e-News 22

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear parents,

We welcome back to our Year 10, 11 and 12 students after the completion of their examinations.

Celebrating success in the World Sphere

I received a formal letter from Catholic Education WA in recognition of the efforts of science teachers Mrs Yvette Pearce, Mrs Filipa Carvalho, Ms Sally Farrington and supported by Mr Trevor Galbraith, to express our sincere appreciation of the endless hours of service these staff have dedicated to the completion of the Content Coalition Science Courses. These iTunes U courses are virtual Year 7 Science textbooks our students are currently using and which are now published and available to the world. Please note these courses are rocketing up the charts at the moment – I invite parents to download them on your iPads and check them out for yourselves!

Recognition of Long Serving Staff

In moving the Honour Boards from the old gymnasium, we took the opportunity to have them refurbished and placed in the new Corpus Christi College Community Centre foyer.

To recognise the contribution of long serving staff at the College, those who have worked at the College for more than 20 years, we decided to prepare a new Honour Board. Some of these continue their service, whilst others many parents may have known from the past:

1983       Robyn Quinn
1983       Peter Thomson 
1985       Steve Young
1986       Diane Fisher
1986       Moira Flanagan
1986       Trevor Galbraith
1986       Karen Rourke
1987       Erika Lubcke
1987       Diane Magrath
1987       Andre Papineau
1988       Deborah Santaromita
1989       Judy Votta
1990       Russell Scanlon
1991       Sonya Hope
1991       Michael Penhaligon
1992       Gabriella Fabris
1993       Sally Farrington
1993       Simon Keane
1994       Derek Bickford
1995       Veronica Parry 
1996       Marie Drygan
1996       Joan Fodor

We will be inviting these staff to a special ceremony and morning tea afterwards at the last College assembly this term.

Community at Corpus

We received a very buoyant email from Mr James Howard on Thursday regarding the successes of the Corpus Cross Country team. Second overall, with our girls winning the shield, this was uplifting given the sadness of the news we had received recently. I am very proud of Sports Coordinator James Howard s efforts in preparing the team, along with teachers Mr Reno Sinagra, Ms Cara Wright, Mr Christopher Peitroniro and Mr Mark Green, but particularly the students who were captained by Jennifer Del Pup and Cameron Jones. Along with the successes of our public speakers coached by Noreen Stevenson last weekend, our students have done us proud!

On a sad note, as news filtered through to our community during the week, a pre-primary student from St Emilie s, Philip Lombardo died last week.  I have contacted Tania Thuijs the Principal to offer my condolences on behalf of Corpus Christi College.

We were recently saddened by the news that former Deputy Principal and Head of Health and Physical Education and former student Mr Peter Sackett s wife Julianna, had died after a long battle with cancer. Tomorrow, many staff will be attending Julie s funeral at Queen of Apostles Parish. Many of our wonderful staff have assisted the family in numerous ways including contributing to an online crowd fund, organised by Mrs Renee Ging, currently on maternity leave.

With the death of Cindy Jacobs, mother of Josephine in Year 12, we offered today s morning school Mass for Julie Sackett and Cindy, as is our tradition.

Celebrations at Corpus next week!

Finishing on a positive note: next week we have a dual celebration on Friday – Corpus Christi Day and the Blessing by Fr Jeronimo and CEO Executive Director Dr Tim McDonald Opening of the Community Centre. Principals, Board and Parents and Friends Executive members from past years have all been invited to attend, along with local dignitaries. Commencing at 9.00am in the Community Centre, all parents and friends are welcome to attend the Blessing and Opening Ceremony, followed by the Corpus Christi Day Mass. The students will then continue with food and activity stalls, concluding the Day with a concert. This is an important celebration which builds spirit and fosters a positive contribution to the community.


I will outline a description of the public art work which has caused much discussion amongst the students, in the next copy of the e-News.

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend celebrating WA Week and took some time for rest and relaxation with your families.

Best wishes and God bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College Content Coalition in Science" accordion="accordion"]

Please see information below regarding Year 7 science resources created by Corpus Christi College in collaboration with a number of other Catholic schools. This collaboration is called The Content Coalition and was brought together in 2015 to create Science courses for Year 7 in iTunes U in partnership with Apple and Catholic Education Western Australia. Sally Farringdon, Filipa Carvalho and Yvette Pearce are to be congratulated on their outstanding efforts in developing such wonderful Science resources for our students and the world.

