E-News 31 October 2023


Welcome to Week 4

Celebrating Sport at Corpus

Last Thursday the College held the Burgundy, White and Blue Celebration of Sport Awards Evening to recognise outstanding student effort, contribution and performance in sport at Corpus Christi.

The College has a rich and proud culture of sport. It prioritises sport for students as it provides a multitude of holistic benefits for them. We know of the physical benefits of playing sport to include improved overall fitness levels, increased flexibility and greater co-ordination, movement and balance. Sport is preventative in managing future health risk, it allows us to relax, it supports better sleep patterns and helps to build effective long-term physical activity behaviours as adults.

Equally, we recognise the important wellbeing aspects of being involved in sport. It helps build resilience, self-regulation and perseverance, whilst promoting a sense of connection and team. Organised sporting opportunities enhance psychological and social development and grow interpersonal skills, confidence and self-esteem. Sport promotes a growth mindset and self-motivation through the establishment of personal and team goals to support ongoing improvement and development.

Sport offers a value-added proposition for learning including challenging critical thinking and problem-solving skills, decision making, and moral reasoning. It also builds important leadership, communication and collaboration skills, which are transferable across many different learning landscapes, which is important in our dynamic educational environment.

At Corpus we promote a vision of students being ‘Outstanding for Others’. Sport allows a very practical opportunity for students to be of service to those around them. It allows them to give back and to help promote a positive and inclusive culture which build belonging and community.  Sport at Corpus also instils a deep sense of pride, with our students representing over 1300 families, in excess of 1800 students and 40 years of history each time they don the College uniform and step out onto the sporting arena to represent the College.

Importantly, sport allows our students to flourish. We know that all our students are uniquely gifted and so we aim to provide a multitude of different growth opportunities and pathways, including within the area of sport, that will allow them to celebrate their talents and ‘shine their light from the rooftops’. We celebrate student successes and acknowledge their hard work and dedication in striving toward their goals.

We acknowledge our outstanding Sport and Health and Physical Education (HPE) staff lead by Head of Sport, Mr James Howard, and Head of HPE, Mrs Naomi Larsen, who are tireless in designing and delivering the multitude of sporting opportunities available at the school. The Burgundy, White and Blue Celebration of Sport Awards Evening was a fabulous opportunity to recognise our excellent students, whilst also acknowledging the terrific contribution of our dedicated staff. We also applaud the wonderful efforts of our outgoing student Sports Prefects in Florence Chapman and Taj Forrest who have both shown great service to the College in their role this year. All our Award Winners can be view HERE.

I strongly encourage all of our students to get involved in sport at the College – the benefits are great and allow them to grow beyond what is achieved on the playing field to help them develop into healthy, well-rounded people with a better understanding of self and richer appreciation of others.

K-12 College Uniform

We were very excited to launch our new K-12 College uniform to all families on Friday last week.

As outlined in the released document, the uniform is a celebration of our newly formed K-12 community and acknowledges the rich traditions of the past whilst integrating contemporary designs and fabric technologies to ensure a deep sense of pride, comfort and inclusivity. It is a natural progression from previous uniform designs, recognising our storied past whilst looking to the future.

I would like to again thank our families for their input into the design process via Friends of Corpus whose input and advice was invaluable throughout the process. I would like to also acknowledge the Friends of Corpus Executive team for their excellent support. In promoting student agency, we again celebrate the extensive input from students in developing the uniform and thank them for their interest and energy.

Full uniform details, including the transition process and timeframe, are available here.

Special Welcome

A very warm welcome to our new Deputy Principal Catholic Identity and Mission, Mr Damian Ramos, who joined the College staff yesterday. Mr Ramos comes to us with a wealth of experience in promoting authentic and engaging faith and spiritual development opportunities for students, staff and parents.

The Catholic Identity and Mission philosophy of Corpus Christi College is grounded on the notion to propose, rather than impose, our Catholic worldview. This signifies we are not mere observers but rather we are on the journey with others. It is in this space where encounters can authentically take place, where needs can be met, and our community can truly be in service of others.

We look forward to the positive impact that Mr Ramos will have on leading our College in growing this important pillar into the future.

