e-News 10 - 2017

From the Principal

There has been a myriad of events in the past fortnight: Titration Stakes, Girls’ Netball and AFL finals, Boys’ AFL finals, Touch, ‘Defining Moments’ Dance Performance Evening, Public Speaking events, Atwell Art Exhibition, Philosothon at John XXIII College, just to name a few...

Middle School News

Our Year 7 Art students have picked up an award from Atwell Gallery for their collaborative, artistic endeavours. Title of the work ‘Homage to Oldenburg’ Collaborative Pop Art Public Art installation...

Senior School News

On Tuesday 20 June two enthusiastic teams of Year 12 Chemistry students ventured off to compete in 2017RACI TITRATION STAKES in Resources and Chemistry Precinct at Curtin University of Technology between 5.00 - 8.00 pm...