The following schools were involved in the collaboration:

Mercedes College – Biological Science
Corpus Christi – Chemical Science
Holy Cross – Physical Science
CEWA (Michelle Lloyd) - Earth and Space Science

This work involved creating the content and courses, writing multi-touch books to go with each course and finding apps and resources to support the content. The content is aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum.  These courses are now public and available in the iTunes store. The courses are creating a great deal of interest with three of the four courses occupying the in the top five Science courses which is world-wide.


You can access the courses by going into the iTunes U store and searching Catholic Education of Western Australia or by following the links below:

Earth and Space

Chemical Science

Biological Science

Physical Science

The multi-touch books within the courses have been published separately to the iBooks store and can be found by searching Content Coalition.


[accordion_item title="Science News" accordion="accordion"]

Ms Sally Farrington
Head of Science Learning Area

A number of Science students will be participating in two Science competitions – the Big Science competition and the ICAS Science competition, coordinated by Mrs Rourke.

The Big Science Competition

The Big Science Competition is a way to challenge students from Years 7 to 12, and track their performance against state or national averages.

Questions test critical thinking and problem-solving skills, not just factual recall. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable (and interesting). Last year questions covered faecal matter transplants, garbage gyers, life on Mars, 3D printing, control of feral cats, carbon capture, space junk and predicting earthquakes, just to name a few.


The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments for primary and secondary school students.

The assessments comprise:

  • eight Digital Technologies tests
  • eleven English tests, 
  • eleven Maths tests,

  • eleven Science tests, 
  • six Spelling tests and 
  • ten Writing tests
  • ICAS is a 21st century quality assessment the keeps pace with classroom learning. Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.


    [accordion_item title="Academic Excellence Mentoring Program" accordion="accordion"]

    Mrs FilIpa Carvalho
    Head of Academic Excellence

    As part of the Academic Excellence Program (AEP) each student has the option to request a mentor to support them throughout the academic year. Since the beginning of the year, sixteen Year 11 and 12 and twelve Year 9 and 10 students took part in the AEP mentor training program to prepare them to mentor younger students.

    The sessions involved discussions around questions such as:

  • What is mentoring?
  • What makes a good mentor?
  • What are some challenges that gifted students face?
  • What are some of the challenges that Year 7 students face?
  • What skills do students require to be a successful student?
  • What support is available to students?

  • As a product of the mentoring program, students will be able to support their mentees in the following ten key areas:

  • Organisation of diary, school work, iPads, laptops and locker
  • Using electronic devices effectively
  • Goal setting
  • Effective study skills
  • Maintaining motivated
  • Managing distractions
  • Avoiding procrastination
  • Assessment and exam preparation
  • Balancing school and work life
  • Seeking support from the correct person
  • The Year 11 and 12 students will be mentoring the Year 9 and 10 mentors in terms of the mentoring other students and also any of the ten key areas above. The Year 9 and 10 mentors will be prepared to mentor younger students.

    The maturity, responsibility and care for others that these students have displayed in the last few weeks, has been admirable. I look forward to seeing them blossom as mentors.


    [accordion_item title="Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking" accordion="accordion"]

    Mrs Noreen Stevenson

    On Saturday, 7 students represented Corpus in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking semi-finals. It was such an inspiring event. The students represented Corpus with confidence and great ability. It made me so proud to be associated with these young people. Students needed to present a prepared speech (6 mins Junior/ 8 mins Senior) and deliver a 3 minute impromptu speech after 15 minutes prep with no access to information.

    The Junior Section was represented by:

  • Mosaia McDonald
  • Jenna Riordan
  • Rachael Dellaca
  • Ike Adesanya
  • Erin Martin

  • I am delighted to inform you that we have 3 juniors proceeding to the State finals. Rachael Dellaca, Ike Adesanya and Erin Martin will present a new speech in the state competition on the 25th June.

    All students are to be commended on their dedication to achieve their best. These competitions embody the stuff of nightmares for many of us but these students have taken the challenge in their stride. If you know them, please congratulate them. They certainly deserve their 5 minutes of fame.


