e-News 20 - Term 2

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[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Term One Interim Reports" accordion="accordion"]

Students are to be congratulated on their achievements so far this year.  Overall, the Middle School students have performed well both academically and in the way they apply and conduct themselves in class. It is pleasing to see the students achieving outstanding results for important attributes such as communication and work ethic.  I commend the students on their efforts and hope they continue to apply themselves in class throughout Term Two.


[accordion_item title="Retreat Days – Years 7 and 9" accordion="accordion"]

The Year 7 and 9 Retreats were held at the College on Thursday 28 April and Friday 29 April.

On Thursday the 28th and Friday 29th of April the Year 7 students experienced The Hero Within Retreat program. This program is designed to assist middle school students to recognise the hero within them, and identify how they can make a contribution to the world. The program is being run by Ark Ministry Team to develop the concept of each person being special, focussing on: A look at heros, The Armour of a hero and Jesus the hero.

I am Special

You are who you are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You’re just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the one’s he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with
God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God.

The students were be split into two groups over the two days. Chisholm, DeVialar, MacKillop and Merici completed the Ark Ministry program on Thursday 28 April, with the remaining four Houses taking part in normal classes on this day. On April 29 Pallotti, Romero, Salvado and Xavier took part in the Ark Ministry program and the remaining four Houses continued normal classes.

In Year 9, students participated in activities run by the Youth Mission Team and Loving for Life with a focus on healthy and positive relationships.


[accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College Space Camp - USA" accordion="accordion"]

The space camp trip to America was a very rewarding experience and a trip of a life time. I am privileged that I was one of 23 students who was given this opportunity, (there were 13 students from Corpus Christi College and 10 students from John 23rd College). This experience was very beneficial as it broadened our knowledge as well as having lots of fun and meeting new people along the way. We spent the first 5 days at NASA camp, where we experienced many different activities and learnt many new things, in our big group we were split up into two groups called team Marinaris and team Isidis (with about 14 students in each group). In these teams we completed a variety of activities including scuba diving (where we had to launch rockets under water and shoot balls into hoops), rock climbing, the pamperpole (where we had to climb up a massive pole and jump off it, then being pulled up so we don’t fall straight onto the ground), various team working activities at area 51 (such as getting everybody from one plank to another) and many other presentations we listen to about various things (such as the future for NASA and types of telescopes).

In our teams we were also split into smaller groups of 3 and 4 where we completed many engineering activities, (such as building a space suit for an apple, building miniature rockets and constructing mars rovers out of lego). Other interesting activities also included having a Russian language and history class.

The other highlight of NASA camp was that in our team we had to complete 3 missions and the training for that mission, (the first 2 missions and training consisted of 1 hour, the last mission went for 3 hours). In these missions we were assigned different roles either in mission control, the ISS- space station or in the space shuttle, (such as commander, pilot, PAYCOM, CAPCOM, flight engineer, mission specialist and ISS commander). The roles helped us to improve our leadership, listening and organization skills, as well as improving our ability to deal with stress. 

After NASA space camp we visited the civil rights museum before flying out to Orlando. In Orlando we visited the Kennedy Space Centre (where we had lunch with astronaut), we did the iFly experience (which is basically sky diving indoors), had a boat ride on the everglades (where we saw many alligators) and we went to Universal Studios for a day.

We spent the last couple of days in San Francisco where we did the hop on hop off bus ride (where we walked the Golden Gate Bridge), visited the Exploratorium, caught a boat ride to Alcatraz, visited google, Intel, the computer history museum and the NIF (National Ignition Facility).

However it was just not all work, we did also have many opportunities to shop in both Orlando and San Francisco. Altogether this trip was very rewarding in that we learnt so many new things most other kids have not yet seen or experienced with having lots of fun along the way, if I could I would definitely go again.

