Instrumental Music Night 2017!

The Corpus Christi College Music Department have the pleasure of presenting to you Instrumental Music Night 2017. This is an exciting format for us to showcase our talented instrumental students – soloist, duets and ensembles.

The following ensembles will be performing on the night;

Clarinet Choir
Jazz Band
Junior and Senior Concert Bands
Junior and Senior Flute Ensembles
Junior and Senior Guitar Ensembles
Junior and Senior Saxophone Ensembles
Strings Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble
Plus, several soloist and duets to be selected the ensemble directors.

This year's performance will be held in the James Nestor Auditorium on Tuesday 27th of June 2017. The performance will commence at 6:00pm, and conclude at 9.00pm.  Please note that doors will open to the public promptly at 5.40pm and tickets must be presented for entry.

Early bookings are essential due to limited seating.

The link for booking tickets is and the cost will be $10.00 per person.

Light refreshments will be available.

We hope to see you there!

Corpus Communications