E-News 18 May 2021



One of our principles from our Vision for Learning is “CONNECTION”. The graphic shown clearly demonstrates what much research identifies, engagement and meaningful relationships result in positive outcomes.

At Corpus we pride ourselves on a very well developed and thorough Pastoral Care Philosophy and practice. Among other things, from our House system, Homeroom structure, Pastoral Care Program and Student Leadership model, we strive to cater for the individual needs of our students. Based on the Gospel, our College values seek to respect the dignity of each person and create and maintain a caring and inclusive College community.

As we promote connection, we can promote justice and service to others. As we strive for excellence, we foster a joy in learning.

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Amalgamation Update

The K-12 Principal of Corpus Christi College, commencing 1 January 2022 has provided an update to the community.

To read this update, please click here.

Student Leadership Training Afternoon 

On Thursday afternoon 6 May, I was privileged to be involved in the Years 7-12 Student Leadership training afternoon in the Sadler Centre. It was sensational to see our Student Leaders together and engaged.  Thank you to the Heads of Year for organising the sessions, which provided an opportunity for our Student Leaders to connect and grow.

At the training session, I directed the Student Leaders to the Gospel of Mark 10: 42-45. The words identify what I believe leadership is all about in a Catholic school:

42 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”



Mother’s Day Breakfast

As always, a highlight of the College calendar, the breakfast was a wonderful opportunity for connection with families. Thank you to Simon Messer and the Middle School Heads of Year for the coordination of the event. A big thank you to Deb Lawson and the Cafeteria staff for preparing the breakfast. Thank you to our wonderful students for sharing their musical talents on the morning - this was very much appreciated.

More photos from the morning can be found here.


Year 12 Examinations

We wish our Year 12 students every success for the examinations as they conclude this week. Thank you to the teachers who have prepared the students and for the upcoming marking of the papers. It is so good to have this valuable feedback focused on student achievement and improvement.


Year 7 Parent Connect Evening

Last Friday evening we welcomed parents and guardians of our current Year 7 cohort to join us as we officially welcomed them to the Corpus community. The event was hosted by Patrick Woolley (Head of Year 7) and the College Leadership Team. In a relaxed atmosphere, it was really important that we acknowledged our partnership for the journey through to 2026. 


Faith in Action

Thank you especially to Katrina Thomas and the Ministry Team for promoting opportunities for students and staff to show their “Faith in Action”.

Relay for Life

At Corpus we seek to promote and provide opportunities for students to show their Faith in Action. The 2021 Relay for Life is one such opportunity. This year the College had close to 90 students and 5 staff attending Relay for Life 2021. I commend everyone involved in supporting our students and staff and those fundraising for a very worthwhile cause, the Cancer Council. We await finalisation of results, however, the students have raised an unbelievable $27,000.

Yidarra P&F Event

The Yidarra P&F requested student helpers for their Mother’s Day event - the Tough Mother obstacle/Mud run. Katrina Thomas coordinated 24 Corpus students to volunteer for the afternoon to assist. Some feedback received by organisers:

“Thank you for organising the amazing students who helped at our event on Saturday. They were a fantastic help and the event would not have run without their assistance. They were enthusiastic, helpful and respectful. We really appreciate all they did - and hopefully they had fun!”


Year 7 Student Leadership 2021 

Please find below the students who have been successful in achieving a position in the Student Leadership Team for Year 7 2021. I congratulate them for their success and wish them all the best. 



Meikin Ashby 

Luke Soulsby


Lani Newman

Darcy Bryden


Charlie Trotter

Ruben Reji


Ella Zhao  

Oscar du Toit



Lucy Schaefer 

Cohen Burgin

de Vialar

Reeva Suresh Kumar

Leo Webb


Olivia Vahala

Oliver Colgan


Isabella Catalano

James Mavros


Sienna Eades

Xavier Zammit


Matilda Herbert 

Noah Maney


Elle Ardagh

Joseph Fern


Eva Harvey

Isaac Golding    


Archbishop's LifeLink Day

The LifeLink organisation was established by the Archdiocese of Perth in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Church. LifeLink’s agencies deliver professional services and caring support to thousands of people in need throughout Western Australia each year.

The work of LifeLink is indeed a positive demonstration of: Faith in Action.

