E-News 14 November 2023


Welcome to Week 6


On Wednesday evening last week, we were very pleased to host another very engaging Friends of Corpus meeting at the College. I am most grateful for the passionate support of our parents and caregivers, as it is through this important partnership that we continue to collectively strive toward providing the best possible learning environment for students.

There is a large amount of research that promotes the strong connection between parent engagement and improved educational outcomes for students. Aligning language, plans and actions between school and home allows continuity and consistency for students. It builds their confidence and provides a sense of clarity around expectations and the pathway toward growth.

An ACT Government Education parent resource suggests that research shows the benefits of parental engagement to include:

  • improved academic outcomes

  • greater engagement in learning

  • children can be more likely to enjoy learning and be motivated to do well

  • children can have better relationships with other children, improved behaviour and greater confidence

  • enhanced relationships with others in the school community

  • the development of effective partnerships - where families and schools can work together to address issues that may be impacting children's wellbeing and achievement.

This document also notes the difference between involvement and engagement and the important delineation between the two.:

“Parent involvement refers to parent participation in formal and informal activities at the school such as attending parent group meetings, running a stall at the school fete or volunteering at the canteen.”

“Parental engagement refers to the broader role parents play in supporting their child's learning. Parental engagement recognises the important role that both parents and teachers play in children's learning and development. Although involvement in school activities is beneficial in many ways, especially in facilitating relationships between parents and teachers, how parents support children's learning at home has a bigger impact on academic outcomes than participation in school-based activities”.

During our Friends of Corpus meeting, I took the opportunity to share some insights provided by a Griffith University prepared report entitled “Engaging Parents and Communities in Children’s Learning and Wellbeing”.

Some important findings from the report include the following:

  • valuing parents as their child’s first and continuing teacher;

  • developing strategies that help parents feel safe to approach and talk with school leaders and teachers;

  • inviting parents to participate in developing or reviewing the school’s vision and values statement;

  • developing activities that offer parents experiences and allow them to build relationships with one another and the wider school community;

  • providing parent information sessions about curriculum learning areas and child development to support their capacity to engage in their child’s learning, make joint decisions about learning pathways, and support wellbeing;

  • offering regular forums where parent and teacher voices are invited and valued;

  • developing opportunities for parents to build their capacity for teaching and learning alongside their children.

Given the above, it is easy to see why we place so much emphasis on genuinely engaging with parents and families at Corpus.  As a College, we strongly encourage rich parent engagement in the life of the school built around quality relationships and partnerships.

We highly value the excellent Friends of Corpus initiative which provides a genuine parent voice in shaping our school. Our most recent Friends of Corpus meeting allowed parents to directly input into our School Improvement Plan for 2024. Our strategic direction at the College provides a very clear path forward, aligning with our four pillars of Catholic Identity and Mission, Community, Learning and Stewardship. Parents had the opportunity to work with the Executive Team members reflecting on the events and activities of 2023 and shaping up the ideas for next year.

We are very pleased to also report on our rich engagement with prospective families through our College Open Day which was held on Saturday, 4 November and attended by close to 600 people. We were very proud to show off our school to the broader community and to highlight the multitude of different holistic growth opportunities on offer.

Best wishes and every blessing,

Jeff Allen


Week 6 Update

Dear Parents and Guardians

I am thrilled to bring you a recap of the magical Grandparents and Special Senior Friend Morning Tea that unfolded on the morning of Friday, November 10, 2023. The morning was filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments as generations came together to celebrate the unique bond between grandparents and their cherished grandchildren. The day kicked off with an outpouring of joy as our school community extended a warm welcome to the grandparents who graced us with their presence. Smiles and hugs were exchanged, setting the tone for a day of connection and shared experiences.

Our dedicated teachers opened their classroom doors for grandparents to come in and experience what the morning routine is like in junior school. From interactive games that sparked laughter to sitting and completing a year 5 maths lesson, every moment was designed to create lasting memories.

One of the morning's highlights was the delightful spread of refreshments in our undercover area. Opportunities for families to connect over a cup of tea or coffee as they share experiences, stories, and laughter, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to our Community Connectors, who volunteered their help on the day and played a pivotal role in creating an atmosphere where families felt connected and appreciated.