Class of 2023

Finally, a heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2023 on their recent graduation – a beautiful celebration of community, the College is proud of you all.

I also take this opportunity to wish our Graduands all the very best in their future pathways, and for those heading towards exams, don’t forget to reach out to your teachers as needed – we will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

Best wishes and every blessing,

Jeff Allen



Week 4 Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we step into the final term of this academic year, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the beautiful journey that lies ahead.

The start of Term 4 brings with it a renewed sense of energy and purpose. Our students have shown remarkable commitment and courage throughout the year, and we are immensely proud of their achievements thus far. Term 4 also brings with it a range of exciting events with which to finish off the year.

2024 Leaders Speeches

I want to extend my gratitude to all the students who put up their hand for a leadership role in 2024. Friday was an opportunity for those students to share their ideas and dreams for next year and how they see themselves as leaders who embody our college values.

Before School Drop

A friendly reminder to all families and duty before school commences at 8:15am. We request that students remain with you until that time to ensure their safety. We offer a before-school care program through Camp Australia if you require an earlier drop-off.

Class Allocations 2024

In Term 4, teachers will begin looking at class groupings for 2024. Many factors are considered when selecting class placements for students, and each child’s best interests are the main priority when these decisions are made. Class placements are made in consultation with all year-level teachers, and significant time and consideration is given to this task. Students will be asked by their Classroom Teacher to nominate five friends, of which at least two will be placed in their 2024 class.

Class placements are made with due consideration of gender, pastoral needs, social and emotional needs, special learning needs, and relationships. Every effort is made to place children where they will have the greatest opportunity to succeed. If your child has specific issues which may need consideration, you are requested to email me directly at katya.anderson@cewa.edu.au with any concerns. Parents should be aware that requesting a certain teacher is not a consideration in the class allocation process.

Once class allocations have been finalised by the Leadership Team, they cannot be changed. Class lists will be made available to families at the conclusion of our Move-up Day. I thank you in advance for your understanding and support.

Move-up Day

On Monday, 4 December, students from Kindy to Year 5 will undertake a transition session, which is designed to provide students with a smooth move into their 2024 class. Students will be informed of their 2024 classroom allocation and will then spend an afternoon session with their 2024 classroom teacher and classmates. This session will be focused on familiarising students with their new learning space and undertaking some fun activities.

Class lists will be distributed to families that afternoon, and parents are encouraged to support their child’s placement and successful transition by engaging in positive discussion about the process and excitement about the future possibilities for their child. As advised above, no changes to class allocations will be possible.

Grandparents Morning Visit

On Friday, 10 November, we welcome all our wonderful grandparents or special family members to our Junior School Campus. The morning proceedings are as follows:

8:30am: Grandparents to come to the undercover area to sign in. Once signed in, they are invited to visit their grandchild/ren’s classroom to view their schoolwork and/or assist with in-class learning.

9:15am to 9:45am: A light morning tea will be provided in the undercover area (grandparents only).

We look forward to opening up our classroom doors and celebrating with the Grandparents the exciting learning that has taken place this year. A big thank you to the Class Community Connectors that have volunteered their assistance on the day! Grandparents, please click HERE to register your attendance.

Christmas Carols

Save the date! What better way to finish the year together than a Christmas Carol Evening. Please mark Tuesday 5 December in your calendars, with more information coming out in the next few weeks.

Katya Anderson

Head of Junior School


College Events 

Term 4 Upcoming Events:

The above dates are correct at the time of publication, however, please access the calendar for future dates and deadlines.

The latest events with detailed information can also be found by visiting the events page.


2023 Prefect Camp

The 2023 Prefect Camp provided our Student Leaders with a range of leadership training and skill development. Students were provided the opportunity to develop plans for their role as Prefects and their Student Leadership Teams with the guidance of staff.

View more photos HERE.

Arts Update

Dance Auditions in Week 5

Dance Collective is a specialist group of between 25-30 students, composed of our elite dancers from Years 10-12. The aim of the Collective is to provide differentiated learning opportunities to extend our Senior students and better prepare them for success in their curriculum classes. The focus is on advanced contemporary technique, choreographic processes and improvisation – all integral parts of the ATAR Dance curriculum. 

