eNews #15 Week 8

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Dear Parents

In the past fortnight, we have held a number of major events in the College.

We welcomed the Year 7 2016 cohort of students on Monday 30 November, followed by a very well attended Parent Evening on the same day.

On Friday 4 December we acknowledged our high achievers at the Year 7 - 11 Awards Ceremony; Year 11 students finishing their 25 days of Year 12 curriculum on the same day. I take this opportunity to thank the many parents, extended family members and friends who were able to attend this major event on the College calendar. Students who achieved subject and major Awards are listed in this weeks e-News. The Dux of each Year group will be acknowledged at the first Whole School Assembly in 2016, along with the high achievers from the Class of 2015.

This week, our Year 10s conclude with a River Cruise on Monday. On Tuesday all Year 9 students and their parents will be attending the Opening of the Personal Project Exhibition (Year 8 parents and students are welcome to attend), and on Wednesday, the College is hosting the Parents and Friends sponsored Carols on the Avenue event in front of the Mater Christi Centre. The week will conclude with the Middle School Mass and Ceremony on Thursday before all students conclude for the Christmas break.

I take this opportunity to thank our parents for supporting the College in many of these events and congratulate our students on the wonderful way they finished the year.

Curtin University Undergraduate Scholarship

We congratulate 2015 Year 12 students Rebekah-Anne Craggs and Jennifer Gresham on each being awarded a John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship, a highly sought after and prestigious award.

From the Vice-Chancellor

The John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship is Curtins most prestigious future undergraduate student scholarship. In honouring a great leader of yesterday, the scholarship aims to support the great leaders of tomorrow, nurturing the ideals of vision, leadership and community service, which John Curtin so ably demonstrated. These are ideals to which the University is very strongly committed. This scholarship is highly sought after and our scholarship recipients - who span a wide range of disciplines - are demonstrating outstanding qualities and initiating projects, which I believe will be of great value to the community. I am very proud to be associated with this important initiative.

Professor Deborah Terry - Vice-Chancellor, Curtin University

Recipients of the scholarship are expected to work together and individually on a number of community projects, to encourage a sense of community outside and within the university.

Both Rebekah-Anne and Jennifer were nominated by me as academically able students who exhibited the qualities of vision and leadership whilst senior students at the College, who provided great service to the community over an extended period of time.

As recipients of the John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship, Rebekah-Anne and Jennifer will both receive payments for student fees or $8000 per year plus a further $6,000 for an approved international experience aligned to her studies. Congratulations to Rebekah-Anne, Jennifer and their families!

Gratitude and Farewells to our Staff

On behalf of our students, I give thanks to our staff, many of whom have shown dedication and commitment above and beyond the call of duty, outstanding teachers who provided additional tutorials after school to extend those students who excel to achieve their very best and supported students who are struggling, who coordinated countless extra-curricular activities in order to provide students with a balanced education. Whether in Student Services, the front Reception Desk, our administrative, ICT, maintenance and gardening staff, I believe they go that extra mile to support students at the College.

On behalf of the College, I am grateful for the service of the staff who are leaving us at the end of the year:

  • Mr Peter Sackett will be leaving us to join the Emmanuel College community as Deputy Principal, whilst Mrs Michelle Mathurine has accepted a teaching role closer to home at Kolbe Catholic College, and Miss Amy Christophers will be joining La Salle College as an Aboriginal Student Transition Coordinator.
  • Mr Mark Clayden who has been on leave this year has decided to commence his own business and Mrs Beverley Wild also on leave this year, will not be returning and has decided to pursue other interests.
  • After many years as a Pastoral Leader, Ms Sally Farrington has accepted the role of Head of Science after Mr Brian Hurn concluded his contract in this role, this year. Mr Mark Green has also decided to resign from the Head of Mathematics position and along with Mr Hurn, will be focusing on being a teacher for the next few years at Corpus Christi College. We also thank Mrs Chanelle Spark and Mr Scott Brechany on concluding their terms as MacKillop and Xavier House Coordinators, respectively.
  • After one year at the College we farewell Religious Education teacher Mrs Madeline de la Motte, who is moving to Tasmania to be closer to family after the birth of her first child; Mathematics teacher Ms Caron Thornton, English teachers Miss Renee Ardon and Mrs Leonie Southwell who were covering for staff on leave, Health and Physical Education teacher Mr Christopher Pietroniro and Sports Assistant (and AFL Trainee) Ms Caitlyn Edwards.
  • We are also grateful to teachers Mr Stuart Whelan (Science), Mr Gerard Schirinzi and Ms Ping Teo, as well as Music Assistant Miss Shanice Palfrey for joining us during Semester Two.

