e-News #16 Week 1, Term 1 2016

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

The first week at the College commenced with the College Ball for our Year 12 students, held on Saturday night 30 January at the Rendezvous Hotel Ball Room in Scarborough. The students looked quite smart and danced for most of the night to what was a good start to their final school year. I take this opportunity to congratulate the 2016 graduating class on this fine start which continued into Week One. The majority of students commenced their academic studies well into their Year 12 courses, having already completing five weeks of their courses in 2015. College Head Girl Cassandra Rauh and Head Boy Andrew Silveira addressed the College at the Whole School Assembly on Tuesday where we recognised our high achievers from the Class of 2015, as well as our top students, the Dux and Proxime Accessit Award winners from the 2015 Middle School, and their parents who were also my guests at morning tea.


The Parent and Friends (P and F) are hosting parents after each Parent Information Evening in their quest to building the community of parents of the College. Please consider joining one of the four P and F committees, (notifying the P and F Executive) by completing the survey that was sent by email last week.

Please note a couple of important upcoming community events:

  • Annual Parent Community Meeting Thursday 11 February. The AGM of the Board and Parents and Friends will commence at 7.00pm in the College Hall. All are welcome to attend. Annual Reports from the Principal, Board Chair and P and F President will be circulated, with Chair of Finance Mr Russell Hardwick presenting the 2016 Budget, one of the main presentations of the evening. The P and F Executive team will be elected, whilst the nominations for prospective Board members has closed, with the endorsement of candidates to occur during the meeting
  • Community Mass Tuesday 16 February 6.00pm in front of the Sadler Centre – compulsory for all students; parents and friends are all welcome! The Community Mass welcomes new students, families and staff to the College, and reminds us of not only of what makes a Catholic school different to other schools, but of our mission as a Catholic school in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, to evangelise our community. We will be reminded of our purpose during the Ash Wednesday liturgies which will take place this Wednesday in the St Thomas More Church.

As Catholics around the world gather for Mass and prayer services on Ash Wednesday, we are bonded by the physical and spiritual connection we share as followers of Jesus. I found an excellent online resource which you may wish to access during Lent:

‘O, God of second chances, thankfully you give us this time during Lent to be filled, directed and empowered by your Spirit. As we enter fully into Lent, show us what we need to see to more fully follow your Gospel. What in our lives needs the anointing of your Spirit? What in our lives needs clarity on the direction we are being invited to? What in our lives do we need strength to feel empowered to go out and do in your name?

We seek to be filled, directed and empowered by your Spirit, O God of second chances, to overcome the temptations in our own lives as your son overcame the temptations in the desert. We seek to be filled and directed by your Spirit as we go out into our public ministries, as Jesus was directed to do after his time alone with you’.


In giving witness to your children, your own spiritual nourishment will be replenished when you take the time to read this excellent Jesuit Ministry resource during Lent.

I invite all parents to also read the enclosed correspondence from Catholic Education WA Executive Director Dr Tim McDonald, which is addressed to parents of students in Catholic Schools.


Best wishes and God bless.

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Welcome to 2016" accordion="accordion"]

From Mr Frank Italiano

To all of our new and existing families, welcome and thank you for being a part of the Corpus Christi College community. Thank you and well done on a terrific start to the year.

As the new school begins it is really important that students take every opportunity to perform to the best of their ability in every aspect of College life. Be it in the classroom or on the playing field, it is always important to be consistently giving your best. Being well prepared and trying to always perform to capacity is the only way to ensure a really solid foundation to support future activities. Organisation for class, participation in-class and completion of assigned tasks should never be an afterthought, but the main focus of a school day.

Please note the following compulsory events coming up:

  • Quest Retreat Friday 5 February and Saturday 6 February
  • Community Mass Tuesday 16 February 6.00pm – College Oval
  • Homeroom Mass 8am Friday – College Chapel. Each Homeroom has been allocated a date. Parents are welcome.
  • Inter-House Swimming Carnival Thursday 25 February – Challenge Stadium
  • Inter-House Cross Country Thursday 8 April

  • College Leadership Team

    Caroline Payne - Principal
    Karen Prendergast - Vice Principal
    Frank Italiano - Deputy Principal (Middle School)
    Ian Hagen - Deputy Principal (Senior School)
    Jim Elliott - Deputy Principal (Student Ministry)

    Pastoral Care Team

    The Pastoral Care Team is one of the key groups within the College. Its mission is to focus on the wellbeing and pastoral care of students. The Pastoral Council is chaired by Mr Jim Elliott. Other members of the Pastoral Council include:

    Yvette Pearce - Head of Year 7
    Scott Connery - Head of Year 8
    Naomi Larsen - Head of Year 9
    Amanda Fernihough - Acting Director of Learning Support


    [accordion_item title="Parent Communication Guidelines" accordion="accordion"]

    Parents are welcome to make contact with the College to discuss progress or issues at any time. It is important that parents contact the relevant staff member when making contact with the College. The flow chart below outlines the order in which staff at the College should be contacted.

