Junior School Cross Country

The Junior School Cross Country took place on Friday, 16th June, marking a day filled with enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Students from Years 3 to 6 eagerly participated, showcasing their athletic abilities and embodying the true essence of house spirit. As the competitors raced through the challenging course, they exemplified the college values of compassion, courage, and commitment. They supported one another with words of encouragement, demonstrating compassion and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Each runner displayed immense courage, pushing themselves to their limits, and never giving up. Their unwavering commitment to the race reflected their dedication to personal growth and achievement. Overall, the event was a testament to the students' exemplary character and athletic prowess.

House Points Tally

  • 1st - Gold  483

  • 2nd - Red  484

  • 3rd - Blue 487

  • 4th - Green 569

As has been the case with the Senior Carnival, results have been worked out based on the finishing position of students within their Year and Gender group. It is the lowest number of points that wins the Carnival. If a student finishes in first place, 1 point goes toward their house, in second place, 2 points goes towards their house, and so on. So that the house with the most finishers is not disadvantaged, an even number of competitors from each house are used in the calculation.


Championship Places

Year 3 Runner-Up Champion Girl: Stella-Grace Martin

Year 3 Champion Girl: Georgia Wombwell

Year 3 Runner-Up Champion Boy: Sean Wilbraham

Year 3 Champion Boy: Harvey Clarke

Year 4 Champion Girl (Tied): Sofia Brown and Olivia Lange

Year 4 Runner-Up Champion Boy: Solomon Martin

Year 4 Champion Boy: Hayden Willey

Year 5 Runner-Up Champion Girl: Adele Cunningham

Year 5 Champion Girl: Amelia Mcivor

Year 5 Runner-Up Champion Boy: Jack Lillis

Year 5 Champion Boy: Alexander D'Monte

Year 6 Runner-Up Champion Girl: Etosha Nooyen

Year 6 Champion Girl: Macie Thompson

Year 6 Runner-Up Champion Boy: Aston Meldrum

Year 6 Champion Boy: Nicolas Willey                       

Alexandra Carcione