On behalf of the College we thank these staff and wish them all the best for the future.

We wish our staff who are on leave in the course of 2016 all the best too. In Term One, Mathematics teacher Mr Reno Sinagra and Head of Humanities Mr James Ramsey are on Long Service Leave, whilst former Head of Library Ms Robyn Durack will be on Long Service leave for Semester One, returning to us as a relief teacher from Term Three.

Notices from our Administration team:

Office Hours
Although the College Office re-opens on Monday 4 January 2016, the majority of administration staff will commence on Monday 11 January.

Students not Returning
As a reminder, please note parents are required to provide the College with one terms notice if their child will not be returning to the College, except for senior students who accept places at TAFE or apprenticeships, or families moving interstate or overseas. As we have finalised class lists and teachers for 2016, we need the consideration of all families in this matter.

School commences…
Please note Years 7, 11 and 12 students will commence on Monday 1 February 2016, whilst all other students will commence on Tuesday 2 February 2016. We will be recognising the 2015 WACE high achievers from our current Year 12 cohort of students, as well as the Dux for each Year group from 2015 at the Whole School Assembly at 9.00am on the Tuesday. Parents are very welcome to attend.

Save the Dates:

  • The first Parents and Friends meeting: Wednesday 3 February at 7.30pm in the College Staffroom.
  • Annual Community Meeting, which comprises the Annual General Meetings of the Board and Parents and Friends will be held on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 7.00 pm in the College Hall.
  • College Musical Production: ‘Guys and Dolls’ Friday 18 and Saturday 19 March 2016 at the Octagon Theatre. Applications for Enrolment Year 7 2018

If your child will be in Year 5 next year, please ensure your Application for Admission Form is submitted by Friday 29 January 2016. The selection and interview process will commence again in earnest in Term One. Tour Days will be held on Thursday 10 March and Tuesday 15 March – parents and prospective students are welcome to attend. Please contact Registrar Mrs Susanne Pass if you have any queries regarding enrolments.

Social Education and Dress Standards at Corpus Christi College

I include an article regarding the College dress standards for formal occasions as befitting a Catholic school for social events such as the College Ball. Many of these guidelines apply for all social events – I ask parents take particular note of these recommendations prior to purchasing outfits for these occasions.

Christmas Blessings

As this is the final e-News of the year, I would like to wish our families all God’s blessings as we proceed through Advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Be happy at all times; pray constantly; and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus. First Letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians 5:16

As the school year for 2015 draws to a close, and as we approach the holy days of Christmas, let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord, praying for God’s protection and blessing. May we, and all our families and friends find relaxation, refreshment and enjoyment in the coming summer holidays.

Best wishes and God Bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

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Social Education: Dress Standards

Our Year 12 students are gearing up for the College Ball to be held on Saturday 30 January 2016 at Rendezvous Hotel, Scarborough, one of the final events in their social calendar at the College.

As a formal occasion, there are guidelines as to what is appropriate for a Catholic College Ball. As our students and particularly the girls are currently getting ready for the big day in January, I include some tips with this Newsletter to ensure they enjoy it. Some of these guidelines are also relevant to students attending other social events during the year – Year 11 Dinner Dance, Year 10 River Cruise and College socials.