    Parents should start at the beginning of the chart and then proceed to the next level, if the matter is not resolved to their satisfaction. Alternatively, the staff member may pass the matter onto the next level should they be unable to respond to questions raised by parents.

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    [accordion_item title="Important Dates" accordion="accordion"]


    Term 1 begins:
    Teachers commence: Staff Days Thursday 28 January and Friday 29 January
    Monday 1 February: Years 7, 11 and 12 Students commence
    Tuesday 2 February: Years 8, 9 and 10 Students commence
    Term 1 ends: Friday 8 April
    Term 2: Tuesday 26 April – Friday 1 July


    Term 3: Tuesday 19 July – Friday 23 September

    Term 4 begins
    Monday 10 October

    Term 4 ends
    Friday 21 October: Year 12 Students
    Friday 2 December: Year 11 Students
    Monday 5 December: Year 10 Students
    Thursday 8 December: Year 7, 8 and 9 Students
    Friday 16 December: Staff


    [accordion_item title="Middle School Awards" accordion="accordion"]

    At the first College assembly in week one, it was a pleasure to announce and make presentations to the following students for the 2015 academic year:

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    [accordion_item title="Corpus Christi College Learner Profile Years 7-12" accordion="accordion"]

    • The Corpus Christi College Learner Profile is made up of 8 attributes or common outcomes which are deemed to be essential for success in the 21st century and for an ever-changing world.
    • The Corpus Christi College Learner Profile supports the Catholic ethos of the College and its holistic approach to the individual in and beyond the classroom.
    • The Corpus Christi College Learner Profile is designed so that students can become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.
    • The Corpus Christi College Learner Profile attributes will specify how students can become effective contributors to the local, national and global society.


    [accordion_item title="Middle School Parent Information Evenings Invitation" accordion="accordion"]

    Parent Information Evenings are designed to brief parents regarding matters relevant to a particular Year group, whether related to the academic programme, study and homework, digital learning advice or social activities, to name but a few. Further details will be provided by Heads of Year, but please note these dates in your calendars:

    Thursday 4 February Year 7 Parents Information Evening - 7.00pm Sadler Centre
    Monday 8 February Education Support Centre (ESC) Open Night at 6.00pm
    Monday 8 February Year 8 Parents Information Evening - 7.00pm Sadler Centre
    Monday 22 February Year 9 Parents Information Evening - 7.00pm Sadler Centre


    [accordion_item title="Year 7 Quest Retreat 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    A central part of our faith is the quest for all of us to serve others. This is very much the theme of the Quest Retreat which provides a wonderful way for our Year 7 students to begin the year and experience a special part of the culture of our Corpus Christi College. We are very proud of the Senior School Quest Ministers and Cadre Leaders who work so well with the Year 7 students.

    The Retreat experience concluded on Saturday with students filling the trucks with the food cans collected form the local community.

    The generosity of our local community was evident in the thousands of cans of food collected and provided to the Foodbank.

    A special thank you to Mr Simon Keane and Ms Donna Chong for their coordination of this Retreat Program. They have been ably supported by staff, parents and a large number of students. The Quest Retreat is a fitting way to conclude the first week of Secondary School for the Year 7 students. New friendships are made, Corpus Christi College connects to our local community.




    [accordion_item title="Corpus Cafeteria" accordion="accordion"]

    The Corpus Christi College cafeteria in the Mater Christi Centre is a state of the art facility has been built with several things in mind. Ease of service, a cashless system and one which continues to promote a wide range of healthy and nutritious food and drinks.

    Students enter the cafe, make a selection of food, beverage or snack whilst inside, then line up in front of two touch screen cash registers, each with a check-out style bar code scanner for easy payment in each zone before exiting from one of two exit points.

    In link is found here: https://cafeteria.corpus.wa.edu.au/

    All students are able to use the topped up SmartRider card or continue to use cash to purchase goods at the Café. Please note that the cafeteria is unlikely to accept $50 or $100 notes.


    [accordion_item title="Transperth Transport System" accordion="accordion"]

    Information regarding the topping up of your Transport Account can be found on the back of the student Smartrider Card. The cashless purchases at the Cafeteria use the same Student ID Card but a different account from which to draw funds.