As I reflect on the success of Grandparents Morning Tea, we are reminded of the importance of family and community in the growth and development of our students.

Junior Disco

Get ready to dance the night away because this Friday, the Junior disco is set to turn up the beats and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Thank you to our Community Connectors who have volunteered their time to help supervise this exciting event.

  • PP - Year 2 (4.30 - 5.30pm)

  • Year 3 - 6 (6.00 - 7.30pm)

Kindy 2024 Orientation Morning

I warmly welcome the students and families of our kindy 2024 cohort to an Orientation morning, which will take place on Thursday, 30 November.

The Orientation Morning is a wonderful opportunity for students and parents to meet classmates, new families and our teaching staff.  Parents are welcome to stay with their children to help them adjust to the new surroundings and new faces!

All information regarding the morning has been sent to families from the Enrolments team.

Move-up Day

On Monday, 4 December, students from Kindy to Year 5 will undertake a transition session, which is designed to provide students with a smooth move into their 2024 class. Students will be informed of their 2024 classroom allocation and will then spend an afternoon session with their 2024 classroom teacher and classmates. This session will be focused on familiarising students with their new learning space and undertaking some fun activities.

Class lists will be distributed to families that afternoon, and parents are encouraged to support their child’s placement and successful transition by engaging in positive discussion about the process and excitement about the future possibilities for their child. As advised above, no changes to class allocations will be possible.

Katya Anderson
Head of Junior School


College Events 

SAVE THE DATE: College Christmas Carols Concert

We are thrilled to announce an enchanting evening of festive joy as students take centre stage for the K to 12 Christmas Carols Concert on Tuesday, 5 December. More information on the College Christmas Carols Concert can be found by visiting the events page.

Annual College Community Meeting

All families are warmly invited to attend the Annual College Community Meeting.

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2023 
Time: Commencing at 6.30pm
Location: Senior School Staffroom

Term 4 Upcoming Events:

The above dates are correct at the time of publication, however, please access the calendar for future dates and deadlines.

The latest events with detailed information can also be found by visiting the events page.


Caritas Gaza Crisis Appeal

We have been gathering donations for the Caritas Gaza Crisis Appeal. This initiative originated from our students, who have passionately taken the lead, with the invaluable support of our Ministry Staff.

On 10 November, in honour of UN World Science Day for Peace and Development, our Senior School students held a lunchtime sausage sizzle to raise funds and our Junior School students purchased icy poles in support of the Gaza Crisis Appeal, view more photos HERE.

Thank you for your support and donations - Donation boxes will be in place until the end of Week 6.

Triathlon 2023

We are proud of all Students and staff for their Commitment to preparing for this competition. They demonstrated College values of being 'Outstanding for Others' with our Triathletes supporting each other with Compassion and having the Courage to step in to fill gaps throughout the event. View the full article, HERE.

'Thank You' to Mr Green for coordinating the huge Corpus Christi College Team, along with Maths staff for helping check and load all the bikes. Thank you to the PE, D&T and maintenance staff for organising equipment and the Swim Squad Staff for monitoring swimmers. Lastly, Thank you to our College Staff on location – Mr Mark Green, Mr Reno Sinagra, Miss Natalia Ciavarra, Mr Michael Royall and Miss Ebony Grant.

RockFest 2023

Friday, 10 November, our Caroline Payne Theatre was buzzing with energy as the annual College RockFest concert had the audience rockin' in their seats! View the full article, HERE.

Congratulations to all our RockFest performers on an unforgettable night - your performances were stunning!


Grandparents & Special Seniors Morning

Our Junior School Grandparents & Special Seniors Morning event was a heartwarming gathering that brought together our families and community.

The visitors were eagerly greeted and invited to explore their grandchild/ren's classrooms and share in the excitement of our Students' learning journey. A delightful morning tea added to the joyful occasion, providing an opportunity for grandparents to connect and engage with our Junior School staff.

A special "Thank You" to our dedicated Class Community Connectors for their invaluable assistance and support on this memorable morning! View more photos HERE.

