E-News 4 May 2021
It is good news that we are not in lockdown and we can return to mainly normal life at work and at home. Recent events have once again shown the way that staff have been agile and adapted to changed circumstances.
The Arts Learning Area has perhaps felt this to the greatest degree with the much-awaited College Production. After the postponement in 2020, the College Production of “Monkey” was to be held last Saturday. I congratulate the student cast, crew and musicians for their tireless effort and commitment to this wonderful production. I also extend my congratulations and gratitude to Director James Dove, Drama Teacher Jo-Anne Palmer, Arts Administrator Donna McCrystal, Theatre Operations & Technical Support Manager Chris Hastie, and all other support staff. Finally, we also thank our parents for their enduring support of the students. Much like the journey in the play, the journey to the 2021 College Production has been challenging but ultimately more rewarding than we could have anticipated.

The promotion of student voice and student leadership is a top priority at Corpus. Later this week, our student leaders, supported by staff, will be involved in a Student Leadership Training session after school. It is wonderful to provide this worthwhile opportunity to promote the growth of our students.
This week we have a fantastic opportunity our parents, students and staff to connect. We have the annual Mother's Day Breakfast on Friday morning. As always, the event – which is held at the Mater Christi Centre starting from 7.15am – will allow valuable conversations to occur over good food, with entertainment provided by our talented students.
Next week on Friday 14 May, we have the Year 7 Parent Connect Evening. We welcome parents and guardians of our current Year 7 cohort to join us as we officially welcome you to the Corpus community.
At Corpus we seek to promote and provide opportunities for students to show their faith in action. The 2021 Relay for Life is one such opportunity. This year the College has close to 90 students and 5 staff attending Relay for Life 2021. I commend everyone involved in supporting our students and staff and those fundraising for a very worthwhile cause, the Cancer Council.
National Catholic Education Commission - 'Faith in the Future' Commemorative Magazine
The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) has produced their first edition of the commemorative magazine ‘Faith in the Future’, highlighting stories and coverage of the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia.
Click to download.
For more information, news, highlights and reflections visit the: 200 YEARS WEBSITE
COVID-19 Update
As you may be aware, there have been no new cases of community transmission of COVID-19 since the weekend. However, there have been many new exposure sites added to the list (see below).
All staff members and students in Years 7 to 12 in the Perth and Peel regions will be required to wear masks at all times while at school. This applies to classrooms, all teaching areas and libraries, staffrooms, and in playgrounds/outside. It also includes travelling on public transport to and from school. Masks should also be worn in private vehicles if there is more than one passenger over the age of 12 years from different households.
If a person receives a negative COVID-19 result but then subsequently (soon after) develops symptoms, they should present for testing again and isolate at home until they receive a negative result.
Students and staff are encouraged to wash their hands and use hand sanitiser as often as possible. Students should not attend school if unwell and should stay home and be tested.
The Department of Health website Healthywa has been updated with new exposure sites. Anyone who has been at an exposure site is required to go for COVID-19 testing and complete 14 days of self-quarantine, regardless of the result. For up to the minute information please refer to the Department of Health and the Government of Western Australia websites; Healthywa and Wa.gov.au
College staff are aware that the uncertainties of this time can cause distress for children and their families. The wellbeing and pastoral care of students and staff in our school is my highest priority and psychology services and support are available for students who may be experiencing challenges. I encourage you to contact the College if you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing at school.
Let us continue to pray for the many less fortunate communities around our world, that they may find fortitude in dealing with the adversities they are facing, and that the support for their communities will be a source of hope and courage.
Prayer for India
Please keep India in your prayers as the country continues to battle a devastating surge of COVID-19 infections.
Frank Italiano
In case you missed it...
Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:
Enrolments & Withdrawls
Year 7 2022, 2023 & 2024 - Enrolments Open
If you have a child currently in Year 4, 5 or 6 and are hoping for your child to attend the College in Year 7 2022, 2023 or 2024, please ensure an application has been lodged with the College.
Application fees are $100 per family, therefore there is no fee required for a sibling application.
If you wish to apply, please submit an online application: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/enrolments
For queries, please contact Manager of Marketing and Enrolments (Alex Carcione) via email on: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
Withdrawing Information
A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.
If your child will not be returning for Term 2, please email the College as soon as possible to notify us of withdrawal: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au
World’s Greatest Shave
On Wednesday 5 May a group of students and staff members will 'brave the shave' as they participate in the World's Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation.
Money raised will help to give families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need. It will also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.
