PFFWA Parent Event - Dr Debbie Pushor from Canada

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We all want the best for our children in life and that starts with their education at school.

So, how might you encourage your child at school – to do their best and enjoy what they’re learning?

With our really busy lives, what are a few great tips for helping our children at home and at school with their education?

Well, come and hear from an awesome expert, Debbie Pushor, visiting for two days from Canada.  (She’s to “parents and their children’s education” as Maggie Dent is to “parenting”)

WHERE:  Corpus Christi College Community Centre, off Dean Road, in Bateman
WHEN:  Saturday 20th May
TIME:  9.30am to 12.30pm
COST:  $24

Bring along a friend and listen to an international expert (and of course, there’ll be an opportunity to ask questions over a cuppa)

Register at