We would like our students to be confident, be poised and elegant on the night. Glamour and style befitting a young lady or gentleman are some important factors to include when considering outfits for the big night, however, some advice to consider prior to selecting the outfit include:-

  • Focus on the appropriateness of the outfit for the evening and wear what you feel most comfortable in. We would like all students to enjoy the night.
  • For the young ladies, do not wear an outfit that is too revealing. A predominance of exposed skin is not classed as classic formal wear.
  • For the College Ball, the majority of dresses will be full length, but a formal cocktail outfit that is below the knee is quite acceptable.
  • Garments that show off your midriff, including plunging neck-lines or very low backed dresses beneath the waist, or with large front splits are simply not appropriate – there may need to be last minute additions to the dress in order to enter the venue/event.
  • Dresses too tight will be uncomfortable during the evening, too.
  • For students who attend social events at the College (eg Year 10 River Cruise or Year 11 Dinner Dance), they are advised to ensure hem lengths are not too short or too tight– both definite fashion no-nos. The skirt is to be around knee length - no ultra minis.
  • The best way to go when choosing a dress is with a style that suits you rather than something trendy. Nothing says fashion victim quite like a lady wearing something trendy that isnt right for her figure. We hope mothers, fathers or extended families can help out with advice, in these instances.
  • Grooming and deportment are important but do not have to cost a great deal. Check out local stores for specials on make-up and hair-styles or accessories. Bargain hunters might also like to scour the various chic Opp shops in and around Perth, not only for dresses or suits, but also accessories to match.
  • Killer shoes: the pain a young lady will experience when wearing heels for up to five hours at the Ball or other social events, is simply not worth it. Although it does not mean you cannot wear heels, it just means you need to be sensible about your shoe selection. Select a pair you have already broken in, and preferably have a slightly thicker heel. Taking off your shoes during the evening is not permitted for all sorts of reasons, including your safety. It is also a faux pas that ought to be avoided. I recommend taking a second pair of heels with you and change halfway through the night to save your feet if you must, or invest in a pair of party feet. These feet paddings in your shoes assist with releasing pressure on your feet and are sold at all good shoe stores.
  • Denim is not appropriate for either boys or girls.
  • For our young men, and not to leave them out, a few dos and donts as part of your social education, include:
  • Suit jacket and a tie are essential. Consider your partner when preparing your outfit. Attention to detail with all aspects of accessories such as a gentleman's handkerchief or boutonniere (a lapel flower) really will achieve a dramatic look. Carnations always do the trick, but try to get the same colour as your lady’s outfit to complete the look.
  • Do show a little shirt beneath your suit cuffs.
  • Do make sure everything you wear is smart and neat, with no rips or tears.
  • Don’t fasten the bottom button on your jacket or waistcoat.
  • Don’t forget to consider your socks with your overall look, as they’ll show when you sit down.
  • Do keep your shirt tucked in all night.

These guidelines apply to all sorts of social occasions in our society, including various recent fashion events and are not restricted to Catholic schools. We are attempting to prepare our students to become gentlemen and ladies in the context of appropriate societal standards.

We need the support of parents and staff to ensure this message is respected and acted on.

With regards to the Ball, it is very difficult to send students home. However, if the dress standard is not adhered to, there will be consequences including withdrawal from the Ball for a significant period of time, or some last minute alterations being made to garments.

Finally, we want students to have a great time in the context of one of the most formal occasions they will experience in their lives.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


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[accordion_item title="Student Leadership 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in being elected to a student leadership position in 2016.