  Rebecca LeGuier

To see the activities and adventures of the trip, go to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Corpus-and-John-XXIII-Space-Camp-250606411941314/


[accordion_item title="Parent Teacher Interviews" accordion="accordion"]

The Year 7 to 12 Parent/Teacher/Student (P/T/S) Interviews will be held on Thursday 5 May from 12.30pm to 7.30pm in the Sadler Centre (normal classes will conclude at the end of Period 3 – 11.56am on this day).

Each interview time is only seven minutes in duration. Please note that there may be a limited number of timeslots available.  To help with this, please ensure you only book ONE timeslot with your child’s teacher, even if they teach your child in multiple subjects. If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of P/T/S interviews, you may contact the relevant teacher(s) directly to arrange a conversation on another date.

If your child’s teacher has indicated ‘Interview requested’ on his/her Term One Progress Report, it is highly recommended that you book an interview with the relevant teacher(s), even if the PTO booking system does not specify that an interview is requested. If your child does not have any interview requests, then your discretion should be used as to whether or not you book an interview with their teacher(s).

Your username and PIN, which will enable you to use the PTO booking system to book your interviews, are as follows:

Username: Allen
PIN: 24534

Please ensure that you type in your username exactly as shown above.

You will be able to book interviews for your student(s) from 8am on Wednesday 27 April until 8am on Thursday 5 May.  The PTO website can be accessed from the College website (instructions can be found on the respective year group portals), or by clicking on the following link:


For further information relating to P/T/S Interviews, please check the respective year group portals.  The portal will have the following information available to parents:

  • Instructions for accessing the PTO website and general information relating to the interviews - Document titled:  PTO information for parents
  • Map of the College - Document titled: Location of PTS Interviews – May 2016
  • Seating plan for teaching staff on Thursday 5 May - Document titled: Teacher Seating Plan – Thursday 5 May
  • List of unavailable teachers - Document titled: Unavailable teachers – Thursday 5 May

  • If you have any queries or are having problems using the PTO website, please do not hesitate to contact Sara-Ann Low slow@corpus.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Mothers Day Breakfast" accordion="accordion"]

    We invite mothers and your children to a Mothers Day Breakfast on Friday 6 May, 7.00am to 8.00am.

    Click on the link below to RSVP your interest (Including how many of your children will be in attendance).  Please provide accurate numbers to we can cater accordingly.

    RSVP no later than 5.00pm Wednesday 4 May

    Tea, coffee, juice and fruit will be provided and bacon and egg rolls can be pre-ordered. (Follow the booking link below for information)

    We look forward to seeing as many Mothers and their children as possible.




    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Year 12 Retreat 2016" accordion="accordion"]


    On Friday the Year 12’s returned from their three day Retreat. Staff and students spent time away from the usual day-to-day stresses of school life and immersed themselves in a new and challenging environment. The retreat experience is an integral part of the Religious Education curriculum and an essential part of the life of the students at the College. It provides possibilities for enhancing the spirituality of students in ways different from, but complementary to, those of the classroom and school environment. Most importantly, the retreat is an opportunity for students to remove themselves from the stresses of a busy school term and focus inwards for a brief few days. I have already had a few students comment to me that they wish the retreat was longer!

    Retreat sessions involved group interaction and reflection with the sharing of values and life experiences. Students learned to trust, to build on their own self-esteem and review their own personal Christian position.

    I wish to congratulate Mr Simon Messer and Mr Simon Keane for organising a superb retreat experience for the Year 12 students as well as out attending staff, who’s dedication makes these opportunities possible.

    • Team Airbridge; Ms Katrina Thomas (Retreat Leader), Mr Russell Scanlon (Site Leader), Mr Trevor Galbraith, Ms Anj Duncan, Ms Joelle L’Aiguille and Mr Jim Elliot.
    • Team Baldivis; Mrs Silvana Vicoli (Retreat Leader), Mrs Elaine Liew, Mr Steve Kingwell, Ms Emma Van Woerden, Mr Michael Rathmann and Mrs Jenny Basley.
    • Team New Norcia; Mr Phillip Price (Retreat Leader), Mrs Donna Chong (Site Leader), Mrs Jo Stevens, Mrs Kelly Wearing, Mr Jim Greaves and Ms Marion Lavelle.



