E-News 12 October 2021
Welcome back to students and parents and I trust that you had some time over the holidays to rest and also to prepare for the busy term ahead. As we start Term Four, it is important to remind ourselves and to be guided by our Christian beliefs, our values which focus on:
Nurturing a living faith
Promoting justice and service to others
Striving for excellence in all that we do
Fostering joy in learning
Respecting the dignity of each person
Creating and maintaining a caring and inclusive College community.
The College values are at the front of the College Diary. I encourage every parent to take the opportunity to reflect on these with your children in all aspects of the curriculum offerings at Corpus.
Year 9 Retreat
The Year 9 Connection Retreat takes place this Thursday and Friday. Students were engaged in various activities and quiet reflection over the two days encouraged and assisted by the Ministry Team. Thank you to Mrs Cheryl-Lynn Mothiram (Head of Year 9) and to all staff who will be involved in engaging our Year 9 students throughout the Retreat.
Graduation Week
Our Class of 2021 will graduate on Thursday 21 October. I wish to acknowledge our Year 12 teachers who have worked with our non-ATAR students and the teachers who have prepared students for their ATAR examinations commencing on Monday 1 November. This includes facilitating a thorough review process after the return of examination papers, the ongoing running of tutoring or seminar sessions to support students, assisting with the completion of Certificate courses and responding to students’ online queries, are all part of the support we provide students to help them achieve their best.
The Year 12 Graduation Day begins with a Graduation Breakfast (Year 12 students only), followed by the Year 12 Graduation and Awards Assembly at 9.30am. At 11.30am there will be a Graduation morning tea held at the College for the Year 12 students and their family. The Graduation Mass will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday night at 5.30pm.
Please keep our graduating class in your thoughts and prayers as the majority of them prepare for the up and coming WACE examinations, whilst many others search for holiday work prior to commencing TAFE study next year or finalise apprenticeships or traineeships in the next step of their careers.
2021 Catholic Schools Service Awards
Each year Catholic Education Western Australia hosts the Catholic Schools Staff Breakfast to recognise and honour staff who have completed 30, 40 and 50 years of accumulated service to our Catholic education system. This year the event will be celebrated on Friday 15 October, the anniversary of the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop in acknowledgement of dedication and service to the vocation of education.
I am pleased to advise that Joan Fodor will be recognised for 30 years of service. Congratulations on this significant achievement of service within Catholic Education in Western Australia.
Mathematics acceleration testing
On Thursday 14 October the College will be welcome over 70 Year 6 students (Year 7 2022) who will be sitting the Mathematics Acceleration Test (MAT) to determine eligible students to enter the MAT class in Year 7.
This is one example of how the College caters for the specific learning needs in this case, those students who are Mathematically able.
Admin of Schools (AoS) Transition
Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) has committed to a new Administration software platform that has been a work in progress for the last couple of years.
As the demands of modern schools increase, the services required to support schools increase faster still. AoS (Admin of Schools) is a comprehensive engine designed to integrate all of these services and unite them in one central management system. Corpus Christi College staff have been working with staff from CEWA in preparation for the installation of AoS, which will replace our current Administration system.
Please be aware that this changeover will occur as of Monday 25 October 2021. One of the changes that will affect families following this installation is the requirement for families to set up a new SEQTA login.
SEQTA Engage: We will send Parents/Guardians a link to set up their accounts. All families are required to set up their new account within a week of receiving the link in order to access past reports. Please remember to retain your new username and password for future use.
We appreciate your patience during the transition period.
The Parents and Friends Levy Spending in 2021
We would like to provide an update to the community regarding the funds collected from the Parents and Friends Levy to the end of 2021.
The contribution made by the Levy is allocated across all aspects of College life, both in the classroom and outside for the benefit of all our students and the community.
Our focus this year has been to prioritise funds to the educational and/or pastoral benefit of the students at the College.
It is my pleasure to provide details of how the funds shall be distributed:
Furniture for the Caroline Payne Theatre foyer for the comfort of our guests.
Two new bandsaws for our Design and Technology Learning Area.
Congratulations - ACC All Stars from Corpus!
The Associated & Catholic Colleges of WA (ACC) has announced the students who have qualified for the ACC Athletics All Stars Team for 2021. Corpus Christi College achieved the best school result with 12 divisional selections.