To sponsor Team Corpus please visit: http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/CCC2021
Student Success
We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:
Wednesday House Activities
All students are asked to wear their House Uniform on Wednesday and have permission to wear it all day. Please ensure you wear the correct uniform: House shirt, socks, shoes etc. It is needed for the comfort of some of the activities.
On behalf of the House Coordinators we hope you enjoy the activities planned - they are a great opportunity to get to know more students in your House from all year groups.
Enjoy the day.
Ms Wooltorton and the House Coordinators
Term 2 Groups and Clubs Nominations
There are still a number of groups that are taking new members including the newly established Languages Club (option to do French, Italian or Indonesian) as well as Book Club, MakerSpace and a small section of sports clubs.
Head to www.corpus.wa.edu.au/co-curricular to view the timetable for Term 2 and to nominate for a group or club today!
Sports Fixtures Postponements
Weekly updates on sports fixtures can be found in the Notices.
Covid restrictions have affected the status of the following sports:
Year 7 and 8/9 Soccer Lightning Carnivals postponed until further notice
ACC Basketball finals fixtures postponed until next week
SAJS fixtures commence week 5 due to the postponement of our round 1 fixture this week. Week 4 will be a Corpus bye
Mothers’ Day Breakfast
We invite mothers and your children to a Mothers’ Day Breakfast on Friday 7 May, 7.15am to 8.00am.
Tea, coffee, juice and a continental breakfast can be pre-ordered via the following link: www.trybooking.com/BQRPX
RSVP no later than 5.00pm Wednesday 5 May
We look forward to seeing as many Mothers and their children as possible.
Rescheduled Year 7 Parent Connect Evening
The Year 7 Parent Connect Evening has been rescheduled to Friday 14 May, 6.00pm-7.30pm.
This event will be hosted by the College Leadership Team. We welcome parents and guardians of our current Year 7 cohort to join us as we officially welcome you to the Corpus community.
Food and drinks will be provided so to allow for catering, please RSVP for this new event by Tuesday 12 May 2021:
We hope to see you there!
Save the Date - Music Tutor Recital Night
Faith in Action
“If not you, then who? If not now, then when?” Andrzej Kolikowski
Middle School – Faith in Action Launched
During Extended Homeroom last week, the Ministry Team launched the Faith in Action Program for our Middle School Students.
This launch included a presentation about what the program will entail, linking our Corpus Values to the Catholic Social teachings and to Service; and showing how you fill in the form.
The Middle School FIA Program involves the following:
1. Donating Goods to various charities throughout Term 2 to 4
2. Acts of Kindness to support those who are close to us to make their life that little bit better
3. Reflection provides a way for you to reflect upon your experience of your service activity and work out what can learn from the experience and then change how to see people or the world
The Booklets and the Presentation are available on the Ministry/Service Portal and each of the Head of Year Portals.
Over the next two weeks, I would challenge you to have a conversation with your child about what they will be doing for this program, maybe it is something that the whole family can become involved in. Keep a look out for the Homeroom Challenge that will be launched in Week 5!
Pictured - Booklet Front Cover. Each student was handed a booklet printed on their House Colour, that explains what is required of them.
Inside explains what was in the presentation and includes the form to be filled in.
Senior School – Checkpoint with Homeroom Teachers
In our Senior School Extended Homerooms, it was Checkpoint time with their Homeroom teachers, where they were asked to have a conversation about where they were up to. The students should then have completed a reflection piece on: Why do you think service is important in our College community and in our wider society today? Give examples to support your response.
Consider asking what your student wrote in their response to this question, some responses are below:
“I think service is important in our college community as it enables students to grow from a Christian faith perspective. It is an opportunity for students a to develop compassion, empathy and a sense of justice through meaningful and active citizenship”
“I think that service is important for our community because it gives up a chance to give back to the community.”
“I think service is important as if we do not do service we will never be grateful. If we do not do service we will never be put into the other persons shoes, we will never be humbled. Thing brings us closer to our family and closer to Jesus.”
“To set an example to the community. It also models the collage values and helps people in need.”
Possible Opportunity for Indirect Hours for Senior School
On Saturday 8th a May, Yidarra are running an event on the School oval - Tough Mother. It is an obstacle course/mud run where parents and kids run together as a team - it’s their Mother’s Day event.
They have a 16-obstacle course and over the afternoon will have a large number of people tackling it.
The schools seeking around 15 - 20 students to help out on the day. Each student will responsible for overseeing an obstacle, making sure people are taking turns, straightening up obstacles between sessions, any other help required as directed.
Location: Yidarra School Oval
Time: 1:30pm - 5pm
No: 10-15 students
If you would like to volunteer your time for FIA - Indirect Hours, please see Ms Thomas in the Ministry Office by Wednesday 3:30pm.
