Student Recount of Joshua Wilson MP Visit

Last Thursday afternoon, Joshua Wilson MP came to visit the Year Nine cohort. This term in Humanities, our focus is Civics & Citizenship, more specifically the Australian Political System. Joshua Wilson is a Member of Parliament in the House of Representatives, who was elected by the Federal electorate of Fremantle as a member of the Labor party. He works in Parliament House in Canberra, where he is the Shadow Minister for the environment and energy. His responsibilities are focused on the areas of waste and recycling, ocean protection, and national heritage.

It was extremely beneficial to hear about his experiences as a Member of Parliament and what his role involves. He shared all his responsibilities as a shadow minister, along with how parliament works and the variety of business that occurs there. He also gave brilliant advice for anyone wanting a career in politics. After he told us about this, we got to opportunity to ask him any questions or queries we had about his role or the Australian Political System.

We discovered a lot of useful, honest information that we wouldn’t learn from our textbook or from online. This experience is one we will definitely remember. It really helped me get a much better idea about the Australian Political System. I feel very lucky to have had him visit, and I thank the teachers for organising the talk.

- Hannah Oversby: Year 9 Student

Alexandra Carcione