    [accordion_item title="Year 7 Pastoral Period – Study Skills " accordion="accordion"]

    Mrs Yvette Pearce
    Head of Year 7

    The Pastoral session focused on a Study Skills activity which provided students with the opportunity to produce a Mind map so that they can use this method for study and also cover some bullying issues.

    Students were explicitly directed to good study techniques and asked where they might see themselves finding it useful and also how some iPad apps might enable the concept to be used.

    Activities included:

    A discussion/brainstorm session with the Homeroom about Bullying. The Homerooms covered the topics below and linked to the content covered by Class Act in the last Pastoral period. 

  • What is bullying?
  • Types of bullying?
  • How to deal with bullying?
  • Effects of bullying - how it makes people feel short term and long term effects
  • How you can help others who are being bullied? 
  • With the information from the discussion/brainstorm the students needed to produce a mind map of all of the information on A3 paper. The use of colour and the importance of using colours and images was conveyed.


    [accordion_item title="Academic Excellence Extension Program: Comic Book " accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 11.36.34 amMeeting with Simon Allen (3D Animator)

    The Corpus Christi Academic Excellence Extension Program (AEEP) is a program that excels academically gifted children (from Years 7-10) to extend their abilities and display it in the form of a chosen project. For our group s project we chose to write a parody/satire of superhero comics. We are designing, writing and drawing out the comic book.

    During our project we ve been offered the opportunity to work with a student mentor from Murdoch, which we accepted. We met with our mentor, Josiah Smith and discussed our project, which we got working on right away. Josiah has provided us with excellent guidance and support as we develop and work through our project.

    Last week, our Josaih left a message for us, asking us to come to Murdoch University after school on Tuesday (30th of May) to meet the animator for Toy Story 3, Up, Wall-E, Ratatouille, Cars 2 and Brave, Simon Allen.

    After school on Tuesday we all walked down to Murdoch and met with Josaih, who then led us upstairs to a room with Simon. We greeted him and then showed him what we had done so far which included storyboards, character designs and scripts. Simon spent some time giving us advice on what we should change and what we should do to progress and improve our illustrations. Simon also suggested that when drawing the characters that we should use a light table, which would help us draw the characters the same each time.

    It was an amazing opportunity to be able to meet Simon Allen and we hope we get many more opportunities like this one in the future. We would like to thank Josiah our mentor and Murdoch University for making this happen.

    By Austin Bevacqua, Thomas Howard, Presley O’Brien, George Kenny and Harry Regan. 



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Cambodia Immersion Programme 2016 Update" accordion="accordion"]

    With 34 confirmed participants in the 2016 Cambodia Immersion Programme, we are working hard to fundraise and plan for the trip. With a great mix of students, parents and staff, the group has been working hard on a number of fundraising events: car wash (raising $1138), staff raffles ($1200) and the Mother s Day High Tea ($2300). This awesome effort cannot happen without the kind donations, time, food and help offered by the Corpus community, and we cannot thank enough all who have assisted.

    This Term sees the introduction of the wine fundraiser with Swings and Roundabouts, and also the Pasta fundraiser. We continue with our roasting forks fundraising, an absolute bargain for a quality product, prices have been reduced, this is a stainless steal! Please visit the info below and help us maintain our fundraising progress for our Immersion Programme:

    1) SWINGS AND ROUNDABOUTS Wine Fundraiser:


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    The Lenzarini Bros from Golden Ravioli, Romany House in Fitzgerald Street Perth have kindly accepted to assist in our fundraising efforts towards the Cambodian Immersion. In the 1950 s four Italian brothers set out on a journey: a journey that would take them away from their homeland to a new home, Australia. The brothers opened the now famous Romany Restaurant in 1958 and in 1964 introduced their own range of pasta to the public of Perth, and so, Golden Ravioli was born!


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    You, your family and friends are invited to a private screening of the stunning film, me before you. as a fundraising initiative for the Cambodian Immersion 2016.


    For tickets, please purchase from Reception from Ms Crane, or email wquint@corpus.wa.edu.au

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    4) ROASTING FORKS Fundraiser


    Parents, these forks make for a wonderful gift and are of absolutely high quality. Please place your correct money (Cash) in an envelope and deliver it to front reception and you can collect your forks. Any queries, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au THESE HAVE BEEN REDUCED, an absolute Stainless Steal $5.00 each!!!!!!!