Kindy Incursions

Last week was a blast for our Kindy students! First, the Gymbus incursion had our Kindy student flexing their Physical Coordination, they scrambled up ladders, swang into foam pits and chased friends at super-sonic speeds down the Gymbus slides!

Soon after, West Oz Wildlife brought in a diverse selection of snakes from the phyton species, a bob-tailed lizard, an adorable Koala and a Sugar Glider. The Kindy students had a fantastic time interacting with the different species and making note of the differences. It was an incredible hands-on learning experience. View more photos HERE.

Thank you, WestOZWildlife & Gymbus for making unforgettable learning memories for our little ones!

Library News

A reminder to students and parents that all library books are due back to the Primary Library by Friday 24/11/23 for us to commence our annual stocktake.

Students are encouraged to use our fantastic local public libraries over the holiday period.

Our last Scholastic Book Club Issue 8 is now available for families to order online.

Mrs Catherine Munro
Library Technician


Aiden and Lachlan Geaney (Year 6 and Year 1)

Congratulations to Aiden and Lachlan Geaney, who competed at the BMX National Championships held 30 Oct - 5 Nov, in Shepparton Victoria. These boys have been training hard and competing among the 'Best of the Best. Well Done!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: marketing@corpus.wa.edu.au


St Thomas More Bateman Parish Update

In 2023, there will be Masses for Octave of Christmas that will fall either on Monday or Saturday: 

  • Monday, 25th December – Christmas Day Masses at 8.00am & 10.00am

  • Saturday, 30th December - 9.00am - 6th day in the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord                                                  

For all enquiries please telephone Judy Machado, Religious Education Coordinator, St Thomas More Parish Bateman at (08) 9310 1747 or email her at catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au                                               


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

This year, the focus of the Vinnies Christmas Appeal is on the continuing impacts of the ‘cost-of-living crisis’ in Australia, including rental and housing affordability and its compounding effects.

This Christmas, more families are experiencing poverty and are on the brink of homelessness. After struggling with the cost-of-living crisis for over a year, they barely have anything left to hold on to. As the crisis deepens, so does their desperation. Your urgent help can provide relief.

Within our Bateman community, the people that access Vinnies’ services are mainly middle aged and elderly couples. This year, we are again appealing to our College families to make a small donation that will go a long way to supporting a person or family in need within our local area.

  • Senior School homerooms will be given a list of items for donation, one of which will be allocated to each student.

  • Junior School year groups will be asked to donate a particular type of food or drink item.

  • Staff will be asked for school and stationery supplies that will go towards filling pencil cases and backpacks made by our Year 9 students on their Retreat earlier this term.

We understand that there have been several fundraising appeals over the year, both within our College and outside of it. We also recognise that it is likely that some of our College families are being significantly affected by the current economic situation and may themselves be struggling, so we ask that any donations be made within your means.

Please ensure that any food or drink donations are unopened and undamaged and don’t expire within the next 6 months. A Health Star Rating of at least 3.5 stars is also requested. We thank you and are very grateful for your support.

Learn to Swim at Corpus

Corpus Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both Corpus Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style on the
College website: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/speed-with-style

Reporting of Absentees

If your child is absent from school there are a variety of ways in which parents can inform the College, more information is located here. Absentees can be reported through a variety of means, including the online form, SMS or email absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au. The least preferred method is via call due to the translation of the voice message being unclear at times, please reserve calling for emergencies only. It is very important that you provide your child’s full name, their classroom/homeroom, and the reason for their absence. Please ensure any emails are sent to Absentee@corpus.wa.edu.au and not individual staff email accounts within Student Services. The College will shortly be undertaking a review of the variety of methods used to report absences and is looking to streamlining the number of methods in which this can be done.

Enrolments Update

Sibling Applications

We encourage applications well in advance of the entry year and encourage families to keep up to date with the Enrolment timelines as advertised on our website.

Currently Accepting

  • 2026 cohort applications for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 7.

  • 2027 cohort and beyond.

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child.

If you are yet to do so, please apply online: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/apply

In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates.

The next edition of the Corpus Christi College
e-News will be released Week 8 of Term 4, 2023.

Corpus Communications