Mother's Day Primary Assembly


On Friday 6 May, the Primary School were delighted to host a special Mother’s Day assembly.

Featured at this assembly, was a video created by some talented Year 6 junior journalists.

Thank you to Amelia and Maja who wrote this recount below:

Junior Journalists Recount

In the making of this video there was a lot of preparation that went on behind the scenes. This included Year 6 Junior Journalists, featuring Maja, Amelia, Jonothan and Arthur. These students interviewed representatives from Kindy to Year 6. Each of the questions were different and we received a variety of thoughtful responses.

 We then had the Year 6 media team record all of the interviews. These students included Daniel, Lucas C, Charlie C and Finn. During the interviews, we worked together to decide where the interviews would take place and what strategies we would implement to ensure they ran smoothly and were successful.

 Once the interviews had all been recorded, we sent them off to the Year 6 I.T Team. During this process, Taj and Lucas.C placed all of the footage together, which included various effects such as background music and animations to fit in with the conversations during the video. They then sent the video to Miss Mont, ready for approval and a final viewing on the day of the Mother’s Day Liturgy.

 We thoroughly enjoyed this task, as Miss Mont let us come up with our own ideas, and only gave us tips on how to make our interview successful and a suggestion of questions we could potentially use. Everything else was up to us!

by Amelia and Maja

Alexandra Carcione