    [divider style="divider5" backtotop="no" top_margin="5" bottom_margin="5"]

    Please enjoy seeing the photos from both the Car Wash and the High Tea.




    [accordion_item title="Arts News" accordion="accordion"]


    20th June - Music Night
    25th June - 3rd July - New Zealand Music Tour
    21st July - Our Land People Stories - Drama Excursion
    25th July - 31st August - Catholic Performing Arts Festival
    12th August - The Caucasian Chalk Circle – Drama Excursion
    9th September - Senior School Dance Performance

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    The Arts

    For these past few weeks students have been studying hard for their exams and preparing for performances this term and for our up-and-coming events in term three. I would like to share with you my huge appreciation for The Arts team who have been working tirelessly to continue to deliver outstanding practice, mark and run their own practical and written exams for which they have prepared all materials for and still maintain the energy to run their programmes outside of teaching hours, added to this I have seen some great organisation to complete the admin that is a statutory requirement for all trips outside the college along with continuing the rigour in their other teaching duties. This with our limited resource often in classrooms and across the school makes me very proud to have such a strong team of staff to work with.

    I am also very humbled by our fabulous senior school students, who have been working exceptionally hard during and after school, have had to continue to develop their physical practice whilst still maintaining a thorough study programme for their exams. In looking at our college results from the exams there is much success.

    These are excellent examples of how we in the Arts meet the College s desire for students to reach the attributes of being, Christlike, resilient, good communicators, with a globalised perspective, who challenge themselves to think and strive for excellence but in a balanced and reflective way.

    Good luck to all staff and students who are about to take part in the Catholic Performing Arts Season. I am positive that our current successes in Music and the College Production will be accompanied by more celebration for Dance and Visual Arts exhibitions as they come up.

    May I also take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Chanelle Spark who is expecting a baby soon and further to this congratulate Ms Caroline Fuhr who has taken the position as Lead Dance teacher for Semester Two onwards.

    We are all very excited in having new addition to our team soon.

    Many thanks

    James Dove
    Head of Arts

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    Dance News

    Dance Collective
    We would like to congratulate the following students on being selected in the much sort after “Corpus Collective” program at the College. The following students have showed brilliance within Dance and we look forward to watching these students develop and master their skills over the remainder of the year.

    Congratulations to;

    Cassie Rauh
    Emily Joy
    Tanisha Ryan
    Bella Scaturro
    Vivianne Moreno-Sanchez
    Nakkitta Fortune
    Cheyenne Davies
    Georgia Burton
    Breanna Furfaro
    Steph Hollins
    Sarah Ho
    Evie Meldrum
    Caitlyn Tandy
    Hannah Antulov
    Emily Byrne
    Anya Leen
    Annabel Biscotto
    Isabel Gelfi
    Hannah Harrison
    Rachael Allanby
    Adele Hand
    Layla Kenny
    Giorgia Maurogiovani

    Caroline Fuhr and Chanelle Spark

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    Corpus Christi Musicians at the 2016 Fremantle Eisteddfod – Trophy Winners

    We would like to congratulate Megan Schutte for an outstanding performance at the recent Fremantle Eisteddfod. Megan not only won her three individual sections, she has been awarded the Most Promising Woodwind Competitor Perpetual Trophy – a wonderful accomplishment.

    Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 9.08.31 amInstrumental Solo Grade 4 Solo (95/100)
    Instrumental Solo Under 13 Solo (95/100)
    Instrumental Under 13 Recital (93/100)

    Congratulations to our very talented and much sort after Celtic Band for taking out the Best Ensemble at the Fremantle Eisteddfod. The members of this ensemble are: Imogen Plowright, Lauren Cannell, Rhiannon Bouwhuis, Sam Forster, Megan Schutte, Isabelle Jefferies, Elish Lau, Thomasina Foo, George Norris and Lilli Whelan. Directed by Mr. David Harries and assisted by Ms Shanice Palfrey. The ensemble received an outstanding score of 96/100, with exceptional comments regarding their unique and seamless performance.

    David Harries

    Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 9.08.35 am

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    [accordion_item title="ACC Cross Country Results" accordion="accordion"]

    Congratulations to our Cross Country Team who finished with an overall combined aggregate 2nd in last week s ACC Cross Country Competition!

