Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Exhibition

On Wednesday, 11 September, we proudly opened our Visual Arts and Technology and Enterprise Exhibition. This event celebrates the creativity, hard work, and outstanding contributions of our students, showcasing a diverse range of artworks and projects that highlight their talents and dedication.

The selected pieces represent the best of each year group, celebrating the unique gifts and talents of our students. This exhibition not only reflects their artistic abilities but also their commitment to excellence and their courage to express themselves creatively.

We were honoured to have esteemed external judges for this year’s Art Awards. Erin Knight, a renowned Western Australian artist known for her work with mixed media, judged the Senior School entries. The Junior entries were evaluated by Teresa Kroyer and Lorraine Francis, both of whom are talented artists contributing significantly to our vibrant West Australian community.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Erin Knight, Teresa Kroyer, and Lorraine Francis for their invaluable contributions as judges. Your expertise and support have made this exhibition a truly memorable event, embodying the college values of courage, commitment, and compassion.

We commend all students who had their pieces chosen for the exhibition and would like to acknowledge and congratulate the following year level award winners for their outstanding achievements:


  • Art Award: Thomas Correia


  • Art Award: Andrew Antony

Year 1

  • Art Award: Aaron Poon

Year 2

  • Art Award: Sofia Carcione

Year 3

  • Art Award: Zara Lange

Year 4

  • Art Award: Lincoln Weaver

Year 5

  • Art Award: Solomon Martin

Year 6

  • Art Award: Xavier House

Year 7

  • Art Award: Emerson Dear

Year 8

  • Art Award: Kamille Ow

Year 9

  • 3D Art Award: Lily Mustard

  • 2D Art Award: Charlotte Grace

Year 10

  • Most Outstanding Artwork: Charlotte Trotter

Year 11

  • Most Outstanding 2D Artwork: Stella Piccirilli

  • Most Outstanding 3D Artwork: Chelsea Ernst

Year 12

  • Most Outstanding 2D Artwork: Joshua Diaz

  • Most Outstanding 3D Artwork: Sarah Low

Special Awards

  • Corpus Christi Artist of the Year Award: Ava Komnick

  • Principal’s Award: Ava Komnick: Be Still

Alexandra Carcione