Congratulations to the below students:
ACC Letters for Athletics
Congratulations to Alessia Andritsos, Darren Fernandez, Jade Patching and Charley Wehr on achieving ACC Letters in Athletics. To achieve letters a student must be selected in the ACC All Star team for Swimming, Cross Country, or Athletics for at least 4 years.
We welcome back from leave at the commencement of Term 4, Anna Triscari (Languages), Kieran Broadbent (Education Support), Maighread Nidheasuna (Science).
Forthcoming Events, Term 4 2021
Year 11 Examinations commenced Monday 11 October
Thursday 14 - Friday 15 October Year 9 Connection Retreat
Thursday 21 October Year 12 Graduation Day Assembly and Mass
Wednesday 27 - Thursday 28 October Prefect Camp
Thursday 28 October Burgundy White and Blue Evening – Celebration of Sports Evening
Friday 29 October Cadre Training Year 11
Frank Italiano
In case you missed it...
Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:
Student Success
On Sunday 3 October Year 8 student Davies Subari (pictured first) competed in the 2021 Royal Fremantle Junior Bowl. He had an outstanding result on the day winning the overall Nett trophy with a Nett of 68. Well done Davies!
Congratulations to Marley (pictured second) who represented WA and the Applecross Calisthenics Club at the 2021 Frangipani Calisthenics Challenge in Darwin. At the competition her team placed 1st in all categories and achieved the 1st overall aggregate in the Junior section.
At the Applecross Calisthenics Awards presentation, award for most consistent was awarded to Marley Edgar. She was also acknowledged with a 5 year award for her commitment to the club.
Well done Marley!
Gisella (pictured third) continues to shine with her vocal talents and received the following awards at the Elite Eisteddfod during the holidays:
1st place for Contemporary vocal solo
2nd place for Musical Theatre vocal solo
Judges award from Peter Cumins for technical excellence in vocal
Well done Gisella!
Sienna (pictured fourth) was recently invited to attend a ceremony hosted by the Local Federal Member Matt Keogh in acknowledgement of recognising local sporting champions achievements. Sienna was presented with a certificate in honour of her representation of WA at the Australian National Championships held in Sydney earlier this year.
Congratulations to Sienna!
Erin and Josh (pictured fifth) have competed in two major dance competitions this year as a Hip Hop Trio with team mate Nick, representing the Valerie Heston School of Dance. They have received some outstanding results:
Mandurah Festival of Dance July school holidays
17 Open Hip Hop Duo/Trio/Quartet - Placed 1st
Perpetual Trophy Award for Highest Mark Duo/Trio/Quartet in Hip Hop
Perpetual Trophy Award for Highest Mark for Duo Trio for Competitions (any genre)
West Coast Dance Spring Festival September school holidays
17 Open Hip Hop Duo/Trio - Placed 1st
Perpetual Trophy Award for Open Age Hip Hop Duo/Trio
Perpetual Trophy for Best Choreography Award for a Duo/Trio Dance (any genre)
Well done to Florence and Georgia who were announced in the ACC All Stars Netball Team. They will represent the ACC in the All Stars Netball Match against the combined government schools team (SSWA) and the Independent Girls' School Sport Association team (IGSSA). The tri-tournament will be held at the Gold Netball Centre on Sunday 17 October from 9.00am.
We wish them all the best for this weekend!
Share Your Story
We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:
Term 4 Groups and Clubs
With over 60 extra-curricular options offered throughout the year, students can participate in a range of activities outside of regular timetabled classes. We have options across a variety of areas that allow for intensive participation and skill-building:
Head to www.corpus.wa.edu.au/co-curricular or access via SEQTA Jumpstart to view the timetable for Term 4 and to nominate for a group or club today!
Please note that some groups and clubs are not available for sign-up until the term commences, so be sure to keep an eye on SEQTA Notices for opportunities as they arise
Apple Learning Leaders
Over the last two terms three members of staff have had the opportunity to attend the Apple Learning Institute.
The purpose of the Apple Learning Institute is to enhance the readiness of individuals for their role in developing the foundational and integration level skills of educators in their schools.
