Inter-house Athletics Carnival Results


We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding individual performances from the College’s Inter-House Athletics Carnival held in Week 4. Thank you again to both staff and students for their efforts on the day which made the carnival such a great success.

House Results

We extend our congratulations to Chisholm house on an outstanding team performance that resulted in them taking the overall champions trophy. Chisholm House captains Max Fox and Isabella Cuocci, are pictured above accepting the trophy from Principal Mr Frank Italiano, with 2020 Sports Prefects, Thomas Stephenson and Sophie Jones.

  • Chisholm - 6233

  • Xavier - 6021

  • MacKillop - 5990

  • Salvado - 5478

  • Merici - 5333

  • Romero - 5290

  • Pallotti - 5043

  • de Vialar - 4954

Individual Champion Results

Our Champion and Runner-up athletes are determined by the results in their top 4 events from both the Pre-Carnival and Main Carnival. Congratulations to the below winners:

7 R/U Champion Girl: Lauren Kelly (Chisholm)

7 Champion Girl: Lilijana De Boni (Merici)

7 Champion Boys (joint winners): Jo-Han Lam (De Vialar) & Alexander Dempsey (Mackillop)

8 R/U Champion Girl: Jayde Musika (Mackillop)

8 Champion Girl: Sienna Fillis (Romero)

8 R/U Champion Boy: Hayden Piper (Salvado)

8 Champion Boy: Flynn James (Pallotti)

9 R/U Champion Girl: Florence Chapman (Romero)

9 Champion Girl: Alicia Savy (Salvado)

9 R/U Champion Boy: Bradley Stephenson (Merici)

9 Champion Boy: Darren Fernandez (Xavier)

10 R/U Champion Girls: Elizabeth Blair (Chisholm) & Sabina Vicoli (Merici)

10 Champion Girl: Audrey Ho (Mackillop)

10 R/U Champion Boy: Brendan Boudville (Salvado)

10 Champion Boy: Melvin Nwanko (Chisholm)

11 R/U Champion Girl: Jade Patching (Xavier)

11 Champion Girl: Kayla Van Der Linden (Merici)

11 R/U Champion Bo: Jackson McManus (De Vialar)

11 Champion Boy: Charley Wehr (Xavier)

12 R/U Champion Girl: Aisha Forrest (Salvado)

12 Champion Girl: Amy Watson (Chisholm)

12 R/U Champion Boy: Kobe De Rosario (Xavier)

12 Champion Boy: Marcus Best (Salvado)

Records broken:

There were a number of College records which were broken across the Carnival, and we would like to acknowledge the following individuals on their outstanding performances:

  • Lauren Kelly (CHIS): Year 7 Girls Javelin, Discus & Shot Put

  • Amy Passauer (ROME): Year 7 Girls High Jump

  • Jordan Ritchie (DEVI): Year 8 Boys High Jump

  • Sienna Fillis (ROME): Year 8 Girls 200m

  • Alessia Andritsos (CHIS): Year 9 Girls Javelin

  • Darren Fernandez (XAVI): Year 9 Boys 800m & 1500m

  • Jade Patching (XAVI): Year 11 Girls Javelin

  • Luke Chapman (ROME): Year 11 Boys 800m

  • Kayla Van Der Linden (MERI): Year 11 Girls 800m

  • Mary Alamiyo (CHIS): Year 12 Girls Shot Put

Alexandra Carcione