From the Principal - e-News 10 - 2017

Dear parents

There has been a myriad of events in the past fortnight: Titration Stakes, Girls’ Netball and AFL finals, Boys’ AFL finals, Touch, ‘Defining Moments’ Dance Performance Evening, Public Speaking events, Atwell Art Exhibition, Philosothon at John XXIII College, just to name a few. With music students preparing for the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools and Colleges in WA, and Visual Arts students preparing for the Catholic Schools Angelico Exhibition, Term Three will continue to be filled with many opportunities for students.

Child Protection

From time-to-time, I receive ‘alerts’ from Catholic Education WA. Last week, a female student from a school in Success reported an incident in which a man driving a white sedan approached her asking if she wanted a lift to school. He was persistent so she informed him she would call the police, and as the man stopped the car, she ran away. The matter was reported to police, but I tell this story in the newsletter to invite parents to discuss ways to protect themselves from such incidents.

In light of this incident, I asked Homeroom teachers to urge all students to take care when going to and from school, and to report anything suspicious to parents, school and the police – call 131 444 or the local station to report an incident to police (and only use 000 in an emergency), or 1800 333 000 to reach Crime Stoppers.

Offenders and potential offenders are extremely mobile across the metropolitan area – we continue our professional vigilance in protecting your children during school time and at excursions and camps as much as we can. This is one of the reasons we have been thorough with requesting updated information prior to such learning activities via MCB.

With regards to coming to or from school, here are some simple suggestions to help your child stay safe. Please ask your child to:

  • Always travel with company
  • Walk on the right hand side of the road so you face oncoming traffic
  • Wherever possible, leave space between yourself and the roadway
  • Stay in areas that are well lit
  • Stay in view – avoid going into areas that are hidden from view (such as parkland bush or behind shopping centres) and plan trips to avoid such locations
  • Be alert – earphones and headphones can reduce your awareness considerably
  • If you have a mobile phone, have it turned on and ready to dial an emergency number
  • If a passing car stops nearby never get too close
  • Do not hesitate to run from a situation in which you feel at risk
  • Provide this advice to brothers and sisters, especially if younger
  • Report suspicious behaviour to parents, school and the police
  • If you can get it safely, try to photograph or remember the number plate of the car
  • Report numbers plates of cars and the clothing or distinguishing features of individuals to police.

To get the latest community safety information from police, visit WA Police on Facebook or online at

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at the College.

Appointment of Deputy Principal Senior School

After an extensive process, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Damian Scali as the College Deputy Principal Senior School. Mr Scali is currently Acting in this role and was selected unanimously by the Interview Panel for this senior executive role at the College.

Mr Scali was Acting Vice Principal at Servite College, holding the position as Assistant Deputy Principal at Servite for six years, when he joined us in 2014 as a Head of Year. Mr Scali was attracted to Corpus Christi College due to our reputation for developing leaders who are change agents, making a positive difference to student learning and engagement. Mr Scali was keen to ‘work at a college that strives for a culture of excellence, whilst providing all students with a well-rounded education with the support of the parents and wider community...’. In recent times, Mr Scali was accredited by CEWA to conduct professional development in schools, including CBC Fremantle, John XXIII College, Mazenod College and St Norbert’s College, as part of the implementation of a Child Protection Curriculum across the Catholic system. Prior to his appointment at Servite College, Mr Scali was also a Head of House and the Acting Head of Science at Kolbe Catholic College, having taught Religious Education, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics in a range of schools including Mazenod College and Nagle Catholic College.

Mr Scali holds a Master of Religious Education from the University of Notre Dame, having also completed a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) specialising in science and mathematics, and has achieved the Accreditation to Lead Religious Education qualification.

As an experienced and highly committed educational leader, I am confident that Mr Damian Scali will contribute a great deal to continuing the wonderful work that has made Corpus Christi College a leader in the education of students in the Senior School.

Staffing Matters

After nearly four years, serving the marketing and public relations arm of the College Cam Allen has concluded his contract. He has had an enormous impact on the College which will be ever-lasting, particularly in the design of our House crests, flags and banners, part of the ‘soul’ of the College. Cam has been involved with Corpus Christi College since he was enrolled in 1988 as a student, was appointed as Head Boy and House Captain in 1992, then returned in 2000 as an Art teacher. After three years, he left to pursue a career as a graphic designer, then returned to Corpus, initially contracted to prepare and print our Yearbook, along with other publications. Although it may be time to pursue other avenues, Cam will always be part of the fabric of the College and we wish him well in his future endeavours.

After nearly three years at Corpus Christi College, specialised Literacy teacher Mrs Christine Gecas has accepted a position in Deaf Education, commencing next term.

Other staff who are leaving us after covering staff on leave include Indonesian Teaching Assistant Mrs Nurmala Simbolon who was employed via a CEWA grant and Education Support Teaching Assistant Mr Luke Walkey.

We wish staff who are on leave all the best: Ms Tamar Caro in Semester Two, Mrs Anna Triscari, Mrs Chanel Fenwick, Mr Linda Kenton and Mrs Kathleen Davey in Term Three.

As is our custom, we will wish our staff leaving farewell at a special morning tea on Friday in the staffroom.

We commence Term Three with a Staff Professional Learning Day, with a focus on our Catholic Identity. We have asked the Reverend Dr Elio Capra sdb to facilitate the day. Like our Archbishop, Fr Elio is a Salesian priest. More information about Fr Elio will be sent to all staff during the holidays however, in the meantime, I include a short biography from his university below:

Reverend Dr Elio Capra sdb
BTheol (MCD) MTheol (Berkley) MTheol (MCD) DTheol (MCD)

Department of Systematic Theology
Department of Pastoral and General Studies

Reverend Dr Elio Capra is a lecturer at Catholic Theological College in Melbourne and is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology and Department of Pastoral and General Studies.  He lectures in Liturgy and Sacramental Theology.  He is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco (sdb).

The Final Word

High achieving students will be acknowledged and presented to the community at the Whole School Assembly on the Tuesday of the last week of term. A complete list of those who received Academic Awards and Colours Awards will be acknowledged on the website. I congratulate these students for their dedication and commitment to their studies, which has contributed to their high achievement.

Students will commence Term Three on Tuesday 18 July, after staff participate in a Professional Learning ‘Catholic Identity’ Day on Monday 17 July.

For all parents, students and staff, please have a wonderful winter holiday break and return refreshed and ready for the challenges and opportunities that will form part of Term Three.

Best wishes and God bless

Mrs Caroline Payne