, of falling forwards towards the eyes or face.
  • Hair must be no shorter than a number 2 cut.
  • Hair is to be the student’s natural colour.
  • Extreme hairstyles are not permitted.
  • Overuse of hair products (gel) is not permitted.

  • It is to be noted that, in matters of style, the College remains the final arbiter.

    Congratulations to the majority of students who continue to maintain high standards of personal presentation.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"] [accordion]

    [accordion_item title="Senior School Examinations" accordion="accordion"]
    Year 11 and 12 students have received information regarding the examination times and schedules. Year 10 students will receive their examination schedules in coming weeks. Copies of the timetables will also be available on the College website. The dates of the examinations are outlined below and they are also published in the College Diary.

  • Year 12 Examinations Monday May 18 to Friday May 29

  • Year 11 Examinations Monday May 25 to Friday June 5

  • Year 10 Examinations Tuesday June 2 to Tuesday June 9

  • Can I please stress the importance of students being present for all of their examinations and that should a student fall unwell and be unable to attend an examination that I am notified by phone or email on the morning of the examination. A medical certificate must be provided for any student who misses an examination for medical reasons which is to be given to Mr Ian Hagen at the College.

    Below a few key reminders regarding the College Examination Policy and Practice.

  • Students should ensure they are at the examination venue 20 minutes before the start of reading time as they will be directed into the examination room at least 10-15 minutes before it commences. No extra time is given for lateness. No allowance will be made to students who miss an examination through misreading the timetable.

  • The Corpus Christi College Examination Policy applies in full at all times (Found on pages 30-32 in the College Diary).

  • Students studying modules which do not have an examination component, will only be required to attend the College during this period if they need to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work.

  • Students are not permitted to leave early from an examination.

  • If students are unable to sit for an examination due to extenuating circumstances please ensure the procedures outlined in the Examination Policy are followed.

  • If you have any questions or queries regarding the Examinations then please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Head of Year or Mr Ian Hagen at the College.


    [accordion_item title="Years 10 to 11 Information Night" accordion="accordion"]

    Wednesday 24 June 7:00pm College Hall

    This is an important reminder to all of our Year 10 Parents/Caregivers that the Information Evening for Year 11 2016 is a very important part of the course selection process for students as they enter Year 11. On this day all of the Year 10 students will participate in the Future Pathways Pastoral Program that will be held during Periods 5 & 6 and will continue after school. More information pertaining to this event will be circulated in coming weeks.

    It is essential that all parents attend the Information Evening in the College Hall.

    Information on the following topics will be presented on the night:

  • Courses available at the College
  • The Online selection process
  • Secondary Graduation
  • Vocational Pathways
  • University Entrance

  • We look forward to seeing you on the evening.

    Mr Ian Hagen
    Deputy Principal Senior School



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"] [accordion]

    [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]
    Retreat Experience – Year 10 (Week 4)

    The Senior School Retreats are some of the most rewarding experiences that students have at Corpus Christi College. They are opportunities for students to take time out from their regular lives so they can look internally at themselves and reflect on their own lives. It gives them opportunities to reflect on the relationships they have with others, the relationship they have with God, and also the type of person they are compared with the type of person they would like to be.

    The Year 10 Retreat occurs this coming week. I encourage parents to discuss the experience of the Retreat with their children so that they may not only develop a deeper understanding of their experience, but also to help bring their realisations into their everyday lives.

    Weekly Homeroom Masses – Fridays 8.00am in the College Chapel

    A reminder that all members of the community are invited to celebrate the Eucharist with the Year 12 Homerooms. Weekly Mass commences at 8.00am on Fridays in the refurbished College chapel.

    Week 4 (15 May) 11 deVialar
    Week 5 (22 May) 11 MacKillop
    Week 6 (29 May) 9 Salvado
    Week 7 (5 June) 9 Xavier
    Week 8 (12 June) No Homeroom Mass – Corpus Christi Day
    Week 9 (19 June) 11 Merici
    Week 10 (26 June) 11 Pallotti
    Week 11 (3 July) 11 Romero


    [accordion_item title="Psychological Services" accordion="accordion"]

    BITE BACK is all about amplifying the good stuff in life. They have just launched their 6-Week Challenge to BITE BACK which helps you discover what you are really passionate about and then provides the tools to make the most out of that passion. Signup to get one email each week to further expand what is possible.

    To sweeten the deal they have 5 prize packs up for grabs for people who complete the challenge including instant cameras, speakers, tablets, vouchers, and heaps more.

    See www.biteback.org.au/competition to signup for the challenge!


    Munch your way to better mental health

    ABC-new-logo-tagline-EGood nutrition is essential for good mental health. Serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, is involved with the transmission of nerve signals within the brain. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals can affect the way that you feel.

    Bananas, avocadoes, brown rice, eggs, almonds, chicken, tuna, and lentils are just a few examples of mineral rich foods. To find out more about mentally healthy foods go to:



    [accordion_item title="Public Speaking" accordion="accordion"]

    On Sunday morning May 3rd, ten students represented Corpus Christi College at the heats of the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition with the outstanding result of seven moving forward into the semi finals to take place on May 30th. The topics they spoke about were varied ranging from mind games and a light bulb moment, to gender equality and the importance of community spirit.

    For Ike Adesanya, Rachael Dellaca and Emily McCarthy from Year 8, it was their first Rostrum competition. They were in the Junior Section competing against students from other schools across the metro area in Years 8 to 10. Although Rachael and Emily did not progress to the next level of competition, this experience will be invaluable for next year. Ike was successful and will represent the College in the semi finals. Emma Shine from Year 9 also competed. Her performance was polished but the competition was tough and unfortunately she did not win. Olivia Fuderer (Year 10) was successful in moving through to the semi finals with her brilliant speech about community spirit.