    Out of 63 schools and over 3500 competitors, Corpus performed exceptionally well.

    U13G 2nd
    U14G equal 1st
    U16G 2nd
    OPEN GIRLS 1st

    A huge thank you goes out to Mr Reno Sinagra, Mr James Howard, Miss Cara Wright, Mr Chris Pietroniro, Mr Mark Green and a host of other staff and ex-students who assisted in training from time-to-time. These staff coaches were a huge influence on the team, always encourages them to achieve their best and get the most out of their training. Captains Jennifer DelPup and Cameron Jones led diligently throughout the day and supported their teammates across all year levels.



    [accordion_item title="Young ICT Explorers" accordion="accordion"]

    The Young ICT Explorers Technology and Enterprise Extra Curricular group for 2016 has started. The aim of this is to inspire and encourage school students to be not just end users of digital technology but also to become creators and innovators of digital technology.

    Through this challenge, students are able to plan, develop and showcase innovative Digital Technology related projects at a exhibition in September. This exhibition provides a forum for students, teachers and parents to experience student projects from surrounding schools and to present these to both academic and industry leaders.

    For more information please watch this video https://youtu.be/JTLrLIe5Y7w or view this website http://www.youngictexplorers.net.au or see Mr Ho for details. Project building sessions will be run on Tuesday mornings 7:30 to 8:20am in Sadler and also on Thursday at lunchtime in R02 (must attend one session a week) from term 2 week 6 through to the 3rd of September. Students can work as individuals or in groups (max 4). Students who are keen to join please register using this form - http://goo.gl/forms/lB8IjSoXrXgMrLa43.

    Mr Johnny Ho


    [accordion_item title="Father and Son Adventures" accordion="accordion"]

    Our adventures bring together fathers and sons (or significant male mentor) on a journey together into the outdoors. An opportunity to strengthen and grow your relationship to support the transition of your boy into a good young man.<

    Our Program Facilitators have completed Dr Arne Rubinstein s Global Rites of Passage Leadership.

    Click HERE for more info.


    [accordion_item title="MakerSpace and the Technology and Enterprise Learning Area " accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 11.47.22 amThe Year 8 Laser Cutting Master Class are working with MakerSpace to produce some fantastic results.

    Students are really mastering the basics of Laser Cutting and are excitedly practicing their new skills.

    Work samples will be on display in the staffroom next week for staff members to see some of the great activities occurring whilst some more exciting and complex projects are currently in then planning and designing phases.

    We are currently in negotiations with Mark Stevens and Gregg Port to implement a Google Virtual Reality in which our students will laser cut their own VR goggles.

    The Technology and Enterprise Learning Area team


    [accordion_item title="Amazing Achievements by our Corpus Public Speakers" accordion="accordion"]

    On Saturday 28 May 28, seven students represented Corpus in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking semi finals in Inglewood. The students represented Corpus with confidence and great ability. It made me so proud to be associated with these young people.

    Students needed to present a prepared speech (6 mins Junior/ 8 mins Senior) and deliver a 3 minute impromptu speech after 15 minutes prep with no access to information.

    Congratulations to each of the following participants:

    Junior Section
    Year 8 - Mosaia McDonald and Jenna Riordan
    Year 9 - Ike Adesanya, Rachael Dellaca and Erin Martin

    Senior Section
    Year 11 - Olivia Fuderer
    Year 12 - Desiree Louis

    The students speeches were truly inspirational but, as one would expect, the competition is intense at this level. However, I am delighted to inform you that we have 3 juniors proceeding to the State finals. Rachael Dellaca, Ike Adesanya and Erin Martin will present a new speech in the state competition later this month on 25 June.

    Thank you to all the students for their commitment and enthusiasm in taking up the challenge of public speaking. I am so grateful to the parents and families of our competitors who came along to support and encourage them. A sincere thank you to Aveen Yoong (Year 12 2015) who attends coaching sessions after school every Tuesday. She played a pivotal role in preparing Jenna and Mosaia for this competition. My gratitude is extended to Rebekah Anne Craggs (Head Girl 2015) for generously giving her time to prepare competitors for the Impromptu Section of this event. This support made all the difference on the day.

    If you would like to hear them, along with the speeches from all our talented public speakers, come along to the Corpus Christi College Public Speaking Competition which is being held on Tuesday 28 June starting at 7.00 pm in the Sadler Centre. Please email me if you would like to attend.