    [accordion_item title="Years 11 and 12 Semester I Exams" accordion="accordion"]

    It is again that time of the year where students are making final preparations for examinations. This week students have received personalised examination timetables which indicate their exam times and venues. Students must check these examination timetables carefully and read through the examination guidelines on the back of the timetable. For the first time, Year 12 students enrolled in General Unit 3 and 4 courses will be sitting Externally Set Tasks (EST’s). These are 1 hour common assessment tasks given to all students in the state for a particular subject. All EST’s will occur during the exam period and are listed on your child’s personalised exam timetable. More information on EST’s can be found here http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/further-resources/faq

    Please note the Year 12 examination period begins on Monday 16 May and concludes on Friday 27 May. The Year 11 examination period begins on Monday 23 May and concludes on Friday 3 June. During the examination period regular classes will not run. Students are only expected to be at school for examinations (students in the Education Support Centre will receive information from their teachers regarding their attendance during the examination period).

    The full examination timetable is available on the Years 10, 11 and 12 student portals available on SEQTA.




    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Public Speaking News" accordion="accordion"]

    On Sunday morning 1 May, nine students represented Corpus Christi College at the heats of the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition in City Beach with the outstanding result of seven moving forward into the semi-finals. The topics they spoke about were varied, ranging from Blurring the Boundaries and The Time has Come, to The Big Picture and A Catalyst for Change.

    The following students have progressed through to the semi-finals which will be held on Saturday 28th May:

    Year 8
    Jenna Riordan
    Mosaia McDonald

    Year 9
    Rachael Dellaca
    Erin Martin
    Ikeoluwapo (Ike) Adesanya

    Year 11
    Olivia Fuderer

    Year 12
    Desiree Louis

    Unfortunately, Lauren Murphy (Year 8) and Emma Shine (Year 10) narrowly missed out on progressing to the next stage.

    Along with the scheduled Tuesday afternoon sessions, these students have also met with me at various times before school, at recess and lunchtime in the run up to the competition. They are dedicated and courageous young people and I am very proud of them all.

    In addition, 2015 graduates, Rebekah-Anne Craggs and Sam Coten have taken up roles as Rostrum adjudicators. It was wonderful to see the strong Corpus presence at this competition; students and past students, engaging in this significant inter- school competition.

    Thank you to all who supported the students along the way, particularly parents. Without your support, these achievements would not be possible.

    Mrs Noreen Stevenson



    [accordion_item title="Careers Office: UMAT Information Session" accordion="accordion"]

    On the first day of Term 2, students in years 10, 11 and 12 interested in studying Medicine, Dentistry or Optometry attended an information session run by NIE to speak about the UMAT (Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admissions Test).

    Around 40 students listened to Zobair Bary, Lecturer and Medical Interview Coordinator, present general information about the UMAT, applying for a course in Medicine, and Medical Course interviews.

    UMAT is held once a year (27th July 2016) and measures constructs involving critical thinking, problem solving, understanding people, and abstract non-verbal reasoning. Indirectly, the UMAT also measures a prospective student’s ability to: perform under pressure; switch tasks between alternating constructs; manage their exam time; judge which questions require superficial or deeper cognition; communicate choices via analogy; recognize when to avoid or apply intuition/ empathy/ bias; and much more. Although most students never reach the end of UMAT in the time allowed, a student who correctly enacts exam performance strategies has a higher chance of completing more answers.

    The next Medical Sciences guest speaker to visit the school is Jessica Knight, currently enrolled in an Assured Pathway to Medicine at the University of Western Australia. Jessica is representing MedEntry and will talk about how she achieved the 99th Percentile, she will be speaking to Excelsis and senior students on Thursday 23rd June at 3:30pm.

