Middle School News

Awards Term One – Tuesday 10 April - The Certificate of Endeavour

Every student in the College has the opportunity to receive The Certificate of Endeavour at the Term One and Term Three Awards. The Awards for Term One will be presented on – Tuesday 10 April.

This is a timely reminder to students and parents about the deliberate practices and behaviours inside and outside of the classroom that will lead to success.

For each class in the College, The Certificate of Endeavour is awarded to a student who has demonstrated:

·       outstanding effort over the term

·       consistent application in class

·       positive cooperation and

·       thorough completion of homework and assignment tasks

Winter Uniform Term Two

Given Term Two commences on Tuesday 1 May, there will be no uniform transition period necessary. Therefore, all students will commence Term Two in full winter uniform. Given Photo Day will be on the second day of term, Wednesday 2 May, parents are reminded of the importance of checking the sizing of uniforms well before the end of Term One.


We are seeking the support of students and parents with regards adhering to the Uniform and Grooming requirements at Corpus Christi College.

Key points to consider….

-        For boys, hair must be no shorter than a number two haircut.

-        Hair is not to be styled in such a way that it is capable, at any time of falling towards the eyes or face.

-        Extreme haircuts are not permitted e.g. for boys, undercuts or top knots.

-        Hair that is collar length or longer must be tied back.

-        Girls, length of skirts

Please see College Diary for further details.


Academic Excellence- Procrastination Busters

On Wednesday 14th March, the Year 9 and 10 AEP students attended a ‘Procrastination Busters’ presentation which was run by the College phycologists, Mrs Rossi and Mrs Goodchild.

The presentation informed students about the different types of procrastination. These were given interesting names: the “cool cat”, “anxious avoider”, “painstaking perfectionist”, “negative gnome” and the “bored beetle”. Such names made it much easier for students to understand the various types of procrastination and remember them for later on.

Students were able to determine what type of procrastinator they are. The presentation was also useful in identifying ways to minimise procrastination. Students grouped themselves into the different procrastination types and discussed habits and behaviours that they experience as procrastinators. They then discussed methods that they put into place in their daily lives to combat procrastination.

Overall, the presentation was an eye opener for many students, allowing them to identify the type of procrastinator that they are and then coming up with strategies that would help them prevent procrastination. This session will be followed up later in Term Two when students will have time to write an action plan on how they can avoid procrastination.


Year 7 Social Evening

 Mr Mark Barron

Head of Year 7

The Year 7 Social is one of the most anticipated and memorable highlights of the year and will take place on Friday 6 April, in the Sadler Centre. The purpose of this event is to assist students in their transition to Middle School as they interact with their peers in a social atmosphere and establish new friendships.

Students will be provided with dinner before commencing a variety of games which encourages students to interact with others and develop new friendships. These activates will be facilitated by the senior members of the Student Leadership Team.

Progress Reports

 Mr Frank Italiano

Deputy Principal Middle School

At the end of the Term a Progress Report will be provided for all students. These reports will be accessed by parents via SEQTA Engage and therefore will not be posted out. A letter will be emailed to all parents outlining how to access these reports once they have been uploaded at the end of Week Eleven.