Last year, LifeLink funded agencies reached out to help over 37,000 Western Australian families and individuals in need, delivering more than $60 million in caring services and professional programs throughout WA.

Archbishop Costelloe has invited secondary schools to LifeLink Day Forum to be held this week (20 May 2021) at Aranmore Catholic College. The College will be represented by one student representative from each Year from 7 – 12 and College staff Anita Finneran, Simone Preedy and Sam Borg.



Thursday of this week will be the last day for Humanities Teacher Mrs Melissa Baines who is moving to CBC Fremantle as their new Leader of Library. We thank her for her dedicated service to Corpus Christi College and we wish Melissa every success.

Frank Italiano





In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

Enrolments & Withdrawls

Year 7 2022, 2023 & 2024 - Enrolments Open

If you have a child currently in Year 4, 5 or 6 and are hoping for your child to attend the College in Year 7 2022, 2023 or 2024, please ensure an application has been lodged with the College.

Application fees are $100 per family, therefore there is no fee required for a sibling application.

If you wish to apply, please submit an online application: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/enrolments

For queries, please contact Manager of Marketing and Enrolments (Alex Carcione) via email on: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au

Withdrawing Information

A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.

If your child will not be returning for Term 2, please email the College as soon as possible to notify us of withdrawal: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au

Catch Up Photo Day

MSP Photography are coming back on Wednesday 26 May 2021 to have a catch-up day for school photos. This will occur in the College Hall between 9.00-11.00am.

Please be advised if you have not already placed orders,  you can go online via their website www.msp.com.au to place orders up until midnight 27 May 2021The school will go into production the following day,  so any parents that have not ordered by this date will incur the $30 archive fee.


Parent Communication Guidelines

A critical ingredient in helping students to be successful is a strong partnership between teachers, students and parents.  

Parents are welcome to make contact with the College to discuss progress or issues at any time. It is important that parents contact the relevant staff member when making contact with the College. The flow chart below outlines the order in which staff at the College should be contacted.

Parents should start at the beginning of the chart and then proceed to the next level, if the matter is not resolved to their satisfaction. Alternatively, the staff member may pass the matter onto the next level should they be unable to respond to questions raised by parents.

Student Success


Ms Gaby Fabris and Mrs Julie Pannell are excited to share this article in the West Australian advertising the 2021 Pulse Perspective Exhibition. Year 12 (2020) student Max De Vries was featured in the article. Hundreds of works from across Western Australia are submitted each year and only approximately 60 works are selected by a panel of professionals. Well done, Max!


Maya was invited to open the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Awards this year at the Convention Centre on Saturday 29 March and performed the National Anthem. This was a great honour for her and the College, as The Hon. Kim Beazley presented the award for the highest ATAR score for 2020.


Congratulations to Ben Robinson in Year 10, who took part in the State Championship Techno Plus Class (a Windsurfing class) last weekend and was successful in taking first place. Well done, Ben!

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:



Student Workshop

Psychology and Religious Education teacher Ms Phoebe Berndt recently presented an outstanding student workshop to a large group of students from various year groups on Study skills and Exam preparation.

The session included detailed information on

  • 5 Do’s and (don’ts) of studying

  • The psychology of learning and memory

  • Tips and tricks for taking an Exam

It was fantastic to see so many students in attendance. 

Please note that the slides from Ms Berndt’s presentation are now on Year portals.

Our next student workshop on Calculating ATAR and how moderation and scaling works will be presented by Mathematics teacher Mr Rowan Platel on Wednesday Week 8. There will be more information to come on this in Daily Notices.


Languages Club

Halo teman-teman

The inaugural Corpus Christi Languages Club meeting was held Week 3, Thursday after school. This term, the theme is food and culture and for the first meeting the focus was Indonesian.

As students entered the room, they were welcomed by the fragrant aroma of Indonesian food and music as Ibu Fran greeted everyone in Indonesian. Since students attending came from all three Languages offered here at the college, Ibu Fran explained the customs of wearing sarongs and scarves in Indonesian culture, as well explaining some greetings and etiquette.  All students practiced folding the sarongs and scarves according to tradition and custom and then wore them for the duration of the session.  Students then learnt how to fold their banana leaves ready for Ibu Fran and Prof Belloni to serve Nasi Kuning (yellow fragrant rice) so we could all enjoy a delicious afternoon tea together.