    Should you have any queries about the My Student Account system, kindly contact the College ICT Help Desk 63322574 or email helpdesk@corpus.wa.edu.au


    [accordion_item title="Uniform Shop" accordion="accordion"]

    Opening Hours during Term:
    Mon: 8.00am – 11.00am
    Wed: 8.00am - 1.40pm
    Fri: 12.30pm - 4.00pm
    Phone: 6332 2581

    The Uniform Shop is located on College grounds – on top of the main driveway and outside the Administration block.


    [accordion_item title="Time for Goal Setting!" accordion="accordion"]

    The start of the year is a great time to set yourself some academic goals along with any personal goals you might plan to achieve this year.

    There are lots of great reasons to set goals:

  • Setting goals gets you to think about possibilities.
  • Goals give you a direction to work towards.
  • Goals give you a clear picture of where you want to go.
  • Goals help you to push yourself just that little bit more.
  • Goals can give you motivation and focus.
  • Goals help us achieve our dreams, hopes and desires.
  • Goals give us a greater feeling of control over our lives and experiences.
  • Goals allow us to prioritise and create action plans.
  • To give yourself the best chance of achieving your goals, it is a good idea to make sure your goals are iSMART – so keep in mind these guidelines for setting effective goals:

  • Innovative
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-Bound
  • And…

  • Only use POSITIVE language in goals.
  • Use PASSIONATE, enthusiastic and motivating language.
  • Write your goal in the PRESENT tense.
  • Review your goals regularly to remind yourself of what you want to achieve. Start taking specific actions that will help you achieve your goals, in particular your short-term goals. Putting together an action plan of the steps to achieve the goal and allocating time frames for each action is a good place to start.

    You can learn more about goal setting and many other topics to help you achieve your best at school at www.studyskillshandbook.com.au, logging in with these details:

    Username: corpuschristi
    Password: 33achieve

    Ms Naomi Larsen
    Head of Year 9


    [accordion_item title="Corpus Christi Tour to Indonesia 2015" accordion="accordion"]

    At the end of 2015, eleven Corpus Christi College students had an amazing language and culture tour to Indonesia.

    Into two short weeks they packed a lot of new experiences such as language study with built-in fun challenges like buying phone credit and interviewing people in the street; visits to awe-inspiring sites such as Borobudur and Mount Merapi; cycling to the market to select ingredients in Indonesian and cooking their own lunch; learning martial arts in a pencak silat class; making their own filigree silver jewellery; riding in becaks; experiencing life in an Indonesian host family and school; trying all kinds of new foods; and exploring Surabaya and fun destinations such as hot water springs and a safari park.

    They came back different people with a much broader view on life in our large neighbour, Indonesia. They continually pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and made a lot of new friends. The importance of exchange experiences cannot be underestimated, and Vic Gecas, Wendy Quint and I feel privileged to have shared this experience with our students.

    Sue Cooper
    Languages Teacher




    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Welcome to 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    From Mr Ian Hagen

    Welcome back to all parents and students in the Senior School and a special welcome to all of our new families for the 2016 school year. This year is already shaping as a busy one with a number of key events in the first part of the term. The year commences with Information Night for all year groups. The Year 12 night is first and will be held on Thursday 18 February, while the nights for Years 10 and 11 fast approaching. I encourage all parents to attend these evenings. Each session will be held in the College Hall. The dates and times are as follows:

    Year 12 – Thursday 18 February 7pm
    Excelsis – Thursday 18 February 6pm (College Library)
    Year 10 – Monday 29 February 7pm
    Year 11 – Wednesday 24 February 7pm

    The Heads of Year play a very important role in assisting and mentoring the students at the College. They are important contact points for students and parents. In 2016 the Heads of Year in the Senior School are as follows:



    [accordion_item title="Year 12 High Achievers 2015" accordion="accordion"]

    At the College Assembly on Tuesday we acknowledged our high achieving graduating students from 2014.It was wonderful to acknowledge these students in-front of the College community. Congratulations to all the students on their wonderful achievements.


    Certificate of Distinction Vocational Education and Training – Chloe Kingston
    Chloe-Kingston Certificates of Distinction in VET are awarded to eligible students who are in the top 0.5 per cent of candidates who complete an AQF Certificate II or higher in each national industry area in their final WACE year. Chloe received her Certificate of Distinction in the field of Community Services.

    Victoria Bandurski
    Rachel Bay
    Sam Coten
    Rebekah Craggs
    Katrina Gan
    Jen Gresham
    Shannon Kelly
    Chloe Kingston
    Hayden Richards
    Tanika Sgherza
    Serena Yung

    Excelsis Club Graduands

    In 2010 the College introduced the Excelsis Club for our high achieving Year 11 and 12 students. Students are invited to participate in the Club based on their Academic results in Year 10 and 11.

