Mother's Day High Tea

On Saturday 12 May, the College hosted its annual Mother’s Day High Tea, welcoming 66 attendees to celebrate the mothers and grandmothers of our College community. The staffroom was transformed into a busy tearoom, complete with white linen tables topped with designer teacups, bright flowers, and cake stands of delicious sweet and savoury treats. The room soon filled with the festive sounds of clinking china and laughter – it was smiles all round, especially for the lucky raffle winners!

Proceeds from ticket sales and the raffle will go towards the Cambodia Immersion Tour scheduled for the Term 3 holidays. While the final figures are yet to be confirmed, it appears as though $2,700 has been raised, with the raffle alone making just under $500. This is a fantastic result, demonstrating the generosity of our community. We know the ‘Cambodia Crew’ of interested Year 8 and 9 students, parent volunteers and staff will be very grateful.

The College would like to thank everyone who attended, as well as all the staff who helped put this wonderful event together. And a special thank you to all mums!

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