Katrina Thomas
Christian Service Co-ordinator
VET and Transitions Services Term 2 Focus
All Year 12’s attend a 45 minute Individual Transition Meeting – Mrs Rachel Burke
Professional Mentor Program – lunchtime 21st June with Corpus Alumni – Mrs Rachel Burke and Mrs Kath Davey
Careers and Vocations lessons in all Year 10 RE classes – Mrs Kath Davey
Year 10, 11, 12 Workplace Learning Placements – Mrs Leana Martin
Notre Dame University and UWA lunchtime information sessions – Mrs Rachel Burke
Roadmap to Success meetings Year 10 -12 Mrs Burke
VET Course practicums and workplacements commence – Mrs Kath Davey
Please click here for more information or visit the team in the Careers & VET Office.
OLNA Results – Round One 2021
Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) results from the March round were made available to schools on Monday.
These results will be made available to parents through SEQTA Learn in the Report section in the next fortnight.
Year 11 Examinations
All Year 11 students completing ATAR courses have now been provided with a copy of their individual Examination timetable. Year 11 Examinations commence on Monday 31st May.
A copy of the Year 11 Examination timetable as well as Examination rules is now available on the Year 11 Portal.
As part of their Career Development all Year 11 General or General combined pathway or non-ATAR pathway students will be expected to do work experience for one-week in the Semester One exam break (31st May – 11th June 2021). These dates have been widely advertised in the College calendar and on the College Portal.
Students who require guidance or assistance in gaining Work Experience can come and see Mrs Martin in the VET and Transition Services Office in the Mayne block or email leana.martin@cewa.edu.au to make a time to meet. Students need to lock in their work placement by the end of week 5 this Term.
Year 11 students on a non ATAR pathway who are not able to attend work experience will NOT be required to attend classes as normal in Week 7 & 8.
However, if students are behind in their course work they will be required to come in during the exam period to catch up. If students are required to come in to complete unfinished coursework they will be notified by their classroom teacher.
Study Skills Workshop
Students will be offered a Study Skills work shop on Thursday at recess in R03 with Ms Berndt. Ms Berndt will provide her top tips for studying and taking exams.
The workshop will cover:
How to study effectively – the do’s and don’ts of studying
How to create mnemonics for memorising content
Tips and tricks to taking an exam
I have presented previously to students on study skills and the importance of sleep - Top Tips for Exam Revision and Sleep Your Secret Superpower
Please keep an eye out in the daily notices for more staff led workshops to support students.
Externally Set Tasks (ESTs)
The EST is compulsory for students completing Year 12 General Courses. It has a weighting of 15%.
Each EST will take 50 minutes and must be completed under standard test conditions. The EST is based on Unit 3 syllabus content.
Just confirming below the schedule for ESTs.
WEEK 3 SCHEDULE – Administered in class by the normal classroom teacher under strict test conditions.
WEEK 4 & 5 SCHEDULE – Administered by external exam supervisors under strict test conditions. These ESTs will take place in James Nestor – J06, J07, J08. Students have been advised to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of their EST.
Speaking Out Survey 2021
Corpus Christi College will be participating in the Speaking Out Survey 2021 (SOS21), the most comprehensive survey of children and young people’s views to be undertaken in Western Australia (WA). This will occur on Monday 31st May.
The Speaking Out Survey is the only representative study of the wellbeing of children and young people across WA and has provided “valuable insight on the experiences and perceptions of Western Australian children and young people” (Premier Mark McGowan, personal correspondence to Commissioner Pettit regarding SOS19).
The Speaking Out Survey 2021 (SOS21) will involve asking more than 10,000 students from Year 4 to Year 12 in government and non-government schools across WA for their views on matters that affect their wellbeing. A key aim of the SOS21 survey is to understand changes in wellbeing that may have occurred following the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit the below button for more information:
Pastoral Program Thursday 22 April: Senior School (Years 10-12)
Pastoral periods are set aside within the curriculum in order to allow students access to learning in a range of wellbeing opportunities. The Senior School students were fortunate to have two guest presenters on Thursday 22 April to impart important messages on Decision Making and Cybersafety.
Chandler Comerford presented during Period 1, with a talk entitled “one decision can change your life”. Chandler grew up in Maine, USA. Chandler graduated from the US Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Oceanography.
Chandler spent 6 Years at SEAL Team ONE deploying three times to locations throughout South-East Asia and the Middle East where he was engaged in capacity building for numerous nations' Special Forces Units.
