Rice Bowl Day

Rice Bowl Day is a great opportunity for both Staff and Students to become aware of the inequalities in our world. It is a day where the canteen sells only rice in an effort to allow us a very small glimpse into the life of many of our brothers and sisters who eat just that- one bowl of rice- every day. This year the Ministry Team with the assistance of many Staff and Students organised two events aimed at raising more funds that went towards Caritas. At recess, we held a chilli and rice eating competition where six teachers volunteered to take up the challenge to eat chillies. Students gathered in large numbers to cheer for their favourite teacher. The atmosphere was wonderful to witness. Thanks to Mr Connery, Mr Italiano, Mr Royall, Ms Johnson, Ms Lavelle, Miss Johnson and Mrs Laboudeuse for participating wholeheartedly. At Lunch, we had a ‘eat rice with chopsticks’ competition which was also a great success with students from all year levels competing to be the quickest to eat their rice. It was a great community event and the Ministry team is very grateful to all who participated and assisted.

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