Objectives included
Expanding personal skills in iOS and Apple apps
Enhancing awareness and usage of Apple program resources for professional learning
Creating professional learning implementation plans for their school
Developing professional learning communities with a focus on technology
Understanding how Apple technology and resources can support school priorities
In taking part we now have three members of staff with an industry level recognition of their ability to development transformative digital practices that redefine the classroom, preparing our staff and students for our ever-changing world.
Congratulations to the following staff members who have been officially awarded as Apple Learning Leaders:
Melinda Grummet
Rowan Platel
James Dove
iPad Purchasing
A purchasing portal has been set up through Winthrop Australia as our recommended supplier to assist parents in buying a device for the start of the academic year. Devices ordered through the Winthrop portal will be delivered to the College and set up for you prior to being collected before the beginning of the new academic year.
If you decide not to purchase through this method, you will be required to have your iPad reset during the iPad orientation for new students during January. Please ensure you have a complete backup containing all the data prior to orientation.
The Apple iPad is a popular device, particularly in education. The demand for devices is also very large around the Christmas holiday period. For this reason, we recommend that parents purchase student devices prior to the end of the current academic year.
Black Dog on a Lead Mental Health Walk
On Sunday 10 October 6 staff and 61 of our Year 10s and Year 7-12 Student Leaders represented the College at the 2021 Black Dog on a Lead: Time to Talk Openly Mental Health Walk.
The 6km walk at Bibra Lake Reserve gave participants the opportunity to focus on mental health and wellbeing of the marginalised within society. This event also focused on men's mental health within the community.
Well done to those involved!
Parent Cyber Safety Presentation – this Thursday
Paul Litherland from Surf Online Safe will be returning to Corpus Christi College this Thursday 14 October 2021 from 6.30-8.00pm to conduct an evening parent presentation on the subject of cyber safety. Paul is annual visitor to Corpus Christi and has been visiting our school for 8 years.
He recently attended the school in April to talk with our Year 7, 9 and 11 students regarding the risks of the online world and how to stay safe in their online playgrounds.
Reserve your free ticket via:
Save the Date: Burgundy White & Blue – Celebration of Sport Awards Evening
Thursday 28 October 6.30 – 9.00pm | Caroline Payne Theatre
With special guest – Jennifer Reilly Olympic Swimmer and Alumni from the Class of 2000.
The evening will include live music and cocktail style food and refreshments.
Award winners and their families will be notified and invited in the coming week. Presentations will be held on the night for the following awards:
Fairest & Best Awards
Best All Round at Sport Awards
Recognition of ACC All Stars & Letters Recipients
Coaches of the Year and Sports Leadership Awards
Faith in Action Update
Middle School – Selfless September
During September students were asked to complete “Selfless September”, with the aim to put others needs before your own and realise how others might feel. During Extended Homeroom in Week 2, Homeroom Teachers will lead a discussion regarding the experience. They will also be collecting the sheets, there will be time to complete the reflection. We remind our students to please remember to bring these to Homeroom next week. “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness” Seneca (Roman Philosopher).
Year 10 Faith in Action – Due Week 2 Term 4
Core Service can be defined as involving personal contact with the person being served or an activity that directly helps for example, a disadvantaged person. Whereas Indirect service can be defined as does not help a disadvantaged person but still provide assistance to someone.
Year 10s are required to complete a minimum of 10 CORE Hours and a minimum of 5 INDIRECT Hours. But we would love for them to complete more than a total of 15 hours. This is due in by Friday Week 2 of this term. Extended Homeroom in Week 2 will be focusing on your FIA, hours and reflection. Students will receive a sheet to complete during Homeroom regarding this and will be collected at the end of Homeroom. All hours recorded will appear on the Statement of Results in Year 12, and employers, organisations, and tertiaries institutions look very kindly on hours completed.
For any students that have misplaced their purple booklet, this can be downloaded from the Student Ministry Portal and is called “Year 10 FIA Booklet”. Any queries please see Ms Thomas in the Upper Room.
Click to enlarge
Year 12 2022 Booklists - order by tomorrow
Click on the links below to view and order booklist items through Campion Online
All orders must be completed online at www.campion.com.au
Year 12
View: http://www.corpus.wa.edu.au/s/Year_12.pdf
Order Code: "Q2H2"
Please note:
Orders placed after Wednesday 13th October may not be delivered by Monday Week 4 of Term.