Year 8 2016

Jordan Passauer
Callum Garland

Sher-Nei Lam
Kade Gizzarone

Grace Kingston
Daniel Ryan

Georgia Wallis
Dieter Cadzow

Abby Barraclough
Riley McKenna

Cassanda Sutton
Casey Scott

Jenna Riordan
Julian Maghiar

Kobe de Rosario
Ellie Cokcetin

Rachel Allanby
Stephanie Ierino

Thomas Roberts
Mary Alamiyo

Alisha Van Zon
Konrad Rucki

Yannick Machado
Madison Wilde

Year 9 2016

Rhiannon Bouwhuis
Shanice Pereira

Brett Nigli
Mia Chan

Aimee Peres
Mya Grieve

Thomas Howard
Annabel Biscotto

Jessica Pascoe
Lily Bird

Colby Petterson
Jaye Kember

Taleeya Marsh
Megan Templeton

Joseph Damiano
Emily Byrne

Hannah Antulov
Ailsa Christian

Stephanie Bardill
Elena Mena

Austin Bevacqua
Tiana Inman

Rachel Dellaca
Julyan Tan

Year 10 2016

Adsina Kevin
Audrey Siah

Carla Drennan
Ben Gallagher

Semira Ballantyne
Levi Burns

Olivia Ialacci
Jodi Gagner

Alex Keddie
Dwight Rowland

Marcus Wong
Natasha Uniewicz

Rebecca Leguier
Sammy Taylor

Kayla Weekes
Liam Rego

Nicolina Ierino
Molly Fox
Corran O’Brien
James Dalgleish

Jessica De Freitas Basilio
Bridget Correia
Amelia Swan
Peyton Craig-Power

Marc Di Giuseppe
Alexandra Rowan

Alea Go
Gabi Wan
Georgia Lill
Lilli Whelan


[accordion_item title="Booklists 2016" accordion="accordion"]

Booklists are now available.

How to Order from Campion Education Online

Go to: www.campion.com.au

  • Click on “ORDER NOW”
  • Choose Corpus Christi College Bateman from the WA drop-down menu
  • Enter our school code printed on the front of the resource list: “4GZ7”
  • Select the Year level
  • Enter all relevant student details and select the items you wish to order
  • Click “Submit your order”

  • [/accordion_item]

    [accordion_item title="iPad set up 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    The following dates have been set aside for Year 7 2016 and Year 10 2016 students to set up their iPads before school commences in 2016.

    Year 7 2016

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    Year 10 2016

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    [accordion_item title="Year 7 Art and Philosophy Day (Academic Excellence)" accordion="accordion"]

    On the 20th of November, four Year 7 students (Jordan Passauer, Dieter Cadzow, Max Novella and Sara Poi), were chosen to take part in the Year 7 Art and Philosophy day for Gifted and Talented students which took place at the Art Gallery of WA. Students were selected based on their participation and contribution in Religious Education and Art and for being articulate and reflective thinkers. Students from schools all over the state participated in the excursion.

    During the session, all four of us were placed into separate groups with other schools. We were then directed into the gallery and were assigned different paintings to examine. We answered some interesting questions to do with the artworks, and they really got us to think and challenged our perspectives.

    At the end of the day we gathered together in the theatre room and shared our findings and ideas. We were given a ‘mystery question’ that we had to solve in groups and we used artworks from the galleries as examples. My groups’ question was: ‘Do we need to understand art to enjoy it?’

    Overall, the day was educational and fun and my friends and I learnt so much. It was a great experience and I hope to do something like this again in the future.

    Jordan Passauer (Year 7)

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    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


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    [accordion_item title="Subjects for Year 10, 11 and 12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    By the conclusion of this week, all Year 10, 11 and 12 students for 2016 will have received notification of the subjects they are enrolled in for next year. If any student would like to make changes to these selections they are asked to contact Miss Sara Low in student services to arrange an appointment with either Mr Hagen or Mr Sackett during week 9 (Tue 8 Dec – Thu 10 Dec) or just prior to the commencement of next year (Tue 19 Jan – Wed 20 Jan). If these times are unsuitable, appointments can be arranged for the first week of the 2016 academic year.


