Weekly Wellbeing

In these challenging and unfamiliar times, student life has changed in unprecedented ways. Not only has learning shifted into an online delivery format, but the day-to-day routines and interactions that keep us all connected to each other have also been affected. The College recognises that the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our students is just as important as ensuring their educational programs are world-class. To this aim, the College will be launching a calendar of weekly wellbeing activities in Term 2.

Weekly Wellbeing Activities

The weekly Wellbeing Package will consist of daily activities and challenges designed to keep students connected, active and motivated. While this pastoral resource is not a compulsory program, participation is strongly encouraged – the aim is not to add to student workload but to actually prevent and relieve the stress associated with learning in a new environment.


Week 1 Offerings Example

  • Motivational Monday – get fit and have fun with the Body Coach

  • Talent Tuesday – develop your talents in beat boxing

  • Wellbeing Wednesday – reflecting on family and positivity

  • Try Something New Thursday – dance to music

  • Faith in Action Friday – prayer for Good Shepherd Sunday

In addition to students being able to self-select what suggestions work for them, guidance will also be provided on how to maintain healthy routines and make good use of downtime.

Adapting to Change

Beyond the online classroom, the community-at-large is experiencing uncertainty and upheaval on an unprecedented scale. In looking out for the pastoral care of our students, we are supporting them to be able to navigate these changes as well. Like the rest of the nation, students are being called upon to be adaptable, resilient and patient while restrictions are in place. It can be confronting and upsetting to not be able to play your favourite sport, hang out with your friends, or go to places you normally would.

Staying Connected

Thankfully, being socially distanced does not mean being socially disconnected from each other. Students are reminded they are part of a caring, supportive community. To keep House spirit alive, the College will be unveiling alternatives to the House competition activities we usually partake in. The College will also be listening to the student voice, engaging in two-way conversations on how we can best get through these challenging times together. For those needing additional help, our College psychologists are available to assist.

We encourage every community member to take care of themselves and each other as we continue on this journey.