Please direct late delivery enquiries to the College Library.
ATAR Examinations
Personalised Written Examination Timetable
Students can now download a copy of their Personalised written examinations timetable showing the date, time and location of each examination in which they are enrolled from https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au
SCSA have recommended that students re-check their timetable in the student portal the day prior to the scheduled examination date to ensure that all details relating to their examination, particularly the examination venue, are the same and have not been changed. Students have been encouraged to provide their contact mobile number via the student portal. Should SCSA need to contact students during the examination period, this will be done via a bulk SMS.
Starting time
The starting time for ATAR course written examinations is 9.20am for the morning sessions and 2pm for the afternoon sessions. (Candidates must arrive 30 minutes prior to the examination start time. This will allow time for seating, administrative processes and the reading of instructions.) No allowance can be made for candidates who miss the examination session through misreading the timetable.
Examination Procedures
Please be aware of the following SCSA requirements relating to examination rules and procedures for ATAR course examinations.
It is important that students understand the SCSA requirements relating to examination rules and procedures for ATAR course examinations. Please note the following:
Students cannot wear or take a watch or wireless-enabled technology device e.g. Fitbit, into the examination room. These items will be considered unauthorised items.
Students cannot take mobile technologies such as mobile telephones and other communication or storage devices into the examination room
Students are responsible for the calculator you take into an examination room, no calculators will be distributed to any candidate after they have entered the examination room and no spare calculator will be given to any candidate in the event that their calculator fails to operate
Students should not write on your hands or other parts of the body before or during examinations as this may be perceived by supervisors to constitute unauthorised notes
Students must not use your fingernail to mark the multiple choice questions during reading time
Should students observe another candidate breaking the examination rules, they should report this action immediately to a supervisor
To prepare students for the ATAR course examinations, the external exam supervisors have been vigilant in ensuring that students comply with these expectations in their Mock examinations.
Please click here for Year 12 ATAR course examinations instructions.
Please click here for rules of conduct for Year 12 ATAR course examinations.
Sickness/Misadventure form
Candidates who suffer from a temporary sickness, non-permanent disability or an unforeseen event close to or during the examinations which they believe may have resulted in performance below expectations or non-attendance in particular examinations are given the opportunity to apply for assessment consideration. Application is made immediately after the examinations.
Please note that students must complete and submit a Sickness/Misadventure Application Form, with supporting evidence, to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. The form can be accessed at:
ATAR Revision Seminars
Following the mock examination period, it is vital Year 12 students collect their exams back and receive feedback. To best support students, the College has organised revision seminars on Monday 18 October and Tuesday 19 October for all ATAR courses. Each seminar is two periods long and scheduled to correspond to each period of a Monday timetable over those two days.
P1 Monday = Monday periods 1 and 2
P2 Monday = Monday periods 3 and 4
P6 Monday = Tuesday periods 5 and 6
Coloured sessions indicate there is ONLY one session for this course. Single classes have been scheduled during the particular session equivalent on the Monday timetable.
Students will not be required to attend Homeroom but are expected to be on time to each session and remain there for the whole time.
We highly recommend students take advantage of these opportunities.
Year 11 Update
What are ESTs?
All students enrolled in a General Year 12 course are required to complete an externally set task (EST) developed by SCSA for each course. The EST is compulsory and include as a school-based assessment with a weighting of 15%. ESTs are 50 minutes long.
In the upcoming examination period, Year 11 students enrolled in General Religion and Life and Mathematics Essentials are doing a practice EST during the first week of the Year 11 examination period. The purpose of this is to prepare you for what to expect when you complete an EST in Year 12.
What is the EST schedule?
Tuesday 19 October, 12.30-1.30pm: Religion and Life General Unit 1-2
Wednesday 20 October, 12.30-1.30pm: Mathematics Essentials Unit 1-2
Completing ESTs is compulsory. Arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time for your ESTs and contact myself and your classroom teacher if you are unable to attend your practice ESTs due to illness.
Please note the time for ESTs.