    [accordion_item title="Year 11 Reports for 2015 - Regenerated" accordion="accordion"]

    The reports for Year 11 2015 have been regenerated due to a technical error recently discovered. While the grades and marks on the reports will be the same, the naming of subjects has been corrected, and the results from Semester One have now also been included. Any parent who has previously accessed a copy of this report is encouraged to download the update which is now available on Coneqt. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Reports for 2015 " accordion="accordion"]

    Year 10 Reports will be available via Coneqt on Wednesday 16 December. Further information regarding these reports will be emailed home in the coming weeks.

    God Bless

    Mr Peter Sackett



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Science News" accordion="accordion"]

    Raptors Incursion

    Many of the Year 8 students have been treated to a close encounter of the raptor kind. We saw a collection of owls, kites, falcons and eagles up close and learned about their biology. The highlight was a chance to hold Micro, a small Wedge-Tailed Eagle, on a gloved hand. Like the rest of the collection, Micro was injured or poisoned early in life and now helps in educating young people.

    Brian Hurn
    Head of Science



    [accordion_item title="Student Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

    Jacob Crook - Basketball Referee

    CrookJacob Crook (Year 10) has recently been selected to represent WA as a referee at the Australian Secondary Schools Basketball Championships. This took place in Canberra from 29th November to 4th December. During these Championships he was also be coached by referee coaches from Basketball Australia and FIBA.

    Congratulations Jacob!

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    Congratulations to Jennifer Gresham and Rebekah-Anne Craggs (Year 12 Graduands 2015) who have both been awarded a John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship 2016. It was wonderful to share the excitement and joy with our two John Curtin scholarship winners and their parents. Apparently there were 14 scholarships awarded this year so 2/14 is a stunning result.

    There were 94 applications in total.

    The winners were chosen based on the criteria of vision, leadership and community service. Each of them has been accepted into their chosen course – Rebekah into Creative Writing and Jen into Physiotherapy.

    Both Jen and Rebekah are so appreciative of the opportunities provided by the College.


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    Year 9 Business Beginnings

    Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 8.55.09 amThe content of the Year 9 Business Beginnings course is for the students to create their own business. Which includes identifying the mission, goals and the products they will offer to the public.They develop and implement a marketing plan and how to promote the business’s products to the chosen target – this being students and staff at Corpus. The students then sell their chosen products to the target audience and then evaluate on how they went.

    This Semester the students raised $800-00 which will go to a Catholic chosen charity. Congratulations!

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    Min Woo Lee

    Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 9.06.26 amMin Woo Lee’s outstanding year meant Minjee Lee did not leave the WA Sports Star Awards empty handed.

    The 17-year-old Royal Fremantle member was recognised with the 6PR Special Achievement award, while his sister missed out on the WA Sports Star of the Year award to Fremantle Docker Nat Fyfe.

    With Min Woo teeing off in America at the Aaron Baddeley International just hours after the announcement, it was fortunate Minjee was on hand to collect the award she won herself in 2013.

    Min Woo has made a habit of replicating his sister’s feats this year, becoming one of the youngest winners of the WA Amateur at just 16 years of age.

    Lee also finished in the top 10 at this year’s WA Open while holding the Round 1 lead at the WA PGA Championship the week prior. There was also international success, finishing as a co-gold medalist at the Spirit International in his first appearance on American soil.

    Lee tweeted that was delighted to to be recognised for his successes this year.

    “It’s a good feeling [to win]” said Lee.

    “Especially when my sister is holding my award instead of me holding her award! #goals.”

    Despite turning the tables on his sister, he was sad to see her miss out on WA’s top sporting honour for a second straight year.

    “I really thought Minjee was going to win!” said Lee via text.

    “But Fyfey did have a awesome year.”

    Fyfe’s year was capped by his 2015 Brownlow Medal win, while 19-year old Minjee Lee won the Kingsmill Championship in her debut season on the LPGA Tour, raking in well over AU$1 million in prize money for the year.