Chandler's talk focused on the power of choice through the lens of a SEAL mission that went wrong in Afghanistan. This talk was aimed at providing participants with insight into how people can make effective choices when faced with tough decisions. The truths he imparted about risk taking and decision making will remain with the students long term.
YSafe presented to the Year 10’s and 12’s, with Paul Litherland speaking to the Year 11’s on Cybersafety and laws regarding social media use. YSafe are trusted eSafety Providers who specialise in quality online safety education and are endorsed by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. The presentation was based around ways to remain safe online, how to report cyber bullying and/or people who harass online, and the laws currently in place to protect young people with the sending and receiving of messages that are of an intimate manner.
The final session saw the Senior School students work within their Homerooms to set goals and establish routines for study leading into the examination period of Term 2. The students were presented with information on study skills and learnt how to set positive and achievable goals through the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and within a set timeframe) Goal format.
These Pastoral sessions will be supported through further activities on risk taking, goal setting, decision making and Cybersafety within extended Homerooms.
James Ramsey
Deputy Principal Senior School
Pastoral Program Thursday 22 April: Middle School (Years 7-9)
Year 7
As a result of losing Week 1 in Term 1, due to Covid, Year 7 Students experienced their first Pastoral Sessions for the Academic Year last Thursday 22 April. These sessions are designed by Heads of Year to align with our Pastoral Program. The program sees the first three lessons of the day suspended to run the program. The 3 key sessions were:
Internet Awareness with Paul Litherland
Study Skills run by Mr Woolley
Term 1 Academic Report Analysis and Goal Setting
This year we started with an external speaker Paul Litherland, a well-regarded Perth based Internet Awareness and Cyber Safety Specialist. Students were engaged from the start, some having seen him in previous years, but with a range of stories, facts and key messages students were quite entertained and educated on the importance of this topic. A summary of Paul’s talk will be emailed out by Mr Woolley.
Following this session students were taken through their first Study Skills session where they were taken through the process of how to establish key learning routines to raise academic performance at High School. Students were given tasks to self-evaluate their Learning Style and then apply this to establishing a routine of Study that could see them better achieve their potential.
This fed wonderfully into the final session of the Program, the Term 1 Academic Report Analysis and Goal Setting. Here students analysed the Term 1 report with their Homeroom Teachers specifically tuning into the Attitude to Learning, an area of the report scored by their Teachers. Students were able to quickly identify areas of improvement from the report that could be turned into meaningful Goals to target for Term 2. Again, I will be releasing the resources and video instruction on the Study Skills session so that parents can assist their kids further in establishing good learning habits.
Patrick Woolley – Head of Year 7
Year 8
These morning sessions focused on preparing our students for life in the ‘real world’.
Our first session with YSafe explored ways of dealing with cyberbullying and covered safe practises online.
Team work is one of the ‘soft skills’ that employers consistently call upon when looking for prospective employees which is why our second session exposed our students to different team work challenges, so the students could practise and develop their team work skills.
Finally, students observed and participated in an interview with Senior Sergeant Kylie Thomas. Kylie unpacked some of the real world consequences that could be enacted for a multitude of behaviours and choices made by adolescents in today’s society.
Overall, an extremely pertinent and engaging morning for the Year 8 students.
Stephen Kingwell – Head of Year 8
Year 9
During one of our sessions, Mr Paul Litherland addressed the students on internet awareness.
The following points were emphasised:
Understand the social media you have and how it works
Know who your followers are
Be aware of your digital footprint
DO NOT share intimate images. If you receive such images, DO NOT SHARE. Report it.
If you share intimate images, you could be charged with an offence by Police.
In another session, we used clips from an SBS drama, The Hunting, to further expand the students' knowledge on sharing pics on the internet or by phone and the potential fallout from doing so. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend giving your child permission to watch the entire drama. The content sheds light on the social media culture and pressures that adolescents are faced with today. This is entirely your decision.
I encourage you to have regular discussions with your child regarding their internet use and the social media accounts they are using. It was clear today that many students could be more aware of their responsibilities as an internet user.
Paul Litherland welcomes questions, so if you have any queries, he can be contacted through the following website :
Cheryl-Lynn Mothiram – Head of Year 9
Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School
Junior Aquatic Centre Program Offerings
Business Directory Spotlight
Elan Renovations
Elan Renovations is a boutique small family company that specialises in whole home renovations or just a bathroom, laundry or kitchen.
We can come and talk with you and provide a quote at no cost to you.
Contact Details
Abby Reynolds
0404 608 483
Join the Directory
If you have a family business that you would like to include in our business directory, please complete our online form via: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/business-directory