What do I do if I have deleted my Year 11 Exam Timetable?
You can view the Year 11 Exam Timetable on the Year 11 Portal.
When do I need to get to my exams?
You are expected to arrive outside James Nestor 20 minutes prior to the start of exams so if you have an exam commencing at 8.30am please arrive no later than 8.10am. All exams are in James Nestor.
What do I wear to exams?
Summer uniform.
Why can’t I wear my watch to my exam?
This is a SCSA requirement. No watches of any kind are allowed into examination rooms – this includes smart watches, fit bits etc.
What do I do if I am unwell on the day of an exam?
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell on the day of your exam. In the case of sickness the College must be informed prior to or on the day of the examination. Before the end of the examination period, a medical certificate must be presented/sent to myself. I will notify the relevant Head of Learning Area and your classroom teacher. Failure to do this will result in a mark of zero (0) for the examination.
If I am absent on the day of my exam due to illness, can I resit the exam at a later day?
How can I be considerate to others during the exam period?
Arrive 20 minutes prior to exams. Do not start talking until you leave James Nestor as there will be other students completing exams who do not want to be distracted during their exams. The exam invigilators will be vigilant in ensuring that you comply with strict exam rules and will be informing myself and Mr Andrew if there are any issues.
If I’m dropping an ATAR course do I need to still complete an exam for this course in the upcoming exam period?
Yes, to be awarded a grade for a Unit 1/2 ATAR course, the expectation is that you complete the full education and assessment program, this includes the final examination.
Can I attend the library during the examination period?
Students may decide to come to the College to study, work with a teacher on an arranged tutorial basis or do some other arranged work. When students attend the College during the examination break, they are required to wear the required College uniform. Students wishing to study during the examination period may use the designated area to do so. As the Library is timetabled for teaching, it will not always be available for extended use by examination students. You are expected to behave in a respectful and considerate way in the library.
Do I need to attend classes as normal at the start of Term 4 if I do not have ATAR exams to complete?
Students on a non-ATAR pathway are only required to come to school to complete ESTs during the exam break.
When is the Year 11 Course Break?
The final Year 11 examination is on Wednesday 20 October. Year 12 classes resume on Monday 1 November. The course break commences on Friday 22 October.
More information will be provided shortly about Year 11s attendance at the 2021 Year 12 Graduation Assembly which is on Thursday 21 October. 2022 Prefects will be asked to assist with the Graduation Assembly and morning tea. Mr Andrew will provide more information about this.
When do Year 12 General courses commence?
Year 12 General courses do not commence until the start of 2022. If you are in a General class in Year 11 this will continue for the rest of Term 4.
When can I change subjects?
You can complete a yellow subject change form (found at student services in my tray) anytime. You (and your parents if they wish) are also welcome to arrange a time to come and see me regarding subject changes. Please contact me or meet with me in week 3 to make subject changes rather than waiting until classes resume in Week 4 Term 4.
What do I do if I have dropped one or more Year 12 ATAR courses for a General course/Certificate course/Murdoch Flexitrack?
You will need to come and see me before the start of week 4 so I can explain what you need to do. Please send me an email so we can arrange a time to meet.
What do I need to achieve WACE requirements in 2022?
Please click here for more information about WACE requirements in 2022. You have a responsibility to be aware of these requirements.
It is a senior secondary certificate recognised nationally by universities, industry and other training providers.
You may need to change your subject selections in Year 12 if you are at risk of not achieving WACE requirements in 2022.
If you achieve a C or better for each of your subjects at the completion of your Year 11 courses you will have achieved 12 C’s. However, all Year 12 students still need a minimum of 6 C’s in Year 12.
When do study periods commence?
If you were successful in your application for a study period in Year 12, you have received an email from me confirming that you will receive a study period. For students on an ATAR pathway who have dropped an ATAR course, study period will commence at the start of week 4. The starting point for study periods will vary depending on your pathway and reason for applying for a study period. Each student with a study period will need to sign a contract.
When is the Year 12 College Ball?
Friday 28 January at Optus Stadium. More details will follow when you return in Week 4.
When do we get to wear our Leavers jackets?
More details to follow in Week 4.
Do you have any last minute tips for exams?
Sleep well the night before. Avoid last minute cramming.