Some students commented that the experience reminded them of Bali, and how great it was to reminisce, particularly since Bali travel is not possible at the moment. Others commented that they learnt things they didn’t know before, like that nasi was the word for rice and that Indonesian sarongs had many special uses. There was a real sense of appreciation of Indonesian language and culture. I was very impressed with the way in which students embraced this cultural experience and the manners and respect they showed to teachers and each other, despite being a large group of over 30 students!   

We look forward to our next Languages Club meeting in a few weeks’ time.

Next focus? Italian!

Sampai nanti

Linda MacDonald
Head of Languages

National Careers Week (May 17-23)

As a starting point, students can begin exploring different careers by accessing:
Corpus Christi College Careers Hub

Opportunities at the College include:

  • Corpus Professional Mentor Program 2021

  • Authority Developed Workplace Learning

  • On campus & off campus VET qualifications

  • Curtin UniReady & Murdoch FlexiTrack in school programs

  • College Careers Portal- using SEQTA login

  • Career & Pathway Planning with College Careers Coordinator

 Please visit the Careers office for more information!



Music Tutor Recital Night

When: Wednesday 19 May 2021, 6.30pm

Where: Caroline Payne Theatre

RSVP: www.trybooking.com/BRBLR

Order of Events: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/music-recital


Music Night - Save the Date


Year 11 Dinner Dance

When: Friday 18 June 2021, 7.00 - 11.00pm

Where: Fremantle Sailing Club

Tickets/inclusions: $110 and include a DJ, 3 course sit down banquet.

RSVP: Monday 31 May: www.trybooking.com/BRJUW



Relay for Life 2021 

Relay for Life took place last weekend and was a huge success! We had 75 students taking part in this event at WA Athletics Stadium. This event brings communities together to celebrate cancer survivorship, remember loves ones lost and empower teams of families, friends and colleagues to raise money to fight back against cancer. And this is exactly what happened, our students banded together and supported each other in making sure they each turned up for their shift and give encouragement when needed.

A huge thank you to the whole Corpus community for supporting our students, we came second in the most funds raised in the school sector. This is a fantastic accomplishment for our team, the College and the community and is the most we have ever raised! 

A reflection from one our Year 12 students, Liam Nieves:

2021’s Relay For Life was once again an amazing experience. We unfortunately missed out on Relay last year due to all the chaos of the pandemic, and although this year was, and will probably continue to be pretty crazy, the awesome team at the Cancer Council was still able to pull off another life changing Relay! 

Ever since my first Relay in 2019, I’ve come to always look forward to the next years and next, it’s the best opportunity to make new friends, learn new things, have loads of fun and even get your fitness up! All for a tremendous cause, the ultimate goal of eliminating cancer from our society once and for all. 

On a deeper note, Relay For Life has helped me come to be more grateful for what I have in my life and to especially never take my health for granted. It really brings you a whole new perspective on life, and how your involvement in this 24hour event alone makes such a huge positive impact on the lives of so many others. A huge thanks goes to the following staff who stayed overnighter Mr Patterson, Ms Wooltorton, Mr Borg and Ms Thomas. Another thank you goes to the staff who came to support the staff and us, Mrs Mothiram, Ms Stevens, Mrs Finneran, Mr Chandler, Mrs Rossi and Mr Italiano. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to support those who need it most and will continue once again to look forward to the next Relay For Life! 

Middle School Homeroom Challenge

The Middle School have been given a Homeroom Challenge, whereby they collect as much as they can of the following items and then place them in the donation tubs in their relevant area of their Homeroom. Please see below for what each year group will be collecting, please support our students in this venture:

  • Year 7 Students will be collecting Socks

  • Year 8 Students will be collecting Toiletries

  • Year 9 Students will be collecting Gloves, Beanies and Scarfs

All items are to be placed in their relevant collection box by Friday Week 7 and all will be donated to Vinnies. This can be counted as one of their Faith in Action Activities and signed off by their Homeroom Teacher.

Vinnies Good Night In – Year 9 

A new opportunity for our Year 9’s this year to take part in is the ‘Vinnies Good Night In’. This is a fun and easy way to spend quality time with family and friends while raising awareness for a good cause. In a time when connection and a strong support system is more important than ever.