    Mrs Noreen Stevenson



    [accordion_item title="Careers Office News" accordion="accordion"]

    Upcoming Guest Speakers our College 22nd June (Lunchtime): Lawyer and Geologist from WIMWA (Women in Mining and Resources WA) in Mayne Block
    23rd June (After school 3:30pm): UWA Student Talk, Jessica Knight, completing Assured Medicine Pathway and achieved 99th Percentile, in Mayne Block
    29th June (Afternoon): My Future Career Expo in Mayne Block

    University Open Days 2016
    Sunday 24th July: Murdoch University
    Sunday 31st July: Curtin University
    Sunday 14th August: University of Western Australia
    Sunday 14th August: Edith Cowan University (Mt Lawley) and WAAPA
    Sunday 21st August: Notre Dame Fremantle

    University Information Sessions

    Murdoch University
    Engineering and Information Technology Careers Evening

    Wednesday 8 June 6.00pm - 7.30pm
    Meet academics and learn about the following undergraduate courses:
    Business Information Systems, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cyber Forensics and Information Security, Electrical Power Engineering, Engineering Technology, Environmental Engineering Games Software Design and Production, Games Technology, Industrial Computer Systems Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Internetworking and Network Security, Mathematics and Statistics, Mineral Science, Mobile and Web Application Development, Physics and Nanotechnology, Renewable Energy Engineering

    Murdoch University
    Health Careers Evening - Wednesday, 29th of June

    Meet our academics and learn about undergraduate course opportunities and careers in health, from roles in nursing and chiropractic through to laboratory medicine and psychology. Undergraduate courses covered include:

  • Biomedical Science
  • Chiropractic Science
  • Clinical Exercise Physiology
  • Cognitive Neuroscience & Health Psychology
  • Laboratory Medicine
  • Movement Science
  • Nursing (Peel & South Street)
  • Social and Developmental Psychology
  • Sport & Health Science
  •   Staff will be on hand to answer course enquiries, questions on admission and application requirements, as well as support services. For further information please visit http://www.experience.murdoch.edu.au/event/health-careers-evening/



    Learn how to make the most of your WACE results and achieve your study and career goals
    Tuesday 7 June, 6.00pm Social Sciences Lecture Theatre
    For Year 12 students and their parents, applying for university can be a daunting process. UWA information sessions will provide advice on UWA courses, admission requirements and key dates for 2016. The Future Students team will be available to answer any questions you may have following the presentation.

    UWA Guided Tour

    Monday 6 June, 10.00am at Mt Crawley
    The Prospective Students Office invites future students and their families to join them on a guided tour of UWA's Crawley campus. The tour runs for an hour and provide the opportunity to collect course information books and other brochures.


    Curtin University
    Curtin University Parent Information Sessions
    > Tuesday 7 June, 6.00pm Social Sciences Lecture Theatre
    Parents of Year 12s: Tuesday 7 June 2016
    Parents of Year 10s: Wednesday 8 June 2016

    Expo and refreshments on arrival at 5.00pm
    Formal presentations from 5.45 pm to 7.00 pm
    Building 210 Elizabeth Jolley Lecture Theatre, Curtin University, Bentley Campus

    Notre Dame Early Offer Program
    The Early Offer Program is designed to make early offers to Year 12 students who have demonstrated academic excellence and are making a significant contribution to their school community or church. Offers are made prior to the WACE exams. Early Offer Applications are due 5pm, Friday 29th July, for study beginning in 2017.

    Chartered Accountants: Cadetships
    The Chartered Accountants Employment Guide 2016 contains information on firms offering cadetships to Year 12 leavers. If students are interested, they should apply for cadetships as soon as possible.
    Download the guide: http://charteredaccountantsanz.com/guide

    My Future Careers (School Subscription)
    Use your school student email address to logon and access the My Future Careers website, for career exploration and occupation videos, job outlook, starting salaries, and much more.

    Defence Force Gap Year 2017 The ADF Gap Year program is an excellent way for your students to experience military life and to gain a greater understanding of what's involved. On completion they can continue serving in the Navy, Army or Air Force, or offer the skills and experience they have acquired to an alternative career path.