    With the siblings kicking goals on both sides of the globe, it’s certainly an exciting time for the Lee family and by extension Australian golf, which is seeing more than it’s fair share of young golfing talent coming to the fore.

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    Jordan Passauer

    JordanJordan Passauer has recently performed with the Australian Girls Choir in the upcoming Hugh Jackman Musical, Broadway to Oz. This is a surprising and exciting opportunity for Jordan to perform as only a handful of girls from her level were chosen. Congratulations Jordan and keep following your dream!

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    Junior Water Polo Wash Up

    During October and November we held weekly water polo training sessions down at the beautiful Bicton Pool in preparation for the SSWA Carnivals held at HBF Stadium on the 25 and 26 November.

    Thank you to Mr Derek Bickford for coordinating the coaching and to senior students coaches Emilio Pallazzo, Liam Hall, Nadia Long and Nicholas Covella for their enthusiastic work preparing the teams.

    Both the girls and the boys teams held their own against some very strong and skillfull opposition. Following five round of fixtures and a cross oval final, the Corpus kids were exhausted yet proud, courageous and elated with their achievements.

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    Scholarship Award Winners: Isabel Grace, Natasha Wilson and Alex Hanks in 2015

    Good Samaritan Industries provides services to people with a disability. Options Services was established in 1986 with Options Employment. Under the student Training Scholarship Programme Options offered scholarships to the value of $1,000.00. Students are nominated by their school and are asked to fill in an application form and address the selection criteria. This year the Awards were sponsored by Quadrant Energy.

    In 2015, 6 students from Corpus were nominated. The 3 successful students were Isabel Grace, Alex Hanks and Natasha Wilson. The Awards were presented on 3 December at Good Samaritan Industries by the Governor General of WA, Kerry Sanderson and the Chief Executive Officer of Good Sammies, Mr John Knowles. The scholarship money can be used for anything that will contribute to the development and training of recipient to promote success in transition from school , such as fees for courses, tools of trade, equipment (computers etc) mentors or skill building courses.

    There were 11 Scholarships awarded yesterday and Corpus Christi College managed to have 3 successful recipients. Well done to those three students!!


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    [accordion_item title="Take the Act-Belong-Commit Christmas Challenge" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 8.14.46 amThe silly season is just around the corner! While Christmas is often a time to celebrate the year’s successes, indulge in delicious Christmas treats and spend quality time with loved ones, it can also be a stressful and emotional time for many people.

    This festive season, Mentally Healthy WA’s Act-Belong-Commit team is inviting you to boost your mental wellbeing by participating in the Act-Belong-Commit four week Christmas Challenge which kicked off Monday 1st December!

  • Sign Up to the general campaign mailing list at actbelongcommit.org.au and receive weekly tips via email OR follow our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.
  • Do Something each week during the challenge period (pick one challenge each week, or challenge yourself to a daily activity, it’s up to you!)
  • Share your journey by posting photos of your Act-Belong-Commit activities to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Use the hashtag #mentallyhealthyxmas (and tag @actbelongcommit).

    Post a photo of yourself taking part in the challenge on social media to get a free metal drink bottle, simply email evidence of your post to: info@actbelongcommit.org.au


    [accordion_item title="Indonesian Tour" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 5.38.51 pmThe excitement has been rapidly mounting for 11 students from Year 9, 10 and 11 and three teachers as the biennial Indonesia Tour has arrived! A final parent and student meeting was held on 24 November to bring together a year of planning, finalise burning issues such as “what am I allowed to wear?”, “who is my host family?” and “what gifts can I take for the people I meet?”.

    The most exciting moment was when students first saw the names of the host students they had been paired with for our week-long stay at our sister school, St. Hendrikus in Surabaya. Even though we havent yet seen photos or received contact details, everyone was relieved to know a real live new friend awaits them on arrival in Surabaya!