How do you take part? Organise with a group of friends, to stay at one’s person house. Bring everything you would need for a sleepover and create a boardgame about a theme around Homelessness in the Perth Metro Area.

For information will be given at this week’s Year Assembly and see Ms Thomas in the Upper Room.

(Inclusion of image for Vinnies Good Night In) 

Faith in Action Opportunity Feedback

Over the Mother Day Weekend, 25 students volunteered to help with the Yidarra Tough Mother P & F Event, below is some feedback from the organisers:

“The students were a fantastic help and the event would not have run without their assistance. They were enthusiastic, helpful and respectful. We really appreciate all they did - and hopefully they had fun!”



Excelsis Club – Ace Your Exams

On Thursday 29th April, a group of around 30 Year 11 and Year 12 students from the Excelsis Club participated in a study skills seminar delivered by Elevate Education on efficient examination preparation and study techniques. The ‘Ace Your Exams – 10 Steps to Exam Excellence’ session is an annual and ongoing part of the Excelsis Club activities, designed to develop and improve students’ academic progress.

For the Year 12 students this study skills session was a refresher session, two weeks prior to the commencement of their Semester One Exams. For the Year 11 students this served as an innovative and informative presentation on approaches to effective studies and will allow them to plan and organise their study time more effectively in the run-up to their Semester One Exams.

The session proved to be extremely valuable and beneficial for the students as it provided genuine and applicable methods on how to effectively plan for exams as well as providing tips on wellbeing techniques to use before and during the exam. All students found the session to be extremely useful and rewarding. The session concluded with many and varied questions for the presenter.

Year 10 Examinations

Students in Year 10 have received an individualised email with their Semester One Examination timetable. The complete Examination timetable and the conditions/procedures for your upcoming Examinations are also on the Year 10 Portal. 

The Examination period runs from Monday 14th June to Friday 18th June.  Each Examination will be either 1.5 or 2 hours in duration plus 10 minutes reading time. The morning Examinations commence at 8.30am and the second Examination session commences at 11.30am. All students are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to their Examination. All Year 10 Examinations will be held in the James Nestor Centre

All students are only required to attend the College for their scheduled Examinations.  

On the days/times when students don’t have an Examination they are permitted to stay home and study.

If students have a morning Examination and wish to remain at school for the remainder of the day to study then they will be able to study in the library. If they have an Examination later in the day, they can study in the library prior to this.

Assessment Free Days

Wednesday 9th June, Thursday 10th June and and Friday 11th June are Assessment Free Days. These will be structured revision days. All Year 10’s are expected to attend school on these days.

Students on a General Pathway

There are no General exams for Religion, English, Maths, Humanities and Science. Students in general English, Humanities, Science, Religion and Maths C are only required to be here during the exam period if they have an exam in another course, for example Psychology. 

No formal classes will be occurring during the exam period, however, students can work quietly in the library to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work. This is a good time for students to do a work experience placement. Year 10 students on a General pathway have been advised to speak to Mrs Martin as soon as possible if they are interested in doing this. 

Year 11 Work Experience Opportunities

As part of their Career Development all Year 11 General or General combined pathway or non-ATAR pathway students will be expected to do work experience for one-week in the Semester One exam break (31st May – 11th June 2021). These dates have been widely advertised in the College calendar and on the College Portal.

Students who require guidance or assistance in gaining Work Experience can come and see Mrs Martin in the VET and Transition Services Office in the Mayne block or email leana.martin@cewa.edu.au to make a time to meet. Students need to lock in their work placement by the end of week 5 this Term. 

Year 11 students on a non ATAR pathway who are not able to attend work experience will NOT be required to attend classes as normal in Week 7 & 8. 

However, if students are behind in their course work they will be required to come in during the exam period to catch up. If students are required to come in to complete unfinished coursework they will be notified by their classroom teacher. 



Nyin, Ni, Koorliny - Sit, Listen and Walk - City of Melville

Celebrating National Reconciliation week with:

  • Welcome to Country

  • Guest speaker

  • Reflective walk

  • And a pledge to reconciliation.

When: 30 May 2021, 9.30-11.30am

More details here: https://www.melvillecity.com.au/things-to-do/events/whats-on/nyin,-ni,-koorliny-sit,-listen-and-walk