Eat breakfast.
Talk about anything other than course material while waiting to go into the exam. You don’t want to feel more anxious. Think athletes preparing for a game, they get in a zone.
Use reading time productively. Work out a strategy for tackling the exam, for example, think about when you might do each section of the exam and make some mental notes/plans for questions.
Once writing time commences, use a back page in your exam booklet to do a brain dump, this might be a quote you are worried about forgetting. This will lighten the strain on your working memory.
When does Year 12 Curtin Enabling and Murdoch Flexitrack commence?
2022. Just a reminder for all students doing Murdoch Flexitrack in 2022 that you need to apply online to Murdoch by 19 November.
What are the keys to success in Year 12?
Hard work and discipline.
Quality sleep on a regular basis - click here
The ability to manage your time effectively. Find a routine that works for you and stick to it.
Effective and regular revision - click here.
Pay attention in class. Make sure your limited working memory is not being filled up by distractions.
Ask questions if you get stuck. Seek support when you need it.
Find a good balance so you don’t burn out.
How do I apply for special exam arrangements for final Year 12 WACE exams?
Your parents will receive an email in coming days with information about how to apply to the School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA) for special exam arrangements for final external exams.
What is the criteria for Dux in Year 12?
The Proxime Accessit and College Dux are calculated using the same criteria as the Beazley Medal and are presented to the Year 12 student who achieves the highest score across 5 ATAR WACE courses with two courses coming from each of List A and B.
The General Course Dux is awarded to the Year 12 student who achieves the highest score across 5 General courses in Year 12.
James Ramsey
Deputy Principal Senior School
Year 7 Prayer Bears
Thank you to the following Year 7s for sharing their experience creating ‘Prayer Bears’
Olivia and Ella:
“In Term 3, the Year 7s were given a project to make our own Prayer Bears for children in hospitals. We designed the Prayer Bear’s clothes and wrote a prayer for the children. We made these bears in the hope that they will make the children happy and help them in hospital. We had a really great time making these Prayer Bears for the children. We named our Prayer Bear, ‘Camellia’.”
Amelie and Sophie:
“What Sophie and I love about the bear is how it kept to the same colour theme, it was hard to not add in massive amounts of sparkly items but we managed to create a scarf, hat and nightgown for the prayer bear and it looked really nice. Some challenges faced and what we liked about the process of making the bear was how we always seemed to agree on the outfit colours, shape, theme and how it would look. The prayer bear was originally going to be blue and yellow, it was going to be called Charlie but we then decided that we would prefer the bear to be pink instead. The bears name was changed to Charlie-Rose. We hope that the child who receives Charlie-Rose will be caring and kind, not destroy the clothes of the bear. Sophie and I believe that the child that receives this bear will treasure her for a long time.”
Varad and James:
“We thought about making our bear based on Covid-19 because that was what was happening around the world at the moment which was negative. We first thought of making the bear a nurse but that would be difficult because we didn’t have the equipment we needed so we changed our idea to make the bear wearing casual cloths and have a Covid mask. To make the bear we had to be wary of how we used what resources as we had a limited amount. We started by making the mask, to do this we cut the top part of the sock off and stuck to bands of ribbon to make the strings. After that we started on the clothes, to do that we put the rest of the sock on and it made like a bag with a bear in it, we then cut hole in the sock for where the arms and legs were so they could go through and make it look like clothes. We then glued on some buttons for a bit of detail. After that for some finishing touches we put a bow, a hand bag and a scarf on the bear. We debated putting shoes on but decided not to. That is how we designed and made our Prayer Bear.”
Learn to Swim
To register your interest for the program please visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/learntoswim
Yidarra Catholic Primary School Celebration
The Yidarra Catholic Primary School P&F Committee would like to invite Yidarra community members past and present to a very special event on October 30 2021.
Please join us in the joyful celebration of the history and contribution of Yidarra Catholic Primary School to the Bateman community over the last 36 years.
Ticket price includes admission, a drink and food.
Tickets are on sale until 15 October. Spaces are limited so get in quick!
All the details can be found at https://www.trybooking.com/BTZZG
Orana Catholic Primary School Celebration
Register here: https://bit.ly/3hR5qft