While the Collective dancers represent the College by performing at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, Dance Gala and other events, these performances are merely a product of the classes, not the main learning focus. Please register HERE.

Dance Company is an audition-based ensemble that selects 25-30 students from Years 7-9. Its aim is to provide extended learning for our talented dance students, with a focus on increasing physical competencies, advancing technique and learning choreography for performance. 

In 2024, successful Dance Company members will be offered the opportunity to learn different genres from specialist dance teachers.  Dance Company performances include the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, the College’s annual Dance Gala and other events. Please register HERE.

Rottnest Art Camp

Our Year 10 & 11 Art students had yet another amazing learning experience on the College’s 'Rottnest Art Camp', they spent 3 days drawing and 'en plein air' painting at various locations around the beautiful island. Please view the full story HERE.

Booking Open

Ticketing for Rockfest and Music Recital Night has commenced - please click on Event name to book tickets.


Junior Inter-school Athletics Carnival

Our Junior athletes were brilliant all day in the field and on the track at CAPSS Athletics Carnival on 24 October. It was a strong showing from all competing schools including St. Benedict’s, Hammond Park, St Columba’s, Orana, St John Bosco and St Joseph’s Northam.

The competition for the Top of the Table was fierce, and in the end Corpus Christi College were a respectable Second to St Columba’s by a mere 11 points.

Our thanks to Mr Antulov, Mr Oliveri and Miss Monteleone for their support of our athletes during preparations and on the day. Thanks also to Mr McCooey and Mr Cunningham for their time and efforts training the athletes up.

Our Junior School students courage to bring very best effort and their compassion to support team mates and rival competitors was outstanding to see.

Congratulations to All!


Florance Chapman (Year 12)

Florance was presented the ACC Letters Award at Corpus Christi College's Burgundy, White and Blue Sports Awards' evening on Thursday, 26 October. This is the third time that Florence has represented ACC Netball All Stars to qualify for the ACC Highest Honour – ACC Letters!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: marketing@corpus.wa.edu.au


St Thomas More Bateman Parish Update

In 2023, there will be Masses for Octave of Christmas that will fall either on Monday or Saturday: 

  • Monday, 25th December – Christmas Day Masses at 8.00am & 10.00am

  • Saturday, 30th December - 9.00am - 6th day in the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord                                                  

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman on (08) 9310 1747 or email her on catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au                                               


ICT Assistant Casual Opportunity

Corpus Christi College is seeking two dynamic and tech-savvy individuals to join our IT team as ICT Assistant casuals during the upcoming school break in January. If you have a passion for all things ICT, this is the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for candidates who have graduated from the College at least a year ago and have a keen interest in technology.

As an ICT Assistant Casual, you will be responsible for providing valuable support to our existing ICT team. Your role will involve assisting with troubleshooting, hardware and software installations, and general maintenance of our ICT systems. This is a fantastic chance to gain practical experience in a large IT environment and enhance your technical skills.

To apply, please email your CV to daniel.chapman@cewa.edu.au.

Learn to Swim at Corpus

Corpus Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Corpus Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style

Reporting of Absentees

If your child is absent from school there are a variety of ways in which parents can inform the College, more information is located here. Absentees can be reported through a variety of means, including the online form, SMS or email absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au. The least preferred method is via call due to the translation of the voice message being unclear at times, please reserve calling for emergencies only. It is very important that you provide your child’s full name, their classroom/homeroom, and the reason for their absence. Please ensure any emails are sent to Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au and not individual staff email accounts within Student Services. The College will shortly be undertaking a review of the variety of methods used to report absences and is looking to streamlining the number of methods in which this can be done.

Enrolments Update

Sibling Applications

We encourage applications well in advance of the entry year and encourage families to keep up to date with the Enrolment timelines as advertised on our website.

Currently Accepting

  • 2026 cohort applications for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 7.

  • 2027 cohort and beyond.

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child.

If you are yet to do so, please apply online: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply

The next edition of the Corpus Christi College
e-News will be released Week 6 of Term 4, 2023.

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