    The aim of the Excelsis Club is to promote and reward academic excellence in the Senior School. Providing students with the opportunity to participate in activities and events will empower them to strive for excellence and achieve their true potential. “It is only through raising expectations and striving for excellence that studnets can reach their full potential.”

    To be an Excelsis Club Grandaund a student who is a member of the Club must receive a Certificate of Commedation at the end of Year 12. Congratulations to the Excelsis Club Graduands on 2015.

    Victoria Bandurski
    Rachel Bay
    Sam Coten
    Rebekah Craggs
    Katrina Gan
    Jennifer Gresham
    Shannon Kelly
    Chloe Kingston
    Hayden Richards
    Tanika Sgherza
    Serena Yung

    Year 10 Dux and Proxime Accessit Awards

    The Dux Award is presented to the highest ranking student in academic results for each year group. The Proxime Award presented to the runner up.

    For the 2015 Year 10 Proxime Accessit the award winner is Lila Rodari.

    In the calculating of the Dux of Year 10 for 2015 it was not possible to separate two students so the decision was made to have joint winners. The Dux of Year 10 for 2015 were: Alexander Di Rosso and Phoebe Holmes

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    [accordion_item title="OLNA" accordion="accordion"]

    The first round of the OLNA for 2016 will commence on March 8. Over the past three years Corpus Christi has implemented a number of programs and strategies to assist students in Year 9 prepare for NAPLAN and thus reduce the number of students needing to participate in OLNA in the Senior School. The table below is from the 2015 Year Nine NAPLAN Analysis and it shows that from 2013 to 2015 the percentage of students required to complete OLNA dropped from 45% to 26%.

    This year the SCSA has implemented a number of enhancements to OLNA. Attached to this Newsletter is a copy of a letter from Mr Allan Blagaich, Chief Executive Officer SCSA, which was circulated to all Year Nine parents in 2015.

    CEO letter_Year 9 parents_OLNA

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    [accordion_item title="iPads and iTunesU" accordion="accordion"]

    All of the students in the Senior School should now have their iPads and have these set up to operate on the College network. It is important that all students bring their device to school each day fully charged so they are able to fully utilise it over the course of the day.

    For all senior school subjects, the key aspects of the content including; Course Outlines, Assessment Outlines, Teaching Programmes and classroom resources will provided to the students via the use of iTunesU (see below). I encourage all parents to ask their children to show them this on their iPads and to engage in a discussion with their children regarding how they are utilising the devices in their classes.

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    God Bless.

    Ian Hagen
    Deputy Principal Senior School



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Corpus General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Student Achievements" accordion="accordion"]

    Sienna Perruzza - Vocal Champion


    Congratulations to Sienna Perruzza who travelled to Melbourne in the extended holidays to sing at the Hollywood Bound National Championships and was awarded NATIONAL CHAMPION in her vocals in a very tough section, Sienna also also competed in a huge song/dance section and received 3rd place!

    Congratulations Sienna!


    [accordion_item title="Bateman Parish Religious Education Program - Sacrament Dates 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    I am writing to inform you of the Sacrament dates for the St. Thomas More Parish, Bateman in 2016. If there are any of your students, whose families are Bateman parishioners, and who have not received instruction for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Eucharist or Reconciliation, they will need to enrol in the Parish Sacramental Program. We also run a special High School Program for children who may not have completed their Sacraments. Our Enrolment Date is the 3rd February 2016 between 4pm and 5pm in the Parish Hall. If students have received instructions for any of the Sacraments at school, but wish to receive the Sacrament in our Parish they will need to register with the Parish beforehand. For enquiries please contact Jenny on 9310-1747 or 0435695399. It would also be very much appreciated if you would kindly advertise these dates in your school newsletter when you have space available. "The Sacrament dates for St Thomas More Parish Bateman for 2016 are as follow:

    Reconciliation : 18th October 2016
    First Holy Communion : 25th/26th June 2016
    Confirmation: 2oth;2ist August 2016


    Bateman Parish also runs a special Sacramental Program for high school students from families within our Parish boundaries who may not have completed all of their Sacraments. For all enquiries please telephone Jenny Figliomeni on (08) 9310 1747 or 0435695399.

    Bateman Parish also runs a special Sacramental Program for high school students from families within our Parish boundaries who may not have completed all of their Sacraments. For all enquiries please telephone Jenny Figliomeni on (08) 9310 1747 or 0435695399.

    Jenny Figliomeni
    Religious Education Coordinator St. Thomas More Parish Bateman



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The Corpus Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the Corpus Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news