    In 2017 there are 11 roles to choose from ranging from admin to artillery, and flight crew to logistics.

    Details of all the Gap Year roles are available at defencejobs.gov.au/gapyear

    Employment commences early 2017. Applicants must have completed Year 12 and be aged between 18 and 24 as of 1 April 2017 (Navy), 31 May 2017 (Army), or 7 April 2017 (Air Force).

    WA Police Force Recruitment Information Sessions
    People who have an interest in a career as a Police Officer are encouraged to attend a Recruit Information Session. Please be advised the Recruit Information Session only provides information on the Police Officer role and recruitment process and does not provide information on the Cadet or Police Auxiliary Officer entry pathway.

    Recruit Information Sessions include presentations by WA Police Recruiting Personnel, Police Recruits and other members of WA Police and provide an overview of the recruitment and selection process, training requirements and job specific information relevant to a career as a police officer.

    Due to limited availability and space, bookings will be accepted from prospective applicants only. We are unable to accommodate guests at this time.

    If you are interested in any other entry pathway such as Cadet or Police Auxiliary Officer, please be advised that an Information Session relevant to each entry pathway will be held prior to recruitment campaign for these positions opening.

    Online Booking on www.stepforward.wa.gov.au is essential
    Upcoming Sessions:
    4:30pm - Thursday 23 June 2016: WA Police Academy
    Bookings now open

    4:30pm - Thursday 21 July 2016: WA Police Academy
    Bookings open from 13 June 2016

    Rachel Burke
    Careers Advisor


    [accordion_item title="Hands on Language Learning" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 1.07.40 pmThere s no more relevant way to learn a language than through experiencing it in hands-on cultural situations. Food is always a great place to start, so Year 9 Indonesian classes are learning the language of recipes and Indonesian dishes by viewing YouTube videos, studying recipe verbs and ingredients and participating in hands-on food preparation activities.

    The cultural study is contained in the recipe ingredients, many of which students have not tried before, especially in combinations that are not normally seen in our Aussie or western-style cooking. For example, there is a LOT of coconut milk and palm sugar, accompanied by grass jelly, shrimp paste, curly chillies, pandanus leaves and green pancakes. So far this term students have been involved in preparing and tasting “Es Cincau” (iced grass jelly drink), “Dadar Gulung” (pandanus-flavoured pancakes with coconut and palm sugar filling) and Rujak (spicy fruit and vegetable salad).

    While often hesitant at first, most students have been brave enough to sample the new food, and many have thoroughly enjoyed it. Indonesian cuisine is actually an amazingly diverse and interesting one, with many regional variations on dishes, and complicated sauces that combine several flavours.

    The term will culminate in a visit to the Indonesian Consulate to participate in gamelan playing, dancing and martial arts, and enjoying a delicious Indonesian style lunch. Selamat makan!


    [accordion_item title="Corpus Christi Students Take Part in 2016 Australian Geography Competition " accordion="accordion"]

    Students Corpus Christi College took part in the 22nd annual Australian Geography Competition last week.

    Approximately 60,000 students from around Australia have entered the Competition, which is organised by the Australian Geography Teachers Association and the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland.

    Competition coordinator Bernard Fitzpatrick said that the Competition gave teachers an opportunity to highlight geography in their schools.

    In today s society, geography is a vital subject that all young people should study. Understanding place and people, and the socio-economic and environmental interactions at local, regional, national and international levels is important to the economic and environmental future of Australia, said Mr Fitzpatrick. Geography helps students understand the world around them, and the interconnections of the physical and social sciences within their local community and global communities.

    With the introduction of the New Western Australian curriculum, it’s an exciting time to be involved in geographical education, and the Competition plays its part in this, Mrs Di Giuseppe a geography teacher at Corpus Christi said the school usually did well in the Australian Geography Competition.

    Corpus Christi usually has quite a few students that are awarded high distinctions and distinctions, said Mrs Di Giuseppe. Fellow Humanities teacher Mr James Ramsey, said Doing the Geography competition allows students to apply their understanding of the knowledge and skills they have learned in geography and test themselves against students all across Australia.


    [accordion_item title="Lost Property" accordion="accordion"]

    Please put your student s name on all their property, including clothing, books and bags. If named property come to Student Services we always endeavor to return it to the student.

    Student Services



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news