    Students have been preparing for the trip since the middle of the year with a series of meetings about cultural expectations, clothing requirements and how to negotiate a traditional Indonesian bathroom with cold-water tub and squat toilet! They have also rehearsed some songs with the kind assistance of Mr Harries, and will be giving some lively renditions of Waltzing Matilda and Indonesia Pusaka (a famous traditional song).

    The trip is only 2 weeks (6-20 December) but we will pack a lot of amazing experiences into that time.

    Our Tour group arrived on the weekend and to view their daily activities and stories, go to the Corpus Facebook Page:



    [accordion_item title="Student Services Notices" accordion="accordion"]


    If you have lost anything this year please come and look through the Lost Property cupboard at Student Services. There is a variety of items, including uniforms, bags, shoes, pencil cases, lunch boxes and drink containers. It is displayed in the area outside Student Services this week!

    Additionally, a pair or retainers (Teeth) have also been handed in. If they belong to you, please come to Student Services to collect!


    [accordion_item title="Ed Support Disco" accordion="accordion"]

    On Friday 20 November, we held our third annual Education Support Centre Disco in the James Nestor Auditorium. With over 70 students from six different Colleges and over 40 parents, we watched as they all connected and bonded in ways we could not have imagined. A big THANK YOU to all the staff that attended and popped in, and to the 15 Peer PALs that helped to support and model Good Disco Behaviour. Thanks also to Cam Allen (Corpus Communications) for assisting with the coordination of the event.




    [accordion_item title="Corpus Sport News" accordion="accordion"]

    Corpus Christi Cricket Development – Specialist Cricket Coaching Opportunity

    For students current playing cricket who are keen to represent the College in 2016, here’s a great opportunity to find out what professional cricket coaching can do for your game.

    Click on the link below:

    Southern Cricket-Corpus Christi

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    Our ACC A Division Campaign Kicks off early in 2016! 2015 team members can expect an email regarding recommended preparation over the Christmas break. Check out the Term 1 schedule here: ACC SWIM TRAINING SCHEDULE 2016


    [accordion_item title="Calling for Board Nominations 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    Dear Parents,

    On behalf of the College Board, I invite members of the Corpus Christi College community with a keen interest and transferable skills, to express their interest in nominating for the Board for 2016. This year, as three members are completing their six-year term, there will be three positions vacant at this time. The Board is also able to co-opt two additional members.

    Once a parent expresses interest in nominating for the Board, the Chair (or his nominee) together the Principal, (on behalf of the College Board and Management) will meet with the Nominee at a mutually convenient time to discuss the following points, prior to their recommendation and nomination for election at the Annual Community Meeting in February 2016:

  • The Nominee’s interest in the position
  • The role of a College Board Member
  • The Nominee’s commitment and experience
  • Any queries the Nominee may have.
  • Recommendation and support for the nomination of Board Members is based upon, but not limited by, the following:

    1) Expertise that may be required at Board level;
    2) Values of the Nominee in alignment with College and CECWA values;
    3) Acknowledgement of the commitment required;
    4) How the Nominee will complement the current Board members (e.g. gender balance, professional expertise, experience and skills etc); and
    5) Prior experience as a Board member of another school or equivalent.

    The Annual Community Meeting, which comprises the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS of the BOARD and PARENTS AND FRIENDS will be held on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 7.00 pm in the College Hall.

    Those wishing to express interest in nomination are asked to submit a brief biography of no more than 400 words, along with their nomination outlining why they should be considered for the position.

    Expressions of interest or confidential enquiries may be made to the Manager of Finance and Operations, Mr Alan Luks by telephone on 6332 2515 or by email to aluks@corpus.wa.edu.au

    The closing date for expressions of interest for nominations to the College Board is 3.00pm Friday 18 December 2015.

    Yours sincerely

    Mr Greg LeGuier
    Board Chair



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news