    Our senior students’ outstanding performances were the result of a great deal of dedicated, hard work, which has certainly paid off. Sam Coten, Rebekah Craggs, Karen Escobar-Bitar and Desiree Louis won their heats outright and will progress through to the semi finals. Alyssa Bay’s heat was of a particularly high standard but she will progress through on a wild card entry.

    I commend all the speakers for the way in which they prepared for the competition. Thank you to all who supported the students along the way, particularly parents. Without your support, these achievements would not be possible.

    Noreen Stevenson



    [accordion_item title="Situations Vacant - Employment" accordion="accordion"]

    We currently have a 12-month Maternity Leave Contract vacancy for a qualified Accountant.

    Job Description

  • Preparation and submission of the College Accounts in conformity with the requirements of DEET and other relevant external agencies
  • Preparation of monthly Management Finance Reports
  • Weekly Bank Reconciliations and cash flow analysis as required
  • Preparation of an annual Financial and Operating Budget in consultation with the Business Manager and the Finance Committee
  • Provide regular strategic reviews of policy and internal controls
  • Preparation of BAS, FBT and other statutory returns
  • Collection of fees and other receipts
  • Oversee the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Payroll Officers
  • Ensure the Balance Sheet accurately reflects the Assets and Liabilities each month
  • Special Projects and Statistical analysis.

  • The Successful candidate

    Being CA/CPA/CIMA qualified, your experience will be highly valued as you identify system and process improvement opportunities. The successful applicant will be responsible for the implementation of best practice procedures to reduce month-end reporting timeframes.

    The successful applicant must have excellent attention to detail, be results driven and possess good verbal and written communication skills. A working knowledge of Excel is a must, along with prior large data base management. They must also have experience in managing a small team.

    To apply for the above position, please submit your resume to the College Accountant, Mrs Claire Newsham via email: cnewsham@corpus.wa.edu.au

    JOB 2: TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OFFICER – Part-time, to work 2-3 days per week (Wednesday - Friday)

    This new opportunity is initially for six weeks (with a possibility of extension) to support our Finance Team. Immediate start.

    Key responsibilities include:

  • Matching, batching and coding invoices
  • EFT and cheque payments
  • Processing internal expense payments
  • Monthly reporting
  • Liaise with College staff regarding purchasing / department budgets
  • Reconciliation of supplier statements, debit and credit cards
  • Handling all Accounts Payable queries
  • Maintaining fixed asset register
  • Maintaining filing structure / system.

  • The successful candidate will possess the following:

  • Experience in a similar role
  • Intermediate Excel skills (and knowledge in Microsoft Office)
  • Excellent communication skills – written and verbal
  • Outstanding organisational skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Ability to work autonomously and in a team.

  • To apply for the above position, please send your resume to the College Accountant, Mrs Claire Newsham via email: cnewsham@corpus.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Community News" accordion="accordion"]

    YIDARRA CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL - Nature Play Area - Project Robin Hood

    A group of passionate parents are hoping (and fundraising) to get a nature play area built in our school. With this in mind we have applied for a $10,000 grant through the City of Melville. Unlike traditional funding programs, approval of the grants is based solely on a voting system. Please take moment to vote for our project and help us win $10,000 for our nature play area.

    Voting is simple.

    Click on the link: http://projectrobinhood2015.budgetallocator.com/#ba

    Scroll down to our project (it is second from the bottom) Ye Ipads down, Lets Play...Sherwood Forest is on the way.. and VOTE. Please note that you can just vote for our project (giving us a better chance of winning!).

    When you have voted you need to remember to click on the link that is emailed to you to confirm your vote.

    Thanks for your time and your support.


    Saturday 6 June 2015. Registration from 3pm. Performance by The Starlight Hotel Choir 5pm. Auction 5.30pm. Refreshments provided.


    Parking: Henderson St Carpark

    Open for viewing Friday 5 June: 3 - 5pm, Saturday 6 June: 12 noon - 5pm, Auction 5.30pm

    For more information click HERE


    FUNDRAISING AND FRIENDRAISING is the theme of this year’s AGM and mini conference, being held at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, 103 Wood Street, Inglewood on Wednesday 27th May 2015 from 5pm-8.30pm.

    We have Mandy Weidmann, CEO, The Fundraising Directory coming from Queensland to speak to us on how creative fundraising builds strong communities. The Fundraising Directory book will be complimentary for each parent who attends the evening.

    We also have Allan Blagaich, CEO, School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), coming to outline the changes to the curriculum from pre-primary to year 12. Allan is a wonderfully engaging speaker and is very happy to answer any questions you may have. We promise to squeeze the formalities of the AGM between our two guest speakers.

    Light supper and drinks will be provided and there is plenty of on-site parking available. For more information and to register please go to http://pffwa.eventbrite.com.au/ Registration is free for parents of affiliated schools, however everyone is welcome to attend. Please register for catering purposes by Friday 22nd May.

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    MINDSTRENGTH is an online course developed by Black Dog Institute for young people aged 14-16 years. It is designed to help you understand what resilience is and how it can help you get through tough stuff in life.

    The course includes:

  • Five short, interactive and engaging modules supported by helpful videos
  • Useful resilience building strategies including mindfulness meditation, controlling emotions, identifying your strengths and step-by-step process for problem-solving.

  • Access the Course online: www.blackdoglms.com



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au

    Tags:eNews, news