    Rachel Burke
    Careers Coordinator


    [accordion_item title="Student Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

    HARRISON CORMACK - Under 14s National Waterpolo Championships

    Harrison recently attended the Under 14s National Championships over the Easter period on the Gold Coast. His team the City Beach Bears were successful in winning the gold medal over the Hunter Hurricanes in what ended up being a tight game 10 goals to 9. Congratulations Harrison!

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    TRAVIS FEE AND JOHN BACUS - State Basketball

    Congratulations to Travis Fee and John Bacus who have been selected in the U16 State Metro Mens Basketball Team to compete at the National Championships being held in Kilsyth, Victora during the week of 2 - 9 July 2016.

    Over 70 boys tried out for the team and 10 players only were chosen after 3 long months of try outs. Congratulations Travis.

    PS: Please support our boys by donating, buying or just by sharing the links of our fundraising initiatives to your family and friends:

  • Entertainment book: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/93z4657
  • GoFund Me page: https://www.gofundme.com/u16waboys
  • [divider style="divider5" backtotop="no" top_margin="5" bottom_margin="5"]


    MICHAAEL ORTON - State Rowing

    Michael competed in the Sydney International Rowing Regatta in Penrith from 13th March to 21st March 2016.

    As part of that regatta there are a couple of major events. The Australian Open Rowing Championships and the Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships, in which Michael competed in both.

    In the Australian Open Rowing Championships he competed in four events (under 19 single scull, under 19 double scull, under 19 quad scull and Club Eight for the Swan River Rowing Club) with a range of results. In the singles and doubles he was eliminated in the semis, in the quad he came 6th in the Final and then finished with a strong second in the Final of the Club Eight.

    In the Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships he competed in the singles sculls as a representative of Corpus Christi College.

    He progressed well through the heat, repechage and semis and missed the Final by one position. His final result was 7th in the Final.

    Similarly, all his events in the Australian Open Rowing Championships were also in an open weight division making it very challenging to compete against boys that are up to 30kg+ heavier than him. Next year he will be old enough to enter some lightweight divisions, which will allow for a more level competition.

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    MAYA SURJAN - State Gymnastics

    Congratulations to Maya Surjan who has been selected as a member of the Western Australian Women's Gymnastics State Team for 2016. Maya will be attending the 2016 Australian Women's Gymnastics Championships from the 22nd - 28th May at Hisense Arena, Melbourne VIC. On behalf of the College, we wish Maya a successful and enjoyable tour.

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    TAYLOR CROYER - Triathlon

    Congratulations to Taylor Croyer who recently won a bronze medal at the School Sport National Triathlon Championships. Other students who performed well were Matthew Wesley who came 16th in the (13-14 Year group) and Brook McCoy and Aleisha Wesley who came 8th and 10th respectively in the (17-19 Years group).



    [accordion_item title="Cambodia Immersion High Tea" accordion="accordion"]

    Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 12.38.47 pm

    Click the link below to make your booking:



    [accordion_item title="Parents and Friends Quiz Night" accordion="accordion"]


    Click the link below to make your booking:



    [accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College Prayer Group" accordion="accordion"]

    Dear Parents,

    You form an important part of the College s community. As a member of this community parents can contribute richly towards the growth of our students lives and to their futures. In following the vision for Catholic education, the College faithfully works to develop our students spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional faculties. A vital way in which parents support these values is through community prayers offered for our students, college-leadership and staff.

    We are glad to inform you that beginning from Friday 20th May a weekly prayer hour will be held in the College Chapel. We invite parents (and grandparents) of our students and staff to gather in prayer. The prayer hour will be held from 9am - 10am during school terms.

    For more information contact Kenneth Phua at kenaphua@gmail.com or 0413 643 233.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news